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SSB4's view of Chrom


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Roy was viewed by many as the young badass counterpart to Marth's graceful femininity. Yet in game Roy is a more naive and childlike character.

This is just wrong

Roy is essentially a perfect human in FE6 canon. You can descibe FE6 as "Roy is an awesome dude who beats army, gets legendary weapon, and kill dragons" and it won't stray far from the actual canon, and I think its kind of the point of the game, since it was meant to be a call back to the optimistic game that is FE1

He is unrealistically mature for how old he is, a wise commander, a smart guy who essentially provide the brains of the army, a huge pimp(okay, not really) and good enough to stomp 3 country with an army of his own. Young Badass Prodigy is BY FAR the best word to describe Roy as a character because thats what he is. People are blinded by his terrible stats, but in reality story Roy is a badass on an unbelievable level. The only moment in the story where Roy showed any sort of imperfection is either irrelevant(described as dense. Who the fuck cares) or logical(the time when he first met a Manakete)

I'd argue the same happen with Eliwood. He have bad stats, so people tend to forgot that he is the mature guy which is also the only reason the childish duo of Hector and Lyn did not kill each other the moment they met up. The only difference between Roy and Eliwood is the fact that story Eliwood is only described as a wise, heroic character, but not much in term of ridiculous badass feats, while Roy is genuinely a huge 5 star badass

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I just looked up whatever the hell, "Palutena's Guidance" was.

...scrolling down to the section on Robin...





Daaaammmmnnn! Nintendo bashing Chrom, much?

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As much as I wouldn't mind having Chrom in Smash as a playable fighter, I can honestly say that a part of the fan community is much harsher to Chrom than Sakurai, Nintendo and Namco Bandai are -- there's quite a few pieces of fanart that are making fun of Chrom's deconfirmation:

-one animated gif showing Chrom using a seal to become a wyvern rider... with Ridley as his mount! Rejected as usual

-another animated gif that was based off of the WWII movie, Der Untergang/Downfall, with Chrom taking the role of Hitler

-one comic showing Chrom displeased by the script he has for his cameo in Palutena's guidance before Gaius gives him the news that Mewtwo is confirmed as DLC, only for Chrom to have hopes that he could be a DLC fighter only for Tharja to shoot that hope down

-several pictures depicting Chrom seemingly reacting to Robin's and Lucina's reveal trailer (sometimes along with Roy)

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Lucina only got in for fandom in Japan and that she is a girl.

But...still...Chrom was the one eating game overs whenever he dies and Lucina wasn't. -.-

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As much as I wouldn't mind having Chrom in Smash as a playable fighter, I can honestly say that a part of the fan community is much harsher to Chrom than Sakurai, Nintendo and Namco Bandai are -- there's quite a few pieces of fanart that are making fun of Chrom's deconfirmation:

-one animated gif showing Chrom using a seal to become a wyvern rider... with Ridley as his mount! Rejected as usual

-another animated gif that was based off of the WWII movie, Der Untergang/Downfall, with Chrom taking the role of Hitler

-one comic showing Chrom displeased by the script he has for his cameo in Palutena's guidance before Gaius gives him the news that Mewtwo is confirmed as DLC, only for Chrom to have hopes that he could be a DLC fighter only for Tharja to shoot that hope down

-several pictures depicting Chrom seemingly reacting to Robin's and Lucina's reveal trailer (sometimes along with Roy)

Yeah, I think I have to agree with this. I'm even guilty of teasing Chrom since I did so in my Ike celebration fanart. Ike is standing in an arena surrounded by lots of his fans, mostly female, including Mist, Elincia, Aimee, and Soren (with Sothe hiding above them). :P Chrom is there too, but he's covered in tomato stains, implying that Ike's fans hate him and think he's a loser. lol

But it's just a joke within a celebration. I'm not trying to insult Chrom fans with it. Just have some fun.

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I mean there havent been any full-fledged female FE reps in Smash, so I don't see anything wrong with this

No kidding. After years of people complaining (rightfully) about the dearth of female Smashers we got 1.5 female FE reps in Lucina and Robin. Out of four reps total. Plus all the Chrom cameos, which seem in no worse taste than what, uh, every other character in SSB gets done unto them in each installment (remember all the humiliating "deaths" of The Subspace Emissary?). We should be celebrating.

Like a couple of posters said above, there's an obvious sense of fun to both the in-game ribbing and the fandom ribbing. Being important enough to poke fun at sure beats being ignored, for a long-time niche franchise.

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Peach gets ribbed for allowing herself to constantly get kidnapped, Bowser gets ripped on for going out go-karting and sporting with the rest of the Marioverse, they make fun of Ike's giant meaty muscles, they kinda lampshade the fact that Dark Pit, Lucina, and Dr. Mario are unnecessary clones, they make fun of DK for wearing nothing but a tie... honestly, there's enough humour in the Guidance conversations that I don't think Chrom has really been singled out. The trophy didn't lambaste him.

...And as a side note, I find Chrom's awkward defense of Robin really funny considering Sugita and Mercer both voice Gintoki from Gintama, who is all about self-referential humour. Seems like something he would do.

Oops only Sugita voices Gintoki. It's actually Chris Patton who does English Gintoki. I don't know why I thought otherwise?

Edited by Samias
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...And as a side note, I find Chrom's awkward defense of Robin really funny considering Sugita and Mercer both voice Gintoki from Gintama, who is all about self-referential humour. Seems like something he would do.


Is Mercer sharing EVERYTHING with Sugita now? xD

First it was Chrom, then Alvin from Xillia, now Gintoki?

Man, I wonder if Patrick Seitz will get replaced in Blazblue.

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Is Mercer sharing EVERYTHING with Sugita now? xD

First it was Chrom, then Alvin from Xillia, now Gintoki?

I gotta hand it to Mercer, he's doing a mighty fine job as our western Sugita. That's some really tough competition to keep up with. To go from "Poor man's Troy Baker" to "Western Sugita" is pretty awesome.

Man, I wonder if Patrick Seitz will get replaced in Blazblue.

But this would be disastrous. Seitz is Ragna. My bias is speaking since Seitz is my favorite western VA, but whatever.

As of Smash Bros., Chrom is a a memetic loser. But its less about making fun of Chrom than it is about poking fun at the people who wanted him in the game.

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I also don't see how Chrom was made to be a joke in the Robin/Lucina trailer either.

Chrom says "I suppose I'll get my chance another day..." in the reveal trailer. It pokes fun at how he didn't make it in.

they kinda lampshade the fact that Dark Pit, Lucina, and Dr. Mario are unnecessary clones,

Pretty sure Sakurai doesn't like the fan's bitter responses to the clones and laughs at their responses.

Is Mercer sharing EVERYTHING with Sugita now? xD

First it was Chrom, then Alvin from Xillia, now Gintoki?

Man, I wonder if Patrick Seitz will get replaced in Blazblue.

Mercer is a Sugita fan, hands down.

there's quite a few pieces of fanart that are making fun of Chrom's deconfirmation:

-one animated gif showing Chrom using a seal to become a wyvern rider... with Ridley as his mount! Rejected as usual

-another animated gif that was based off of the WWII movie, Der Untergang/Downfall, with Chrom taking the role of Hitler

-one comic showing Chrom displeased by the script he has for his cameo in Palutena's guidance before Gaius gives him the news that Mewtwo is confirmed as DLC, only for Chrom to have hopes that he could be a DLC fighter only for Tharja to shoot that hope down

-several pictures depicting Chrom seemingly reacting to Robin's and Lucina's reveal trailer (sometimes along with Roy)

There was also an edited screencap where Chrom was wearing a lot of party hats and other birthday party stuff asking Sakurai if he was unique enough, with Sakurai's response simply being "No."

And this gif:


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Is Mercer sharing EVERYTHING with Sugita now? xD

First it was Chrom, then Alvin from Xillia, now Gintoki?

Man, I wonder if Patrick Seitz will get replaced in Blazblue.

Actually I screwed up, Chris Patton is Gintoki. I think I was thinking of Alvin when I thought of shared roles x_x and then remembered Sugita as Gintoki and then somehow thought Mercer was also Gintoki. I guess the VA joke still stands, as Alvin is mopey and sarcastic so often, or you can just think of Sugita channeling Gintoki at that moment to make Chrom the biggest, coolest loser.

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Chrom says "I suppose I'll get my chance another day..." in the reveal trailer. It pokes fun at how he didn't make it in.

And then the trailer says "No, you'll get it today" and then shows Chrom in Robin's FS. Which nullifies any "joke."

Edited by Anacybele
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And then the trailer says "No, you'll get it today" and then shows Chrom in Robin's FS. Which nullifies any "joke."

If anything, the fact that Chrom shows up as Robin's FS right after does indeed confirm the joke, because it cements the fact that Chrom has lost every chance of being a playable character. Even with DLC coming, he's basically been entirely deconfirmed. Even Tharja has a better chance at making it in.

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I still don't see any jokes though. Just Chrom lamenting having been beaten to a pulp by Captain Falcon. Any warrior would feel that way about such a loss.

I guess so. Even Ike would feel like that.

But really, it's the fact that Chrom spends the entire trailer just lying on the ground without even being able to get up while Lucina and Robin are fighting for him. It's not just jokey, but even feels downright pathetic.

I think Sakurai was clearly aiming at making fun of Chrom a bit when he made that trailer. I don't think he was trying to insult Chrom fans or anything like that, but that he was aiming for something humorous, that much is true.

The fact tons of people found the trailer hilarious (look for Youtube reactions vids) should be evidence enough of that.

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If anything, the fact that Chrom shows up as Robin's FS right after does indeed confirm the joke, because it cements the fact that Chrom has lost every chance of being a playable character. Even with DLC coming, he's basically been entirely deconfirmed. Even Tharja has a better chance at making it in.

This is only if being playable is the be-all-end-all. For some, it is, and that's why so many are overreacting. But it's not a joke, because Sakurai doesn't see it that way. He clearly wanted to give Chrom good treatment as well, and figured giving him the role in Robin's final smash was a good way of doing it. He still "gets his chance," after all.

Would him not being in a final smash suddenly give him a chance of being playable? Would fans honestly prefer him to have no role in the game and hope beyond reason for him to be DLC, or would they prefer that he shows up in a final smash (something shared by very few others), victory scene (shared by one other), and Palutena's Guidance conversation (KI characters aside, shared by no one)?

I mean, I want Lyn playable, but I'm happy she's an assist trophy because I realize her chances of being playable are basically null. But that seems to be an uncommon viewpoint, for some reason.

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Yeah, Red Fox has the right of it. I wanted Ghirahim to be playable, but I'm happy that he's an assist and has music in the Wii U version. A more valid complaint would be Isaac being cut entirely or Vaati once again not getting anything despite that he's more recurring in the Zelda series than even Ghirahim. He's not even in Hyrule Warriors!

So honestly, Chrom fans have it way better than some of us.

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I'd say Isaac has a much better chance of being DLC than Chrom ever would have, regardless of his other roles.

Then again, it's entirely possible his franchise has just been cut from Smash completely, and if that turns out to be the case, that hopefulness from Isaac fans will turn into something much nastier.

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