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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"Thank you, Mina." Magali replied, "Dance and music have been my passion since early. As a child, the local church to where I lived was, well, the one place I could volunteer for music. I learned a lot there, yet... it wasn't until I left home that I learned about dance and performance as I do now." Though not interested in lingering on her childhood, Magali felt a nice reminiscence for the choir. "I've learned a few intruments during my time at the church, then I was taught the dance later in life, so I believe it was a different learning curve than what you are imagining. I was a bit stubborn, but it was a matter of getting used to both, truly." Magali rested a hand on her hips, and thought she heard some commotion coming opposite from the backstage. "Well, I believe our turn is soon, right?"
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Vale relaxed as he let Declan sink into his lap. "Don't worry," Vale half-whispered, rubbing the side of Declan's scalp behind his ear, "I promise it'll be fine. I'll be fine." Though Vale had to admit he was slightly superstitious, and the thought of a crime boss exacting his revenge in this way didn't exactly sit well with him. But he dismissed his qualms gradually as he continued to fiddle with Declan's hair, positioning himself in a way that would make the sleeping man more comfortable. "It'll be all right," he kept repeating--if he repeated it enough he would truly start to believe it, hopefully. He had to think it for the both of them now.

He looked down at Declan again. He was completely out cold at this point. But Vale couldn't help but notice how strangely peaceful he looked, too. I wonder if he can hear me... Deep down he had really hoped so, even though he'd stopped speaking some moments ago. The entire prospect of this still felt so strange to him, but there was no denying that he was happy. The thought made Vale smile again, and he once more ran his fingers through Declan's shorter hair, letting himself zone out.


An uncertain amount of time passed before Vale, too, yawned--his knockout in the arena served only to temporarily alleviate how tired he was. Absentmindedly and drowsily he stared across the room before his eyes rested... on the package again just a foot away from him on the bed. A nervous sensation jolted him awake. He'd completely forgotten about it, and he'd intended on opening it with Declan present--and obviously he wouldn't be present again for a good while now. But Vale considered other things: its contents were unknown, and he couldn't guarantee it was something he wanted to see. If he risked another breakdown in front of a man who'd already just lost his family... no, Declan didn't need any more of that. Not now, anyway.

But quickly (though gently) he reached over to grab the parcel, sleeping man still in his lap. He chewed through the loose thread and slipped the folds open with one hand while the other still rested on Declan's head. He held the open end of the package upward and tried to peek inside. He found what looked like a smaller envelope, and some sort of small object; he titled the package sideways and let the small object fall into the palm of his other hand. It was a pebble about the size around of a gold coin, and on it was a small flower painted daintily in the center.

He stared at the flower. It was a subdued shade of magenta, and was slightly trumpet-shaped, with petals that hung down in a similar way to the iris. Vale knew it was familiar; the name of it dangled right on the edge of his tongue. But he couldn't remember. He didn't know why he couldn't remember. He sighed, then wrapped the pebble in a small scrap of fabric he found in the parcel, presumably meant for that purpose. For a minute he listened to Declan's tranquil snoring before he moved to the envelope, putting the painted pebble in his satchel.

It was blank and slightly wrinkled. He tore it open carefully from the side, like with the parcel--he hated being reckless with this kind of thing. He slowly pulled from it two folded scraps of paper, one smaller than the other. He yawned again. He decided to start with the smaller one, first pausing as Declan stirred slightly in his sleep, and then continued to the note. It read:

"I hope this get to you.
Noah was finally well enough to leave and I sent him for you

I apologize for not showing this to you when you were in recovery.
figured it was best.

may the gods be with you

-Father Ilyas"

There was some illegible writing on the side, but that was it. He re-folded the paper and put it, too, into his satchel.

Vale hesitated starting the second letter. His mind drifted back to the flower--for the life of him he just couldn't remember what it was. He sighed, frustrated, and began unfolding the second piece of paper. He looked down at Declan again. He'd tell me it'd be okay, too. Wouldn't he? He wished he could hear Declan say it himself, but he figured it was enough having the man's peacefully sleeping figure in his embrace. He took a deep breath.

The handwriting on this next one was a bit harder to read; Vale had to squint a little. Suddenly, though, it read so clearly to him.

"The priestess is writing this for me. Her handwriting is shoddy--no, she doesn't mind me saying thi"

The rest of the sentence was rubbed out. Vale continued:

"This was my mistake. Father Ilyas will tell you I died differently. I wouldn't have died if I had just left you back there
instead. But I really couldn't have done that. Dia I'm sorry. I knew about this much before it happened.

But I was afraid of getting silenced if I said anything. Much like you, I'm sure. I know you're scared right now too.

But you won't die. I'm I don't really know what's going on right now

I didn't think I'd fuc--mess up that badly, sorry, Sister doesn't want me to swear but she almost wrote that one out,

Anyway. Dia, I know this is a poor way to tell you. But I did love you. I knew, though, you

probably wouldn't have wanted well that. I don't mind it much actually since I don't think I was ready

for it either. We're all--well, we were, all young nervous mercenaries just really starting to get our feet for

everything and you kinda have to learn that before feelings. At least that's what Boss said to me when I talked to him
but really it's okay. I don't know when or if youll read this I don't trust Father Ilyas at all--sorry, Sister, you know I don't

mean that in ill--wait, I hear you writing, are you writing this down too? Hold on a moment, dear gods

Anyhow, Dia, if you ever read this just promise me you won't let this close you off. When I first met you you already

seemed so cold and I felt like I could maybe fix that. But now I feel like this is going to f--sorry, mess everything up again.

Please don't let that happen. Even if you don't ever think of me again. You don't even have to promise me.

Just promise the sky or yourself or even the pebble I painted for you. I gave it to him too, take care since that paint

chips easily, I haven't

I can't really breathe anymore. I hope you'll wake up soon though. I know you will.

You won't die. I trust you, Dia. I trust you


Vale froze there in place with the letter. Every time a sentence ended abruptly all he could imagine was his old friend struggling to speak all just to have this written for him, for it to have gotten to him only now. His hands shook and he set the letter down somewhere to the side, still unfolded. All he could do was wipe silent tears on the edge of his sleeves, though a tear or two still fell somewhere on the sleeping man who remained unfazed. He smelled the smoke again in his memories and immediately he restrained himself as a tremor wracked his entire body, a sob or two escaping him before he leaned over closer to Declan as if he were protecting him from something, still shaking.

You're--all I have now, too, aren't you," he whispered with a pained grin. "One guy ruined it all for me too. I took it for--granted. Everything." He felt himself finally start to drift off. He didn't have the energy for this. "Don't worry... Declan. I'll rot in hell before I break my promise to you."

He didn't remember if he said anything after that before he, too, finally fell asleep. His head rested softly on the man below him.

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"Mmm, that's good to hear. Even just in battles like this, the energy toll of battle is high, huh?" Sheikah's eyes narrowed at what she brought up next. I hope she's not talking about what it seems like it could be... might have to give them a talking-to. "What?" The woman found herself interrupting her own thoughts at Melanie's question. "I wasn't mad at you... I don't even know what you're bringing up. Though, wait, are you sure? You're really taller than me?" She pushed herself off the bed, then approached Melanie, grabbing. her hand and pulling her up as well, standing right up next to the young mage. Sure enough, the tried-and-true method of hand on top of head proved Melanie to be the taller of the pair. "You're kidding me... aw, whatever. I've always been short." Sheikah sat on the bed again with a thump. "I do wonder who beat Sierra, though... I don't know who got that far, seeing as I've been sleeping here for a while."


"I see... still, you are very impressive," Mina complimented her opposite dancer, bowing. "It is an honor to be able to perform with someone so skilled not once, but twice. But yes, you are right- our time is soon. Let us begin, shall we?" She extended a hand, leading Magali onto the stage. Countless onlookers watched with interest as the lights dimmed.

"And today we have Miss Mina, and a special guest of hers, Magali!" Kim spoke from the entrance. "Mina has performed here many a time, while you may remember Magali from performing in a magic show with her yesterday! Today they will be performing a duet, so without further ado let's see what they have in store for us!"

After a few moments, Mina began her dance, taking small steps as Magali started her playing, a cheerful tone in the air as the two moved in time. Mina slowly circled the other woman, making each move with care. The crowd watched intently as they moved precisely in rhythm. Slowly, Mina's movements became more intense as the music took on a darker air. Slow movements changed to her swiftly darting across the stage while maintaining the same grace. The oohs and awes from the onlookers spurred Mina to take even more fast-paced moves, until she began to slow down once more for the end of the song, ending kneeling before the crowd as the last note rang through the air. Applause surged through the audience, and Mina nodded approvingly towards Magali.

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Magali bowed to the audience on cue, catching Mina's approval. A small smile formed, but she kept her composure mostly unaffected as they were still on stage. Only a pleasant feeling washed over her as she heard the applause.


At the backstage once more, Magali relaxed from her usual form and put the harp back in its place. "That was a pleasure. Thank you for taking your time to dance with me." Magali spoke up to Mina, still feeling quite light and energetic from the duet's reception. "I would love to come here again. Perhaps once war fades away again." She confessed, "Most of the Hollows decided to join a tournament that was being held today. A shame, I wanted them to see it. Still, maybe I should go and see if they had fun." In between her thoughts, something of relevance to Mina sprouted in her mind. "Oh, I believe Sierra is there too. Are you going to meet her? If you are still busy, then I could relay a message."

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"Eh!?" Celestia's pillow was suddenly hoist up into standing, the woman thankfully having her head thud onto soft mattress. Melanie stood completely still as Sheikah, intimidating as she was (despite being short), did her own measuring. "Oui, I... Well, eef you were not mad over zat, zen I suppose zere ees nossing to worry about." Melanie had only barely remembered the moment, as much as she reacted to it. But Sheikah seemed fine now... So why keep worrying? Melanie took a moment to gently sit down and settle Celestia's head onto her lap again, sighing a tiny sigh. "I would not do eet again, zis arena fighting, ben, I sink eet was good practice. As for Sierra..." Mel took a moment and glanced at the unconscious woman, before nodding. "I believe eet was Taima. I was talking wis Lugos during ze rest of ze matches, donc, I may not 'ave been paying ze best attention, ben, I believe eet was Taima."

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Artemis woke up in a daze, slightly confused as to where exactly she was. It took her a few moments of ponderous recollection before she finally, well, recalled what had previously transpired. Earlier that morning, she'd heard about the signups for the tournament, but it didn't really seem like a very exciting prospect for her. After all, she was bound to lose anyways, and that'd be no fun at all. With nothing better to do, she'd opted to lounge around the rest area until the competition had concluded. The plan was to wait until Vale had finished (for better or for worse) and ask him to tutor her in the art of the sword while the rest of the group was enjoying their downtime, but somewhere along the way she messed up and fell asleep. Whoops.

Yawning as she got up off the bed, she grabbed all of her belongings (despite not entering the tournament, she'd insisted on bringing her own equipment just in case it was needed) and exited the room. Upon doing so, she noticed that all of the participating members of the group (more or less) were there. Huh, that ended faster than I expected, she thought as she absentmindedly wandered about the rest area. I wonder where Vale went...off... Her thoughts trailing off as she realized where exactly she had ended up. For some unexplainable reason, Vale and...some other guy were together...in bed. This was...very unfortunate indeed. Definitely a faux pas, as Melanie would have succinctly put it. "Heh heh," she muttered, blushing harder than she'd ever done in her whole life. "I'll uh...go now. Wouldn't want to interrupt ah...whatever you two are doing," she said as she quickly made for the door.

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Taima slowly made her way towards the rest room, limping slightly. She'd taken a nasty fall at the end of her match against Ivan, which had ended with his spear at her throat and her hands up in surrender. Frustrating, but all in all a good tournament. Now she was looking for Sierra, hoping the other girl was alright. Finding the room she was looking for, she peeked in and spotted Sierra and Cel lying on beds and Sheikah and Mel talking. Entering all the way, she waved to the two awake girls, and quietly asked, "Hey you two. How're you two doing? And are these two ok? I hope I didn't injure Sierra too badly..."

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All Settled

"Nope, no worries," Sheikah agreed. She too looked towards Sierra, and couldn't help but finding herself frown a bit. "Aww, she looks so sad... her emotions always seem to be contagious, because she's so honest about them. I honestly feel a little bad for her, even though I wasn't there, like winning was so important to her." As if on cue, Taima approached the room, clearly in pain. "Hey, we were just talking about you! Sierra seems like she'll be fine- she's just resting up and stuff. I just woke up, though, Vale got me good. Good for you for winning against someone as tough as Sierra, though! If you can win against her, buncha Angalan soldiers aren't gonna be a problem for you, huh? Do you need somewhere to rest? I can get up, if you want."


"The pleasure was all mine, Magali. We would be honored to have you back in better times," Mina told the other dancer. Magali's explanation of where Sierra was didn't seem to surprise her. "A tournament, you say? That is quite like her, I think. No need to trouble yourself- I would not mind accompanying you at all."

The two of them walked to the arena quietly- it was not particularly far away from the theatre. They were quickly pointed to the resting area to visit their companions, and entered to see three women conversing. Mina was quick to spot Sierra and made her way over to her, placing her hand on the pink-haired guard's head, who stirred momentarily, only to roll onto her side. "She is alright... how are all of you? Did you fare well?" She sat down next to Sierra, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes.

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Peter slept through everything, up until something clanked in a room over. He heard snoring in a neighboring room, so he gingerly picked himself up off of the bed, and limped over. "Huh, that was fast," he muttered under his breath, upon seeing Declan and Vale. "Never would've expected those two to be close." Not wanting to disturb the sleeping men, he staggered back to his own bed, and sat down heavily. His head still hurt from the goose egg Ivan left him. Once the waves of pain subsided, he slowly rose to his feet, and sought out the sound of the clanking. Taima stood in the room - something that didn't surprise Peter in the least. "Uh, hi?"

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"Oh good. And no, I'm fine. Just took a bad fall from Ivan. He's quick. Lot quicker than me in all this armor, for sure." She chuckled, and then nodded to Peter. "Hey there. Saw your bout against Ivan. Lost to him myself. Good fight though."

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With a bit of a groan, Celestia began to stir. Who would have guessed that rampant jostling, nearly being thrown off the bed, and the sudden influx of conversation would wake someone up? Oh wait... well, regardless of anyone's behaviour inside the infirmary, no names being called, of course, Celestia found herself resting on a rather soft, and admittedly quite pleasant pillow, and without much of a care for how it got there, as the standard issue hospital bed pillows did not seem like they would be nearly as comfortable.

"Uhn... come on, a little longer. I'm tiiired." The templar moaned out, nuzzling tightly against the nice soft pillow that she was still refusing to question, inhaling the sweet scent of what must have been freshly washed fabric in a nice detergent. Surely after nearly being roasted alive with a bolt of lightning, she deserved at least this much, she decided for herself, as she cuddled further into the warm, soft pillow.

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"Oh, I am sure she will be fine once she wakes up. I do not sink zat Sierra would let somesing like zis get 'er down." Truth be told, Melanie knew little about the guard, but even if she felt down about it, perhaps seeing Mina would cheer her up. Winning a tournament like this wasn't something Melanie really understood. And as Sheikah aptly addressed, the woman they had been talking about came in. Melanie waved a happy wave at Taima, nodding. "Sierra seems fine! Ozzer zan ze look on 'er face, ben, I am sure zat will change." Mel had to keep that hope up, for some reason she felt that, in the same way Sierra seemed to lift the mood of the room, she'd do the opposite if she really was upset. "I am still surprised zat you won, Taima! Well... Not zat surprised, mais, a little bit. Sierra seemed like she was très fort. Eizzer way, I am very proud of you!" Mel nodded a few more times before, speak of the devil!

Mina came in and sat herself down next to Sierra. Mel relaxed entirely. There was no way Sierra would be upset now, no way at all. Mel had seen Mina calm the woman down before, so she knew she was capable of doing it again. And then even Peter came in, Melanie giving him a tiny wave as well. "So many peo-- ah!" The occupant of Mel's lap stirred, mumbled, and cuddled closer, causing Mel to flinch slightly and squeak; she hadn't been expecting Celestia to wake up at all... But, it made her smile. She didn't try to wake her. She sighed, and calmly pet her hair again. "Shhh, sh, sh. Eet ees okay. You can stay asleep." She cooed the words out as calmly as she could, hoping the rest of the chatter didn't wake Celestia up again. Mel would have to try and be quieter, if she decided to converse with anyone.

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A little bit of ambient chatter made it's way into Celestia's ears, but nothing really caught the woman's attention until a reply from Melanie, that seemed pretty well addressed to her concerns. Now, Melanie's voice was a bit closer than expected, and her pillow moved slightly before Melanie's response came, but it wasn't of any matter, really. All that mattered now was that she was told she could go back to sleep, and that was wonderful.

"Okay, thaaaaanks... good night~..." Celestia lazily replied, before burying her face deep into this amazingly soft, warm pillow. Like seriously this thing is great can I keep it or at least tell me where I can buy one I mean damn. It seemed to be shaped a little... strange, but the strange shape lent itself perfectly to Celestia wrapping her arms around said pillow, and hugging herself to it tighter. An action that also informed her that the back side of this thing was even softer, and felt great under her hand. Maybe she'd flip it over and try that side, if she woke up again.

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Mel giggled as her friend went back to sleeping, though she wasn't exactly prepared for how she was going to do that. Celestia's hand snaked their way around Mel's thigh, and latched on tight. The girl blushed, but didn't say anything, raising her arms a bit and staring at Celestia. "Ehmmm..." She blinked, and stared. She wasn't quite sure what to do about this. She didn't want to wake her up right there, right after telling her it was okay to sleep more. But... Well, Celestia was getting a bit touchy-feely, and Mel wasn't exactly used to that. So another squeak happened when a hand happened upon her backside, followed by a shiver, and a nervous giggle. She turned as red as her hair, and sort of... Settled her arms down, one hand on Celestia's head, the other on the bed. I am sure she ees asleep now. She will juste... Lay 'ere, like zis. Pas problème.

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"So Ivan won?" Sheikah asked with a bit of surprise. "Huh, good for him... didn't know he was the fighting type along with his thief business." She gave Melanie and Celestia a cursory glance. "Hey, don't get too comfortable, you two. We can't stay here for much longer."

All the commotion caused Sierra to move in her sleep even more, bumping into Mina. She slowly pushed herself up and opened her eyes, before jolting up when she had assessed the situation. "Ah! Mina!" she shouted, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to miss your dance, I just go caught up and everything, and on your birthday too. And I didn't even win it for you..." She started to cry, putting her head right near Mina's shoulder.

"It is fine, Sierra. Your gift was wonderful, and I appreciate that you wanted to win so much," Mina quietly reassured her, patting the guard on the shoulder. "You did well to go as far as--"

"No! I didn't do good enough," Sierra interrupted her. "I didn't win... I have to be better than I did. I'll make sure the General gives me even tougher training, because I have to be the best! If I'm not the best, then I won't be able to be strong for you, and save everyone from bad people." She wiped away her tears, sitting up. "It's what I have to do. Nobody can be stronger than I am, from now on! I'll be the best for you."

"If you insist," Mina conceded, patting her on the head. "If you want to be the best for me, who am I to argue with that? Do not forget the promise you had us make, to always stand by each other forever."

"Yeah!" Sierra leaped up. "You're right! Well, I have to get started right away, then! Oh, but... tomorrow. Today's for you, of course!" She sat back down again, giving the priestess a hug. "You're the best, Mina!" The smaller woman only smiled contently in response.

And all is well... for now, at least. I can only hope it lasts.

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Taima winced as she saw Sierra start to cry over losing, thankfully Mina was there to cheer her up. As the two hugged, Taima hesitantly spoke up, "For what it's worth, you were amazing out there. You had me scared for the whole match. I think it's just you're not as used to using lances as I am. I bet if we were using swords, you would have had me on the arena floor in no time."

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"Ah, oui, Sheikah. I will wake 'er up when we 'ave to leave." Mel nodded, and calmed herself down. Unfortunately, what she'd feared seemed to be coming to pass, as Sierra ended up crying about losing. Hearing her reasoning, Mel supposed she could understand, even if she didn't get the tournament. Wanting to be strong enough to protect someone you liked. Well, loved, in Sierra's case. And she was glad Sierra did, as Mina's words seemed to bring that peppy side back out of her. Mel laughed a bit, trying to keep quiet enough, but still enjoying the exuberance Sierra was once again showing. "I sink zat you did really well, Sierra. I know zat I would not 'ave been able to get as far as you did. Alzough, I guess I would 'ave wanted to win too, considering sings. I did not know eet was your birsday, Mina!" Mel beamed at the priestess. "♪Bonne fete a toi~ Bonne fete a toi~ Bonne fete a Mina~ Bonne fete a toi~♪" It was a bit embarrassing to sing something like that, in front of so many people, but whatever! Mel was happy her friend was experiencing such a wonderful day.

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Between the crying, the talking, and the singing, it seemed that sweet rest would not actually be hers, this day. Coming back to the waking world with a drawn out groan, Celestia flipped herself over, and immediately found herself falling off the bed, and onto the floor. Landing with a thud, the templar sat up on her calves, and rubbed the new bump on her head with disdain.

"I should have known not to come here today..."

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Well, seems Mel hadn't been quiet enough, though perhaps the crying and loudness in general had not helped Celestia's sleep. She didn't quite have time to catch her though, and she ended up rolling right off of Mel's lap, with an uncomfortable sounding thud. "Ah... Zut." Mel sighed, and rubbed Celestia's shoulder. "Sorry, mon ami. I was letting you sleep 'ere, ben... I was also being loud, eheh. We were going to be leaving soon anyway, donc, I suppose eet ees not all bad. Zough, ehm, would you like ze 'ealing for zat bonk?" She smiled apologetically at Celestia, hoping she'd be able to make her feel better, if not now, then later.

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"Ugh... sure, I guess." Celestia replied uncharacteristically sharply, a bit too out of it as a whole to catch it herself. All she wanted to do was just... not be here. The tournament not only had left her riddled with physical pain, but being so thoroughly ravaged by that blast did no favours to her psychological state either, and the plethora of noises, along with having just bashed it on the floor, left her head in tatters. She was, most definitely, in a foul mood, if she hadn't been earlier, and a quick glance at the bed didn't even give her any information on deciphering the origins of that pillow... any and all solace was definitely gone.

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Melanie gave a bit of a sad look to her friend, helping her staff out and channeling her magic through it. "Alright... Would you like to go, Celestia?" she asked, as she let the staff's magic flow into Celestia. Sheikah had said that they were leaving soon, so maybe it'd be for the best if Melanie helped her out of here sooner than later. Getting out of here would probably help. Find some quiet room at the inn, help her lay down and sleep. Mel was sure she'd be able to find Mina and talk to her about her birthday later, after Celestia was settled down.

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"My, my. It seems we did miss all of it, what a shame." Magali commented, breaking her silence. "Ah well, as long as the others had fun." She had stood close to Mina all the while, smiling softly as the priestess and her lover talked. "That is wonderful, Sierra. Just make sure you can enjoy moments like this too~." She raised a finger to her statement, taking a glance at Sierra. "Not to be nosy, but it is not everyday you can spend with Mina, am I right? Especially not on such a special day~. With such a wonderful dress to make her justice, too." Magali giggled softly, a hand moving to cover her mouth. "Ah, not like it needs saying. You two are heartwarming, I must admit I feel a bit jealous." Indeed, the thought of finding such a sweetheart almost felt nostalgic to Magali. Hah... how cynical, I'm too young to abandon these dreams. Slowly convincing herself to cheer up, Magali heard a sound of something hitting the floor and turned to its source. "Oh, dear. Is she going to be fine, Melanie? Do you need any help, dear?" Somebody that was already hurt falling from their bed never spelled good. Though she didn't move from her spot, Magali cautiously eyed the girls.
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Celestia let out a sigh as the healing staff worked it's magic, and the pain of her crash subsided, along with chipping away at the residual shocks that were assailing her. Standing up, and shaking her head to hopefully clear it a bit, Celestia finally looked herself over, grimacing at the scorch marks across her now-tattered clothing, and her hair, which had been dried out to near fallout.

"Yeah, let's just go." She muttered, before stopping.

"I should probably get my payout first... I spent the last of my gold entering, so I should really pick up what I did manage to win..."

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"Okay. I will 'elp you to ze entrance." After a nice rest and a proper bath, Mel was sure that Celestia would feel better. She let the woman stand up before taking hold of her arm, to help her stay balanced. "Oh, Magali?" Melanie said, hearing the woman's offer for help. "I sink zat would be a good idea. I do not sink I would be able to carry Celestia on my own, eef she collapsed again." Melanie chuckled a bit, even if it was a real worry. "I am sure you will be fine," she murmured to Celestia, keeping that smile going. Someone had to stay positive. "I will meet you at ze front zen, Magali." Mel nodded, and started helping Celestia out.

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With a little bit of help, Celestia managed to make it to the entrance of the arena with Melanie in tow, stopping at the counter located there to pick up her earnings.

"Hello, um, my name is Celestia Elianne, I was in the tournament. I was looking to pick up my winnings."

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