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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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why did we allow flying mages again

Artemis hits and deals 18 damage! (71,66)
Artemis hits and deals 16 damage! (51,96)

The group gains 2 exp.

Artemis: 29/29
Cavalier H: 1/35
Lugos hits and deals 19 damage!

Lugos: 32/33
Cavalier G: -5/38

The group gains 6 exp.
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Feeling unusually lucky, Orpheus saw his moment to step in. Bizarrely, the flying mage seemed to have spared the enemy. Was it really time for sympathy? One of their own had gone down, the armoured one from before. He'd found some new companions, and he didn't quite feel like letting a few die just yet.

Sheikah moves to 11,11 and casts shine on Merc B!

The boss seemed to think the same, it would only be fitting for him to show he was pulling his weight. Riding up to the horseman, Orpheus brandished his axe.

"That's a fine axe you swing, but mine's just that bit finer."

Orpheus moves to 9,11, attacks Cav H with his Quick Axe and cantos back to 7,11!

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Sheikah hits and deals 13 damage! (22,73)

The group gains 2 exp.

Sheikah: 31/31

Mercenary B: 25/38

Orpheus hits and deals 8 damage! (56,7)

The group gains 5 exp.

Orpheus: 37/37

Cavalier H: -7/35

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Seeing Taima go down, Celestia felt a lump grow in her throat. There were so few of them left, but they were putting up a fight, and going down swinging. Seeing an opening arrive for her to strike at the apparent leaders, the Templar took it.

"This is enough, already. Just go down!"

Celestia moves to 9,12, activates Speed chant, and uses Thani on Ankier! (Melanie support, Charm in range)

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It takes two tries, but the knight falls.

Celestia activates Luna! (2)
Celestia misses! (95,37)
Celestia hits and deals 27 damage! (3,87)
The group gains 6 exp.

Celestia 34/34
Ankier: -6/36
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The cavaliers made the first charge, unfortunately, Magali saw Taima be knocked out without being able to do much from her position aside from look away. If only... Sighing, she knew she had to make out of the thickets sooner than later, and the mercenary company already started their counterattack.

"Cast your magic again, we can't afford them a second wind." Magali stated as calmly as circumstances would have her, and began her magical dance for Celestia.

Magali to 9,11, dance for Celestia.

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"Miss Taima, non!" Things has been going so well, too. But it seemed that something had to go wrong just before they were done. Taima was knocked over by some heavy blows, Mel anxiously fidgeting in place before the obstacles to her healing were knocked out of the way. She rushed around the fighting and started healing their downed knight, hoping she'd be able to pick herself back up.

Melllllllelelelelelelel to 8,13, heal Tiamat.

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"Of course." Celestia replied to Magali with a small nod, a bit of relief on her face as Melanie began to rouse Taima with her healing staff... all the more reason to end this, and keep her out of danger...

Staying in place, the Templar fired off another volley of magic at the last horseman, with her newfound re-invigoration.

Celestia uses Thani on Caros! (Melanie support, charm in effect)

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Declan hits and deals 13 damage!
Fighter B hits but who even cares?
Declan hits and deals 13 damage!

The group gains 5 exp.

Fighter B: dead/10
Declan: not dead/10
Magali dances for Celestia.

The group gains 2 exp.
Melanie uses Heal on Taima or something. 

The group gains 2 exp.
rip Caros (1,55)

The group gains 16 exp. 

Map complete!

I'm busy, so this might take a while. The sheet is not up to date yet.

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And with that, the Hollows had won the battle. The last Angalan fighter tried to drop his weapon and make a run for it, but found himself blown off his feet, high into the air. When he landed again, it was in a crumpled heap, and he didn't seem to stir again. "Well then." The merchant seemed to relax after a few seconds, shutting his tome and tucking it away again, seemingly satisfied with himself. "That settles that." As far as he was concerned, he'd done his part in the battle, and it was down to Sheikah to sort everything else out.

Elsewhere, the bandits seemed to realise that they were fighting a losing battle. Even with the advantage of their stronghold, they still seemed to be outnumbered, and with the chance of them having friends in the area, they didn't want to risk it. They retreated further into the ruined building, leaving no indicator that they had stayed. If the Hollows looked further inside, they would probably be able to find another exit on the other side of the crumbling fort, as well as several chests which had been left behind after they fled. Ivan would probably be able to pry them open... providing he could get up, that is.

Norman let out a sigh of relief as they went, glad that the fighting was over. After Ivan had been knocked out, he'd expected things to take a turn for the worst, but it seemed that they were safe for now, which was good. Even if it feels like I didn't really do anything... He shook his head, mentally berating himself. For now, they just needed to make sure that the others were okay (although from what he could see they'd been cutting through the cavalry fairly quickly) and make sure that they could get Ivan some help. He wasn't sure how bad the wound was though - could they risk moving him? "...I'll go get a healer for him." he decided, hurrying back towards Sheikah's group, leaving the others behind with the thief. Hopefully his injury wouldn't be a serious one.

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Taima lay on her side, her vision turning blurry in what seemed to be the common thing these days. As she slowly wavered in between conscious and unconscious, she couldn't help but despair over her last few attempts at fighting. The last battle where she ended in a similar position to this, the tournament where the quick thief had destroyed her, and now once again, her armor ripped in places as the man's sword had simply acted like it was wet paper. Her talent was supposed to lie in taking hits and yet here she was, almost dying once again. As she felt the start of healing magic touch her, she sighed and simply let go of the fight to hold onto consciousness. She couldn't face the shame right now of once again failing.

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"What was that for?!" Sheikah asked Calden with outrage, landing after the battle. "You will never do anything like that ever, ever again as long as you're under my employ. We're not here to fight anyone surrendering to us!" She dismounted Privia, checking over anyone and kneeling by Taima upon seeing her injured state. "Are you alright?" she asked, unsure if the knight was even awake or not. "Damn..." She pat her friend on the hair before standing and addressing everyone else. "Alright, we can all rest for a bit for now. That was a tough fight... you all did good out there. Let's get it all together before we figure out what we should be doing next."
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Peter lowered himself to one knee, then turned to Ivan. "Hang in there, man. You won the tournament. . .you can't die now. . ." He looked up at Vale and Declan, and sighed. "We. . .survived. Thanks, you guys. . .those bandits were something else. . ."

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So the battle was over. Melanie kept healing Taima's wounds until she couldn't see anything bleeding any more, but it would be up to the woman to wake herself up. Melanie could only fix physical wounds. She couldn't do much if someone was knocked out. Leaving her to her own devices, Mel brought herself back over the rest of the group. Notably, Celestia. She was almost smiling, and would've been if there wasn't someone down on their side. "Celestia, I can not believe eet! Zat magique... Eet was so powerful! I-I can not believe..." She repeated herself, staring at the tome the girl had been using. Would she be that powerful, one day? It was a welcome thought, with how these fights seemed to be getting more and more tense. "What ees eet?" she finally asked. "Zat magique, what ees eet called?"

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Wolfgang snapped out of his day dreams as he heard Shiekah scream at someone. From the sounds of it, the enemy had surrendered, and the battle was over. He chuckled to himself- he didn't even need to use his tome for the entire skirmish. Well that quite uneventful! Oh well, I've got bigger enemies to bring down! This is just the tip of the iceberg!

"You guys have nothing to worry about! The bandits have fled the scene! There won't be anymore bloodshed here for a while!" he yelled out to the people in the house that he had warned earlier, before addressing Lugos, "Hey, I'll need a lift. It'll take quite the trek for me to reach the others on foot, you know!"

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Replacing his axe on his belt, Orpheus looked across the field, their fallen foes littering the scenery. It'd been quite the battle, but he'd pulled through. Maybe the whole mercenary thing wasn't so hard after all. Taima was being tended to by Melanie, so she probably wasn't entirely dead. There was one thing that bothered him though. It wasn't the death, destruction or the sheer ferocity of their enemy.

It was the mage, apparently surrender wasn't good enough for him. Orpheus dismounted, storming up to Calden.

"Nice shot, shorty. Maybe we can find their wife and kids, you could blow them up too if you're feeling keen." Orpheus fumed, considering introducing Calden to his fist. "Where do you get off killing people like that? Battle's over once the fighting stops, but I can keep it going for you if you like."

Edited by Shin
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Is she really arguing about this? Calden wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this idealistic crap - he'd just done what he had to. "Every enemy who runs away means another person we might need to fight again somewhere down the line." Calden responded. "We're in the middle of a war, and I don't know about you, but I'm taking every advantage I can get. I would rather not have to fight every single battle horribly outnumbered if I can help it."

And then the new guy, who Calden had never bothered to learn the name of, decided to come and scold him too. Wonderful. "Really? Do you think I enjoy doing stuff like this?" he asked, attempting (and failing) to seem as tall as possible compared to the ex-farm hand. "Because I don't. But if nobody else will, then I'll step up. I don't give a damn about what you think of me if it increases the odds of me surviving." He was starting to hate this guy already. And I thought with Helen gone, my troubles would be over... He'd always known that he had terrible luck, but seriously.

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"We are mercenaries, not needless slaughterers!" Sheikah reprimanded. "I don't give terribly many orders in battle, and I will not have you disobey the few that I do. That's enough back-talk if you want to stay employed with us- and considering the sorry state of affairs around us, I don't think your luck would go too well trying what you did before." The boss crossed her arms and returned to riding Privia, since apparently height was in the discussion and she didn't want her lack of it to throw what she said into question. With a small prod, the wyvern roared, and Sheikah felt that was the end of that discussion.
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There were two things Orpheus hated, hard work and people who disagreed with him. This magical punk was the two combined. Orpheus hadn't taken particular notice of their boss until now, but it at least seemed they were thinking along the same lines as him. Taking a step towards Calden, Orpheus bent down, his face right in front of the mage.

"If you want to survive so bad, go find some library to hide away in. If you want to play with the big boys, start acting like one." he growled. Sick of Calden's attitude, Orpheus threw his head forwards, aiming to smash his noggin against Calden. He didn't particularly care if he managed to avoid it or not, the message was more important.

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"...Fine." Calden could see that Sheikah was speaking with emotion, not reason, and so there was no point pressing the issue further. In fact, he was about to leave and hop back in his wagon when Orpheus mashed his head into Calden's noggin. "What the hell are you doing!?" he yelled, recoiling and clutching his forehead with his left hand, readying his tome with the other in case the bumpkin tried anything else.

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"That's enough, both of you!" Celestia interjected, as Calden and Orpheus traded words, and then light blows, the merchant reaching for his tome. Giving Melanie a light tap on the shoulder to indicate that she'd talk to her after this was settled.

"I don't condone what he did either, but starting more violence will do nothing but harm. We don't even know how the others at the fortress are faring, for all we kow they could be in dire straights while we're here yelling and threatening each other... please, leave your personal issues aside until we're sure there are no more enemies lying in wait, and that our friends are safe." The templar noted, hoping to dispel the current situation.

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Orpheus wiped his face, grinning intently at Calden. He could have easily gone for another round or two with him. Calden seemed to want to take things a little further, he could see the mage clutching his tome. Orpheus could play his game, although the prospect of cutting him in half wasn't exactly appealing. Celestia's interjection was probably a good thing, Orpheus had mentally planned a couple of punches he would be better off not delivering.

Letting out a huff, Orpheus walked away from Calden, heading back to his horse.

"I'm done. Maybe that knocked some sense into HIM, I don't have anything else to say to that punk." he remarked, ensuring Calden was well in earshot.

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Artemis dismounted from Sigurd after the battle ended, somewhat dazed despite sustaining no injuries. What are we even doing here? I didn't sign up for this shit, she thought to herself as she bumped into Orpheus, too self absorbed in her own concerns to notice or care. "Yeah, I'll go check on the others," She said to Celestia flatly, walking back towards where she'd left Sigurd. Maybe this'll help clear my mind, she thought while she was ascending.


As she dismounted yet again, Artemis called out, "Hey, just came here to check on you guys and to see if everything went alright. Looks like the fighting ended here too, and you all seem well eno...wait, what's that?" She questioned, as her head tilted towards Ivan. "H-he's not dead, is he?!"

Edited by Refa
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Mmm, Ivan not expect hits that lots. Ivan be waking after, fight done already.

Ivan noticing Peter and Artemis was show help for Ivan.

"I-Ivan o-okay." Ivan groan as strain shoulder try sit up. Ivan being hurting more thinking, laying down.

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