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The Terror of Lunatic +


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So, I've been playing FE:A for a long time. I completed a file on Normal, then Hard. After that, I gave a shot at Lunatic, which was actually really tough. I don't think It's even possible to beat without the DLC XD. Still, I beat it too and decided I wanted my final file with my final pairings and characters to be a Lunatic + File. If you happened to read the title...

IT'S TERRIFYING :>_<: :>_<: :>_<: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: How would this even be possible on classic...

I actually did manage to get to chapter 5 though and now have access to the DLC, thus making it not as scary. Still, getting there was surprisingly tough (and quite honestly, mostly luck thanks to the randomly generated god abilities on the enemies :'D) Like.... If the prologue mages have Vantage, just give up. If the Chapter 1 Hammer guy has guaranteed Hit, just give up. It's like... not possible at that point. And the darn Counters/Aegis+/Pavise+ that are showing up on literally everything now make it hard to win :'D

Has anyone else given it a shot? How did their experience go? I'm looking forward to seeing if I can beat the whole thing (I don't think it'll be TOO bad now that I can infinitely grind XD)

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for no-grind, you just have to be really careful with everything and be very patient. if the rng doesn't like you, then you shall not pass. robin is your best friend, but it's also important to feed kills to other units because robin alone just can't do it. interceptor's guide would give you more insight than i can because my run of this has been on a hiatus at chapter 7 for a few months now...

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Hammertime? Of course he'll OHKO Fred. It's why he's there- to tell you that it might be a bad idea to rely on him. Basically, Fred can carry you a little way, but around Cht.8 becomes completely useless and will force a reset if he's your only good unit. Hammertime is there to give you an advance warning and basically make you change your strategy earlier rather than face a reset- he's actually a really nice guy, so please don't say bad things about him.

Anyway, Nogrind is perfectly possible for both Lunatic and Lunatic+ on Classic, but it requires more strategy than the "drop something into a pile of enemies and watch it kill them all" that worked for Normal/Hard.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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It's a stupid idea with all the lunatic + skills

No it isn't. It's just not for everyone. The skills in Lunatic+ are actually very well designed and follow a clear pattern if you look for it (all of them either always activate or never activate depending on how you fight the enemy in question, so there's no RNG with them after you've entered battle- no Miracle, no Breakers, none of that stuff. Dealing with them is completely strategy-based).

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I'm sure it's very possible to complete no grind luna + on classic, but I'd be that guy who makes all mistakes or gets screwed by RNGesus on my level ups, so I wouldn't be able to win XD Plus, after my original classic run on Luna, I've taken a liking to casual. Just a little less stress

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for no-grind, you just have to be really careful with everything and be very patient. if the rng doesn't like you, then you shall not pass. robin is your best friend, but it's also important to feed kills to other units because robin alone just can't do it. interceptor's guide would give you more insight than i can because my run of this has been on a hiatus at chapter 7 for a few months now...

I also have a strangely large amount of trouble with Chapter 7. Supposedly Chapter 6 is the last hard map, but in my experience 7 is much worse. Took me a long time on my first (failed) run, and it's got me stuck again on my second try.

Hammertime? Of course he'll OHKO Fred. It's why he's there- to tell you that it might be a bad idea to rely on him. Basically, Fred can carry you a little way, but around Cht.8 becomes completely useless and will force a reset if he's your only good unit. Hammertime is there to give you an advance warning and basically make you change your strategy earlier rather than face a reset- he's actually a really nice guy, so please don't say bad things about him.

First the Hierarch is actually a good guy, and now the Hammer mook of all enemies? Next you're going to tell me Aversa was just trying to help out her little bro/sis all along.

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Yeah I'm not too fond of the Luna + mode myself. Even if you don't grind you just end up resetting the game a bunch of times at the unit placement screen until the most of enemies have skills that are managable (i.e less counter, luna+, etc). Even then it takes alot of luck. Plus I like to play on classic so yeah...

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What is your asset and flaw?

I'm still regretting having a +Def/-Skill Avatar... I feel like it limits my class choices since my asset and flaw don't exact scream assassin or classes like it.

When I tried it I made it +Speed/-Luck. I figured it might help to not get doubled by almost every unit early in the game.

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First the Hierarch is actually a good guy, and now the Hammer mook of all enemies? Next you're going to tell me Aversa was just trying to help out her little bro/sis all along.

In a story with Black & White Morality where the designated heroes do clearly bad things that would have been called out by any other author, who the good guys are is purely up in the air. Since Awakening has some gameplay to go along with its story, I'm going to make a case for anyone who helps you win being a good guy (and have a little fun with the definition of "help" while I'm at it).

I usually only do that for stuff everyone complains about though, and Aversa is a pretty wimpy boss so she's not likely to get the treatment anytime soon.

When I tried it I made it +Speed/-Luck. I figured it might help to not get doubled by almost every unit early in the game.

+Spd with some nice levels and a Chrom support can be doubling stuff itself as early as Cht.1, actually. The only units who are really in danger of being doubled are Lissa, Stahl, Virion, Kellam, -Spd Avatar and anyone who goes without training for too long- and if you can pack a Lance, most of the faster swordguys have their attack so crippled that they rarely KO you anyway (-3x2 is a huge deal earlygame).

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In a story with Black & White Morality where the designated heroes do clearly bad things that would have been called out by any other author, who the good guys are is purely up in the air. Since Awakening has some gameplay to go along with its story, I'm going to make a case for anyone who helps you win being a good guy (and have a little fun with the definition of "help" while I'm at it).

I usually only do that for stuff everyone complains about though, and Aversa is a pretty wimpy boss so she's not likely to get the treatment anytime soon.

Didn't mean that as a request. Aversa was just the best example I could think of for someone who makes herself a pain in the ass in story but is actually pretty helpful from a gameplay perspective (besides denying the player a third Peg Knight...). I needed an example to make a sarcastic "Next you're going to tell me" statement work.

I like how you describe Awakening as having "some gameplay to go along with its story." Sort of like saying a T Rex has a decent jaw to go along with its arms.

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