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A Hero's Journey


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Oh, if that's what you mean. Sorry.

How stupid of me. You even, mentioned that in this chapter!

Lol. Nah it's my bad. I didn't really explain it too much in this chapter. I was feeling lazy. XD

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New Episode: Auraless.

Grod: *He stares down Ocelot.* What’s wrong?

Ocelot: You know perfectly well what’s wrong freak!

Grod: Oh. That? You should know about your opponent before fighting them.

Ocelot: Like you know all that much about me.

Grod: You challenged me. Let me enlighten you. The outcome has already been decided anyway. I’m half lizard-man, and half troll.

Ocelot: So?

Grod: In the world I come from, trolls can regenerate their body parts. I can’t be killed.

Ocelot: “Can’t be killed”? We’ll see about that. All I need to do is split your skull open. Then we’ll see how you’ll regenerate then.

Grod: Heh. I guess so. Bring it on!

Ocelot: *He preps his dagger.* Don’t need to tell me. *He flashes again.*

Grod: *His shoulder erupts in blood as he dodges.* Heh. *He spins to see Ocelot behind him.* I was able to avoid most of that last attack. You aimed for my head there right? *His shoulder heals.* Looks like I’m getting the trick. Try again. Next time you won’t cut me at all.

Ocelot: *He stares down his enemy for a minute, then flashes again.*

Grod: *He grab’s Ocelot’s hand and thwarts Ocelot’s attempted blow to his head.* HAH!

Ocelot: !!!

Grod: *Using his monestrous strength, he spins on his feet and sends Ocelot flying into a building. Then he grins as rubble collapses onto Ocelot’s body.* Eh? Dead already? Fine. *He turns to the others.*

Zero: Ocelot!

Grod: That fool’s long gone. I can’t feel his aura or nothing.

Freohr: But-!

Grod: Shaddup wench! The idiot was dead as soon as he challenged me!

Ocelot: *He moves some rubble and he emerges covered in dust.* What was that tough guy?

Grod: Eh!? How’re you alive?! (His aura disappeared! What’s that guy doing alive!?*

Ocelot: *He flashes again, this time able to cut Grod again, but again only his shoulder.*

Grod: The hell? *His shoulder heals.* (This don’t make sense. I’m not great at detecting people’s aura, but even now, I can’t sense shit! And for a guy that travels through the planes, I should be able to detect something!) *He growls in frustration. Then he roars.*

Ocelot: *Taken aback by the roar, he loses his composure for a second.*

Grod: *He takes the opportunity to charge at Ocelot, roaring again.*

Ocelot: *He preps his dagger.*

Callisto: *A portal opens in between the two. Callisto holds out his palm and Grod stops in his tracks.* Grod Garrod. I am in need of your services.

Ocelot: You!

Grod: I’m already in your service. I’m taking care of things right now!

Callisto: That is not what I meant.

Ocleot: *He moves to stab Callisto, but Callisto’s blade knock’s his out of his hand.* Ow!

Grod: Then what?

Callisto: Come with me. *The two disappear through another portal.*

Ocelot: The hell!?

Zero: That bastard! He’s the one that took Jen! Dammit!

*The group sits in silence.*

Freohr: *She walks over to Ocelot.* S-should I heal your wounds?

Ocelot: ...If you wouldn’t mind?

*Neblium’s palace. Callisto warps in with Grod. Standing there to greet them are Feil and Skral. Both waiting for Callisto to return.*

Callisto: Good. We’re all here.

Feil: What’s this about Callisto? You interrupted my binge drinking for what? A tea party?

Callisto: Listen and you will learn. I need you to keep watch over something. *He opens the door to the throne room. Princess Kilvas sits in her cage.*

Princess Kilvas: *She looks up, then gasps at a particular person.*

Skral: *He glares at her. As if he recognizes her, but can’t remember who she is. Unfortunately for Princess, it clicks for him.* YOU! *He storms over.*

Princess Kilvas: *She backs into the furthest part of her cage.*

Skral: I’m going to rip your wings off and pluck you’re eyes out you little pigeon!

Callisto: Calm yourself Skral. She’s the one I need you to protect.

Skral: Like hell! I’m going to rip her flesh off her bones! *He stares at Princess. Bloodlust in his eyes.*

Princess Kilvas: *She clutches Linux.* H-how did you-?

Skral: Get my eyes back!? Funny you should ask. I’ll show you in a minute what I did exactly.

Callisto: Skral!

Skral: *He turns away from his prey and glares at Callisto.* What?

Callisto: Hexblade will eventually come here. Kill him. And I will pay you the bounty on his head. And for staying here to keep an eye on our hostage. I will give you all the same amount of money as if you killed Hexblade. You’re guaranteed the bounty money, with a chance of doubling it.

Grod: Shit! Four times the original bounty!? I’m in.

Skral: *He snarls.* Keep your money....Give me her when we’re finished and I’ll do the whole job for free. Hexblade’s death and all. *He stares at Princess.*

Princess Kilvas: *She tries to move back, but the cage bars prevent her.*

Callisto: And you Feil?

Feil: No deal!

Grod: Are you nuts?! We’re guaranteed the cash Feil!

Feil: Who cares!? Do you guys think I’m the kind of guy that needs all that money? I was in this for the hunt! Not to wait for Hexblade to come here while I twiddle my thumbs!

Callisto: Is there any way I can convince you?

Feil: I dunno. I’d miss the hunt no matter what you offer.

Callisto: How about me?

Feil: Huh?

Callisto: You do this job, I’ll give you the money that I offered, and then, you’re free to try and kill me.

Feil: *He smiles.* How about you, AND your fellow galilean soldiers?

Callisto: Deal. I leave this to you gentlemen to sort out the arrangements. Make sure she doesn’t die till after the job is done. *He stares at Skral, who glares back. Then he opens a portal and leaves.*

*Outside Neblium’s palace.*

Lyle: Boy does this place bring back memories.

Masu: Are you sure this is where she is?

Lyle: Yeah. I can feel her aura from here.

Masu: Then let’s go get her!

Arc: Shouldn’t we have a plan?

Lyle: Yeah. Arc’s right.

Masu: *He thinks.* Okay! We run in there, kill everyone in our way, take Princess, and leave.

*Lyle and Arc exchange a glance.*

Arc: I can’t think of anything better. Let’s run with that.

Lyle: *He looks exasperated.*

Masu: Come on!

*Back with Zero’s group.*

Freohr: *She finishes up healing Ocelot.* There! *She wipes her forehead.* How are you feeling?

Ocelot: Fine now. Thanks Freohr.

Freohr: Don’t worry about it!

Zero: *He stares off into the distance.*

Bizz: What’s wrong Zero?

Zero: ...We can’t do this without him...Where is he?

Bizz: ...*He didn’t need to say anything more. She knew who he was talking about.*

*A portal opens. Hexblade, come stumbling through wildly. As if he were grasping for his life. His wound from his battle with Callisto and Ganymede remained, and new wounds and marks were there with it. Hexblade looked as though he went through hell.*

Zero: Hexblade!!

Hexblade: *The portal closes behind him. And he breathes heavily on his hands and knees, his six blades scattered on the floor, his clothes torn. He turns his head to see the group.* I...*He collapses. Unconcious.*

*The group rushes over to him.*

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Battle in the Abyss.

Edited by Lloyd Irving
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Oohhh...Epic, I liked that episode! Awesomness!

I think I have the whole rest of the plot set up in my mind now. So no more improvising at the last minute. Lol.

I think we're about the half way point.

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Halfway? good =)

ooh, that was awesome!!!

Yeah. Halfway give or take.

And I just figured out today what I have in store for you Freohr. *rubs hands together.* Muhuwahahahaha.

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New Episode: Battle in the Abyss.

Hexblade: *He opens his eyes to see four shadowy figures leaning over him. Underneath him is a soft bed, but without warning he grabs a sword and holds it to the throat of one of the figures.*

Ocelot: HOLY SHIT!!!

Hexblade: *He realizes that he’s in the room of an inn. He takes his blade from Ocelot’s throat and notices that his wounds have healed.* Oh...Sorry..

Ocelot: *He clutches his neck and backs away.* N-no worries...

Bizz: Are you okay?

Hexblade: I think so. Unless this is heaven. Which would be a real disappointment. Er. No offense.

Freohr: You’re not dead Mr. Hexblade. I healed you when you came through that portal.

Hexblade: *He rubs his forehead.* Ugh. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Ocelot: Actually, that might be because me and Zero dropped you when we were bringing you up to this room.

Hexblade: *He stares at Ocelot, who shrugs.*

Zero: Enough of this! Do you know what happened to us while we were gone! Jen got kidnapped!

Hexblade: I figured she would.

Zero: *He grabs Hexblade.* You knew!?

Hexblade: *He slaps away Zero’s hands.* I didn’t KNOW, but I assumed. I mean, she’s a Princess. It was bound to happen at some point.

Zero: We have to go rescue her!

Hexblade: I know. And we will. But aren’t you curious as to why I came back through that portal half dead?

*Bizz and Zero say this simultaneously.*

Zero: No.

Bizz: Yes!

Hexblade: *He looks at Zero. Then to Bizz.* Thanks for your concern. And this is important as well.

Ocelot: What happened?

Hexblade: I’ll tell you:

Hexblade: *He walks through the portal. Then he examines his wound left by Callisto.* Damn. That hurt...*He looks around.* Hey, this place looks familiar. *It takes him a minute.* Yeah! This is where I fought that-

Shade Knight: *The shade knight crashes through the trees behind him.*

Hexblade: Shit! *He jumps back and his blades unsheathe themselves.* Is this another one? Or the same one from before? *He hears more crashing around him. Six other shade knights zone in on his location.* Looks like I would have been better off fighting Callisto...

*The first Shade Knight lifts it’s blade and swings down. Hexblade avoids it, but another shade knight attempts to crush him in a similar manner. This one he blocks with three blades.*

Hexblade: Dammit..*He runs around, avoiding other attacks from the shade knights, all the while, he has his blades attacking the surrounding shade knights to no avail. He skids to a stop, all seven of the shade knights in front of him.* I really hope that’s all of them.

*The shade knights stare him down. They approach him slowly.*

Hexblade: It’s not my style to run, but that’s the best outcome in this situation. *He turns on his feet and starts running, his speed giving him an advantage.* (What exactly is going on here? So many shade knights...it’s not natural. I should look into-) HOLY SHIT!

*In front of Hexblade, a wave of shadows engulfs the forest in front of him.*

Hexblade: What the hell?

*The shadows approach Hexblade at an alarming speed.*

Hexblade: Shit. *He turns back around and runs in the opposite direction.* Damn, what the hell is going on!? *He finds himself face to face with the original reasons for him running in the first place.* Dammit! I don’t have time for you! *Using his blades, he flips, jumps and dodges the swings of the shade knights, and keeps running after he gets through them. He looks behind him to see the shade knights collapsing under the shadow wave.* Well, that’s one problem solved.... *He stops in his tracks as the wall of shadow surrounds him on all sides.* Shit! When did that happen!? *He looks for a way out, even toward the sky, the shadows surround him.* ...I got one shot....*The six blades stab into the ground around him as he concentrates. His aura surrounds his body. The shadows engulf him and his aura protects him from the fate that the shade knights fell to.* (Great. Now what Hexblade? You’ve prevented yourself from dying. And all you need to do is stand here concentrating for the next eternity.) *His foot is tugged at. He nearly falls.* (Shit, now what?)

*The shadows start to clear away. Hexblade looks around. As the area becomes more visible, he notices that what was once the forest, is but a wasteland. No sign of there ever being any form of life. Just dirt.*

Hexblade: *He lets his aura down.* What the? *The tugging resumes.* Eh? *The shadows that engulfed the land zoom off, as if a black hole were sucking them in. Before Hexblade can comment, he and his blades are also caught up in the phenomenon.* SHIT!!!

*Hexblade tumbles across the ground, his blades and the shadows come along with him. At one point, his blades even cut his arm. Finally, Hexblade manages to grab hold of one of his swords, and stabs into the ground. Then using his aura, he grabs his other five blades. Holding on for dear life, he stabs the five blades deeper into the ground then the first blade and he uses them as a buffer between him and whatever was tugging him.*

Hexblade: *He looks behind him to see the final destination of the shadows. For an instant he sees an alter, and a shattered crystal, then the shadows erupt in an explosion. The tugging ceases and Hexblade finally relaxes.* This is one fucked up day....*He shakily stands up, trying to regain his balance. He adjusts his mask, which had miraculously stayed on throughout the ordeal. Then he looks to where the alter had once stood.* What the hell?

*A gorgeous woman, dressed in a stunning black dress stands where the alter was. She has long black hair, a voluptuous chest, and pure white skin. For a minute Hexblade forgets about what just happened and considered proposing to the woman that instant. He regains his composure.*

???: *The woman’s blue eyes stare at Hexblade. Almost as if she were looking right into his soul. Her voice is almost hypnotizing. Any man (Editors note: “And some women.”) would be captivated by her.* Ah. Hexblade. Colin O’Riley. I’m impressed in your abilities. Not only did you defeat one of my shade knights. You managed to survive against all seven of them, and even avoid becoming part of my power.

Hexblade: (She knows my name?) Well, I certainly manage to get around. Still, you know my name, may I ask who you are?

Nemzadi: I am Nemzadi. The queen of shadows. I have been trapped in that alter for nearly a millennia.

Hexblade: Well, you certainly look good for being over 1000 years old.

Nemzadi: The seal that once encased me had weakened, and I was able to break free. I have kept watch on this world, and all the planes. And now I seek to engulf them all in my shadows. Starting with you.

Hexblade: Well normally a girl buys me a few drinks before taking me out.

Nemzadi: *Ignoring Hexblade’s words, she waves an arm.* So long, Hexblade.

Hexblade: *He glances to the side, where a shadow fiend emerges and slashes at Hexblade.* Argh! *The shadow fiend knocks Hexblade to the ground and smashes a top his body. All the while, it feels as though Hexblade’s flesh is being torn apart.* GAHH!! *Trying to ignore the pain, he concentrates on raising his aura to protect him. He succeeds and the shadow fiend is dispersed.*

Nemzadi: Ho?

Hexblade: *He stands up. Panting. Words escape him.*

Nemzadi: I am impressed Hexblade. You are stronger then I even imagined.

Hexblade: *He opens a portal. Not sticking around for what she might have in store next.*

Hexblade: And that’s when I stumbled here.

Zero: Great. So now we have a crazy shadow queen after us.

Bizz: We’re gonna have to take care of that then...

Hexblade: Indeed. But first thing’s first. We’re gonna rescue Princess before anything.

Freohr: Y-yes! Let’s do our best!

Ocelot: How are we gonna find her though? She could be anywhere.

Hexblade: I have a rough idea. Plus I can feel around for her aura.

Zero: Is that possible to do that through the planes?

Hexblade: It’s how the bounty hunters find me. *He gets out of the bed.* We just need to make a quick stop somewhere to find her. *He opens a portal.* Come on.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Rescue force! The original team returns!

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You'd be rich! XD

Maybe I do say that too much..

It's not like it hurts anyone though. It's not a big deal.

At the very least it isn't something you should be self concious about.

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How so?

Well, maybe "strange" wasn't the best description. She's kinda like Yune; she's been trapped insied something for about 1000 years. And she's even stronger than Hexblade's. :blink:

But there's no doubt she's cool!

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Great chapter, though the other half of the chapter was a little confusing to follow, since you didn't have enough descriptive words to make it an awesome flashback; I was able to follow enough to understand that there is another, more powerful villain now, and I can't wait to read your awesome fight scenes. I think that's what you're best at: Fight scenes and names, two important points in an action story.

~Kudos to you Lyle, especially after all that rambling. XD

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New Episode: Rescue force! The original team returns!

Grod: *He sits on the ground, guarding the first room in Neblium’s palace. He picks at his teeth with one of his mighty talons.* Man. I’m happy to get the money. But this stuff sure is boring...

*The door in front of him opens.*

Grod: Eh? Looks like I spoke too soon. *He gets up.* Who is it?

*Lyle, Masu and Arc walk through the door.*

Lyle: See? I told you there’d be guards.

Arc: Who ever said there wouldn’t be?

Masu: Yeah...no one said that Lyle.

Lyle: ...

Grod: Eh? You guys ain’t Hexblade. Who are you?

Lyle: Hexblade?

Masu: We’re here to rescue Princess! Get out of the way or we’ll plow through you!

Grod: Sorry. I’m bored. A good fight will do me well to get over that!

Masu: Fine! Let’s go!

Lyle: I’ll take him.

Masu: What?! No way!

Lyle: Think about it. He’s got scales, which will most likely provide some protection to your magical attacks. Arc’s arrows are piercing, which scales will also protect, so the best way to take him out is through slashing. Which I can do. You guys go on ahead and get Princess. I can take this guy.

Masu: You know-!

Arc: *He grabs Masu.* Oh shut up and let’s go. *He drags Masu across the room.*

Grod: *He makes no effort to stop the two as they pass.* Heh.

Lyle: I thought your job was to keep us from getting to Princess.

Grod: Yeah. But it’s not like I’m the only one here.

Lyle: (Damn. I hadn’t thought of that...) Oh well. That just means I have to beat you quickly.

Grod: *He laughs.* Even if you did manage to get past me, you’d never get past the next guy! Your two friends are probably already dead!

Lyle: Wha?

Grod: Don’t worry about that though! Let’s just focus on this fight! *He charges.*

Lyle: *He draws his blades.* You don’t need to tell me that.

*The next room.*

Masu: *He finally breaks free of Arc’s grasp.* Dammit! I hate it when he does that!

Arc: Huh?

Masu: He always acts so goddamn superior to me! I hate it!

Arc: This again?

Masu: I’m sick of it!

Arc: I bet he hates when you do that also Masu. Now lets get moving. We have to get Princess.

Masu: Dammit...

Arc: Wait.

Masu: What?

Arc: Someone’s here.

???: No point in hiding it. I was gonna take you both out silently. But I realize now that there’s no point to that.

Masu: Who-?

Skral: I was gonna be the last line of defense. But Grod and Feil said it was too risky to leave me alone with that bird-girl. They’re probably right. Doesn’t matter. I’ll kill her when this is over anyway.

Arc: So there’s someone else after this guy...

Masu: I’ll take this creep Arc. You get Princess. (I’ll show that asshole Lyle.)

Skral: Neither of you will get passed here.

Arc: Masu, can you make a distraction and I’ll slip past him?

Masu: No problem! *He waves his hand.*

Skral: Eh?

Masu: Better than that Arc, I’ll take him out in one blow! *A ball of fire engulfs Skral.*

Arc: *He raises his arm to shield his face.* Damn Masu! Can’t you hold back at all? I can feel the heat from here!

Masu: Sorry. I wanted to make sure he was toast. Now we can both take on the next guy.

Skral: *He steps out of the flames, his body glows from the heat of the flames. He says nothing, but simply laughs.*

Masu: No way....

Arc: Masu, can you take him? Can you keep him occupied? I’ll go to the next room, take that guy out, and I’ll be back to help you.

Masu: ...I won’t need it. I’ll finish him off before that.

Arc: Lyle will probably-

Masu: I’ll beat this guy! And I’ll do it before Lyle beats his guy! Then I’ll go back and help him!

Arc: ...Okay...*He charges off.*

Skral: *The flames dissipate, and his body returns to it’s normal color.* You’re not going nowhere!


Skral: *Flames erupt underneath his beneath him, engulfing him again.*

Arc: *He passes the flames, feeling the heat.* (Dammit Masu, calm the hell down. You’re gonna burn the whole place down.) *He charges out of the room and heads towards Princess.*

Skral: *The flames recede. Once again he’s unharmed and his body glows.* Huh. One rat got away. Oh well. It’ll be easier to kill them separately.

Masu: I’m gonna kick your ass bonehead!

Skral: Tch.

*Arc runs down a hallway. Then up stairs.*

Arc: Geeze, how far is this next room?

*After a few more minutes, he reaches a door. He pushes the door open and walks in. At the end of the room sits a man in the throne, snoozing away. Princess is in a cage next to the throne. She looks towards the entrance. For a moment she doesn’t realize who’s there.*

Princess Kilvas: ....Arc? Arc!

Feil: *He wakes up.* Huhwhowha? Eh? Who’re you?

Arc: I’m here to save her.

Feil: ...Really? You got past Grod and Skral? You must be tough.

Princess Kilvas: Arc, what are you doing here?!

Arc: It’s not just me. Lyle and Masu are here. We got worried about you, so Masu forced Lyle to take us to the planes and look for you.

Princess Kilvas: Really?

Feil: Ah. So those two are fighting Grod and Skral, and you managed to slip past them. Damn. I thought you were gonna be a challenge too.

Arc: Oh. I’ll give you a challenge for sure. Don’t worry Princess. *He strings an arrow.* I’ll take this guy out quickly. And then the four of us will get back home.

Feil: So...you have nothing to do with Hexblade at all?

Arc: Who? *He decides not to hear Feil’s response and fires his arrow, to pierce Feil’s heart.*

Feil: *He pulls out a revolver and shoots, splintering the arrow.* Phew. That was close.

Arc: *He stares at what transpired.* Wow.

Feil: Trying to kill me already? Jerk. I didn’t even get a chance to tell you my name. I mean come on guy. If you do manage to kill me, it’s a courtesy for you to remember your opponent’s name. At least for a little while man.

Arc: Fine. What’s your name?

Feil: I am Feil the ripper.

Arc: Okay. Goodbye. *He fires another arrow.*

Feil: *He ducks.* Geeze! Calm down guy!

Arc: Sorry. I want to finish this up quickly. Plus, I don’t like it when people take my friends.

Feil: To be fair I wasn’t really the one to take her. But I can’t really give her up though. So I guess you do have to kill me after all. Oh well. Let’s see how ya do.

Arc: I’ll beat you. I promise.

Princess Kilvas: They all came for me...*Tears well up in her eyes.*

Linux: *He makes a little squeaking noise and nuzzles Princess.*

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Rivalry!

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Ooh, more of you guys! =)


Can't wait till next part, keep up the good work (I don't need to say that obviously, but I don't care I wanna say it)

Any feedback is welcome Freohr. So yes, you do need to say that. Lol.

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*reads* Wow! I don't think you could have gotten Masu's personality any better! It's like Masu himself is writing his parts in the story! Nice writing!

Lol. Thanks. *Pays Masu for writing part of it.*

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