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Your perfect Nintendo Direct?


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Just for fun, let's say that a new Nintendo Direct is coming out, or perhaps an E3 Direct, what would it contain to hype you up to the max?

For me:
-New info on Zelda Wii U, gameplay and some plot details.
-New info on Star Fox U
-A new Fire Emblem not involving My Unit.
-A new FPS Metroid Wii U and/or a new side scroller Metroid 3DS
-More info on Xenoblade X
-A non-crap Chibi Robo sequel
-A Custom Robo sequel
-Smash DLC containing any or all of the following: Snake, Simon Belmont, Wolf, Roy, Chibi Robo, Ray 01, Isaac.
-Nintendo's take on the open world sandbox genre (games like Minecraft, GTA, etc)

EDIT: Oh god, I said mimecraft.

Edited by Knight
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Seconding the no MU FE thing. I hate that stuff.

Well, since Nintendo publishes DQ stateside these days, I would love DQVII 3DS to be announced for the US... but we all know that's... not happening.

I also want a new top down Zelda. I like those! Though Zelda WiiU info would be grand.

Also, some actual info on SMTxFE.

It's been nearly 2 years without a word.

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Oh, easy list for me.

- Info on Zelda Wii U and SMT x FE

- New Zelda Four Sword game for the 3DS (or Wii U, either one will satisfy me)

- Super Mario Galaxy-like Mario game for Wii U (3D World is amazing, but it doesn't feel like a true successor)

- A Wii U FE featuring Ike as a support character (not a lord character since his story is done)

- A Tellius HD remake to celebrate FE's 25th anniversary as well as Ike's 10th anniversary, with some new content including additional paired endings (Ike x Elincia, Kieran x Marcia, Aran x Laura, just to name a few, anyone? :3) and conversations between characters, plus trial maps for RD. It would be a bundle that included both PoR and RD in lovely HD graphics and updated animation and such

- FE DLC for Smash Bros. for the same occasion, including Vanguard Ike and Grandmaster Robin for costumes, some trophies, and a Tellius stage

- Zelda DLC for Smash that included Vaati as a playable character would hype me up a lot too

- Luigi's Mansion 3 or an entirely brand new Luigi game with him going on different sort of quest.

- Mario Paint U

- Pokemon Snap U

- Pokemon XY sequels that include Mega Infernape, Mega Rapidash, and Mega Zebstrika :D

And to make some other fans pleased: Star Fox Wii U info, Metroid info, a new F-Zero, and localization of Mother 3

But yeah, this is a lot, and given FE's status as a franchise, it's not all going to happen in one sitting, if it does at all. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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New info on Zelda Wii U and Star Fox Wii U (i.e. what pretty much everyone wants)

New info on Xenoblade Chronicles X

New 3DS NA release date (and, with it, Xenoblade 3DS) announced.

A new Fire Emblem game either for the Wii U or the 3DS (Unlike other people, I'm fine with another My Unit/Avatar character. Provided that they're only about as relevant to the plot as the FE7 Tactician)

Isaac DLC for SSB4 plus a new Golden Sun game. Or even just the first two games released as one with updated visuals for the 3DS.

Twilight Princess HD (Yes, I know, Nintendo released two Zelda remakes fairly recently and with a third coming up in not too long, but TP would really benefit from the HD visuals)

A new Metroid game made by Retro Studios.

Dixie Kong and/or K. Rool DLC for SSB4

A true sequel to Super Mario RPG, featuring Geno and Mallow and all the other characters from the first one (either due to a collaboration with Squeenix or buying the rights to those characters from them)

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Fire Emblem Collectors Edition-Contains every Fire Emblem game from 1 to 12, on DS or New 3DS if the original can run Wii games, yeah probably the New 3DS

Fire Emblem Virtual Console-Fire Emblem 1 through 6 translated.

Mother Collectors Edition-Contains every Mother game translated.

Mother Virtual Console-Mother 1 and 3 fully translated.

A New F-Zero for Wii U or 3DS.

Pokemon Generations 1 through 3 on virtual console.

Super Smash Kart-With all the non-Mario characters I thinks it's time to include everyone.

New Fire Emblem for Wii U or 3DS that allows for competitive online matches similar to Pokemon and expands the metagame.

Kid Icarus for Wii U-Imagine the multiplayer online battles, this would be enough to compete with smash online.

Animal Crossing for the Wii U-One of my top favorite series, there's already a community on the Wii U. I can't wait to hit villagers with my net in HD.

Official statement saying that they have bought Mega Man.

Gamecube Virtual Console on Wii U.

Gameboy Advanced Virtual Console on 3DS.

Super Mario online multiplayer.

A new Kirby game that reveals Meta Knights true identify and origin.

A remake of The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link on the 3DS.

A new Four Swords with online multiplayer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My perfect Nintendo Direct:

A new Sin and Punishment game

With a boss rush mode and sound test.

A new Bangai-O game

With easy level sharing around the world.

A new F-Zero game

With online multiplayer!

A new NiGHTS game

That's more polished and longer than its predecessors.

A new Klonoa game

And he's a DLC character for Smash Bros.

A new 3D Rayman game

In Rayman 3, Murphy says, "See you in Rayman 4!" Where is Rayman 4?

A new Metroid game

That knows whether it wants to be first-person or third-person.

Kirby Air Ride 2

A game that tells Mario Kart 8 to eat dust.

Sonic Adventure 3

With a vastly improved camera.

A Paper Luigi game

Based on his adventures in the Waffle Kingdom as told in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.

A new Fire Emblem game

With more customization for your avatar, online multiplayer, and the ability to create custom maps and story chapters, as well as share them with friends.

Pokemon Rainbow Version

The final Pokemon game, with 1000 Pokemon, an online multiplayer Story Mode, and a "Hyper Speed" button to skip all the battle animations and play through entire battles in seconds.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past remake

Recreated with assets from A Link Between Worlds, it's a free download for people who purchased that title. Also includes a 4-player battle mode, like in Four Swords Adventures.

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