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A Hero's Journey


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New Episode: Moon Fall.

Bizz: Eek! *She ducks just in time to avoid one of Callisto’s swords. Then as his second comes down on her, she rolls out of the way.*

Callisto: *The eyes of the shadowy Callisto follow her. It takes the sword impaled in the dirt out, and paces towards Bizz.*

Princess Kilvas: *She strikes at Europa again.* (I’ve got to get to Bizz! She can’t do it alone.)

Europa: *She swings her fist at Princess again, showing no signs of injury from Princess’s latest attack.*

Odion: Woah! *He dodges an attack from Ganymede, firing another bolt into his head, but like Europa, the beast shows no signs of injury.*

Princess Kilvas: (Odion is having trouble too. But Bizz needs help more than him right now. I gotta finish Europa fast.)

Bizz: *She ducks away from another of Callisto’s attacks, and finally manages to get to her feet. She grabs her blade and shakily holds it in her hands.*

Callisto: *His head tilts, curious about Bizz’s newfound courage, but the thought seems to be put aside as he attacks once again.*

Bizz: *She raises her sword and blocks the attack, nearly dropping her sword from the pain shooting up her arm.* Ngh!

Callisto: *He swings his other blade at Bizz’s ribs, managing to nick her side.*

Bizz: *She winces, and almost loses her stance. She manages to block the several other blows that come after it, but her arm grows tired, and she sees no opening for an attack.*

Callisto: *He continues to attack, forcing Bizz to back up, and move away from the other fights, leaving Bizz to fend for herself.*

Bizz: Ngh. *She blocks another attack.*

Princess Kilvas: Bizz! *She decides to ignore Europa, and tries to help Bizz. Mid-flight, she jerks in the air, noticing a chain around her ankle. Europa holding the other end of the chain.* Dammit! *She turns her attention back to Europa.*

Bizz: *The battle between the two leads them to the edge of a cliff, the drop being enough to cause death. At the very least, plenty of broken bones. Bizz continues to struggle as she nears the edge.*

Callisto: *The shadowy form sneers, and after one particularly hard strike, Bizz falls to the ground.*

Bizz: Gah! *She holds up her blade, hoping to block Callisto’s next attack. Closing her eyes as she does so.*

Callisto: *As expected, the blade drops hard on her sword. Bizz struggles under the pressure of Callisto’s sword. She opens her eyes to see Callisto sliding his second blade further and further toward her.*

Bizz: *Her face grows sullen as the approaching blade nears her face. She braces herself for the worst.* Please...

Bizz, you’re too nervous when you fight. Worrying about something that could happen only increases the chances. Be aware of the opponent’s blade, but not afraid of it.

Bizz: *Hexblade’s words echo in her mind, sparking a flame of hope inside her. She puts all her effort into her sword hand, and knocks Callisto off balance, his blade missing her face by centimeters as he tumbles. She gets back to her feet and grabs her sword with both hands.*

Callisto: *He recovers his footing and faces Bizz. He readies his swords and charges for Bizz, lifting one of his blades high.*

Bizz: *She crouches slightly, and spots her target. She stabs Callisto’s elevated arm, piercing it through.*

Callisto: *He howls and drops his sword. Spending no more time, he swings with his other sword, in an attempt to cut down Bizz’s middle.*

Bizz: *She recedes her blade from his arm and backs away from his next swing. She keeps both her hands on her sword, as the two commence their battle again. This time, the fight is more even, as Bizz is using both her hands, while Callisto’s one hand is crippled.*

Callisto: *His swings grow more wild as the battle goes on. Bizz continues to keep herself calm, despite Callisto’s rapid flurry of strikes.*

Bizz: *She decides to take a chance, and slashes at Callisto’s neck. Unfortunately, she misses and Callisto swings his blade down to cleave her head. Noticing the impending danger, Bizz takes another risk. She drops her sword and grabs his sword arm, preventing him from following through with his attack. Before Callisto can react, she kicks out his leg from under him, causing him to lose balance once again. She let’s his arm go and grabs his head, hitting it against her knee, then tossing him with all her strength.*

Callisto: *He once again loses his footing and stumbles backwards, he reaches the edge of the cliff where he attempts to regain his balance, dropping his sword down the cliff.*

Bizz: *She notices that he is close to regaining his balance and staying on the cliff, but in a quick act, she grabs his fallen sword from before, and tosses it at him. The blade doesn’t cut him, but it knocks him off his feet and down the cliff. She hurries to watch her opponent tumble down the cliff, almost feeling the snaps of his bones.*

Callisto: *The shadow beast finally reaches the bottom, close to death, as the final blow lands, as the sword that Bizz threw at him, pierces his lungs as it lands. He howls in pain for one last time, and breathes his last labored breath.*

Bizz: I....I won....*A wave of relief flows through her. She remembers herself, picks up her sword and heads back to help Princess and Odion.*

Princess Kilvas: *Bizz looks up as she hears a screech from above. Princess holds her defeated opponent in her talons as she drops Europa from high above, she swoops down and transforms to her normal self.* Bizz! Are you okay!?

Bizz: Yeah.

Princess Kilvas: What happened to Callisto?

Bizz: I beat him. *She smiles.*

Princess Kilvas: *She smiles as well, proud of Bizz’s prowess. She remembers the situation.* We gotta go help Odion!

Bizz: Right! *The two run to the previous area, hearing the rumbles of Ganymede’s attacks.*

Princess Kilvas: Odion!

Odion: *He jumps back from another of Ganymede’s attacks.* Stay back! *He fires another bolt into Ganymede’s abdomen, still showing no signs of injury.* Damn. He was tough-skinned before, but with the shadows helping him, it’s even worse.*

Ganymede: *He roars and swings his fists at Odion, ignoring Bizz and Princess.*

Princess Kilvas: Let us help!

Odion: No! I got this! *He jumps back again, and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out an irregularly shaped bolt, which looks like a small mace. He then talks to himself.* He’s mindless, slow, big, and strong. *He dodges another attack.* I’m ranged, so if I can completely immobilize him, the rest of the battle should just be a matter of his endurance, versus my ammo. *He sets the irregularly shaped bolt into his crossbow, and takes aim at Ganymede’s knee.* Fire! *He launches the bolt.*

Ganymede: *He roars again, this time in pain. He drops to one knee, and stops his attacks. Then he starts to stand up again.*

Odion: *His eyes grow wide.* Shit. No way. *He reaches into his pocket to futilely look for another of those bolts, that he knows will not be there.* Dammit....*An idea pops into his head. He looks at the girls and gains courage. He throws himself onto Ganymede’s still unsteady body, knocking the beast to the ground.*

Bizz: Odion!!

Princess Kilvas: What are you thinking!?

Odion: *He loads another bolt into his crossbow.* Open wide!

Ganymede: *He roars.*

Odion: * He fires his bolt, into Ganymede’s mouth, triggering another exploding bolt. Odion’s body goes flying off the beast, as Princess and Bizz shrink back from the explosion.*

Princess Kilvas: Odion! *The two run to where Odion’s body lays. Princess takes a quick glance at Ganymede, regretting doing so, as she nearly lost her lunch over the sight of his splattered head.*

Bizz: *She finds Odion’s body lying facedown.* Odion! *Princess and Bizz work together to flip him over. The sight shocks them.*

Odion: *Over his face and his heart are metal shields. Before Bizz and Princess can inquire, the plates start moving like liquid onto his arms respectively. As it reveals his face, he is laughing. Princess and Bizz wait until the metal plates form back into the indestructible armlets that Odion had used in his fight against Zero.* Aren’t these things great?

To Be Continued

Next Episode: 0 to 6

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Great! Bizz is getting really good. Even Hexblade had problems fighting Callisto I know he faced this other guy at the same time, but he also had six blades! I love the way this story develops the characters in time. It's just great!

Edited by xanatha
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I just read the whole thing from start to finish, and I like it. However, you never did say why Hexblade needed the Medallion, did you?

GAH! SHH!!!!

The story isn't over YET.

(Lol. Of course, there has to be ONE observant person.)

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New Episode: 0 to 6

Hexblade: Hahahahahaha!!!! *Hexblade swings two of his swords at Zero.*

Zero: *He dodges, and covers his eyes as Hexblade’s swords kick up dust on their impact. He places both his hands on Gerofu and swings at Hexblade.*

Hexblade: Woah! *He dodges Gerofu, the edge of the axe missing his face by inches. After the initial surprise, he starts smiling and laughing again, countering Zero’s blow.* Come on Zero! You can do better than that!

Zero: *He backs away from Hexblade, out of breath.* Don’t you ever shut-up?

Hexblade: *His blades seem to relax and float around him casually now as he stands and watches Zero.* Would you love me if I was quiet?

Zero: *He growls.* I HATE YOU! *He raises Gerofu and crashes down on the ground with it, sending a shockwave toward Hexblade.*

Hexblade: *He raises an eyebrow.* Hm...*The blast envelops him.*

Zero: *He pants. As the dust clears, he sees that Hexblade is not there.* What?!

Hexblade: *Out of the ground, behind Zero, Hexblade pops up, laughing. Zero looks behind him just in time to see Hexblade’s six swords slashing his back.*

Zero: Argh! *The force behind the blow sends Zero to the ground. He scrambles out of the way of Hexblade’s swords, which pierced the ground where he had been. He manages to get to his feet, only to have Hexblade’s fist meet his face. Zero stumbles backwards.*

Hexblade: Come on Zero, swords aren’t the only way I can attack. *He laughs again, and his swords return to his side.* Keep up! *He grabs one of his swords and stabs through Zero’s shoulder.*

Zero: *Pain fills his arm as he stumbles back again, taking in, the fact that he’d been run-through. The sword sticking in his body. For a moment he forgets himself, which gives Hexblade an opening.*

Hexblade: *He pops right next to Zero, lifts two of his blades high. Zero notices Hexblade’s movement too late as his opponent swings his blades down hard, on the blade impaled in Zero.*

Zero: *Even harsher pain fills his arm, nearly causing him to collapse, as the force from Hexblade’s swords push the impaled sword through Zero’s flesh. Zero cries out in anguish.*

Hexblade: Hm. *He has a look of dissatisfaction, expecting more from Zero. He tosses the sword in his left hand aside, it taking it’s place around him, as he takes the sword impaled in Zero out of it’s place, he swings around, and attempts to cleave Zero’s head.*

Zero: *Despite his pain, he ducks to avoid the attack. He forces his arm to reluctantly bend to his will, and elbows Hexblade in the stomach. He then uses his good arm to swing Gerofu across Hexblade’s chest.*

Hexblade: Tch! *He winces as the axe cuts his chest. Then he smiles as he realizes Zero isn’t dead yet.* Good! More fun! *He backs away from Zero. He grabs two swords, and leaves two at his side, as he sends the remaining two to attack Zero.*

Zero: Hah! *He swings Gerofu, sending another shockwave, throwing the blades off their path.*

Hexblade: Huh. *He notices the shockwave coming toward him.* Hmm... *He drops one of his swords and holds out his hand, as the blast approaches him his aura comes to his defense. He uses his aura to deflect the blow. His two swords return to him after wobbling about, disoriented from Zero’s attacks.* I’m impressed Zero. You really have gotten better at using that thing. Rather than before, when you were swinging it just as wildly as you did your sword.

Zero: I don’t need your approval.

Hexblade: Really? Then why have you come all this way to fight me? Why didn’t you just turn around and head back to Tellius after you survived? Face it. I’m an obstacle for you to regain your manhood. You’re weak. So your trying to prove something by beating me.

Zero: *Hexblade’s words strike a nerve.* Shut-up!!! *He charges toward Hexblade, preparing to swing Gerofu.*

Hexblade: *He side steps Zero’s attack, and makes no move to counter, further emasculating Zero.*

Zero: *He growls.*

Hexblade: *He laughs.* Come on then. Let’s make you a man.

Zero: *He angrily swings Gerofu, sending off another shockwave.*

Hexblade: *Surprised by the attack, he instinctively blocks the attack with one of the swords in his hand, the shockwave pressing against his blade with considerable force.* Rrr..

Zero: *He rolls to the side and sends a second shockwave at Hexblade’s left side.* Hah!

Hexblade: *He notices the attack and uses his other sword in his hand to block the attack, after a moment, and to his surprise, he realizes his one sword isn’t enough, so he blocks with another of his floating swords.*

Zero: *By now, he’s behind Hexblade and launches another attack from behind, this time with even more force than the others.*

Hexblade: *He realizes the power of the attack and uses his remaining three blades to block the blast. Even then, he’s placed under pressure. Surrounded on three sides, he realizes where the next attack will come from.*

Zero: *He shows up at Hexblade’s right side, and rather than use another shockwave, he attacks Hexblade directly.*

Hexblade: Shit! (Had it been another shockwave, I could have just used my aura, but this..) *He uses his only option, and lets go of his two swords, and grabs Gerofu with hands. He makes sure to grab the sides of the axe, so he won’t cut himself on the edge.*

Zero: *He smirks.* Not so cocky now huh?

Hexblade: Hmph. *He grows angry, and tosses Gerofu, which makes Zero stumble back.*

Zero: Damn. *He realizes his attempt failed, and rather than try again, he runs away from Hexblade hoping to avoid a counter.*

Hexblade: *He runs out of the prison that Zero created with his attacks. After making sure he was far enough, his blades return to his side, resulting in an explosion where the three shockwaves had met.* Where are you running off too Zero!?!? *His voice is angry now as he chases Zero.*

Zero: *He spins on his feet and attacks with another shockwave.*

Hexblade: Hpmh. *His smile from earlier in the fight is replaced with a scowl. He uses one of his blades, engulfed in his aura, to knock the shockwave aside.* Now.... *Two of his swords point directly at Zero. They shoot off at him.*

Zero: *He braces himself, but notices that the swords don’t pierce him, but rather, his shirt. The swords drag him at high speed, remarkably not tearing his shirt. The swords drag Zero at high speed, and recede from his shirt in time for him to knock into a large rock.* Gah!

Hexblade: You know Zero... *Hexblade is now a considerable distance from Zero, and his swords return to him.* I was gonna end this right there. But then I thought, that I should make you suffer a bit more.*

Zero: Heh. I’ve been thinking this entire time, about how I was gonna get far enough away from you. Thanks.

Hexblade: Hm?

Zero: *He uses both his arms to lift Gerofu, as the axe gathers energy.*

Hexblade: *His eyes grow wide.* Shit.... (If he gets enough power, he really WILL kill me.) *He makes a quick decision and charges for Zero, his swords following him.*

Zero: *He spots Hexblade’s movement.* (Damn. Hurry up and charge....)

Hexblade: *He runs as fast as he can, despite any weariness he feels.*

Zero: (Damn! I’m not gonna charge it all in time!) *He looks from his axe to Hexblade. Both of them desperate. Zero waits until the last possible moment, and swings down.*

Hexblade: *He watches as the Axe comes down, and with it, a blast engulfs Hexblade, his swords, and the area around him.* GAHHHH!!!!

Zero: *He watches as the area clears, the landscape torn apart by his attack. He breathes heavily in satisfaction. He points with Gerofu where Hexblade had been.* You’ve just been Zeroed in on.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Complete Defeat.

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Only one more chapter after this! ^_^

New Episode: Complete Defeat.

Zero: *He drops to his knee, exhausted. He speaks to Gerofu.* Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you. *The axe says nothing, as Zero expected, but considering that most of his effective blows were because of Gerofu’s ability, he ought to at least say something. Off in the distance some rocks move.* ....

Hexblade: *He pushes a rock out of his way, and he comes out of the rubble, clearly wounded from the blow Zero landed, he looks worn and tired.* What? You think that finished me? *His blades shoot out of the rocks, and return to their sheaths.*

Zero: Nope. But I figured it would at least do that to you. You can’t fight anymore, that’s for sure.

Hexblade: Well....I’m not gonna pretend that I can move around as effectively as I hoped, but you look pretty worn yourself. I don’t have enough energy to keep using all my blades...

Zero: Pity. Cause I have enough energy to pull off a few of my attacks. Face it Hexblade. That blow was your defeat. You lose.

Hexblade: Yeah. I guess so...*His head hangs in defeat, but Zero can still hear him snickering.*

Zero: What are you laughing at?

Hexblade: *He laughs some more.* Nothing. Go ahead and kill me Zero. *He raises his head, a wicked smile on his face.*

Zero: ....

Hexblade: You really don’t get it? *He laughs.* Fine then. I’ll explain it. Let me tell you something Zero, the moment you walked through that portal after me, you were already dead.

Zero: *He looks around.*

Hexblade: Don’t worry. I have nothing else up my sleeve. You won this battle, but you’re still dead.

Zero: What?

Hexblade: Look around you Zero! See anything!?

Zero: *He looks around, but says nothing.*

Hexblade: *He laughs again.* This is so good, I don’t want to pull the trigger! *He addresses Zero.* There’s nothing here Zero. Nothing for miles. No water, no food, no people. Nothing but rocks, dirt, and the two of us.

Zero: *He’s still perplexed.*

Hexblade: Heh. Judging by the look on your face you still don’t get it....How about I ask you something Zero....In your experience in the planes, have you learned to make a portal?

Zero: What? ....*He finally realizes what Hexblade means. His face grows sullen*

Hexblade: *He laughs.* Looks like you finally got it! I’m the only one that can get you out of here Zero. Well, I suppose someone could come across you, but this place is so secluded that no one would find you for weeks. Which, a person in your condition, would never survive that long. You’re trapped here. If you kill me, no one can get you out, if I decide to use the portal, it will be after you’re dead.

Zero: *He drops to his knees, drops Gerofu, and his entire body grows weak.*

Hexblade: So, you’re either killed by me, or, you kill me, and spend the rest of your time here, wallowing in agony as you starve to death. Then again, you’ll probably die of thirst before that.

Zero: .....

Hexblade: ...It seems you don’t have the energy to kill me after all. .....Don’t worry. *He grabs one of his swords.* I’m not cold-hearted enough to leave you here to suffer. *He pulls out his sword and approaches Zero.* I told you before Zero. You act too rashly. You charged right after me when I walked through that portal. You didn’t even think that I might have set up some trap.

Zero: ....

Hexblade: A wiser thing would have been to help out your friends to kill Nemzadi. Then come after me. If that was the case, you would have been certain to defeat me, and you’d be able to walk away alive.

Zero: *His head sinks.* No....

Hexblade: *He stops his approach. He raises his sword.* Don’t worry. I’ll make it quick. *He swings his sword down.*

Zero: No! *He grabs Gerofu and blocks the sword. He finds that there’s no resistance to his block. Hexblade relieves the pressure on his sword.*

Hexblade: So you decided you want to kill me and die suffering?

Zero: .....Tell me something.

Hexblade: ....Sure.

Zero: Why did you go with Nemzadi?

Hexblade: I saw no other way out of that situation. It was either all of our lives, or I could save my own. In the end, none of us died. It worked out pretty well, if I do say so.

Zero: You tried to kill me.

Hexblade: I nearly did.

Zero: How could you abandon us? After all of that....Is that what your syndicate would want!?

Hexblade: Zero. You don’t know the first thing about the syndicate. All you know is that me and Lyle were in it. The syndicate is done with anyway. We’re all just people now.

Zero: Even still..Are your morals that weak?

Hexblade: I suppose they are.

Zero: ...Fine then. *He raises his head.* You can kill me now, but when you do die, you’ll rot in hell.

Hexblade: I’m sure I will. *Zero’s head sinks again.* Of all the things I’ve done, this is actually quite lenient. *He lifts his sword off Gerofu, which Zero places at his side.* Hm. To avoid any more resistance... *He places the tip of his blade on Zero’s neck.* I just wonder.....What should I tell Princess?

Zero:*He raises his head again and stares into Hexblade’s eyes.* You-

Hexblade: Don’t worry about that now, just sleep.

Zero: You....YOU WON’T TOUCH JEN! *He grabs Gerofu and swings at Hexblade.*

Hexblade: Woah! *He backs up and avoids the attack.* You sure you want to do this Zero? Remember, you’ll suffer for some time.

Zero: I don’t care! My life isn’t as important as the chance to get rid of a scumbag like you! *He charges for Hexblade, and swings Gerofu.*

Hexblade: *He blocks the blow, and smiles.* Hmph. That’s more like it. *He grabs Zero’s head with his free arm and throws him in the opposite direction.

Zero: *He stumbles forward, and notices as a portal opens in front of him. His footing gives him no choice, but to fall through it.* Oof! *He lands on the floor.*

???:Zero!? Where did you come from? *A familiar voice greets him.*

Zero: *He raises his head.* L-Lalmeyde? *He looks around the room, and spots Nemzadi on the other side of the room, surrounded in shadows. Lalmeyde protecting himself with his sword. Another portal opens on the other side. Hexblade walks through it.*

Nemzadi: Hm? You didn’t finish him Hexblade?

Hexblade: I figured that I’d give you a little gift. Sorta like how a cat brings home a dead mouse.

Nemzadi: ....

Zero: *He manages to stand up.* How are you doing?

Lalmeyde: She’s giving me...some trouble...

Zero: Well...now I’m here to help.

Lalmeyde: Hexblade’s here to help her too.

Zero: Don’t worry. We can take them.

Hexblade: *He smiles.*

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Endgame.

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