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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"Ahaha, yeah, I'm a lance user. Magic is... pretty much as far out of my comfort zone as you can get." She took the lance with a nod of approval, as well as the bag of coins. She nodded at Norman's question. "Yeah, I fought Sierra. Tough match. I think I just got lucky she isn't as used to using lances as I am. Got me the edge more than swords would have for instance." She grinned and gave a slight shrug. "All in all it was a good tournament. Just got out speeded at the end."

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While Melanie was speaking with Cara, Celestia herself had basically slumped on the couch, letting out pained groans from time to time. Fuck, thunder magic hurt... she could only hope she wouldn't end up with some silly post-traumatic stress disorder after this ordeal... people had certainly developed them for less, but until she had to face another thunder user, she supposed there was no way to know if she'd freeze up or not. Apparently, Ivan had won in the end? Celestia wasn't sure if that had actually been mentioned to her prior and she had forgotten, or if it was the first time she'd heard it. In all honestly, the winner not being Sierra, or at the least, Taima, was quite unexpected to the templar.

But speaking or articulating thoughts in other ways required energy and effort, neither of which Celestia was willing to output for the time being, so she opted to just lay on the sofa until she was moved again.

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"She used a lance on you? I wish I was that lucky." Norman chuckled softly. "She was so fast I couldn't even hit her. It was kind of embarrassing to be honest... But yeah, it's good that you beat her. It means our group is pretty tough, huh?" He didn't add that he was glad that Sierra lost because she beat him. It felt... kind of childish, even if it was true. "Oh, uh, who won in the end?" He added, realising that he didn't even know who the eventual champion was.

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"Ivan won. He's got some serious speed on him. I tried my best but... man. That lance he has is dangerous too." She shook her head, and started to walk back to the inn with Norman. "It's a good group of fighters, it's true. I'm glad to be with them. Makes it interesting for sure."

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"I'm not even sure who Ivan is to be honest." Norman replied. "I'm guessing he's one of us though. And yeah, you could definitely do worse as far as mercenary groups go." He frowned slightly, looking for a moment like he was going to say something, but deciding against it.

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"He's uh... a thief I guess would be the blunt way of putting it." She didn't really like saying it like that, but there wasn't much of a better way to say it. "And yeah. The Hollow's are great. A good boss with good people below her. Including you, right?" She grinned at him, hitting him lightly on the back. She noticed his frown, and tilted her head. "You alright? Looks like you've got something on your mind."

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"I see. Well, it was a spur of the moment, do not worry." With those comfort words, Magali still decided it was best to let the topic go. Melanie seemed flustered by it, for sure, and what is done, is done. "Well, well. Ivan won? A man of few words, that one." Though the tournament's result was interesting, Magali erred on a similar opinion as that of Melanie, taking little interest in fighting for entertainment. Magali did let go of Celestia as she decided to rest on an inviting couch. "Oh, poor girl. It will be just a while until you can rest in an actual bed, don't worry." She reassured, not that any was necessary, perhaps.
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"I see." Norman nodded, wondering if he'd need to watch his pockets when he was around this Ivan fellow. "The Hollows seem fine, yeah, I'm nothing special though." He hesitated again. "And uh... I'm just remembering something, that's all. Our talk and some things that happened today reminded me about it."

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"Vale? Alright, thanks," Sheikah repeated, heading in the direction she was pointed in. She saw Vale sitting on the edge of one of the beds, waving at him and sitting down beside him. "Hey... you did good out there. Caught me off guard, yeah? How are you feeling?"


"I see... Ivan, I don't know if I remember him," Cara told Melanie after her brief story. "Well, you are free to rest here. Would you like anything to eat?"

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Still somewhat distracted as she left the rest area, Artemis decided it was for the best to head back to her room at the inn for now and decide what to do from there. On her way back, she noticed Sierra basically dragging Mina to...huh, she didn't really know. Waving at Sierra, Artemis said, "Hey, what's up? You were in that tournament, right? I didn't really get to watch it, but I heard you did pretty good!"

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"Ehm, I still 'ave some sings to do een town, donc, maybe later, miss." Melanie smiled at the offer of food, and would definitely come back for some later. For now, though, she had someone to help to a room. "Magali, I will be right back, oui? I would not mind eef you wanted to come around ze town wis me. Juste let me 'elp Celestia to bed. I can 'andle zis much alone." And she wanted to, as she did feel a little bad about having Magali go out of her way to help Celestia back. She appreciated it, of course! But she felt a bit bad, all the same. "Up we go, Celestia~" Melanie gently helped Celestia onto her shoulder again, shivering at the ever present shock, but persevering either way.

One quick trip up the stairs later, and Melanie was at the door, fumbling around with the key. "Come on, franchement, criss de calice..." Working the key one handed was a bit frustrating, as she grumbled to herself, but she finally got the door open. With a sigh, and another heave, she helped Celestia into the room, and let her sit on the bed. "Oui! Zere we are!" Mel held her hands on her hips and confidently nodded. "I am sorry zat I cannot be your pillow again, ben, I am sure ze bed's will suffice. Will you be alright, Celestia?"

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Peter's reaction times were still slow, thanks to his now-splitting headache. By the time he'd formulated a response, everyone else had left. "Alright. . .I'll get moving. . .ow. . ." I'm too old for this nonsense. But at least I lost to the guy who won.

He staggered over to the entrance counter. "Peter Ratchcliff, picking up my winnings," he told the person behind the counter. Wonder if it'll be enough to pay back Taima?

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As she was lifted, and carried up to her room, Celestia let out several incoherent groans and mumbles along the way, cracking a light smile as Melanie fumbled with the key... same as always, huh? Either way, soon the door was open, and Celestia was placed down on the bed... and promptly passed out. Finally, the sweet release of sleep. Melanie had said something or other, but Celestia was asleep before it could register in her head.

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"Oh." Melanie watched Celestia slump onto the mattress and conk out, giggling a bit. "Ah, bonne nuit, mon meilleure amie..." Mel couldn't resist petting her hair again, sighing a bit. She smiled, and hopped up. Ben, I 'ad best not keep Magali waiting... She turned to leave, but... Well, one last glance couldn't hurt, just to make sure she was alright... Of course, Celestia was still there, sleeping soundly (as soundly as she could get). Mel couldn't help but smile wider, and turn the faintest shade of red.

Without any further adieu, Melanie left the room and gently locked the door, hiding the key in her robes. Celestia could unlock it from the inside if she had to leave for whatever reason, and she didn't want anyone walking in to bother her. She bounded down the stairs and hopped up to Magali, that faint red lingering. "Allo! Sorry eef I kept you waiting. Shall we allons-y?" She giggled again, entirely perked up from earlier.

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Seeing Sheikah startled Vale for a moment--the image of his running circles around her, dancing as if it had been the last fight of his life, preparing himself for the killing blow all cycled in his head and he shuddered. "Hey--yeah, I'm still really sorry about that. You all right?" He looked at her. "I got really into it. I'm having a weird day..."

He rubbed his temples, still groggy. His eyes were slightly red. "I don't... really know how I'm feeling." He paused. "Actually, can I talk to you about something? It's something I've been mulling over a lot lately, and today..." He trailed off in another yawn and didn't bother finishing the sentence. He noticed the parcel and its contents were in a mess on the floor, but shrugged it off.

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"Yeah, I'm alright. It hurt at first, but I slept it off pretty well," Sheikah responded to the swordfighter. "You can always talk to me. I'm your boss, remember? I'm here to solve problems, it's my job. What do you wanna tell me?"


"Hi Artemis!" Sierra stopped, waving excitedly and much to the relief of Mina. "Oh... I did alright. I only tied for third, and I know I can do better than that." She looked at the ground with disappointment.

"There is no shame in third place, Sierra," Mina reassured her, patting the tall woman on the back, but Sierra shook her head.

"It's not good enough!" she insisted. "You weren't in it, were you, Artemis? I didn't see you, at least. Well, how are you now?"

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Magali nodded and sat at the nearest chair to wait for Melanie. Ah, we are just leaving tomorrow, after all. That might be a good idea. It didn't take long for Melanie to return, anyways. Cheerier than when she went upstairs, too. She should enjoy herself, after all. Maybe this will help ease her concerns. Standing up, Magali returned a smile. "I take it she went to sleep as soundly as she was starting to in the couch. Very well, let us go." Leading them outside the inn, Magali slowed her pace as they reached a livelier (for a time of war, at least) street. The one thing missing was a destination. "Did you have any place you wanted to go, Melanie? Personally, I've been meaning to visit a store I've heard rumors of a few times. One specializing in gems, infused with a peculiar type of magic. It should be around here."

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"Oh... good." Vale touched the side of his face and sighed in relief. "I really don't know what got into me. But..."

He wrung his hands together nervously. "Something happened in the middle of the tournament, before our match. An old friend came to visit me..." He smiled bitterly. "I learned some things. Things I was wondering about, I suppose, but also things I didn't want to know. And..." He looked up from the floor back at his boss. "After what happened between you and the innkeep, I figure perhaps you might... understand better."

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Melanie nodded with vigor, following after Magali. "Oui, heheh. She collapsed onto ze bed and was out like ze light een an instant~" So many smiles, Mel just couldn't stop being happy! Magali was smiling, Celestia seemed so at peace with her sleep, things were turning up so much better than the tournament~ If this kept up any longer she'd be able to forget the ordeal entirely. About to suggest where to start shopping, Magali chimed in first! And it sounded amazing. "Eh? Zere ees somesing like zat?" Melanie stared at Magali with a certain wonder. Her only knowledge of magic was anima, light, dark, and of course, staffs. A gem that could hold magic? "I sink zat ees fantastique! Let us go!" Melanie almost jumped with excitement over it, happily following closely behind Magali.

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"I thought you would say so~." Melanie's excitement was contagious, for sure. "Enchantments like that work quite a bit different from the magic we're used to, it's not only magic, but you also need the right materials... it takes a reliable business or someone paying you to do it. So I've heard." Musing over rumors remembered from her street years, Magali quickly led them both to the front of a store. "Alright, this should be it."

They were met with gems on display as soon as they entered, radiating faint glows... Magali could sense the faintest hint of magic in them, and she was sure Melanie could too. "Good afternoon." Walking to the shopkeeper, she politely bowed. "I've heard this shop holds a special kind of gem. Can you tell us what they do?"

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As Taima and Norman were walking back to the inn, she spotted Mel and Mags heading into a store. Her curiosity piqued, she decided to follow them in, waving to Norman to follow her. Getting inside in time to hear Magali's question, Taima raised an eyebrow. "Huh, so these are some sort of magic gems?"

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The man dishing out the prizes seemed too bored of his book to go back to it, and was just staring off into "Peter Ratchcliff?" The quickly sat up man consulted his notes quickly and then dropped Peter's entry fee on the desk. "It says you made it to round 2, so you get your entry fee paid back. Not bad." he said, nodding approvingly as he spoke.


Norman shrugged and followed Taima inside, despite having been there on the previous day, making the small shop feel somewhat crowded. "Oh, um, hello!" The young shopkeeper was surprised by how many customers had suddenly arrived. "Yes, these are magic gems. They uh, increase your potential over time with a different aspect, I suppose, depending on the gem. They can make you faster, stronger, or even luckier... apparently. I'm not really sure how the last one works." he laughed nervously. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

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"Ha, I could have used some more luck in that battle against Ivan. I'll take that gem. How much?" Taima reached for the purse of gold that she'd just been awarded, hoping it wouldn't cost more than that.

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"Ah, how interesting. To 'increase potential', I must say I did not quite expected that." Curious. "Well, would any of them make you... 'healthier'?" It was a curious quality, but the most immediate for Magali when she thought of her needs. We'll be involved in the war, and the others will need me. If it exists, perhaps the investment would be worth it? Of course, she wasn't the only one that could make use of them. "What about you, Melanie? Any of them catch your eye?"
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"Vraiment?" Mel asked with abundant curiosity as Magali went into explaining how the magic worked. Maybe after this whole mercenary thing was over, Mel could read a book or two, and figure out how to work these magical gems out! It was something to add to her prospective job choices, filing it away in her mind as they walked into the shop. Melanie didn't need to do much talking it seemed, as Magali handled that, leaving Mel time to get herself acquainted with the gems. They were all so beautiful... Especially that dark green one. It matched her robes pretty well~ She picked it up and started looking it over as the shop keep explained how they worked.

In the mean time, Taima came in, followed by that axe fellow. Mel wasn't sure she'd spoken to him yet, but she waved to the both of them and presented her smile. "Eh, Magali?" Mel's attention was brought back to her dancer friend, spinning around in place. "I sink I would like to go wis zis one~ Eet ees razzer beautiful. I am très fond of ze vert~" Melanie giggled, and clasped the gem tightly in her hands... A bit too tightly. It shattered, and she jumped back, as the magic was absorbed into her, the confused girl looking about her hands in a rather frantic manner. "Qu'est que c'est!? Where did eet go?" Mel looked between Magali and the shop keep, hoping for an answer. She couldn't have smashed it; she wasn't that strong!

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