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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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I hope someone is this enthusiastic if I ever got nominated ;n;

I don't really wanna read through 300+ questions so idk if these were asked or not but

1: Favorite color?
2: restaurant you like?
3: favorite flavor of ramen?
4: ever played mother 3? opinions?
5: first/current impressions?

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It is.

251: We is win?

252: Are all your base belong to me?

253: Are you even, or odd?

254: East or West?

255: If you get Eo4, would you use the sniper class?

251. Ask Makaze.

252. NO

253. Odd.

254. East

255. of course

I hope someone is this enthusiastic if I ever got nominated ;n;

I don't really wanna read through 300+ questions so idk if these were asked or not but

1: Favorite color?

2: restaurant you like?

3: favorite flavor of ramen?

4: ever played mother 3? opinions?

5: first/current impressions?

Hi Draco

1. Green

2. P.F. Chang 's

3. beef

4. Quite a bit

5. You're awesome :3

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256: why don't your base belong to me. :C
257: would you ever consider doing a nuzlocke run?
258: Ever do a no healer run in an FE game?
259: have you tried to hack an FE game to turn everyone into bow using classes?

260: Lions and tigers and bears?

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256: why don't your base belong to me. :C

257: would you ever consider doing a nuzlocke run?

258: Ever do a no healer run in an FE game?

259: have you tried to hack an FE game to turn everyone into bow using classes?

260: Lions and tigers and bears?

256. Idk :c

257. I've done one before. It was cool.

258. I should.

259. I can easily do that. XD

260. Oh my!

10. How do you react to this?

weegee why

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266 Are you actually left handed?
267: which language would you learn, barring japanese seeing as how she already knows it?
268: which touhou do you want to see next as a player character?
269: should I make a joke here or
270: are we half way there, like living on a prayer or something?

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266 Are you actually left handed?

267: which language would you learn, barring japanese seeing as how she already knows it?

268: which touhou do you want to see next as a player character?

269: should I make a joke here or

270: are we half way there, like living on a prayer or something?

266. I'm a righty.

267. Chinese.

268. Shou or Nue.

269. If you want!

270. Yeah.

Since I know I've posted some of them: do you like SSH's remixes/arranges of Touhou music?

It's okay.

11. What if you had a bionic arm?

12. If a Genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?

11. Punch things.

12. The first would be to live in Gensokyo, the second would be to warp directly to the Moriya Shrine, the third would be to have a box of chocolates for Sanae.

how do you feel on kalas breaking shirleys record for questions?


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271: why chinese?

272: wait dang it no i missed the opportunity. :C
273: Which person would you want to see in the next Touhou fighter?
274: opinion on Sumireko?
275: Favorite song from a real life band?

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276: mind posting a link?

277: Why do you guess?

278: Read any of the touhou books?

279: do you think, therefore you are?

280: 21 away, how do you feel?

276: in a PM

277: I always guess

278: Nah

279: yes

280: feelin it

Have any podcasts you listen to regularly?

You ever listen to public radio?



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Favorite Retsupurae?

Favorite Weird Al Song?

Darkseed 2

Hardware Store

281: are you feeling it dude?

282: you've watched spongebob right?

283: if so what's your favorite episode?

284: Post best run of UFO?

285: What's the weather like right now?

281: yeah

282: who hasn't?

283. Salty' platoon

284. http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=37499

285. Sunset

Any guilty pleasures?

Chicago or New York style pizza?

Looking at Wikipedia pages


Is Billie Jean not your lover?

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286: Welcome to Salty's platoon, how tough are you
287: on a scale of lolnope to you're okay, how would you rate my touhou prowres
288: prowress is actually a word right?
289: Think someone else will try to beat the record thing?
290: Did you like this interview thing?

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