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Another FEA world map question


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Hey, it's me again, Serenes. Well you all gave me good information when I asked about the different worlds that existed in the FE universe. But, I just have a quick question that perhaps some of you may be able to answer accurately.

In the FEA map there is more unused territory to be seen. I saw land south of Ylisse, west of Valm, and up north. These are supposed to be three continents, or realms, that were not used for the game, right? Well my question is this: Which realm is which? Do they have a name?

I was going to appoint the names randomly to the land for my fic, but if you can help me get the land names right, that would be even better. That is why I asked.

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If I recall correctly, they're just copies of the actual world map and have no significance with regards to the game. I'd imagine they were put there just to make the sea less boring.

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If I recall correctly, they're just copies of the actual world map and have no significance with regards to the game. I'd imagine they were put there just to make the sea less boring.

So the FEA realms for the game are all the land in that world? No more continents, or reams, elsewhere?

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So the FEA realms for the game are all the land in that world? No more continents, or reams, elsewhere?

I'd imagine there might be, but IS never actually bothered to think beyond "hey, this sea looks kinda empty".

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If you've played the game, you've probably seem them: three mysterious landmasses found to the very north, south and south-west of the world map.

I'm pretty sure most people suspected they were continents from previous games: Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel and/or Tellius.

However, if you thought of analysing the mysterious continents in detail, to try and play continental match up, then it seems you're out of luck.

Reason 1:

This was brought to my attention by Fëanen here.

If you look carefully at the coastlines of the three continents, you'll discover the coastlines are identical. In other words, the three continents are drawn from the same design.

[spoiler=Exhibit A: North and south]continental_coast1.jpg

If you flip the northern continent 180 degrees, you'll find a large area that can be found on the southern continent.

[spoiler=Exhibit B: South and south-west]continental_coast2.jpg

Similarly, if you flip the south-western continent 180 degrees, you'll find another area that can be found on the southern continent.

Reason 2:

I was browsing through some old FE13 images when I stumbled upon a combined image of the southern continent, put together by Chinese fans. I didn't notice at the time, but upon glancing the full image, I immediately noticed something veeeeery familiar.

After checking my sources, I could in fact confidentally place an identity on the continent.

[spoiler=Exhibit C: The southern continent is...]continental_coast3.jpg

Ylisse version 2.

The coastlines match exactly, except for a bunch of missing tiny islands near the middle and the coastline stretching further to the east in another Ylisse compared to actual Ylisse.

(Note that due to the globe's orientation, the lands appear differently depending on where they are.)


So there you have it.

It seems safe to suggest the unknown continents are just placeholders. It's likely they're meant to represent existing FE continents, but for some bizarre reason, IS couldn't be bothered drawing completely new landmasses.

Also, I'm totally amused that...

...there are probably 4 Ylisses on the world map!

A special thanks to shadowofchaos for providing clear images of the world map. I wouldn't have noticed the similarities were it not for his screenshots ^^

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I'd imagine there might be, but IS never actually bothered to think beyond "hey, this sea looks kinda empty".

I see now, after what Kon posted. XD I might as well just stick to what's there and not use what is not there.

It's never mentioned in the game so it's anyone's guess what continents they are. Many(including myself) like to think that they are the continents of Tellius, Jugdral, and Elibe. But no one knows.

It would have been good for my story if those landmasses had been other realms; I could have used that to my advantage. Sadly, though, I now see that they are just part of the FEA world, the same land as Kon just proved.

If you've played the game, you've probably seem them: three mysterious landmasses found to the very north, south and south-west of the world map.

I'm pretty sure most people suspected they were continents from previous games: Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel and/or Tellius.

However, if you thought of analysing the mysterious continents in detail, to try and play continental match up, then it seems you're out of luck.

Reason 1:

This was brought to my attention by Fëanen here.

If you look carefully at the coastlines of the three continents, you'll discover the coastlines are identical. In other words, the three continents are drawn from the same design.

[spoiler=Exhibit A: North and south]continental_coast1.jpg

If you flip the northern continent 180 degrees, you'll find a large area that can be found on the southern continent.

[spoiler=Exhibit B: South and south-west]continental_coast2.jpg

Similarly, if you flip the south-western continent 180 degrees, you'll find another area that can be found on the southern continent.

Reason 2:

I was browsing through some old FE13 images when I stumbled upon a combined image of the southern continent, put together by Chinese fans. I didn't notice at the time, but upon glancing the full image, I immediately noticed something veeeeery familiar.

After checking my sources, I could in fact confidentally place an identity on the continent.

[spoiler=Exhibit C: The southern continent is...]continental_coast3.jpg

Ylisse version 2.

The coastlines match exactly, except for a bunch of missing tiny islands near the middle and the coastline stretching further to the east in another Ylisse compared to actual Ylisse.

(Note that due to the globe's orientation, the lands appear differently depending on where they are.)


So there you have it.

It seems safe to suggest the unknown continents are just placeholders. It's likely they're meant to represent existing FE continents, but for some bizarre reason, IS couldn't be bothered drawing completely new landmasses.

Also, I'm totally amused that...

...there are probably 4 Ylisses on the world map!

A special thanks to shadowofchaos for providing clear images of the world map. I wouldn't have noticed the similarities were it not for his screenshots ^^

Thanks, Kon. I can now die in peace make a decision to just use Ferox, Ylisse, Plegia, and Valm, and leave out the idea of having more lands elsewhere. This was great help. And thanks to all who replied as well.

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