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Fire Emblem Awakening: Dice Roller Run


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Through dice rolls, I attempt to make my way through Fire Emblem Awakening on Hard/Classic. I used this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rlve9BXG5_7jV9LhYXDWFUDmKqzuCps3Lx3OYR_deKw/edit?usp=sharing

Let us start. First, MU:

Female - Rolled 5

Build 3 - Rolled 5

Face 5 - Rolled 5 (Dem 5s)

Hair Color 7 - Rolled 7

Voice 2 - Rolled 4

Name: Dirollaire (You get it?) - Rolled 3 (I choose)

Birthday: 12/21 - Rolled 12, then 21

Asset: Skill - Rolled 4

Flaw: Luck - Rolled 6

How many team members?

First roll: 1 - Rolled 1

Second roll: n+4 - Rolled 6

So 5 team members, excluding MU, Chrom, and Lucina. 8 including them.

Our team members!

Cordelia+Severa - Rolled 4, then 1

Nowi+Nah - Rolled 4, then 3

Panne+Yarne - Rolled 2, then 5

Ricken - Rolled 3, then 5

Donnel - Rolled 5, then 4

My team's classes:

Dirollaire - Tactician>Grandmaster

Chrom - Lord>Great Lord

Lucina - Lord>Great Lord

Cordelia - Pegasus Knight>Falcon Knight

Nowi - Manakete>Wyvern Rider>Griffon Rider

Panne - Taguel>Thief>Assassin

Ricken - Mage>Dark Knight

Donnel - Villager>Mercenary>Hero

(Severa - Mercenary>Hero)

(Nah - Manakete>Mage>Sage)

(Yarne - Taguel>Thief>Assassin)

Finally, how many resets per chapter?


I get to use 8 team members at once. The kids, if used, replace one of the original team members. There we are. I decided not to use locked weapons. I will not be using DLC, StreetPass, or SpotPass. I may play in skirmishes. I will be starting immediately. Wish me good luck.

Edited by WordPlay
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For the record, this is my first run I've put on the forums. Tell me if I miss something, please!


Turn 2


Lvl 2

Str +1

Spd +1

Lck +1

Res +1

Turn 7


Lvl 3

HP +1

Skill +1

Spd +1

Lck +1

Def +1

Tome Level, E>D

Turn 8


Lvl 2

HP +1

Str +1

Spd +1

Lck +1

End of Prologue:

Dirollaire, Lvl 3, EXP: 95

HP: 20

Strength: 7

Magic: 5

Skill: 8

Speed: 8

Luck: 4

Defense: 7

Resistance: 5

Sword - E, Tome - D

Chrom, Lvl 2, EXP: 73

HP: 21

Strength: 8

Magic: 1

Skill: 8

Speed: 9

Luck: 6

Defense: 7

Resistance: 1

Sword - E

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