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Alex Trebek: And now we're back with Celebrity Jeopardy. Once again, I'm going to reccomend our viewers watch something else. In first place, we have Sean Connery with 0.

Sean Connery: You'll rue the day you crossed me, Trebek.

Alex Trebek: Adam Sandler in 2nd place.

Adam Sandler: Hey, thanks Alex, great to be here, TIME FOR THE JEOPARDY. I love it, your father loves it, your Aunt Netta watches it every night on the VCR!

Alex Trebek: OK. In last place, we have Tom Cruise, with an incredible -12000 dollars. A -12000 having answered multiple questions in round one incorrectly more than once.

Tom Cruise: Hey, Alex, I'm feeling great. *points to Adam Sandler* Who is this guy, I love this guy, with the crazy sounds! And, as always, it's a great honor to work with Sean Connery.

Alex Trebek: Better luck to all of you in the next round. It's time for Double Jeopardy. The categories are: Potent Potables, The Vowels, Presidents on the 1 Dollar Bill, Famous Titles, Ponies, The Number 10, and foods that end in "amburger". Tom Cruise, you are in last places, why don't you pick first?

Tom Cruise: I, uh, hehehehe... I, uh, he. Hehehehehe!

Alex: Mr. Sandler, why don't you pick instead?

Adam: Once again, something that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!

Alex: Mr. Connery, why don't you go?

Sean: THE DAY IS MINE! I'll take famous titties for 400.

Alex: Titles, Mr. Connery, not titties. Here is the answer. "This movie title is taken from the book, 'Gone with the Wind.'"

Sean: *buzzes in* DOLLY PARTON.

Alex: Titles, Mr. Connery, titles.

Sean: Not a fan of the ladies, are you?

Alex: Someone else, please.

Adam: *buzzes in*

Alex: Mr. Sandler.


Alex: You buzzed in.

Tom: *buzzes in* I know it, I got it, I know it, I got it! *runs out of time*

Alex: You don't got it.


Alex: The answer was Gone with the Wind. Mr. Connery, the choice is yours, so I will choose for you. Let's try 10 for 200. In this category, the correct response to every question is 10. When I stop talking, just say 10. "This is how many fingers you have."

Tom Cruise: *buzzes in*

Alex: Mr. Cruise.

Tom: 5!

Alex: No.

Tom: ACK. ACK.

Adam: *buzzes in*

Alex: Mr. Sandler.

Adam: Yeah, one time I was on this boat, and this one guy on the boat said, "COME TO THE BACK OF THE BOAT." *time runs out*

Alex: You are out of time. The answer was 10. You have 10 fingers.

Sean: I'll show you a finger, Trebek!

Alex: Mr. Cruise, would you please pick?

Tom: HELP ME, ALEX. Help me, to help you!

Alex: Alright.

Tom: Alright, I'll take famous titties for 1000.

Sean: Well, done, laddie!

Alex: Famous titles. And it's an Audio Daily Double. This was the Theme Song to which TV show?

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun, Batman!

Tom: What is Mash?

Alex: No.

Sean: *buzzes in* What is After Mash?

Alex: No.

Sean: The one with Jamie Far!

Alex: Yeah, I know. Mr. Sandler- Wait, where did you get a guitar?!

Adam: Robert DeNiro, Bella Legosie, Snuffalupagus, and (Something).

Alex: Time for Final Jeopardy. The Question is "Where are you right now?" Just write where you are right now. It could be Californa... or a game show... or Earth... or even the word "here". Alright, let's check the answers. Mr. Cruise, you wrote down "Go." and you wagered "For it." "Go for it." You certainly did. Mr. Sandler, you put "Abbie Doobie".

Sandler: *speaks gibberesh*

Alex: I feel like I want to punch you. Moving on. Mr. Connery, you wrote "Indoors!" That's amazing! Are we filming this?! And you wagered...

*Shows that the wager and "Indoors" put together spells "I <3 Boobs"*

Alex: I <3 Boobs. That's beautiful. That's it for Celebrity Jeopardy. I'm going home to put a gun in my mouth. Good day.

My favorite SNL skit ever.

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Marth: "Let's get together and remove the special interest groups in Washington!"

Julius (Narrator): "Wait a minute! Marth voted for lobbyist as far as Hyrule, Grandbell, and Big Blue for the Emblem House. Marth tells all lobbyist that their days of running the Emblem House is over, and yet, Marthsupports lobbyists and special interest groups in Washington.

If Marth is elected, who do you think will run Washington?"

Sigurd: "I'm Sigurd and I approve this message!


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Marth and Link have been running the SSB games since Melee, How can they change them when they aren't even willing to Fight for there Friends?

"I'm Ike and I Fight for my Friends"

Ike/Snake 08.

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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