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I actually took what I assume is LTC and multiplied it x2.

Thing is, there are extremely consistent casual strats (say, the Prologue Water Trick) that give you 60+ turn counts provided you really don't care about turns, but there are also lots of LTC strats that are fairly easy to match in a casual LTC or even normal playthrough (1-turning Cht.22 being the easiest), so just doubling everything doesn't really make for a good estimate.

You're playing Lunatic Mode? HM is a lot better for casual LTCing. Trust me.

I don't even know if the generic Female Avatar Galeforce strategies work on LM.

Lunatic is better for real time speedruns than LTCs.

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Okay, trying HM first then. Chose a Spd Asset Skill flaw MU since I saw no better way to 3-turn Prologue without the addition in spd.

(Premonition 2 turns)

Prologue 3/3

C1 3/6

C2 3/9

so far. pretty sure C3 can be 3 turned, but no idea how yet.

and what is the prologue water trick?

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Okay, trying HM first then. Chose a Spd Asset Skill flaw MU since I saw no better way to 3-turn Prologue without the addition in spd.

(Premonition 2 turns)

Prologue 3/3

C1 3/6

C2 3/9

so far. pretty sure C3 can be 3 turned, but no idea how yet.

and what is the prologue water trick?

I should have some strats in my 49 turn thread in my sig. It's more fun to figure it out alone though.

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It's a boss-kill chapter. Walhart down=chapter over. That's probably why. I don't think a casual would be aware of that, however...? (fuck if I know the legal definition of a casual)

Casuals aren't getting to that boss in 2 turns

Also casuals like to open chests and those exist on that map

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and what is the prologue water trick?

Lords and Tacticians can walk on water, none of the enemy classes can. All the water in Pro is 3 tiles wide, and there are only two ranged enemies (one of which is in the first wave). Kill the second, and you can blast everything from range and get a ton of exp into Avatar (all but two kills, optimally, even on Lunatic+).

Casuals aren't getting to that boss in 2 turns

Also casuals like to open chests and those exist on that map

I think "casual" in this context is referring to folks who are playing with turn counts in mind but not going for complete perfection.

In general though, I count playing casually as making decisions on the fly, as opposed to following a strict plan. And it's definitely possible to 1-turn Cht.20 without planing for it from the start as long as your team is decent in general (even Cht.21 can be 1-turned without doing movement calcs and whatnot when deciding who to use).

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In general though, I count playing casually as making decisions on the fly, as opposed to following a strict plan. And it's definitely possible to 1-turn Cht.20 without planing for it from the start as long as your team is decent in general (even Cht.21 can be 1-turned without doing movement calcs and whatnot when deciding who to use).

Chapter 21, Hard Mode: Doable in one turn, as the enemies aren't totally ridiculous.

Chapter 21, Lunatic Mode: I did that, and I doubt that it would come up in a casual run, unless a LOT of off-map grinding is done. When I pulled that strategy, I had to do a LOT of movement calculations, because of the amount of things that blocked the path between me and the boss. I blame the assassins being bloody fast. If I had both sets of boots, it probably wouldn't have been quite as bad.

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C3 4/13

C4 2/15 with one Rescue and FredxVaike OHKOing Lucina with Gae Bolg. I guess it's one-turnable with spd blessed FredxChrom and a Rescue. And in retrospect the Gae Bolg wasn't necessary, but it allowed me to give MU more kills.

As for the casual player thing, I pretty much agree with Czar_Yoshi. I don't intend to limit my run really, but I won't use things that trivialize it too much either (like, grinding 30 minutes via dlc, I will only grind slightly if I really need some stat thresholds)

Also, MU reached Lv 10 through Paralogue 1 and a Risen skirmish + C4 kills. She went PK. P1 TC was 9 (meh). Though FredxChrom had to wait for the Thief to open the door and then take the rescue, plus I didn't know which chest contains Rescue.

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C5 3/18 Frederape with a forged Spear (bought from DLC Camus) and the Luna Lance and killed the western enemies with Peg!MU. I ended up having to grind her to nearly D Lances because the west-middle reinforcement fighter spawns with a hand axe, so I needed a Javelin to handle him on a 3-turn. Due to the grinding, she is already level 11 as a peg and has 28+2 spd, 14 mag and 16 str. I don't expect it to become too imbalanced though since the first MS comes by C8.

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C6 3/21 1 Rescue FredxLon'qu took the right side and ORKOed everything with Orsin's Hatchet. Stahl and Levin!Chrom team up against the Fighter, MU is rescued by lissa and ORKOes a Mage on PP and basically everything to the left on EP with a Vaike support and forged Javelin. Virion, Sumia and Panne teamed up against some units that came up the middleway. Validar was ORKOed by Orsin's Hatchet!Fred, though I would have used my Spear if it wouldn't have killed.

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C7 2/23 1 Rescue

ChromxLon'qu, SumiaxKellam and MUxVaike made a shielding formation for Lissa. LissaxRicken with a Mag tonic rescues FredxGaius, who then Short spears the Hammertime!Fighter from 1L1U. Fred pulls all the Wyvern riders, except for one, and a fighter on turn 2 with Wyrmslayer equipped. The remaining one is pulled by Chrom.

Bought Short Spear and Wyrmslayer from DLC obviously.

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true, it's a lot slower in real time than you suggested

C8 3/26 1 Rescue

I'm lucky and could afford to leave out the 2nd Seal because an enemy on a skirmish had one as a droppable. I have no clue how to get the Second Seal here within 3 turns while still routing. I suck at LTCing desert maps generally lol. Anyways, I bought 2 additional Short Spears for Cordelia and MU (who reached C Lances on a skirmish). Cordelia got a +1 forge and could kill all the enemies to the west with a Kellam support (note that she procced a Str on a skirmish, without that, a +2 forge would've been needed). Fred onerounded the Cavalier with the droppable so LissaxRicken could rescue MU safely (SumiaxSully with a Str tonic and Short Spear took the Myrm). MU fullmoved south with a Javelin equipped (Chrom S rank support makes her dodge everything, but her defenses were solid anyways) which was already enough to kill everything movable. Cordelia picked the Master Seal by turn 3 and I would have had MU take the 2nd Seal and kill the boss by Turn 4 if it wasn't for the skirmish 2nd Seal. Lissa also took the Rescue on Turn 2

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C9 3/29 1 Rescue

CordeliaxGregor killed the Archer, SumiaxKellam killed the mage and counterkilled the Soldier. FredxGaius oneshot a Loldier with Lolsbane Silver. Elwind!MU killed the eastern DK and pulled a Loldier and a Mage. Fred killed most of the boss area with the Spear. MU killed the boss with an Elthunder 25*2. Rescue was used to have Lissa rescue Sumia, so the latter can give Kellam to Cordelia, who can EP ORKO a Wyvern Rider with Ephraim's Lance. It really annoyed me that I was one tile short of rescuing Chrom far enough to recruit Libra since then, Chrom would have taken a support from Libra and the remaining Soldier and Wyrm Rider would have suicided on him. Since I thought that Libra's long-range rescue might save a turn here and there, I kept a save before C9. Tharja was killed as there is no real way to recruit her on a 3-turn lol. Maybe by having a DLC flier ferry Chrom.

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What I don't remember is whether or not Libra self-recruits (think Darros from FE11). If so, you could rush Chrom down to Tharja, and Rescue Libra within Chrom's range (but not any other enemy's range).

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He does selfrecruit, but he selfrecruits by Ally Phase 3. I rout by EP3, otherwise I lose a turn. I think I might do it by instapromoting Chrom (Anna had an MS for me) as he has the appropriate Movement, having him sit on libra, and ferry him to Tharja. MU can flank the boss from below so Tharja can sit on MU so she doesn't die/attract the enemy AI while not ORKOing. Like, Libra attacks a Soldier to the right, so Chrom must be rescued for that.

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Lissa only has 14 Mag with Ricken and Mag Tonic, thus 7 tiles rescuing range. Can't rescue far enough probably. His position was slightly too far to the left on turn 2 and slightly too far to the right on turn 3.

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C10 1/30 2 Rescue

C11 2/32 1 Rescue

For C10, I grinded MU to Galeforce (necessary for the 1-turn!) and downloaded Caeda. SumiaxVaike oneshot the Bullion!Thief with Silver, CordeliaxGaius onerounded the MS!Thief. MaribellexMiriel rescues Lissa, LissaxRicken rescues MUxFred, while the rescuing range was limited by Shiida and Stahl. MU killed a Soldier, gets the Galeforce boost and ORKOes the boss. Don't remember if the double Rescue was necessary, and by slightly changing the rescuing arrangements, Sully could've ferried Lissa for the Rescue, meh. Won't restart though unless the lack of an additional Rescue use bites me on C12.

As for C11, Ephraim's Lance!FredxLon'qu could just barely double the Hero (not necessary in retrospect) and oneshot Mercs. He was rescued by Lissa to get over there on Turn 1. Maribelle ferries Olivia to dance MUxGaius as far south as possible. MU kills one of the lower Mages and then the Thief as he can't be EP-killed. She pulls everything except the right-hand side units and two boss area units and obliterated everything. Cordelia became a Dark Flier and killed the Mages (forgot to give her a Spd Tonic to double the Sage, but she 2HKOed so it's not too bad) I somehow failremembered and thought that this is a bosskill chapter and wanted to one-turn lol. Routing within one turn sounds pretty hard with what I had (broke the first rescue staff on C10 and Maribelle wasn't trained, Fred could've doubled the Hero with a Spear after a Spd proc from grinding though)

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C12 2/34

Fairly easy. MUxKellam ORKOed a Knight, and Galeforces into the range of the bow knights and the Knights to the upper right. She is 5HKOed by BK's. CherchexLon'qu with a Spd and Str tonic obliterates three cavaliers and three Knights (which needs some dodging). Fred eliminates most of the units to the left with a Gaius support and a Tomahawk (Beastkiller!SumiaxVaike kills a Pally and a Cav). One cavalier remains on the right side and two to the left. MU could go to the tile left of the boss and solo the enemies on the ship (including 2 AKs), while Fred EP killed the western Cavs and Cherche the Cav to the right.

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C13 1/35

C14 1/36

Strategies: lolBosskill (who would have asked anyways), I grabbed two chests on C14 by Fred-ferrying Gaius and Sumia-ferrying Olivia to the right-hand side ship. Galeforced a bit with Morgan (Knight + General kills) and Lucina (Knight + Great Knight kills) and bought Arcthunder and Noble Rapier for that. Promoted Morgan to GM afterwards. Lucina already was a GL before C14 as I could skirmish-grind her a bit. Also got a Brave Sword from a skirmish boss!

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