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Well, they're not very conductive to intelligence now are they?

Groups like... Serene's Forest perhaps? I do not see your logic: you are willing to post information about your story in FFtF, which is effectively one big group of idiots (,and lets not mince words, they are and you know it). But, you will not post info in a topic where people actually give an actual damn about writing.

What you don't seem to get is that I'm not writing for some professional thing. I'm writing to have fun, and perhaps allow others to have fun as well.

I'd rather party with the idiots than be miserable with Einsteins.

Besides, if those people are already going to be interested in writing, then my targets should be outside of that, in order to get more of a wider variety.

Plus, Serenes forest I come to to socialize. I don't want to join some stiffy clicky club of tightasses, who pretend to label themselves as 'better writers' because they're in some club.

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What you don't seem to get is that I'm not writing for some professional thing. I'm writing to have fun, and perhaps allow others to have fun as well.

And you think the rest of us are professional. I write for fun as well, as do others in the writers topic. Why do you always equate effort to not having fun?

I'd rather party with the idiots than be miserable with Einsteins.

Now you are exaggerating. How can you call the writers topic miserable, when you have claimed to have never read any of it?

Plus, Serenes forest I come to to socialize. I don't want to join some stiffy clicky club of tightasses, who pretend to label themselves as 'better writers' because they're in some club.

Exaggerating something you have never seen again. Immature of you... especially for someone who like to act as those they were mature.

Edited by Shuuda
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And you think the rest of us are professional. I write for fun as well, as do others in the writers topic. Why do you always equate effort to not having fun?

Now you are exaggerating. How can you call the writers topic miserable, when you have claimed to have never read any of it?

Exaggerating something you have never seen again. Very immature of you.

Oh Shut-up already. For God's sake, all you do is troll about people's work. Even if you are right in correcting a person, the way you do it just screams about how much of an inflated ego you have. Get over yourself, or at least drop that "I'm holier than thou" attitude you have. I don't care if there's some stupid official group for posting shit, I do things my way. I find it to be more genuine. If something goes wrong, then it will be MY screw-up. I'd rather screw up on my own, than be limited to what some group decides what I should do. I'm my own person.

Also, you tend to spew the word "Maturity" around a lot. It seems that you hide behind that in order to discredit your opponent in a discussion. So shuud-up.

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Oh Shut-up already. For God's sake, all you do is troll about people's work.

Am I touching a nerve? :lol:

Even if you are right in correcting a person, the way you do it just screams about how much of an inflated ego you have.

And you don't have an inflated ego? It would seem you are the one riding the high horse in this topic.

Get over yourself, or at least drop that "I'm holier than thou" attitude you have.

This shit again? You're just a guilty as me of having an attitude. You try to act mature and decent... and then you mock a topic that you say you've never read.

I don't care if there's some stupid official group for posting shit,

It is not an official group for goodness sake. It's just a job where writers talk.

I find it to be more genuine. If something goes wrong, then it will be MY screw-up. I'd rather screw up on my own, than be limited to what some group decides what I should do. I'm my own person.

Once again, have you actually had any experiences in that topic that prove it to be restricting? I am doubtful you have.

Also, you tend to spew the word "Maturity" around a lot. It seems that you hide behind that in order to discredit your opponent in a discussion. So shuud-up.

Oh ho ho ho. Funny, I could swear that you were also trying to discredit me:

"all you do is troll about people's work."

"stupid official group"

"Get over yourself"

At least I do need to lie about discrediting people.

Face it: you do not actually have an argument to justify posting in FFtF over a topic where at least people won't spam in response.

Edited by Shuuda
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Am I touching a nerve? :lol:

I suppose so. Stupid people piss me off.

And you don't have an inflated ego? It would seem you are the one riding the high horse in this topic.

I've never said "I'm better than you." Nor do I go around correcting everyone on every mistake they make.

This shit again? You're just a guilty as me of having an attitude. You try to act mature and decent... and then you mock a topic that you say you've never read.

Well now I have an attitude because you've pissed me off. However, every time you post something about anyone's writing, you do it in a tone as if the person is a waste of life for making a mistake. And I only know about that topic is that you're involved in it in some way, and if it's full of trolls like you, then I certainly don't think it's worthwhile. I've never had a problem with it before you started spewing your nonsense here.

It is not an official group for goodness sake. It's just a job where writers talk.

Okay. How am I supposed to know that? I still don't see a reason to be a part of it.

Once again, have you actually had any experiences in that topic that prove it to be restricting? I am doubtful you have.

Well since I haven't been a part of the group, of course not. But I'm fine the way I am now. And I see no benefit for me to join it. I can only imagine that it would be a limiter on work, rather than expansion.

Oh ho ho ho. Funny, I could swear that you were also trying to discredit me:

At least I do need to lie about discrediting people.

I don't need to discredit you. You do it on your own. I just pointed it out. I know I'm not perfect, nor am I right about everything. But I don't pretend to be that, nor do I go around correcting everyone's mistakes like I'm some sort of missionary.

Face it: you do not actually have an argument to justify posting in FFtF over a topic where at least people won't spam in response.

I don't need to justify it. I just do it. Here's the justification for it: It's a place where I can post a topic in it. There. There's your damn justification. I do it, because I can.

Also, more people look at FFtF than any other forum on the site. So they're more likely to see it.

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I suppose so. Stupid people piss me off.

Ad hominen. I am sure it will work in convincing your buddies, but please...

I've never said "I'm better than you." Nor do I go around correcting everyone on every mistake they make.

I have never said that I am better than anyone else either; you just come to that assumption because I am blunt and honest. Similarly, I can come to the same assumption about you. Giving me a lecture on how wrong wrong wrong I am.

Well now I have an attitude because you've pissed me off.

So it is okay for you to get pissed off and have an attitude, but not me? Yes, script-fics and no effort in grammar piss me off. I enjoy writing, and do not like seeing literature get spat on with this foul junk. But noooooo, you could never have offended me, because I'm wrong wrong wrong.

However, every time you post something about anyone's writing, you do it in a tone as if the person is a waste of life for making a mistake. And I only know about that topic is that you're involved in it in some way, and if it's full of trolls like you, then I certainly don't think it's worthwhile.

Shall I call Serene (wait, he's banned), Urvan, Dathiason Kx here and ask if they get offended by my criticisms of their work? In fact, I think they were quite appreciative of my assistance.

I can only imagine that it would be a limiter on work, rather than expansion.

All we do in that topic is give each other advice and make a few comments. That's all. jeez, stop slandering the topic with no proof please.

I don't need to discredit you. You do it on your own. I just pointed it out.

No, you twist things. My honestly is trolling. My getting to the point and bluntness is overreacting. My hard effort is contempt, "professionalism" and arrogance. My opinions are wrong wrong wrong. Your script-fics are "fun" and "good". I have studied media, so do not think I know about twisting the truth.

I do it, because I can.

I am thankful I do not think like that, otherwise I would probably be in jail or dead. But hey, I doubt you put much thought into the implications of your answer.

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Ad hominen. I am sure it will work in convincing your buddies, but please...

I have never said that I am better than anyone else either; you just come to that assumption because I am blunt and honest. Similarly, I can come to the same assumption about you. Giving me a lecture on how wrong wrong wrong I am.

So it is okay for you to get pissed off and have an attitude, but not me? Yes, script-fics and no effort in grammar piss me off. I enjoy writing, and do not like seeing literature get spat on with this foul junk. But noooooo, you could never have offended me, because I'm wrong wrong wrong.

Shall I call Serene (wait, he's banned), Urvan, Dathiason Kx here and ask if they get offended by my criticisms of their work? In fact, I think they were quite appreciative of my assistance.

All we do in that topic is give each other advice and make a few comments. That's all. jeez, stop slandering the topic with no proof please.

No, you twist things. My honestly is trolling. My getting to the point and bluntness is overreacting. My hard effort is contempt, "professionalism" and arrogance. My opinions are wrong wrong wrong. Your script-fics are "fun" and "good". I have studied media, so do not think I know about twisting the truth.

I am thankful I do not think like that, otherwise I would probably be in jail or dead. But hey, I doubt you put much thought into the implications of your answer.

1. Being honest is fine. I have no problem with your corrections. However, don't be a DICK about it. I don't get offended by what you say, just HOW you say it. Learn some manners.

2. I'm sorry if I offended you with my poor grammar, but if you get that pissed off by poor grammar, then you really need to get that stick out of your ass dude.

3. I didn't break any rules by posting it in FFtF, so I don't see why you needed to get so pissed off about it. I don't mind the slight spam in the topic I posted, so why should you?

In conclusion, chill out and quit being so anal about things. You'll enjoy life a lot more.

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I don't get offended by what you say, just HOW you say it. Learn some manners.


Stupid people piss me off.
piss me off.

Tee hee. Manners you say?

2. I'm sorry if I offended you with my poor grammar, but if you get that pissed off by poor grammar, then you really need to get that stick out of your ass dude.

Well, considering that this is the writing section, I would say that grammar matters. Had this argument been in any other section of the forum, it might have held water.

3. I didn't break any rules by posting it in FFtF, so I don't see why you needed to get so pissed off about it. I don't mind the slight spam in the topic I posted, so why should you?

I never said you broke a rule. I asked a reasonable question and made a recommendation which you spat back in my face with slander.

In conclusion, chill out and quit being so anal about things. You'll enjoy life a lot more.

More fallacy? Honestly, it's offensive. The sentence I have quoted here seems to serve no purpose beyond belittling me, and trying to make yourself look like the bigger man. Be relevant.

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Tee hee. Manners you say?

Well, considering that this is the writing section, I would say that grammar matters. Had this argument been in any other section of the forum, it might have held water.

I never said you broke a rule. I asked a reasonable question and made a recommendation which you spat back in my face with slander.

More fallacy? Honestly, it's offensive. The sentence I have quoted here seems to serve no purpose beyond belittling me, and trying to make yourself look like the bigger man. Be relevant.

Some people you just can't reason with. Some people will never learn, grow up, or learn when they are wrong.

Mind you, I'm talking about myself here as well. So, if you can't beat someone in an argument in a civil way, you have to do it in some other way. Since niether side will admit they are wrong, it is the side that acts first that wins.

With that in mind, I'll solve this in the way that I believe my heroes, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, would deem appropriate.

*Pulls down pants, farts in Shuuda's face, closes topic until later.*

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Some people you just can't reason with. Some people will never learn, grow up, or learn when they are wrong.

My thought's exactly.

*Pulls down pants, farts in Shuuda's face, closes topic until later.*

Well, at least I did not need to resort to something childish like that, (or abuse power).

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My thought's exactly.

Well, at least I did not need to resort to something childish like that, (or abuse power).

And yet you're still hung up about this thing, even a full day later. I've already moved on to my next argument. I don't really care about any of this anymore. As far as I'm concerned, we have a clean slate.

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And yet you're still hung up about this thing, even a full day later. I've already moved on to my next argument. I don't really care about any of this anymore. As far as I'm concerned, we have a clean slate.

Wow, one day. Well unfortunately for you, one cannot end an argument or clean a slate in the abusive way you did; it only increased my disliking of you. Forgiving too easily is no better than never forgiving, and my memory is too good to forget.

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Wow, one day. Well unfortunately for you, one cannot end an argument or clean a slate in the abusive way you did; it only increased my disliking of you. Forgiving too easily is no better than never forgiving, and my memory is too good to forget.

Whatever dude. Though, if you have more to say, please just PM me from now on. I don't care if you don't like me or not, but we've done enough squabbling in this topic. If you really don't like me, then do us both a favor and stay away from me.

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but we've done enough squabbling in this topic.

You must think pretty highly of yourself if you think you speak for the both of us. Oh well, you're clearly not intelligent enough to give a proper argument to back up your slanders, so I guess it doesn't matter.

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Cut the shit, everyone. I won't point out specifics as I don't have time, but the (at least) borderline trolling and flamebaiting needs to stop, now. From everyone.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I'm so bored so I shall spam the hell out of your story even if its good.

this thing sucks, you suck, all these stories suck so much.

Not your best idea.

Also a tip: the new skin lets us see white text.

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I'm so bored so I shall spam the hell out of your story even if its good.

this thing sucks, you suck, all these stories suck so much.


*i truly apoligze if this isnt related to the story but........you guys just dont know how blown away i am at the utter ignorance of this post that i quoted*

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I am so bored like I said so I don't care, also yes I knew that hibari, just seeing if everyone else knew, so like I said I was bored so I don't give a shit, I am not really saying it sucks, I said it was good

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I am so bored like I said so I don't care, also yes I knew that hibari, just seeing if everyone else knew, so like I said I was bored so I don't give a shit, I am not really saying it sucks, I said it was good

We get that. But boredom was never a good excuse for stupidity.

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I am so bored like I said so I don't care, also yes I knew that hibari, just seeing if everyone else knew, so like I said I was bored so I don't give a shit, I am not really saying it sucks, I said it was good

The part im in awe about is the "IM BORED SO I WILL SPAM THE SHIT OUT OF THIS BOARD"

you should have just put "WARN PLZ"

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I am so bored like I said so I don't care, also yes I knew that hibari, just seeing if everyone else knew, so like I said I was bored so I don't give a shit, I am not really saying it sucks, I said it was good

If you don't care, then why are you posting? It's just going to cause arguments and whatnot.

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You know, I really don't want to close this for good. If you're going to spam something up, do it in FFtF. There's already an entire page in this topic that's been ruined by me and Shuuda, I don't need another. Please cease and desist.

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then make a feedback about it so then we can talk about your story instead of here which is not meant to be here, but if you don't want to ok then

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