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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Neopets way back in the day because I didn't know any better. Aside from that, I got a brief ban from the WoW Official Forums (along with apparently a lot of other people) for constantly expressing discontent over the "real ID" fiasco. It was almost certainly more of a "chill out" ban than anything.

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I was banned from a KoL clan twice. The first time, I gave loot from a raid to someone else before running it by the clan leader first, and he kicked me out of the clan before realizing it wasn't abuse of multis. The second time, a bunch of people I was friendly with in the clan left and started their own clan because the clan leader was kind of an ass, and he kicked me out too because he just kinda assumed I was in on it, I think. The truth was I was inactive when that happened, so I sorta think the ban was undeserved.

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Does Club Penguin count?

I haven't been banned for anything online really. I usually go to websites that are really lenient with borderline ban stuff and I usually don't do anything that warrants a ban. My idiocy leads to suspensions however but never really a ban......

If real life counts as "elsewhere." I think I almost got my dad and myself banned from a restaurant because when I was 3, my dad would always let me get those bouncy balls from those machines. Then, little Jiac decided to get like 5 of them and thought it was a good idea, to drop them from the 2nd floor just to see how high they could bounce, I still did it after people who worked there told me to stop since I hurt a couple people and broke a glass. But I don't think this would've more likely not have lead to a ban from the restaurant. Though, as a kid I wasn't really much of a handful, in fact my parents always tell me that I was a good kid and rarely did something out of the ordinary, nor was I really hyper. Plus I was really quiet and calm according to them. But I did do some weird things such as this.

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I don't think I ever did online but I was banned in elementary school from this game we did at a valentine's day party which involved using chopsticks. Classmates were mad that I had an "unfair" advantage since I was asian so I was asked to not participate anymore lol. Not sure if that counts but it's the first one that popped into mind.

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Too many times...

The most ironic being last Christmas Eve with this picture as the last straw (It was a Kingdom Hearts forum):


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Years ago, I got banned from some Minecraft servers for griefing with not-so-vanilla clients with some people. It was fun.

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Nope. Its kinda surprising really, but ive been on doezens of forums and never got banned. In trouble? Sure, but never enough to even get considered for a real ban.

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Too many times...

The most ironic being last Christmas Eve with this picture as the last straw (It was a Kingdom Hearts forum):


Worth it.

I was never banned from anything because I'm boring.

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I got banned from facebook repeatedly.

mainly because some biddies on my friends list got upset over my constant posting of various "violent" video game and comic book related items with others.

I now have a rule to pretty much never add people over 30 on my FB friends list.

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two ro-related bans:

banned ingame once - presumably for bot-like behavior, on my first day playing. took me a few months to notice that the cart-carrying guy who kept healing the shrooms i was attacking was actually a gm conducting a bot check (that server crashed and burned a few days afterwards anyway)

in another server, i was forum-banned for being a bit too vocal with my criticism - and then unbanned right afterwards, under the condition i'd "help" (i had served as gm for that server in a past version)

i agreed at first, and then left forever a couple days later because i didn't like that kind of coercion

otherwise i can only remember one 4chan ban for spamming "just as planned" when it happened

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I've been tempbanned from a forum for telling a moderator to calm down after he banned a bunch of people for offenses that should not have resulted in bans.

I also got banned from the Twitch Plays Pokemon chat briefly for that "I spilled my bag of Doritos" copypasta

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Three times:

1) Habbo- One of my accounts got hacked and sent spam to other players. Got banned for 20 years. The fact that I had multiple accounts gave me evidence to show that I was innocent, and so I was unbanned after a week or so.

2) Wikia- A group of people were bulling a friend, and so I may have been slightly rude towards them- which I know I was wrong to do.

3) Club Penguin- Swearing.

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