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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Oh okay.

96. Would you revive a few dinosaurs?

97. Would you have a space harem?

98. Would you prefer a small empire over which you have absolute control, or a large empire over which you have little direct control?

99. You encounter an enemy that you have no feasible chance of defeating. Your only hope of survival is to submit to rule by this other group. Do you submit, or keep fighting in spite of the fact that you can never win?

100. Do you think humans will ever develop practical long-distance space travel?

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Top 5 video games

Top 5 fictional characters

Top 5 video game songs

I had to take off ignore for this

Samurai Warriors 4, Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends, Pokemon Platinum. I don't have two more rn

Yukari Yakumo, Gilgamesh, Arcuied Brunestud, Rias Gremory and Homura Akemi

Already answered

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Oh okay.

96. Would you revive a few dinosaurs?

97. Would you have a space harem?

98. Would you prefer a small empire over which you have absolute control, or a large empire over which you have little direct control?

99. You encounter an enemy that you have no feasible chance of defeating. Your only hope of survival is to submit to rule by this other group. Do you submit, or keep fighting in spite of the fact that you can never win?

100. Do you think humans will ever develop practical long-distance space travel?

96. Yes.

97. ?

98. The former

99. Admit defeat

100. It's possible.

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96. Yes.

101. Which ones?

97. ?

As in, as space emperor would you have a harem.

102. Would you clone yourself?

103. Would you prefer to defeat an enemy by bombarding them from space or launching a more costly ground invasion?

104. Would you institute a draft?

105. Would you prefer to hold on to your seat as emperor until death or relinquish your position and live out your final days in peace?

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What are all these amateurish Musou questions?

1. Hey Shadowfrost Alicia?

2. Ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it?

3. Barring the events of Samurai Warriors 2 dream stages, if you could write a scenario with Nobunaga surviving Honnouji, how would it go?

4. Favorite fruit? Ever had it juiced?

5.Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours do you like the most?

6. If there's a why question that should be asked, it's why Naotora and Koshosho?
7. Best Musou Rage moment in DW8?
8. Got any characters maxed out? And who are they?
9. What features would you like to see in DW9?
10. Do any of the older DW and/or SW games strike your interest?
11. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?
12. Which event in ancient history would you like to witness?
13. What kind of final battles do you like; one on one or group battle?
14. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)
15. What do enjoy doing? Do you do it often, why or why not?
16. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?
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F you were to bring the people you know into some personal squad/army or something

Who would take which position?

i'll have to think about it

101. Which ones?

As in, as space emperor would you have a harem.

102. Would you clone yourself?

103. Would you prefer to defeat an enemy by bombarding them from space or launching a more costly ground invasion?

104. Would you institute a draft?

105. Would you prefer to hold on to your seat as emperor until death or relinquish your position and live out your final days in peace?

101. Velosarapters.

102. No

103. Ground invasion

104. Too much work

105. Relinquish my position.

What are all these amateurish Musou questions?

1. Hey Shadowfrost Alicia?

2. Ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it?

3. Barring the events of Samurai Warriors 2 dream stages, if you could write a scenario with Nobunaga surviving Honnouji, how would it go?

4. Favorite fruit? Ever had it juiced?

5.Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours do you like the most?

6. If there's a why question that should be asked, it's why Naotora and Koshosho?
7. Best Musou Rage moment in DW8?
8. Got any characters maxed out? And who are they?
9. What features would you like to see in DW9?
10. Do any of the older DW and/or SW games strike your interest?
11. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?
12. Which event in ancient history would you like to witness?
13. What kind of final battles do you like; one on one or group battle?
14. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)
15. What do enjoy doing? Do you do it often, why or why not?
16. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?


1. Hiya

2. Never tried it.

3. Nobunaga after surviving Honnoji, would execute Mitsuhide and proceed to help hideyoshi with destroying the Mori in the west, then unite the rest of Japan

4. Orange and no.

5. Chinese Zodiac's have a special place in my heart, Okami is best.

6. Other than, "boobies <3" Naotora has a hella good moveset, Koshosho's hyper attacks are downright destructive. Their musou's are kinda meh, Super Musous are amazing.

7. idk, its been a long time. I think Lu Bu was fun though

8. I almost had Lu Bu maxed out, before i reset DW8XL

9. Two character thing in SW4, or the Three character thing in WO

10. I want to play SW3 and DW6. I'm not going any lower than 5 for DW and 2 for SW.

11. Near death experience

12. Incident of Honnoji or the Battle of Waterloo

13. Group.

14. Current life right now. I could kick past me right in the face.

15. Playing video games or game creating. I do create video games often because usually 16/24 hours a day, new ideas pop up.

16. Chastity. Love can destroy or create a relationship. I know this from experience

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106. Have you enjoyed my questions?

107. Am I asking too many questions?

108. How many questions do you think I will ask?

109. Do you like piña coladas?

110. And getting caught in the rain?

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106. Have you enjoyed my questions?

107. Am I asking too many questions?

108. How many questions do you think I will ask?

109. Do you like piña coladas?

110. And getting caught in the rain?

106. A lot entertain me.

107. Nope

108. one billion

109. excuse me

110. noooooooooooo

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26. Which SF people are in your 4-person JRPG team?

27. What are their classes, including yours?

26. Soledai, Noburu and Sorin.

27. Mage Knight(me), Dread fighter(Noburu), Grandmaster(Sorin), Mystic(Soledai)

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111. Meat that you've wanted to try but never have?

112. Favorite kind of doughnut?

113. Longest time you've been awake consecutivley?

114. Pet peeves?

115. The president has been kidnaped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue him?

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111. Meat that you've wanted to try but never have?

112. Favorite kind of doughnut?

113. Longest time you've been awake consecutivley?

114. Pet peeves?

115. The president has been kidnaped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue him?

111. Deer meat

112. Chocolate Glazed Donuts.

113. I've been up till 4 in the morning one time.

114. Styrofoam, and when people talk a lot it gets on my nerves. I need peace in quiet.

115. fuck Obama

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116. Physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?

117. Would you want try try eating meat from a dinosaur? If so, specify which one.

118. New York or Chicago style pizza?

119. Food that you'd thought you'd hate but you actually kinda liked?

120. Do you like Mexican food?

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116. Physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?

117. Would you want try try eating meat from a dinosaur? If so, specify which one.

118. New York or Chicago style pizza?

119. Food that you'd thought you'd hate but you actually kinda liked?

120. Do you like Mexican food?

116. Physical books

117. Noooooooooooope

118. Never had either

119. Beans.

120. Fuck Chipotle!

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121. Would you rather be a mage or a Sith?

122. Do you like science fantasy?

123. What color would you want your lightsaber to be?

124. Would you want a robot army?

125. Would you want a clone army?

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121. Would you rather be a mage or a Sith?

122. Do you like science fantasy?

123. What color would you want your lightsaber to be?

124. Would you want a robot army?

125. Would you want a clone army?

121. Sith

122. Sorta

123. Black

124. Yes

125. Nah

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one fictional character you relate to the most?

any reason for the love of shimoneta besides lewd?

why Rinnosuke?

Why Archer?

are you done thinking over my last question?

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126. Random trivial thing you'd use your Sith powers for?

127. Do you like coffee?

128. Water or lava planet?

129. If there was any fictional universe you could live in, what would it be?

130. What would be your title as a Dark Lord of the Sith?

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one fictional character you relate to the most?

any reason for the love of shimoneta besides lewd?

why Rinnosuke?

Why Archer?

are you done thinking over my last question?

Shino Asada

its hilariously funny and actually deals with the future of the world

the best



126. Random trivial thing you'd use your Sith powers for?

127. Do you like coffee?

128. Water or lava planet?

129. If there was any fictional universe you could live in, what would it be?

130. What would be your title as a Dark Lord of the Sith?

126. i could be my own microwave!

127. hahaha no

128. Water

129. either SAO, LH, Overlord or the Koei universe

130. "She who cooks evil" or smthing

1. First and current impression of me?

2. If you had a doppelganger, what would you do?

3. If you were a stand user, what would your stand be?

1. idk, he's from #thebeststate

current: who's this sakuya fanboi

2. tell the doppleganger to quit being a me and get themselves a job at the grocery store

3. u wot

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130. "She who cooks evil" or smthing

no I mean like "Darth x" or something

131. Would you train a Sith apprentice?

132. Would you have bridge bunnies?

133. How would you divide up governance of your empire? Would you do it by star system, individual planets, or what?

134. What would your flagship look like?

135. Would gambling be legal in your empire?

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no I mean like "Darth x" or something

131. Would you train a Sith apprentice?

132. Would you have bridge bunnies?

133. How would you divide up governance of your empire? Would you do it by star system, individual planets, or what?

134. What would your flagship look like?

135. Would gambling be legal in your empire?

darth masae

131. no

132. i have no idea of what they are but yes

133. Star system

134. Oda symbol with Wei Flag

135. yes

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