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A Hero's Journey


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Wow! What kind? Fire? Water? Light? Wind? Lighting? Or is it a secret? boy I can't wait for more story! Too bad you just updated.. I must wait longer..

She's Thunder.

It's not a big secret. Lol.

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Great that all of them came together! And I'm glad that Zero and Jen "still are" brother and sister. How mysterious with all the worlds...

I didn't like that guy in the end... he seemed a little creepy.

Nice chapter!

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Diclaimer: Sorry about the title for the next episode. I had to do it. It was too funny.

New Episode: Travel to the planes

Hexblade: *He gets up off the couch.* Alright, let’s get going!

Ocelot: Wait! Why should me and Freohr go?

Freohr: Yeah, what is this thing that’s so special about us?

Hexblade: I can’t tell you yet. That’s one thing that I refuse to do.

Ocelot: What!? Come on! You told Zero everything he wanted to know! Why won’t you tell us!?

Freohr: Yeah. That’s not very fair.

Hexblade: I can’t. That would ruin the whole purpose behind it. Some things you have to learn for yourself.

Ocelot: Forget it. I’m not going with you without you telling us what’s what.

Hexblade: <_< Fine....

Bizz: (He’s going to tell him?)

Hexblade: You see.....the two of you.....

*They all listen intently.*

Hexblade: *Fake tears stream from his eyes.* Remind me of my family!

Princess, Bizz, Zero and Ocelot: .____________________.

Hexblade: *Still fake crying.* You see, I haven’t seen my brother and sister in years, and you two remind me of them! So I want to make sure I can protect you, like I would protect my siblings! *He places his face in his hands and cries some more.*

Ocelot: <_< Oh for god’s sake, who would be stupid enough to believe this crap?!

Freohr: *Also crying.* ;_; Oh! Mister! I had no idea! *She hugs Hexblade.* Of course I’ll come with you then!

Ocelot: .________________________. *Facepalms.*

Hexblade: *Still fake crying.* Thank you so much! You have no clue how much this means to me.

*The two of them weep in each others arms as the other four watch.*

Hexblade: *He stops crying in an instant.* Looks like it’s just you Ocelot. Are you gonna be a spoil sport?

Ocelot: <_< Fine....

Hexblade: Good. *He gets up. Freohr falls over.* Now, *He holds out a hand and a strange portal opens up in front of him.* this is the portal that will take us to the planes. Just walk through and it will take us instantly to the next world. Are we all ready?

*They nod.*

Hexblade: Good. I’ll go first. *He places a hand into the portal.* GAHHH!!!!! *He screams in pain.*

Everyone: O_O

Hexblade: Hah! Just kidding! *He walks through the portal.*

Zero: O_o That guy’s gonna give me a heart attack.

Bizz: So....who goes next?

Ocelot: Shot not.

Princess Kilvas: I’ll go. *She walks through the portal.*

Freohr: Oh! Um. *She follows after Princess.*

Zero: .....Dammit. *He goes through the portal.*

Bizz: *She runs after Zero.*

Ocelot: ......*He turns around to leave. Hexblade’s arm comes back through the portal and pulls him back.* Wah!

*The portal closes after Ocelot goes through. The door to the palace opens.*

Masu: *Walks in.* Princess? You here? Huh. That’s weird....

*New plane.*

Ocelot: DAMMIT!!!!

Hexblade: Oh get over it.

Zero: So....what’s the difference between here and our world?

Bizz: Is this even another world? *The look around in front of them and all they see is a hill of grass.*

Hexblade: Well, a lot of planes are similar. They all originated from the same basic principle. However-

Freohr: Wow! Look over there!!

*The group turns around to see an entire metropolis. Steel towers, glass windows, architecture that would stun anyone who never seen it before.*

Hexblade: *He smiles under his mask.* However, there are some things that are vastly different.

Princess Kilvas: Wow....It’s beyond what Begnion is....

Hexblade: Far beyond that. Though, as you can see. The planes hold many different wonders.

Zero: ...Amazing...

Hexblade: Not many people get to see the planes. You guys should be grateful to me.

Ocelot: <_< Yeah, yeah, we know....

Hexblade: Come on. Admit it. This place is really cool.

Bizz; It sure is!

Hexblade: Wanna go there?

Freohr: Really!?

Hexblade: *Nods. He starts walking toward the city. The rest of them follow.*

Ocelot: *Sulks.*

Hexblade: You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to Ocelot, but keep in mind that I’m the only one that can get you home now.

Ocelot: .......Dammit. *He follows after them.*


Lalmeyde: *He walks in.* Good news.

Odion: *Tinkering.* What?

Lalmeyde: Feil the ripper came back.

Odion: That so? How is that good news?

Lalmeyde: He lost.

Odion: *He stopped tinkering.* You mean he’s dead!?

Lalmeyde: <_< How can he come back if he’s dead?

Odion: Oh. Right. *He goes back to tinkering.* Sorry, I’ve been up for a few days.

Lalmeyde: Because of that, a lot of Bounty Hunters have quit. “If Hexblade can beat Feil the ripper, then I don’t stand a chance.*

Odion: That applies to us too you know.

Lalmeyde: True. But we don’t have a choice.

Odion: Heh. *He finishes tinkering with a bolt.* There. Done.

Lalmeyde: Really?

Odion: *He leans back in his chair.* Yeah. I’ll start going after him in a day.

Lalmeyde: Better make that two.

Odion: Why two?

Lalmeyde: Well, apparently Skral figured out where Hexblade was going next. So you might want to stay out of his way.

Odion: Why’s that?

Lalmeyde: Skral is a little....violent. He’s already killed five other bounty hunters that followed him. They thought they could over power him and take the kill for themselves. They were wrong.

Odion: .....Yeah, I can wait a little longer.

Lalmeyde: Yeah.

*The City in the previous plane.*

Skral: *He slinks down one of the skyscrapers, using his talon like hands to cling to the building. He watches all the ants that are the people below.* When I find you, you’re spine is mine Hexblade.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Hex in the city.

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Hexblade: Hey, girl!

Freohr: Um...me?

Hexblade: Yeah. What’s your name?

Freohr: Freohr...Freohr Daita.

I thought Hexblade already asked her name... Oh well, I don't feel like checking. XD It doesn't matter that much to me anyway.

Hexblade: *Still fake crying.* You see, I haven’t seen my brother and sister in years, and you two remind me of them! So I want to make sure I can protect you, like I would protect my siblings! *He places his face in his hands and cries some more.*

Ocelot: <_< Oh for god’s sake, who would be stupid enough to believe this crap?!

Freohr: *Also crying.* ;_; Oh! Mister! I had no idea! *She hugs Hexblade.* Of course I’ll come with you then!

Ocelot: .________________________. *Facepalms.*

=D I have to admit, I probably would've fallen for that!

... But usually I'm pretty good at finding out if someone is faking their crying! =P

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I thought Hexblade already asked her name... Oh well, I don't feel like checking. XD It doesn't matter that much to me anyway.

=D I have to admit, I probably would've fallen for that!

... But usually I'm pretty good at finding out if someone is faking their crying! =P

Oh. Maybe I did. :mellow:

Oh well, he forgot. XD

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New Episode: Hex in the city.

Freohr: Wow! This place is even more extraordinary up close. *The group stares at the sky scrapers. Hexblade is the only one unfazed by the site.*

Hexblade: Will you all stop looking around like hics? You’re starting to annoy the city people....

Princess Kilvas: How can people not look?

Zero: Wow....I can see my reflection in this building! *He stares at one of the buildings.*

Hexblade: .__________. *A crowd gathers around them. Some people curse and insult them. Others are just bewildered.* (Silly me. Trying to walk through unnoticed...) How dare I ask for things to be so simple...

Ocelot: You say something Hex?

Hexblade: ...No....*He sighs.*

Zero: What are we here for anyway?

Hexblade: We’re just passing through. I figured here would be a good place to introduce you to the planes. There are various enough people that you won’t stand out with your weapons, and nothing too dangerous happens here. *He suddenly sidesteps, grabbing Freohr to avoid a falling panel of glass that would have hit the two of them. The glass lands with a loud shatter.* Me and my big mouth.

Freohr: O_o T-thank you Sir Hexblade! *She blushes.*

Hexblade: Don’t worry about it.

Zero: Where the hell did that come from!?

Princess Kilvas: I dunno....but I’m starting to not like these buildings....

Hexblade: Nah. These things don’t just fall apart. It’s probably another bounty hunter or something.

Ocelot: The fact that you say that so casually scares me.

Hexblade: I scare a lot of people. Speaking of which. *He turns to the crowd that has gathered.* You better get out of here. *His aura pulsates.* NOW!

*The people take the hint as the glass in the building behind them breaks.*

Zero: What was that for?

Hexblade: Well, if my math is correct, our bounty hunter friend should be here- Oh look over there. *He points to one building where glass is shattering all along the side of it as a strange creature slides down it.* That must be him.

Freohr: What is he?

Hexblade: He could be a whole lot of things Freohr.....*He draws two blades with his hands.* (Hm. My right arm is still a little shaky. Hopefully I can deal with this guy at a ranged to mid-range distance.)

Ocelot: What if we fight him?

Hexblade: Huh?

Ocelot: You can’t take all the battles for yourself. That defeats the whole purpose of bringing us. Let us help out.

Hexblade: *He looks to them, surprised at their willingness to help.* ....Alright. Here’s the plan, Princess, you transform and fly up. When I give the signal, you come swoop down and attack him.

Princess Kilvas: What’s the signal?

Hexblade: Trust me, you’ll know.

Princess Kilvas: *She nods. Then she transforms into a raven and flies up.*

Zero: (So she’s really a laguz now....)

Hexblade: Zero!

Zero: Huh!?

Hexblade: You and Ocelot will back me up. I’ll take him on full frontal, you two will run interference. Don’t actually attack him. Make it seem like you are, but focus on keeping your hide. I’ll focus on attacks.

Zero and Ocelot: Got it!

Hexblade: Bizz, if for any reason this guy gets past the three of us, you have to keep him from getting to Freohr. She’s the key here. If you can block him for one blow, I can charge over and bring his attention back to us.

Bizz: Yes sir!

Freohr: What about me?

Hexblade: Once me, Ocelot, and Zero have established that we’re the ones this guy is fighting, strike him with lightning.

Freohr: How did you know-

Hexblade: Later. He’s here. Get ready.

Skral: *He walks around the corner. He’s holding a human spine.* Sorry. This person was walking by and I was hungry. *He bites the spine and crews it. Bits and pieces of it fall out of his mouth.*

Freohr: *She gasps.* Did he....eat someone’s spine!?

Hexblade: Ah...you must be Skral.

Skral: Oh? You know me?

Hexblade: I’m a member of the Demonclaw Syndicate after all. I should at least know the most infamous bounty hunter in the planes.

Skral: Ho? So my reputation precedes me? Good thing it didn’t kill you before I did. *He takes another bite of the spine.*

Hexblade: “Skral: One of the most infamous and vile bounty hunters in the history of the planes. He tears the spine out of his victim’s back and devours it.” Sort of a trademark thing. Tell me, is there a purpose to eating spines?

Skral: It gives me strength. Other than that. No. *He flexes his arms and the bone arms he has form blades on it. Like a gauntlet meant for killing.*

Hexblade: (Hm. He’s a close range fighter. Which means I’ll have to keep him off Ocelot and Zero mostly.) Alright. Zero! Ocelot! You ready?

Ocelot: *He draws his dagger and runs to Skral’s left flank.* Yeah!

Zero: *He draws his blade and walks about five feet away from Hexblade to cover part of Skral’s right flank and give Bizz and Freohr some cover.

Skral: Hm? Hiding behind some brats Hexblade? Fine. Just gives me more kills. *His bony tail whips about and crashes on the cement sidewalk, cracking it in some spots.*

Hexblade: I’m not hiding, they wanted to fight.

Skral: I don’t care. I was probably gonna kill em all anyway. You’re just saving me time.

Zero: You’ll be eating those words soon enough.

Skral: I’ll be eating your SPINE soon enough brat.

Ocelot: *He crouches and takes a battle stance.* Come on! Let’s quit talking!

Hexblade: Good idea. Skral, if you don’t mind, I’ll make the first move. *He charges and swings down with both blades.*

Skral: Hmph! *He blocks it with his arms.* Just what flesh do you intend to cut?

Hexblade: ....I’m still working on that part of the plan.

Skral: Pah. *His tail thrusts between his legs and nearly impales Hexblade.*

Hexblade: *He jumps back.* Hm.

Zero: Yeah...what exactly do we cut?

Hexblade: I’ll figure something out. *His aura draws his other blades.*

Ocelot: This is gonna suck.....

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: No bones about it!

Reason for edit: Continuity Error. ^^

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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