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Does anyone want a Fire Emblem game for Wii U?


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Go take a empty wrapping paper roll

Draw two lines on opposite sides to represent edges

And try it.

It's so awkward I could cry.

There are other odd things too (ie the camera when using unpromoted Ilyana. I'm glad FE10 fixed that...)

It's even more awkward than this:


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The fact they were really awkward (especially on maps).

Ranger Ike holds his sword in possibly the oddest way I've ever seen. And I thought non-Sword of Seals!Roy was weird.

I recall Ike's FE9 stances being based on actual forms of sword fighting. And junk.

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I agree that the map animations were kind of awkward. But I never had any issue with the actual battle ones.

I like the way Ranger Ike holds his sword... :(

The battle animations in PoR are still as all hell. I hate the mage animations the most.

As for Ike's battle stance, ever tried that in real life? Sure it looks all bamfy, but you wide open and will get demolished. 'Tis amongst the most impractical sword stances ever.

I recall Ike's FE9 stances being based on actual forms of sword fighting. And junk.

Wat. You can swing the sword like Ike does and it be fine, but that stance? Pretty sure thats just aesthetic.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Ah, the "chained to the TV" is the thing that bothers me the most. I like playing FE in bed the most or during longer car rides. And the 3D FEs were fucking ugly. The stories were okay, but in both cases I find they could've cut out some stuff. Especially that horrible 4-part level (I think Chp. 16? in Serens Forest). That chapter was such a drag and boring.

Also, pixel style = <3

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Also, FE doesn't need much of a console's hardware anyway, so there's nothing to lose from choosing the 3DS over it.

Except space, like I said. Look a the length of PoR and RD's storyline compared to Awakening's. Awakening tried too hard to stuff a lot of content in a tiny 3DS game card and that hurt its story and such. There's no triangle attack, no light magic, no magic trinities, anima magic is bundled into one weapon rank instead of three, there aren't unique chapter objectives or awesome map design, the game has a smaller cast (even smaller than FE7, I think), etc. If IS wants to stuff a lot of content into their FE games and not have to sacrifice so much like this, the Wii U is better suited for that.

And the 3D FEs were fucking ugly.

...Are you serious? The Tellius games are generally agreed upon to have the best designs in the series.

Chapter 17 in PoR WAS a pain the ass though, particularly in phase 3. >_<

Edited by Anacybele
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...Are you serious? The Tellius games are generally agreed upon to have the best designs in the series.

Chapter 17 in PoR WAS a pain the ass though, particularly in phase 3. >_<

Yes. What do I care what other people say about the 3d graphics? I find them ugly. It happens all the time that people don't like the things you like. This is one of them.

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Okay, sorry. I've just never heard anyone say that they're ugly. I was surprised. Sorry...

I think I sounded a bit more curt than I wanted to. Sorry about that.

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Except space, like I said. Look a the length of PoR and RD's storyline compared to Awakening's. Awakening tried too hard to stuff a lot of content in a tiny 3DS game card and that hurt its story and such. There's no triangle attack, no light magic, no magic trinities, anima magic is bundled into one weapon rank instead of three, there aren't unique chapter objectives or awesome map design, the game has a smaller cast (even smaller than FE7, I think), etc. If IS wants to stuff a lot of content into their FE games and not have to sacrifice so much like this, the Wii U is better suited for that.

FE7 has all that and is a GBA game. Why couldn't Awakening do the same? I know nothing about space, but it is a bit odd that a GBA game has space for these things whereas a 3DS game hasn't.

I also don't buy the story thing because it is IS' fault that they tried to include three arcs in a single 3DS game. It's evident that in most cases this does not work. That's lack of planning.

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Yeah, but FE7 didn't have a bunch of paralogues and unnecessary new classes and junk stuffed into it. Trickster? War Cleric/Monk? Griffon Rider? I didn't really care for any of these, personally. Awakening also had more support conversations and a skill system. This probably left no space for the things I listed.

Edited by Anacybele
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I wouldn't mind a Fire Emblem Wii U, but I prefer handheld FEs.

They just seem better to me, I can play it anywhere. On the Wii U, sure you don't really need the TV, but it's not like I can bring the Wii U gamepad into a car and expect to play it on the ride to Quebec. Fire Emblem really does seem like it would thrive in the handheld world.

I think FE Wii U would look beautiful in HD, but I don't think I'd want it. Sacred Stones, New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, all games I enjoyed.

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I'm no programmer, but I don't think Awakening pushes the limits of the 3DS. Even if it does, it's most likely due to the graphics rather than gameplay mechanics. For an SRPG, portability is a much more important factor than graphics anyway.

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IMO they should employ a FE handheld in 32 bit graphics without 3d animation and drop all the unnecessary stuff awakening had so they would have more space for story, more characters, bigger maps and stuff that makes the player feel convinient(or they should just release another gba game only with strength/magic split thingy and forging) because graphics take too much space and are mostly irrelevant and if you are wondering why, just look at Fe7 or 8 or 6, these games are amazing even without 3d graphics.)

if they would be one on the Wii U, that should have HD, decent animations, more charakters, bonus storylines and generally a good and long storyline with big maps,(because it does not use small cartridges),so that i think it was worth buying a Wii U not just for SSB4, Mario and the new Zelda.

i would be even willing to wait about five years to recieve either of my suggestions. (i expect to be horribly hated for this but i don't care because it is just my opinion, also i could have written something incomprehensible which can lead to the hate)

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Except space, like I said. Look a the length of PoR and RD's storyline compared to Awakening's. Awakening tried too hard to stuff a lot of content in a tiny 3DS game card and that hurt its story and such. There's no triangle attack, no light magic, no magic trinities, anima magic is bundled into one weapon rank instead of three, there aren't unique chapter objectives or awesome map design, the game has a smaller cast (even smaller than FE7, I think), etc. If IS wants to stuff a lot of content into their FE games and not have to sacrifice so much like this, the Wii U is better suited for that.

The 3DS could easily handle all that stuff you mention. EASILY. All of the stuff you mention is just data, and the 3DS is known for having games packed with content. So no, it's not an issue of space. If I had to guess, it's more of an issue of time since adding all the stuff you mention does take extra development.

And to give you an idea. Fire Emblem is about 1.1 GB in size. The largest 3DS game is Bravely Default, at a whooping 3.4 GB. So as you can see, FE13 does not use a third of what we know the 3DS is able to push.

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I see a lot of people talking about the space/ power of the 3DS. With the "NEW" 3DS (which has much better processing power) coming out next year do you think that a FE game designed to play on that would be better than a Wii U version?

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Wat. You can swing the sword like Ike does and it be fine, but that stance? Pretty sure thats just aesthetic.

His FE9 Lord class uses the Fool's Guard stance at least. Looking all off guard to put your foe in a false sense of security but still ready to react and stuff.

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I see a lot of people talking about the space/ power of the 3DS. With the "NEW" 3DS (which has much better processing power) coming out next year do you think that a FE game designed to play on that would be better than a Wii U version?

Yeah, but that would have to make this FE game exclusive to the New 3DS and I don't think people are going to buy another 3DS just to play more FE.

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I would certainly buy another console FE. I loved RD and also enjoyed PoR, and if they can fit a long story with tonnes of juicy mechanics and triples classes and good-looking 3D, I'd be all over it.

That said, I do in general prefer playing FE on a handheld, and given sales and such, I also think we're more likely to continue to see FE develop on the handheld market rather than going over to the Wii U.

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Realistically there's absolutely nothing that can be done on the Wii U in terms of gameplay that cannot be done on the 3DS (and if there is then the New 3DS certainly will be able to do it. That thing can run Xenoblade!). That being said I would still love to see a Fire Emblem game on the Wii U. They could do something which is just super grand in scale, like Holy War maps. It could have a beautiful UI using the Wii U Pad, and while I'm not one to particularly care about graphics, if they can make Chapter 16 look like that on the 3DS, just think what beautiful things they could make on Wii U. Awakening could have removed all those paralogues and put them into the main plot but, I think being a handheld, people are more expecting of a 25-30 chapter story rather than the 40+ campaign like Radiant Dawn. Wii U could give us a game on a much bigger scale not because it's able to, but because a bigger game would fit a home console more. At least that's the way I see it. Of course I'll buy a new Fire Emblem game either way.

Edited by Jotari
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Correction: The NEW 3DS can run Xenoblade. The OG 3DS can't.

Gah. I meant to say New 3DS. In fact my sentence makes very little sense without the New in it. I shall edit it now.

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Yeah, but that would have to make this FE game exclusive to the New 3DS and I don't think people are going to buy another 3DS just to play more FE.

This New 3DS idea was bad anyway. I just bought my 3DS XL for 800 bucks (inflation & poor country, ho!), I won't buy a New 3DS any time soon, nor do I think anyone will buy one without a very good reason.

I wonder if they really thought that adding feet was going to make the data overweight on the 3DS, this is so silly. Seems like another lack of planning from IS' part.

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Jotari basically summed up what I've been trying to say. It's why I really want a Wii U FE. Not so much for the graphics or anything, but for just how big the game could be! And for me, the bigger the better when it comes to games. I just don't want the fun to end quickly!

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