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A Hero's Journey


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I'm glad Hexblade survived, but i this was the second last chapter... I was hoping to see more of Feil... :(

Well, I've been thinking that my next story will be a thing of his past. Like where he came from and stuff. So you'll get all of him you can stand.

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Well, I've been thinking that my next story will be a thing of his past. Like where he came from and stuff. So you'll get all of him you can stand.

Are you kidding me!? Seriously?! I'd love that! :lol:

You're just the greatest!

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New Episode: Endgame.

Lalmeyde: Let’s just finish this.

Nemzadi: Hexblade, shall I? Or would you like to?

Hexblade: Actually, I’m feeling a little stiff. Would you mind? *He reaches into his coat pocket.*

Zero: Alright, let’s do this Lal!

Lalmeyde: Indeed! *He tightens his grip on his sword.*

Nemzadi: You don’t stand a chance fools. You’ve been quite annoying critters. But you cannot stand up to me any more.

Hexblade: That’s right. Which is where I come in. *For a second, his body flashes a blue aura, as he tosses something into the air.*

Nemzadi: *She looks at Hexblade curiously.* Hm?

Hexblade: Sorry babe. *He grabs the object that he threw into the air. And slams it against Nemzadi’s chest.*

Nemzadi: *She gasps.* What are you doing?

*Zero and Lalmeyde look at the scene taking place in front of them, with questionable looks on their faces.*

Hexblade: You know, back in it’s world of origin, Lehran’s medallion was known for a single purpose. Whomever held it, went insane, and became a killing machine. However, that’s only a side effect. It’s real purpose was overlooked.

Zero: What the hell?

Nemzadi: Hexblade...!?

Hexblade: It’s real purpose...is a prison. *With that, the room erupts in Hexblade’s aura, and the shadows in the room are sucked into the medallion. Nemzadi howls as her body starts turning into shadows, which then are sucked into the medallion. Zero and Lalmeyde shirk back from the event taking place. After a few moments, the medallion glows, and the shadows return to normal.*

Zero: ....What the fuck just happened?

Hexblade: I trapped Nemzadi in here. *He holds up the emblem.*

Lalmeyde: B-but....my family line....I’m supposed to kill her....

Hexblade: Go ahead. *He tosses the emblem.* Slash the emblem, and you kill Nemzadi.

Lalmeyde: That easy...?

Hexblade: *He crosses his arms.* Yep.

Lalmeyde: *He places the emblem on the ground, and stabs it. The emblem shatters, and with it, Nemzadi.* All those years...all that training, leading up to something so simple...

Hexblade: Indeed. Now it’s all over.

Zero: *His mouth agape, he stares back and forth from Hexblade to Lalmeyde.* What the fuck just happened!?!?

Hexblade: We won. Lalmeyde killed Nemzadi.

Zero: What?! But- Wait- You-?

Hexblade: You still going on about that? Geeze Zero, let go of your grudges.

Zero: You tried to kill me! Twice!

Hexblade: What a wimp. *He says to himself.*

Zero: *He raises Gerofu.* YOU!!!

Hexblade: *He sighs.* Fine. I’ll explain. Remember back when we were in Serenes? How I left to go do something?

Zero: Yeah....*He keeps his axe raised.*

Hexblade: Well, that’s where I got the emblem.

Lorazieh: ....What are you planning beorc?

Hexblade: .....I’m not planning anything. Well, not really. *He talks to himself.* Well, I guess I am...

Lorazieh: Speak beorc.

Hexblade: I’m not from this world. I’m from an entirely different plane. Soon the entirety of existence will be under threat of the shadow queen. The seal on her is weakening, and is gonna break any day now. I have a plan to use the emblem to keep her trapped in there, like you guys did with Yune. Then I’ll destroy the emblem, with her in it.

Lorazieh: ....What nonsense is this you speak of?

Hexblade: Ugh...

Hexblade: Mind you the damn bird was stubborn as hell back then. It took forever to get my hands on it.

Lalmeyde: So, you knew that this would all happen, even back then?

Hexblade: Of course. I’m the Hexblade of the Demoncalw Syndicate.

Zero: But- then- why-?

Hexblade: Well, I had to study the emblem to figure out how it worked. To be frank, I can’t sing, so I needed to come up with another method of getting Nemzadi into the emblem.

Lalmeyde: Then why did you betray them?

Hexblade: Well, the entire time, I was looking for a way to use the emblem for our needs. However, with the constant attack of bounty hunters, I was having trouble doing that. At the point we were cornered I didn’t have any clue how to use it, so I faked a betrayal.

Zero: You still tried to kill us!

Hexblade: Well yeah, but I didn’t. I knew that Lalmeyde and Odion were around, so I leaked as much of my aura as I could. Do you know how hard it is to hold back when you have to make your presence known?

Zero: What?

Lalmeyde: It’s true. *Lalmeyde looks to Zero.* The only reason we found you was because we felt Hexblade’s aura.

Hexblade: And since I was around Nemzadi, and not fleeing for my life anymore, I was able to quickly come up with a way to trap her. In fact, I already had it by the time I attacked Freohr.

Zero: Then why didn’t you use it on her by then!?

Hexblade: Well, let’s say I did. If I came back to you guys and told you all this, would you have believed me? No. I had to capture Nemzadi right before your eyes.

Zero: Then what was with our battle? Why didn’t you just bring me here before we beat the snot out of eachother?!

Hexblade: Well, it was your final lesson.

Zero: Huh?

Hexblade: I AM you mentor, you know. Your last lesson was when I was about to kill you before. Had you not decided to fight back, I would have killed you, and you would have failed the lesson.

Zero: What?!

Hexblade: One of the most important things you can learn is the will to survive. That’s how I made it to the top! *He poses.*

Zero: ....(This is the guy, that kicked my ass?)

*The others rush into the room after their respective fights.*

Princess Kilvas: Zero!

Bizz: Hexblade....

Zero: ....

Hexblade: Want to tell them, or should I?

Lalmeyde: I’ll do it. *He retells the events and Hexblade’s story to the rest of the group.*

Princess Kilvas: Wow....

Bizz: I knew it! I knew you couldn’t be evil!

Ocelot: ..You’re a dick.

Hexblade: I know.

Odion: So...is that it?

Lalmeyde: Apparently so.

Zero: Yeah. Thanks for everything you guys.

Lalmeyde: Same to you.

Freohr: Goodbye!!! *Lalmeyde and Odion walk through a portal.*

Hexblade: Now, that that’s all over, *He opens a portal.* Let’s get you kids home. *The group walks through the portal, and find themselves in Serenes Forest.*

Ocelot: We’re home!!!

Freohr: Hooray!

Zero: ....*He looks around.*

Princess Kilvas: Thanks Hexblade.

Hexblade: Don’t thank me. *He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his mask.* It makes me blush.

Princess Kilvas: *She laughs, and is interrupted by a flying critter hitting her face, knocking her to the ground.* LINUX!!!

Linux: *The critter squeals with joy as he cuddles Princess. Masu, Lyle, and Arc walking behind where he came from.*

Hexblade: Well, I’m getting out of here. I got places to see, people to do.

Zero: You mean “things” to do.

Hexblade: No, I don’t.

Zero: ...

Bizz: Wait! Hexblade, will we ever see you again?

Hexblade: *He places the mask on his face, and opens a portal.* I certainly hope not. *Without another word he walks through the portal.*

Zero: That guy....

Bizz: I’m sure he’ll miss us.

Zero: Yeah yeah.

Bizz: Now what should we do though? Now that we found Jen, there’s nothing to do.

Zero: Well, I think we’ll stay here for a while. This forest seems pretty peaceful. I kinda like it.

Princess Kilvas: *She stops her reunion with Linux for a second.* “Peaceful”?

The End.


*A Bar in the planes.*

Feil: *He walks back from the bar to a table. He hands Grod a drink.* Say, you think those guys are mad at us for bailing on them?

Grod: *He takes a sip of his beer.* Who cares?

Feil: Good point. *He sits down. The two sit in silence for a minute, each taking turns drinking their drink.* Man. I can’t believe Skral is dead.

Grod: Yep. *He takes another sip of his beer, completely uninterested in the conversation.*

Feil: Well, here’s to him. *The two raise their glass and drink to Skral.* You know....here’s a wild thought....You think that Skral was in love with that bird chick?

Grod: *He spits out his drink on Feil.* What!?

Feil: *He wipes the drink off his face.* Well, think about it, he was pretty much obsessed with her the entire end of his life, he literally gave his life for her,-

Grod: She plucked out his eyes and he wanted to kill her!

Feil: Oh come on. Don’t be so close-minded.. He had plenty of chances to kill her, and he didn’t. No one had ever injured Skral that badly, I think he was impressed with her abilities and resourcefulness, which after a while of obsessing over her, sparked the flames of love in his heart.

Grod: ....Feil, you’re a good bounty hunter and all, but you sure are stupid. *He takes another swig.*

Feil: And you’re an asshole! *He chugs down his drink. And storms off.*

Grod: ....Idiot. *He drinks.*

The End. For real this time.

Thanks for all who read! I hope you read all and any stories I come up with in the future! ^_^

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Yay! What a great ending! And Yay Linux! XD

Zero: Well, I think we’ll stay here for a while. This forest seems pretty peaceful. I kinda like it.

Princess Kilvas: *She stops her reunion with Linux for a second.* “Peaceful”?

This part made me lol. XD

now to post the pic...

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That was a great ending! I'm so happy Hexblade... well, did what he did!

All this story was just great! I'm kinda sad it's over, but I look forwards to that next one you spoke of!

Lol. Thanks Xanatha. And thanks for being one of the only people that stuck through the story from beginning to end.

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Lol. Thanks Xanatha. And thanks for being one of the only people that stuck through the story from beginning to end.

hey, the only reason I wasn't here from beginning to end is cause I didn't know about this place!

edit: win 400th post!!!

Edited by Captain Gordin
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Nice ending. I didn't think that Hex could be 100% evil. Just 99.9%, lol.

((By the way, isn't the Heron King going to be mad about the Medallion?))

Probably. But Hexblade has already made the "big escape."

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=o Wow, it's actually over!

Sorry I didn't read this for a while :unsure: XD

Wow the ending was full of epicfulness! =) It was a very very good story Lyle! ;)

*applauses as loud as a full crowd*


Edited by Freohr Datia
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=o Wow, it's actually over!

Sorry I didn't read this for a while :unsure: XD

Wow the ending was full of epicfulness! =) It was a very very good story Lyle! ;)

*applauses as loud as a full crowd*


Lol. I thought you might have forgotten about this. XD

Thanks for reading Freohr. ^_^

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Details inside.

Also, I have links to my previous stories, (And the current one I'm writing with Kiryn) in my sig, if you want to check those out.

Maybe you should post something regarding your story at the writers club/help desk topic; and not the "Shit from the Forest" section.

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Maybe you should post something regarding your story at the writers club/help desk topic; and not the "Shit from the Forest" section.

I dunno. I've been writing stories since before most of the current writers were even on the forest. It's always worked for me before, so I dunno why I shouldn't do it now.

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Have you taken a look at the kind of comments you are receiving from FFtF?

Um. Yes? I don't see a problem with that.

Besides, I hate conforming to some sort of group like that. I'd rather do it on my own, in my own way. To be completely honest, I never even looked at that topic. So I don't really know what they do.

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Um. Yes? I don't see a problem with that.

Well, they're not very conductive to intelligence now are they?

Besides, I hate conforming to some sort of group like that.

Groups like... Serene's Forest perhaps? I do not see your logic: you are willing to post information about your story in FFtF, which is effectively one big group of idiots (,and lets not mince words, they are and you know it). But, you will not post info in a topic where people actually give an actual damn about writing.

Edited by Shuuda
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