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A Hero's Journey


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Your fight scenes are alot better than mine...I'm only good with plot twists and character devolopment. (mostly character devolopment XD)

I'm pretty good with twists. That's probably where my forte resides. (Ex: Zeek=Youknowwho.) ((No not Voldemort you dullard.))

I'm adequate with everything else. Passable, but not astounding.

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Sorry for the outburst, but since I started reading late, it's been hard catching up with your story. Plus whenever I did read, I had distractions...

Well, awesome story Lyle! :)

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Sorry for the outburst, but since I started reading late, it's been hard catching up with your story. Plus whenever I did read, I had distractions...

Well, awesome story Lyle! :)

Thanks! I really appreciate that you read through all of that. Most people would have just gave up. Thanks Freohr. *Hugs.*

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New Episode: Serenes Forest.

*In the rubble left by Nasir’s blast something moves. One of the rocks fall away revealing a human hand. It starts to move and Feil the ripper comes out of the rubble, looking virtually unharmed.*

Feil: *He brushes the dirt from the rubble off.* Man, was that gross....Getting enveloped by a dragon’s breath. Ew. *He holds a pair of destroyed sunglasses.* Man.....*He looks around.* Now, back to looking for my keys...*He walks a little further to see the crater that was left unexplained or examined by the Hexblade.* Maybe their in here. *He rummages through the crater.* Ah! Here they are! *He picks up a set of keys and twirl them in his hand. Then he looks up at the 5 story building in front of him.* That’s the last time I jump off a building that high without my keys being in a secure location. *He flicks his keys and presses a button. A motorcycle appears in front of him. Feil gets on.* I’ll make sure you pay for my sunglasses Hexblade. They cost me 200 bucks. *He revs the motorcycle. He starts driving and after a few feet he and the motorcycle disappear.*

*Begnion: Near the border. Hexblade sits, attempting to remove the bullet lodged in his arm. The other three watch in awe, while cringing at the same time.*

Zero: Um....Doesn’t that hurt?

Hexblade: *Sticking his fingers in his wound.* Not as much as you’d think. But it’s gonna really hurt when I pull it out.

Ocelot: Couldn’t you just go to a preist?

Hexblade: Well, a staff would heal my wound, but that would also mean that the bullet would be infused with my arm. And while it may not kill me, it would certainly feel uncomfortable, and may restrict my use of my sword. Ow! *His hand instinctively retracts from his wound.* Dammit....

Bizz: What? Are you okay!?

Hexblade: Yeah. I’m fine. I just pulled on the bullet. *He returns his hand to continue his self surgery.* Now I know how much it’ll hurt, I should be able to do it.

Ocelot: Is there anything we can do to help?

Hexblade: Well. Normally, I’d have something to bite down on to sort of lessen the pain. You know, something like a bullet. Unfortunately, the only bullet available, is lodged in my arm. Owowowowow!!!!

*The three watch as Hexblade pulls on the bullet.*

Bizz: I think I’m gonna be sick.....*She clutches her stomach.*

Zero: O_o

Ocelot: That’s pretty tough....

Hexblade: *He gives up for a second.* Damn. It’s really lodged in there....*He tries again.* GRRRRRRR!!!!! *He violently pulls out the bullet as a small spurt of blood follows.* GAH! Gah..hah....*He breathes heavily.* OW!!!!

Ocelot: *The spurt of blood lands on his pant.* EWW!!! *He scuttles back and wipes the spot. Bizz and Zero back away from him.*

Hexblade: Er. Sorry. Zero, do you mind getting that priest?

Zero: No problem. *He gets up and walks into a building behind them where the pastor of the village resided.*

Bizz: Are you okay?

Hexblade: I’m fine. *He examines the bullet for a second before tossing it away hap-hazardly.*

Bizz: So, you said that, those ‘guns’ as you call them are like more advanced crossbows?

Hexblade: Yeah. It’s the same basic principle, except guns are more accurate, deadly, and cheaper to make.

Ocelot: I’ve never heard of them before. Who made them?

Hexblade: Well, that’s what I’ll tell you once we get to Serenes. Even if I wanted to tell you now, you wouldn’t believe me.

Bizz: Why would going to Serenes Forest help us to believe you?

Hexblade: There are people there that can vouch for what I’m going to tell you.

Zero: *He comes back with the priest.* Here. I got him.

Priest: Holy Goddess! What did this to you sir!?

Hexblade: Long story padre. I just need it healed. *He lifts his right arm by grabbing it with his left arm.*

Ocelot: ‘Padre’?

Priest: *The priest takes his staff and holds it over Hexblade’s wound, which starts to heal.* There.

Hexblade: Ah...that feels better already. *His arm completely heals and the priest moves his staff. Hexblade flexes his right arm.* Huh. Still not 100%, but it’ll get better. Thank you sir. *He offers a bag of gold coins to the priest.*

Priest: Glory be! I could not take this gold from you sir!

Hexblade: Just take it.

Priest: But sir! We do not charge for our services! There’s no need for you-

Hexblade: Then consider it a donation. *He practically forces the gold into the priest’s hand, then shoves the priest back toward the town.*

Bizz: Aww. Hexblade....that was really nice of you.

Hexblade: Whatever. *He shrugs then keeps walking.*

Bizz: .______.

*The three of them follow after Hexblade*

*Later. The group notices the area becoming more and more cluttered with trees.*

Hexblade: *He stops. Bizz bumps into him.*

Bizz: Oh! Sorry.

Hexblade: *Seems to pay no attention to it.* It seems this is where we’ll part ways for now.

Ocelot: Huh?

Zero: Why?

Hexblade: I have to go get something. And it’s in a different direction.

Zero: Wait, how do you know that it is? We don’t know where we’re going.

Hexblade: No. But she does. *He points to some bushes.*

Ocelot: .....Who?

Hexblade: ......You may as well come out. I know you’re there.....

*No answer.*

Bizz: *Whispering to Zero.* I’m starting to think that he’s just guessing.

Hexblade: ........*He walks over to the bushes, grabs something and lifts up a girl out of the bushes.*

Freohr: *Surprised.* WAH!!! *She laughs nervously.* Hehehe......um....Hi....

Ocelot: ((Wow....She’s cute!))

Hexblade: <____< What’s your name?

Freohr: Er. I’m Freohr....Freohr Daitia....

Hexblade: And who are you?

Freohr: ....I’m Freohr?

Hexblade: *Facepalms.* That’s not what I meant.

Freohr: Oh...um..I’m an attendant to Princess Kilvas. I was on my way to her place now, I have to-

Hexblade: Don’t care. *He drops her on the ground.*

Freohr: Ooof!

Ocelot: Hey! Be nice!

Hexblade: <_< Freohr, can you take them to Princess.

Freohr: Um....may I ask why?

Hexblade: That one there is her brother *He points to Zero*, she’s a childhood friend *He points to Bizz.*, and he’s a deadbeat who we decided to drag along. *He points to Ocelot.*

Ocelot: o________________o

Freohr: ‘Brother’? But-

Hexblade: Things will be explained. For now, I’ll see you all later. *He hops the bush and continues walking.*

Freohr: :blink: What a strange person...

Zero: Lady, you have no idea.

Freohr: Well, I’m not sure I can trust you all, but if there really is a problem, I’m sure Princess will handle it. After all, she has a few guards on duty right now.

Ocelot: Don’t worry! I would never harm any innocents! *He stands proudly.*

Bizz: <_< You do remember you tried to rob and kill us when we first met right?

Ocelot: O_o

Zero: Don’t worry Freohr. We won’t hurt you. (Why did Hexblade call this Princess my sister? Jen isn’t a raven.....Maybe Jen is an attendant of this Princess?)

Freohr: Okay. Just follow me!

*They comply. After a few minutes they arrive at a small, but elegant palace.*

Freohr: Here we are!

Bizz: Wow! It’s all pretty!

Freohr: Princess! It’s me! And I have some....guests?

*The doors to the palace open. Princess Kilvas steps out.*

Princess Kilvas: What do you mean gue- Zero!? Bizz?!

Zero: Jen?!? *He spots the wings.* W-w-what?!

*The alter in Serenes Forest.*

Hexblade: *He stares at Emblem in front of him.* Hm. Yune’s former prison. Lehran’s medallion.

The Fire Emblem.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Zero’s Flight

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Wow, I was all paralyzed. That end was really... exciting.

And I'm so happy Feil survived! :lol:

Lol. I'm glad Feil's still alive too. He's quite a curiousity. Lol.

And thanks. The next episode is probably gonna have a lot of drama. With the whole Zero-Princess and Hexblade and the emblem.

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Lol. I'm glad Feil's still alive too. He's quite a curiousity. Lol.

And thanks. The next episode is probably gonna have a lot of drama. With the whole Zero-Princess and Hexblade and the emblem.

I can't wait!

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New Episode: Zero’s Flight

Hexblade: *He stares at the emblem. After a while he reaches out to grab it, but stops himself.* Hm......*He stares at it a little longer. Then he finally reaches out again, only to be stopped by another person’s voice.*

???: What are you doing here beorc?

Hexblade: *He turns around to see an elderly heron.* Hello. Actually, it’s good to see you. Can I ask you something?

???: Answer my question beorc!

Hexblade: ......I am the Hexblade of the Demonclaw Syndicate. I’m here to take the Fire Emblem. May I ask whom you are?

Lorazieh: I am Lorazieh. The King of the Heron Tribe. Though the forest is open to anyone now, this alter is off limits to those outside the heron royals.

Hexblade: ....Tell me, since Yune is no longer within the Emblem itself, will I still go crazy if I touch it?

Lorazieh: ...Did you listen to me at all beorc? You are not allowed here. And you are not allowed to touch that emblem.

Hexblade: Can you answer my question? I answered yours.

Lorazieh: Whether you touch it or not, it does not matter. For you will not take it.

Hexblade: ....My theory is that the aura is not nearly as powerful, but it still may be uncomfortable. *He turns toward the emblem. He starts to reach for it again.*

Lorazieh: *He storms up to Hexblade.* Beorc!

Hexblade: *He turns to face Lorazieh, his left hand on one of his blades. He raises his right hand shakily to his mask.* Listen. I don’t want to hurt you. But I will have to cut you down if you interfere. This is beyond you or me your majesty.

Lorazieh: ....What are you planning beorc?

Hexblade: .....

*Kilvas manor.*

Zero: W-What the hell!??!?!

Princess Kilvas: You’re alive!!! *She runs over to Bizz and hugs her.*

Bizz: H-hey Jen..Um....

Princesss Kilvas: *She backs off.* I guess you’ve noticed I’ve changed...

*Ocelot and Freohr exchange a look of perplexment.*

Zero: What the hell did those dastards do to you?!

Princess Kilvas: Please...I’m fine. I’m sort of happy like this....

Zero: Are you nuts!? They twisted you into this! Jen! You’re not supposed to be like this!

Princess Kilvas: Zero, why does that matter?! I’m still me!

Zero: But look at what they did to you!!! They stole you away from us, and then they experimented on you and turned you into this!! And you don’t even seem to care!!!

Princess Kilvas: Zero, it’s not that big a deal...

Zero: What are you talking about!?!?! Do you know how much I was worried about you?!

Princess Kilvas: I worried about you too! I was looking all over for you!

Zero: Yeah! Right! You seem to be looking real hard sitting in your mansion all day!

Princess Kilvas: I had half the army of Kilvas looking for you! My father-

Zero: *Infuriated.* You’re father? Not only have you accepted what this guy did to you, but now you’ve embraced him!?!? Gah! *He turns away and storms off.*

Princess Kilvas: Zero!

Zero: Forget it! If you’re so happy with your new life, you don’t need me around. *He walks out of sight.*

Princess Kilvas: Zero.......you idiot....

Bizz: Jen...

Princess Kilvas: Are you gonna yell at me and storm off too?

Bizz: No....And Zero will be back. I can understand that you’ve been through a lot since you were captured. So I can understand a little. But I also see where Zero is coming from.

Princess Kilvas: I should go talk to him.

Ocelot: Do you really think he’ll listen?

Princess Kilvas: Who’re you?

Ocelot: I’m El Bandito Grande! Ocelot the Viper! *He strikes a pose.*

Princess Kilvas: .____. Er. Nice to meet you.....But excuse me. *She starts walking but Ocelot stops her.*

Ocelot: Let me talk to him. I’ll get him to come back here. Even if I have to force him.

Bizz: Ocelot....

*The Alter.*

Lorazieh: I cannot permit you to take that emblem beorc.

Hexblade: I’ve already told you that I don’t need your consent. One way or another, I’m taking this emblem. And quit calling me beorc. I’m called Hexblade.

Lorazieh: I care not what you are called. Leave this place now and I will overlook your intrusion.

Hexblade: How about this: You answer my question from before and I will consider leaving this place.

Lorazieh: I do not know the effect that the emblem will have on you beorc. No one other than a heron has touched it since Yune was released.

Hexblade: I see.

Lorazieh: Will you leave now beorc?

Hexblade: No. I need the emblem. Even if it tries to over power me, I’ll be able to contain it.

Lorazieh: Beorc! You fool!

Hexblade: *He swiftly grabs the emblem. For a minute nothing happens, but slowly, a blue fiery aura starts to surround him. Hexblade growls.*

Lorazieh: *He seems to accept his fate that is to come.*.....fool.....

Hexblade: *The blue aura is completely overpowered as Hexblade’s own dark red aura engulfs it.* Huh. That’s not nearly as bad as I thought. It would be a pain to carry it around all the time though. *He pulls out a small bag and places the emblem in it. His aura calms down.* Now. As for you your majesty, I’d prefer if you kept this to yourself. And don’t try to stop me.

Lorazieh: .....Will you return the emblem?

Hexblade: Probably not. But I’ll give you an explanation when I get back.

Lorazieh: ....It is as you said. I have no choice.

Hexblade: I’m glad you can see it my way. *He ties the bag to his belt and he leaves.*

Lorazieh: ......

*Zero sits leaning on a tree sulking and softly cursing to himself.*

???: Hey.

Zero: Huh? *He looks up to see Ocelot standing above him.* The hell do you want?

Ocelot: Don’t you think that was a little harsh?

Zero: What the hell do you know?

Ocelot: ....Not too much. But I know that if I had a family that I’d treat it better than that.

Zero: Shut-up. She doesn’t seem to care about me.

Ocelot: Are you stupid? Of course she does. So what if she’s changed? I’m sure you have as well.

Zero: Some change isn’t good.

Ocelot: ....Are you so petty, that you’re going to throw away all those memories of her, all those years you spent looking for her, over something so stupid.

Zero: *He stands up and glares at Ocelot.* You don’t know anything!

Ocelot: *Punches Zero.* You’re right! I don’t! But I can tell that she’s been just as worried about you as you have for her, and you haven’t even given a chance to explain herself! Now come on! *He grabs Zero’s foot and starts dragging him along.*

Zero: What the hell are you doing!?

Ocelot: I’m dragging you back to her place. Stop being stupid.

Zero: <_< Look who’s talking....

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Explanations.

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Ugh... Never should I let the story get so far ahead without me reading...

But even though I'm the main character in this story, Hexblade owns all these characters! XD

Lol. Yeah. Lately I've been feeling that the focus has been too much on Hexblade. But I've figured out a way to change the focus onto Zero again. But it may take some time. And the focus naturally flows to Hexblade because of all the mystery around him. And the fact that all the enemies so far want to kill him.

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Lol. Yeah. Lately I've been feeling that the focus has been too much on Hexblade. But I've figured out a way to change the focus onto Zero again. But it may take some time. And the focus naturally flows to Hexblade because of all the mystery around him. And the fact that all the enemies so far want to kill him.

I'm honored..! Looks like Hexblade has owned some people in the past it would seem. XD

Edited by Zero the Hero
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Ugh... Never should I let the story get so far ahead without me reading...

But even though I'm the main character in this story, Hexblade owns all these characters! XD

I know, at least the story is good though.

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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New Episode: Explanations.

Ocelot: *He brings back Zero. Who he’s still dragging along.* Got him.

Princess Kilvas: O_o

Zero: *Still Sulking.*

Bizz: Zero...

Zero: *He gets up and brushes himself off.* So? What now?

Princess Kilvas: Zero. I tried to find you myself, and I even sent soldiers out to find you....

Zero: Jen....why have you accepted this? Don’t you feel like they made you into a monster?

Princess Kilvas: No! Not at all! I mean....at first of course I was upset...but Naesala took great care of me, and he treated me like his own daughter. I was never in any pain, and he taught me how to fly, and all sorts of things...

Zero: ....So you feel no regret over this?

Princess Kilvas: Only that I didn’t know where you two were....

Zero: .....

Bizz: Jen...

???: WOO! Boy is this overly dramatic!

*The group looks to the source of the voice to see Hexblade standing a few feet away.*

Zero: Hexblade....

Hexblade: Hello Princess. It’s been a while.

Princess Kilvas: Um...yeah...Oh! I remember now!

Bizz: You know eachother?

Hexblade: Yep. And she’s the person who’s going to vouch for me, when I tell you all this crazy shit now.

Ocelot: ...Cool.

Freohr: *Feeling left out.* Um...uh...should I take the day off?

Hexblade: *Grabs her by her shirt.* Nope. You’re listening too.

Freohr: Huh!? B-b-b-but why?!

Hexblade: Cause you’re there. *He walks inside Princess’s palace.*

Princess Kilvas: ....He’s pretty insistent isn’t he?

Zero: <_< You have no idea.

Ocelot: It seems that every time he meets someone new he drags them along against their will....

*Inside Princess palace. Hexblade already has made himself at home. He sits on a couch, his feet on the table in front of him with his shoes off.*

Hexblade: Hey, girl!

Freohr: Um...me?

Hexblade: Yeah. What’s your name?

Freohr: Freohr...Freohr Daita.

Hexblade: Neat. Will you make us some tea or something cutie? I’m in the mood for some tea.

Freohr: Um..Okay....*She runs off to the kitchen.*

Princess Kilvas: O_o Um...Well....make yourselves at home...

Hexblade: Have a seat. All of you. *He motions to the couch across from him. The four of them squeeze into the opposite couch while the one that Hexblade is in is bigger to begin with.* Now, I’m going to tell you about the planes.

Zero: About time. <_<

Princess Kilvas: I already know about them.

Hexblade: I know you do. But they don’t. They probably wouldn’t believe me without someone they trust vouching for me.

Princess Kilvas: Ah...

Bizz: Is it really that-

Hexblade: ‘Unbelievable’? Yes. Yes it is. You see, there are other worlds in existence, other than this one.

*Ocelot, Bizz, and Zero stare at him.*

Zero: ....Huh?

Princess Kilvas: It’s true.

Hexblade: There are millions if not billions of other worlds. Other whole universes that you don’t know about. This world is just a tiny existence. But they are all connected.

Freohr: *Walks in.* Um..the tea is going to be a few-

Hexblade: *He moves over.* Have a seat.

Freohr: Oh. Um. Okay. *She sits down next to him.*

Hexblade: There are many different creatures, technologies, and all different sorts of people. If you don’t believe me, take a look at Feil’s weapons. In this plane, no one’s ever seen them. But in other places, their commonplace.

Bizz: ....Okay....

Zero: Now, who are you?

Hexblade: I am, as I’ve said: The Hexblade of the Demonclaw Syndicate. The Syndicate being an organization that was disbanded a while ago which helped protect the planes from complete annihilation. In fact, you should be grateful to me. Our group managed to stop all existence from being eliminated once. And we stopped several people who wanted to rule the planes, or kill people, or all sorts of fun stuff.

Ocelot: ....What’s with the bounty on your head?

Hexblade: Not entirely sure. I think it’s just people want me dead because of the fact that I’m a high ranked member of the Demonclaw Syndicate.

Princess Kilvas: How many members are there in the syndicate?

Hexblade: Right now, 0. But there used to be about 20.

Princess Kilvas: Really? I’ve only met three.

Hexblade: Don’t forget Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku, and Yumichika. They weren’t members for too long, but they were members nonetheless.

Zero: So why do you need us?

Hexblade: There’s a good question.

Bizz: .....

Ocelot: ....


Princess Kilvas:.....

Zero: .....You gonna answer it?

Hexblade: Well, the planes are constantly filled with people who want to destroy it. And the syndicate can’t be everywhere and help everyone. So I need you all to help me. I can understand if you’d rather not. Things will become very dangerous, but you will also become stronger.

Freohr: Um-

Hexblade: Yes. You too.

Freohr: *She gets flustered.* Wha-!? But why!?!

Hexblade: Because you add well to the scenery. So. Are you all in?

Princess Kilvas: Sure!

Zero: If Jen is going, then I’m going.

Bizz: If Zero and Jen are going, I’m going.

Hexblade: Alright! So we’re all in!

Ocelot: Huh? What about us? *He and Freohr exchange looks of anxiety.*

Hexblade: You two don’t have a choice.

Freohr: Huh!?! Why not?!

Hexblade: Because, since we’re being honest. There’s something extremely special about both of you. And I want to examine you both more thoroughly.

Ocelot & Freohr: O_o Really!?

Princess, Zero, and Bizz: o_O Really?

Hexblade: ......Maybe.

*The five of them fall out of their chairs.*

Hexblade: *He laughs.*

*A separate Plane. The skeleton creature that is Skral hunches over his latest kills. All five of the bodies have their spines ripped out of their body.*

Skral: *Holding the spines. He bites on one of them.* You’re next Hexblade.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Travel to the planes

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