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Anyone here ever tried psychedelic mushrooms?

Black Dynamite

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yes! and the experience is vivid. i had the illegal kind, and had 2 grams (beginners take 1.5-2).

the best i can describe it as, because it is very difficult for me to, is that it's an extremely intense high that lasts between 6 and 8 hrs at full throttle the whole time. like, the moment it hits you, it really hits you, and once it's gone, it's gone.

we were in my school's forest, where the dirt felt like quicksand. i felt a pretty profound connection to nature and "consciousness" in general, like we're all connected with each other. i've read this is a pretty typical feeling. unfortunately, i didn't hallucinate. i wish i could expound but it's really difficult to describe how i was feeling throughout the whole thing.

p.s. psychedelic music is so good on shrooms. i listened to wish you were here (floyd), some rush, and some hip-hop.

i wanna try a bigger dose of shrooms in the future and i'd also like to try acid. weed and some hallucinogens really interest me.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Wow, you've taken shrooms but not weed? I dunno why, but I find that interesting.

whoops, i stated that incorrectly. technically acid is the only drug i'm "interested" in taking from that list. what i mean to say is those hallucinogens and weed are probably the only drugs i'd ever take

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yes! and the experience is vivid. i had the illegal kind, and had 2 grams (beginners take 1.5-2).

the best i can describe it as, because it is very difficult for me to, is that it's an extremely intense high that lasts between 6 and 8 hrs at full throttle the whole time. like, the moment it hits you, it really hits you, and once it's gone, it's gone.

we were in my school's forest, where the dirt felt like quicksand. i felt a pretty profound connection to nature and "consciousness" in general, like we're all connected with each other. i've read this is a pretty typical feeling. unfortunately, i didn't hallucinate. i wish i could expound but it's really difficult to describe how i was feeling throughout the whole thing.

p.s. psychedelic music is so good on shrooms. i listened to wish you were here (floyd), some rush, and some hip-hop.

i wanna try a bigger dose of shrooms in the future and i'd also like to try acid. weed and some hallucinogens really interest me.

damn now i want to experience this.

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yes! and the experience is vivid. i had the illegal kind, and had 2 grams (beginners take 1.5-2).

the best i can describe it as, because it is very difficult for me to, is that it's an extremely intense high that lasts between 6 and 8 hrs at full throttle the whole time. like, the moment it hits you, it really hits you, and once it's gone, it's gone.

we were in my school's forest, where the dirt felt like quicksand. i felt a pretty profound connection to nature and "consciousness" in general, like we're all connected with each other. i've read this is a pretty typical feeling. unfortunately, i didn't hallucinate. i wish i could expound but it's really difficult to describe how i was feeling throughout the whole thing.

p.s. psychedelic music is so good on shrooms. i listened to wish you were here (floyd), some rush, and some hip-hop.

i wanna try a bigger dose of shrooms in the future and i'd also like to try acid. weed and some hallucinogens really interest me.

This is accurate. While i didnt hallucinate a bunch, i hallucinated enough to see colors in weird places. Like my boyfriend's cat was personified by the color orange just emanating from it. But the body high, and consciousness feeling (and being able to recall the most bizarre shit, like dreams) is definitely a thing. You should listen to Shpongle and/or Ott next time you trip, bruh. That stuff is gr9 anyway, but i bet its insane when tripping balls.

Rush is alway worth listening to, high or not

Just saiyan


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yes! and the experience is vivid. i had the illegal kind, and had 2 grams (beginners take 1.5-2).

the best i can describe it as, because it is very difficult for me to, is that it's an extremely intense high that lasts between 6 and 8 hrs at full throttle the whole time. like, the moment it hits you, it really hits you, and once it's gone, it's gone.

we were in my school's forest, where the dirt felt like quicksand. i felt a pretty profound connection to nature and "consciousness" in general, like we're all connected with each other. i've read this is a pretty typical feeling. unfortunately, i didn't hallucinate. i wish i could expound but it's really difficult to describe how i was feeling throughout the whole thing.

p.s. psychedelic music is so good on shrooms. i listened to wish you were here (floyd), some rush, and some hip-hop.

i wanna try a bigger dose of shrooms in the future and i'd also like to try acid. weed and some hallucinogens really interest me.

I ate a 1.2 grams of some incredibly potent mushrooms the other day (I'd say twice as potent as regular mushrooms), I soaked them in lemon juice after grinding them up and it was a mind boggling experience. The lemon juice supposedly breaks the psylocybin into psylocin which allows your body to process it faster and more fully. The effects aren't quite as long lasting, but they certainly were more intense. Closed eyed visuals, three dimensional patterns and colors shifting and changing in synchronous order to the rhythm of the music I was listening to. I also went on a walk downtown while the sun was setting which was pretty exhilerating. The clouds in the sky shifting while the colors were all bleeding together in intricate formation. The connection to nature and other people you experience on mushrooms is truly profound. If taken responsibly and in a good mental state I think psychedelics are truly some of the most intriguing substances on this planet. LSD is an amazing drug, but unfortunately that market has been diluted with research chemicals such as the 25-NBOMe's which have been known to have harmful side effects in some users (seizures, etc). As they say, "If it's bitter it's a spitter." Real LSD will have no taste or color (imitations also have a pinkish tint which you can see on the white side of the tab). DMT takes the cake though in terms of psychedelics, at least out of the ones I have tried. 5-15 minute trip like nothing I have ever experienced and like nothing I could have possibly imagined before doing it. It literally is like experiencing another dimension for that brief moment in time. If you've never heard of it look it up sometime, our pineal glands produce it naturally during heavy REM sleep but our brain doesn't remember the experience. It's the cause of hallucinations at the time of death, almost as if it's helping the body and mind transition from life into death.

@Loki: I listened to 3 Shpongle albums during a mushroom trip once, definitely PERFECT tripping music. I also listened to it while blasting off with DMT once, equally appropriate for that experience.

Edited by Black Dynamite
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Wow, you've taken shrooms but not weed? I dunno why, but I find that interesting.

I bought mushrooms from someone who had never smoked anything in his entire life. He didn't like the idea of combusting a substance and inhaling it, but he as all about some psychedelics. Just some straight up hippie from the mountains of West Virginia lol.

I've done weed but haven't taken a sip of alcohol

Definitely the safer/healthier of the two substances. I drink occassionally, but I believe that drugs like marijuana or mushrooms are far less harmful on the body than alcohol or many pharmaceuticals. I've seen drugs like adderall and xanax affect someones life in a negative manner far more often than marijuana or organic psychedelics.

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