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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"It's fine, Vale. No need to apologize- we were both in it to win, yeah? It's a simple mistake, so don't worry too much about it." Sheikah gave Vale a pat on the back after noticing how nervous he seemed. "I know what you mean. Sometimes, I think there are some things you have to know, even if you'd rather not personally."

She bit her lip when Cara was brought up. "Cara... well, I guess you can tell what the story was, but her brother died under my leadership. I'm not mad at her, though... I blamed myself for a while, too, and on some level I think I always will. There's a sort of responsibility you need to have as a leader like that to stay honest with yourself. That's how I think it is, anyway. But I also realized that just hating myself for my mistakes would never get me anywhere either, so I moved on a little. How about you? Seeing your friend is at least some good to come out of it, right? Tell me about them."

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Magali's eyes widened, seeing the glass break at the hands of Melanie. However, she wasn't harmed by the act at all, like the gem had dissipated safely thanks to its magic. "Melanie... I think you used it." Waiting for an answer, Magali expectantly eyed the shopkeeper. "Did she do anything wrong, though? Is the magic going to harm her?" Safety first, she wanted to know Melanie was going to be fine. The fact they just broke or used a gem unpaid for could wait.

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After hearing Magali's request, the shopkeeper gestured towards the ruby red gems, and replied: "Those are Vitality gems," After quickly taking a glance at his notes to check he was getting it right, he continued. "I think that's the kind of thing you're looking for?" He didn't have much time to wait for a response though, as he noticed Melanie clasping one in her hands.

"Hey, don't-!" But it was too late, as Melanie had already crushed the gem. "It's gone because you used it." he sighed, wishing that he'd explained how to use them before the girl went and crushed one.. "You crush them and then like, you absorb the magic into yourself. It shouldn't hurt, I think?" He didn't sound too sure of himself.

"I was fine when I used one." shrugged Norman, alleviating the man's concern somewhat.

"Yeah, I figured as much." he replied, sounding relieved. After an awkward moment of silence, he spoke up again. "So uh, I kind of need you to pay for that?" He had no idea if he was going about this the right way, but whatever.

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"I did?" Melanie had calmed down, of course, but she was still incredibly confused. So she listened to the adults talk for a moment, taking in how the gems worked. Well. She did feel stronger, if in a weird way. Crushing gems and absorbing their magic was actually incredibly interesting,too. But there was one problem.

"Pay?" Oh. Well, this was a shop, so-- "ah, oui! I am so sorry!" Mel finagled with the gold pouch she'd been given and the remainder of what she had from before the tournament and came up with... Two hundred and seventy five gold. "Ees zis enough to cover eet?" Mel gave the man behind the counter an apologetic smile, and leaned onto it for the moment, sighing. "I am very sorry about zat... I really did not mean to."

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Other people had turned up to the gem store, and it looked like they were having the same surprises he had experienced - which was a relief, it was good to know it hadn't just been him being stupid. He recognised Melanie from earlier, along with another he didn't recognise. It was astounding, it was starting to seem like everyone in the city was somehow associated with this group.

"Mine did the same thing, didn't really expect it to be so delicate." he pitched in, the concept of magical stones beyond him. "I'm not really feeling any more fortunate, but at least it didn't hurt or anything."

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Vitality, I see. That sounds just like I imagined. "I see, I will take one of them." Magali was surprised then when Melanie seemed to fork over all of her savings over that blunder. "Oh, dear. You should not walk around without money, Melanie. It is important to always have some when in a pinch. Here." She picked out a small amount of coin, but worth one hundred in currency, and handed it to Melanie. "Keep this. We are with the Hollows, but you should always hold some to cover for yourself when needed." With a word of advice given, Magali turned to the shopkeeper. "I'll pay for mine and fill in what she needs to pay, if you do not mind." It was then that man unknown to her made his presence known (what a ninja!) and spoke to Melanie. Such a crowded place at that time of the day, for sure. "Oh, good afternoon, mister. You know Melanie?" He had the look of a mercenary, which was curious enough for Magali. I don't remember him with us. Maybe he is also working for pay to the army, though. Dire times indeed. Edited by Xinnidy
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Melanie's friend seemed to be covering for her, it looks like everyone really had each others' backs in the group. She wasn't terribly tall, although compared to his own 6'3, not many really were.

"Yeah, I joined up just before the tournament, you guys were hiring and I was looking for work. My name's Orpheus, I'm guessing you're like a performer of something, those clothes don't look like they're for fighting." he replied, amused slightly by being called mister. "Darn nice of you to help Melanie pay, you don't see that much in other mercenary groups."

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"Yeah... I suppose so." He left it at that, even though he was obviously still worried. Sheikah was fine. But the sensation he experienced frightened him, and it played over in his mind every time Vale looked at her. He tried to block it out this time.

And of course he was oblivious to Sheikah's discomfort when he mentioned Cara--usually he'd have a bit more tact, at least a little. He definitely wasn't lacking in it when he spent that moment with Declan. In spite of this, though, he looked at her now with gentle eyes."I can't say I've ever been leader of anything, but you can't say it was undoubtedly your fault, can you?" He stretched his legs out in front of him. "Death, no matter how hard we try, is something we just... can't really control... but that's what I think, anyway." He remembered having to talk a young priestess through a death she failed to prevent. The healing magics were something beyond this conversation, and themselves; but he couldn't help but think of her now. Her devastated figure slumped over the broken remnants of a man...

"I mean, I've never had the responsibilities you've had, of course..." He added suddenly, mostly to break his current thought chain. "Sorry, I tend to do that sometimes." He didn't specify what 'that' was. "His name--well, he said he wants to be called Ruarc now. But he's an old friend I used to fight beside back in my old mercenary company." He grinned. "We didn't get to talk for very long, but even after everything that happened, he still mostly seems like the same guy from before, you know. We teased around a little." He paused. "And I guess I am grateful for what he brought with him..."

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"Are you sure, Magali?" She hadn't gotten an answer yet, but judging by Magali's saying she'd pay for the rest, Mel's tiny pouch of gold wasn't going to cover it. She meekly took the tiny sack, feeling bad about taking so much gold from her. Orpheus' comment on it didn't help either, but what was done was done. It wasn't like she could suck the magic our of herself and reform the gem, or anything. So she turned around and leaned herself against the counter, waiting for Magali to be done with the transition, and rolling the small bag of money around in her hand. "Oui, Magali. ben, I do not really know 'im, we juste met après ze tournament. And, oui, Orpheus, Magali ees not a fighter. She ees a dancer~ And see ees fantastique." Mel smiled at the woman. "Zey are very eenvigorating."

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"Why, thank you. Melanie is a dear, however. I would not let her stay penniless." Magali curtsied, "Melanie is right, I am a dancer. Though I have joined thanks to my healing abilities, I sort of passed on what I could to Melanie. The group benefits more from my dances, they have a magical quality to it." She then turned to Melanie, giving a confident wink. "Do not worry about that, okay? I have quite a bit since my play today, at the theather. It will be fine."
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They seemed to have all sorts, from knights to mages, even dancers. Orpheus wondered what other oddities they had, probably something mad like flying horses. Still, they certainly were a talented bunch, he'd certainly have to put some work in to keep up.

"Dancing you say? Can't say I've ever seen anyone dance on the battlefield but I've heard stranger." he replied. "The most my dancing's ever done is crush a few toes, but I'll be looking forward to see what you can do. I'm certain I'll be impressed with what I see."

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Picking up the gold gem, Taima gently rolled it around her hand for a few seconds, before handing the gold over to the shopkeeper. "Here, I'll take this one." Placing her other hand on top of the gem, she applied enough pressure to shatter it, shivering slightly as a feeling like a cold wave washed over her. She guessed that was the magic, judging from the lack of gem shards left in her hand. "Hmm. Seems it worked."

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Melanie felt herself smile and blush a bit over Magali calling her a dear. It was that caring again, that caring she wasn't used to. It wasn't bad, by any means, but... "Eef you are sure... Magali ees also right. I do most of ze 'ealing around 'ere. I do not 'ave zat great of ze skill wis a staff, ben, eef you are bleeding, I can probablement make eet stop!" She nodded about that, folding her arms under her chest as she leaned on the counter. She didn't have to say anything else about Magali's dancing; Orpheus would see it, and feel it, for himself when they got down to it... And speaking of fighting. "Donc, ehm, what do you fight wis, Orpheus? I do not sink zat I saw you fight, today."

Taima seemed to have bought herself a gem, and the same thing happened, so Mel wasn't going to worry about her own magical mishaps anymore. Maybe she'd even come and join their little talk! That'd be nice. Mel had spoken to her a few times before, rather seriously, but never had a calm conversation. Though, perhaps inside the gem man's shop wasn't the best place to have a nice big talk...

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Orpheus laughed, Melanie had put it in a rather amusing way, his axe was starting to feel rather simple in comparison to his magical comrades. "Nothing fancy like you guys, I just swing an axe about. Mind you, I'm not too bad on a horse. It's a whole other can of worms compared to fighting on foot, but it does have its advantages."

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Taima wandered over to the rest of the group. "You using axes makes me glad I didn't end up facing you in the tournament. Me and axes don't get along so well, what with me using lances and all."

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Taima had joined the conversation, another face he was familiar with. If he recalled correctly, she'd done pretty well. "Ha, don't worry about it. It's not all about what weapon you use. I've seen fellas who manage to botch it up with some fine stuff. Besides, not like we'd ever need to fight proper, you'd probably cream me anyway, you did come like third after all."

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"Why, thank you~. I am sure you will like it, as the others did." Magali took Orpheus' compliment well, brushing a hand over Melanie's hair. "Worry not, we *are* friends, right?" With a smile, she made it for one of the shelves that had the vitality gems. With care, Magali took the gem to the counter and counted her money, calculating the price she saw on the shelves. "Here, that should be enough for the both of us, right?"
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Aha, Taima had joined them, what luck~ Melanie was really liking the little group they had going, here. She even managed a chuckle and a smile at Magali's affectionate pat. "Oui, you are right... Désolé." Either way, now she had people to talk to! "You use ze axe? 'Ow do you manage zat? Zey are so big, I can not even sink about 'ow much strengs eet would require to pick up such a sing..." And to Taima, "oui, I saw~ You were amazing~ I am very glad I gave you ze pass een zat round, you would 'ave srown me about wissout any effort at all~!" Melanie giggled and hugged herself a bit. "I am so glad we 'ave you een ze group, Taima."

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"Well... no, it probably wasn't entirely my fault," Sheikah admitted to the swordsman. "But as a leader, whenever something goes wrong, I feel responsible. Like if I changed some detail beforehand, things would be different, even if there's no way I could've foresaw something... there's still that lasting thought and feelings of regret." She gave him a confused look as he apologized for something she couldn't discern. "What do you mean? I'm not sure what you're sorry for... well, I suppose it's probably not too important. I'm glad to hear you got to catch up with your friend. Don't suppose he wants to join up with us too, does he?" Sheikah fiddled with her ponytail briefly. "What he brought with him... is it the page on the floor? It seems out of place with everything else."

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The shopkeeper seemed relieved that Magali had enough money to cover Melanie's carelessness, taking the money from her and Taima. "Uh, thanks all of you." He wasn't really sure what to say at this point.

"At least you have the horse." Norman laughed, joining the conversation. "I'm just stuck with my axes. It feels kind of weird to just be stuck with one weapon when everyone else seems to have multiple or can fly or something, but eh." He tried not to let it bother him too much, even if it did make him feel... kind of expendable.

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"I understand. Really, I do." Vale shifted his position a little--his shoulder started to ache again, and with that all the rest of the pain gradually returned. A delayed reaction to his waking up, he supposed. He sighed. He was still so tired. "I think that could apply to a lot of things. But I understand that regret--if only you had realized a certain thing sooner, or changed one tiny piece here... but in the end there's still nothing we can really... well, do." He continued to wring his hands but didn't even notice it now.

"Oh!" He started. "I mean, I tend to trail off. I kinda..." He tried to piece the words together in his head. "Lately I've been thinking about a lot of things, and not all of them are things I like thinking about." He bent over suddenly at the mention of the scrap of paper and reached over for it from the bed, eventually catching it between two fingers. He'd almost forgotten about it. "Yeah... this." He seemed not to catch Sheikah's joke, subtle as it was; either way, Vale surmised Noah wasn't coming back. Literally and figuratively. "This is a letter from someone that meant a lot to me. He's been dead for... three years now, I think." His voice lost a certain spark to it.

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Wolfgang's time in the tournament was perhaps better than his comrades, a couple of whom he had to face. The first one was Orpheus, and although he felt guilty about knowckin out a fresh acquaintance and member of the mercenaries, he had to no hesitate. He was in this tournament to win. "Well, I'll not be going easy on you now, just because we know each other. My apologies."

Two orbs of darkness sent the axeman flying, but not before he somehow managed to hit Wolfgang , which caught him off guard. Although he was soon healed, Wolfgang was annoyed that he had been so careless. His mood foul, he tried to ready himself against his next opponent, who was Ivan. Isn't he the thief in our group? I'm not sure if he's good enough for combat but I'll-

Before Wolfgang could even assess his opponent, he was struck down with one blow.

When he came too, he could see that the tournament area was almost empty, and all he had to do was collect his reward. Although bitter about losing the way he did, he was quite satisfied with going all the way up to round three. He went up to the counter, "Wolfgang Night, here to collect my reward."

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Peter had decided to stay put, in the hopes that he'd be able to reorient himself. He saw a familiar figure in robes approach the counter. "Heh. How far did you get?" From what he heard, Wolfgang wasn't the outright winner.

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"Hi Sierra!" Artemis replied, waving back almost as excitedly as Sierra. "Third's not bad at all," Artemis nodded, agreeing with Mina's consensus. "There's still room for improvement, but I'm sure you can do it! Oh, uh..." She trailed off. "Well, I'm not really much of a fighter and it would've been embarrassing to lose in like the second round, so I didn't bother participating. I'm feeling pretty okay now. Probably should've planned for our visit better though, since I'm not really sure what I should be doing. But enough about me, how about you?"

Edited by Refa
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