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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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what do you think of me

well when i met you you were okay.

and then the stuff happened and i was like "i severely dislike you grr"

but then i realized, coming back, that disliking you for petty reasons was petty so.

you're great 7/10

1) Are you looking forward to being interviewed?

2) Can you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men?

3) What do you think of Xenoblade Chronicles?

4) Are you superstitious?

5) How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

6) Do you prefer serious or crazy questions?

7) Favourite colour?

8) Are there any countries do you want to visit?

9) What is your favourite FE Lord (excluding the Avatars, for obvious reasons)?

10) Least favourite video game?

Edit: Corrected. I will move question 11 to my next post.

1) Honestly yes, i am. I'm kinda hype.

2) No

3) haven't finished it but it's great yo.

4) Very superstitious, writing on the wall. Legit answer: a bit, yes

5) if it were chuck norris, all of it.

6) Yes

7) Blue.

8) Japan, France, probably italy or england

9) Aiku and Marf

10) CoD BO

Eternal wings and the lost ocean vs Origins.

Which one wins?

Origins but they're both great and worth a try.

11) Favourite film?

12) Favourite Operation Rainfall game? (I.e. Xenoblade vs Last Story vs Pandora's Tower)

13) What is your opinion on the Zero Escape series?

14) Have you read Harry Potter?

15) If yes, who is your favourite character?

16) Have you read the Hunger Games?

17) Have you read any books by Darren Shan?

11) don't have just one. Kill Bill vol 1, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, all the Star Wars original trilogy

12) I only have xenoblade, so guess.

13) No opinion because haven't heard of it

14) I don't really read

15) refer to 14


17) refer to 14

1. First and current impression of me?

2. Hardest game you have played?

3. If you had spell cards, what would they be?

4. If you had a catchphrase, what would it be?

1. First: yeah he seems cool. Current: yeah he's still cool.

2. Ikaruga.

3. I don't have any off the top of my head.

4. "I wish i had a catchphrase"

1. Obligatory: first/current impressions?

2. Ever walked out of a movie?

3. Favorite Star Wars film?

4. Opinion on FE3?

5. Ever played Metal Slug?

1. you seem okay, you seem okay.

2. Not to my knowledge

3. Fuuuuuuuuuck uuuuuuuh probably Empire strikes back.

4. IT's pretty good. I can see why people like it.

5. like once when i was a wee lad.


as for questions, I don't really know anything to ask about


how are you doing?

would you try out a mafia game on sf?

I'm okay thanks.

I tried it once and I got myself eliminated for quoting a PM. :L

Recycled questions, let's go.

1.Which FE character do you relate to most?

2. What are the personalities of people you tend to admire most.

3. If you could have any question in the world answered, what would it be.

1. Pretranslation Henry.

2. What do you mean, can you elaborate please?

3. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

First/current impressions, if any?

Restaurant you like?

Favorite color?

Like snacks and stuff?

Got a favorite?

First: what's this guy doing with koishi grrr. Current: you're okay I GUESS.




Probably sliced cucumbers with some chili powder.

Blitz you're so mean you never asked me anything!

take it somewhere else please.

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3. Fuuuuuuuuuck uuuuuuuh probably Empire strikes back.

What of the films have you watched?

4. IT's pretty good. I can see why people like it.

I approve this answer
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1. How far are you in Eternal Sonata

2. Why Koishi

3. Impressions of me

4. I have a car and named it after this character. How does that make you feel

5.What kind of deck do you main in YGO

Edited by Emeraldfox
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What of the films have you watched?

I approve this answer

6. All of the live action movies.


6. Favorite season?

alright birthday girl

today is your special day after all

6. Fall.

cool i guess

1). fist and list impressiones of me

2). how did your rallying go?

3). thoughts on radiant dawn's story?

1). First: KOISHIS. List: cute avatars

2). Rally hearts

3). What is even going on.

1. How far are you in Eternal Sonata

2. Why Koishi

3. Impressions of me

4. I have a car and named it after this character. How does that make you feel

5.What kind of deck do you main in YGO

1. I haven't played it in a while, but I think it was where Claves dies and stuff and i'm like "what now"

2. I really like her personality and her back story, not to mention she's cute like a button.

3. Qualified

4. That's one cute car.

5. I haven't played ygo in forever but probably madolche

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7. Thoughts on the star wars prequels?

8. Thoughts on the special editions?

9. Have you listened to the Star Wars radio dramas?

10. Can you rank the rebel starwighters + the Snowspeeder?

11. Favorite lightsaber color?

Edited by shinpichu
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7. Thoughts on the star wars prequels?

8. Thoughts on the special editions?

9. Have you listened to the Star Wars radio dramas?

10. Can you rank the rebel starwighters + the Snowspeeder?

11. Favorite lightsaber color?

7. I kinda liked them when I was a kid. i was stupid. They're okay, i guess, but they could have been Way better.

8. Han didn't shoot first because he was the only one to shoot at all.

9. Nope.

10. B-WING>X-Wing>Y-Wing=Snowspeeder>A-wing, going by movie stuff. I like the B-Wing.

11. Probably blue.

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12. Played KotOR 1 or 2?

13. Jason Wingreen or Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett?

14. Favorite force power?

15. Favorite TIE variant? (Including EU ones)

16. Played any of the Rogue Squadron games?

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5. First thing that comes to your mind when reading this question?

5. this is a question?


12. Played KotOR 1 or 2?

13. Jason Wingreen or Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett?

14. Favorite force power?

15. Favorite TIE variant? (Including EU ones)

16. Played any of the Rogue Squadron games?

12. Nop.

13. No preference.

14. lightning.

15. uhhh i need to look them up. Will edit post.


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17. What EU books have you read?

18. Favorite alien species from Star Wars?

19. Would you be a Sith or a Jedi?

20. Have you seen the Holiday Special?

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17. What EU books have you read?

18. Favorite alien species from Star Wars?

19. Would you be a Sith or a Jedi?

20. Have you seen the Holiday Special?

17. I haven't read any of the EU stuff, legacy or otherwise

18. bothans because they died to bring us this info

19. Post empire jedi.

20. what's the holidy special (no i haven't)

how did you meet with Koishi?

I'll tell you in IM if i can remember.

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1. What even is Canada?

2. What is your favourite animal?

3. Are you fluent in another language?

4. Favourite Pokemon?

5. What kind of music do you like?

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1. What even is Canada?

2. What is your favourite animal?

3. Are you fluent in another language?

4. Favourite Pokemon?

5. What kind of music do you like?

1. Either inexistant, or North Montana.

2. Dolphins.

3. Spanish.

4. probably Honedge line.

5. Rock, Grunge, some pop.

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well when i met you you were okay.

and then the stuff happened and i was like "i severely dislike you grr"

but then i realized, coming back, that disliking you for petty reasons was petty so.

you're great 7/10

1) Honestly yes, i am. I'm kinda hype.

2) No

3) haven't finished it but it's great yo.

4) Very superstitious, writing on the wall. Legit answer: a bit, yes

5) if it were chuck norris, all of it.

6) Yes

7) Blue.

8) Japan, France, probably Italy or England

9) Aiku and Marf

10) CoD BO

Origins but they're both great and worth a try.

11) don't have just one. Kill Bill vol 1, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, all the Star Wars original trilogy

12) I only have xenoblade, so guess.

13) No opinion because haven't heard of it

14) I don't really read

15) refer to 14


17) refer to 14 .

In reference to your answers.

1) Yay! Glad to hear that you're hyped for it.

2) Me neither. But I felt the Les Mis reference was appropriate.

3) It is amazing.

4) Cool. :)

5) :D

6) So you like both? :)

7) Blue is a nice colour. :)

8) Good choices. France is good, Italy is good (though very very warm) and England is pretty good also. I haven't visited Japan, but it looks so good. :)

9) Marf= Marth. Aiku= Ike?

10) Good choice. Not a fan of COD either.

11) STAR WARS!!!! :D I haven't seen Kill Bill or Holy Grail though, but I've heard they are good. :)

12) I'm guessing Xenoblade? You should watch an LP of the Last Story though, as it's amazing.

13) You haven't heard of Zero Escape? 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors? Virtues Last Reward?? :o

14, 15, 16, and 17) ..... :o

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Okay so..

6. If I were to draw you..example: [spoiler=]LBFxjXu.gif

what hair colour and style would you want? ALSO what shade of blue do you prefer?

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18) Cats or Dogs?

19) Based on Hashuni Mei's question, are you Canadian?

20) First Impression of me? Current Impression of me?

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1) First and current impressions of me because I am curious

2) Uhhhh... What's your favorite holiday?
3) What are your opinions on cheese (any and all varieties)?

4) Do you have a favorite piece of clothing?

Edited by MelodicStarshowers
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17. I haven't read any of the EU stuff, legacy or otherwise

18. bothans because they died to bring us this info

You should read some. I recommend the Thrawn trilogy. Especially if you can get the audio books read by Marc Thompson.

I wonder if reading some EU will change your opinion...

20. what's the holidy special (no i haven't)

It's so bad even George Lucas wants you to forget it

21. Do you like Star Trek?

22. What of the EU have you experienced? Games, comics, whatever.

23. Favorite Star Wars music piece?

24. Favorite made-up SW language?

25. Venator or Imperial class Star Destroyers?

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