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Wormbait Blues

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Hi there. My name's Wormbait Blues. I'm a fan of Fire Emblem obviously but I'll play just about any video game, from Ace Attorney to Battlefield to Chivalry to Smash Bros to Planescape: Torment. My favorite game dev is Yasumi Matsuno, my favorite dev studio is Obsidian. In terms of literature I like fantasy, mostly of the grimdark variety but some traditional stuff too, some non-genre fiction, dark sci-fi, history books, and mysteries. I'm a big fan of noir (and genre offshoots like cyberpunk), offbeat comedies, b-movies, thrillers, and spaghetti westerns. In terms of music I like blues rock and folk rock (AKA dad rock), 90s gangsta rap, and energetic jazz, but I'll listen to just about everything except country (stereotypical I know. I like some older "country" acts like Johnny Cash though). I love history and ancient politics, reading, traveling, and video games obviously. Nice to meet you all and I hope to have fun times discussing the videya.

Edited by Wormbait Blues
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Your topic should have been hi and then the next one should have been hey, sorry, you probably don't get it.

Hello there, welcome to the forest, always nice to meet new members. Hope you enjoy yourself :)

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Welcome and it is nice to see a fellow mystery lover. I love Rita mae Brown's mystery books and I hope you have read some of her work.

I only got into mystey recently and I'm sort of on a fantasy binge right now but I'll definitely check her stuff out.

Your topic should have been hi and then the next one should have been hey, sorry, you probably don't get it.

Hello there, welcome to the forest, always nice to meet new members. Hope you enjoy yourself :)


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