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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Goats. Floopy eared goats. Quadhorned goats. Goat goat goat goat. Baby floopy eared goats.

Also puppies.

EDIT: Almost forgot the most adorable beakface ever:


Baby ravens! *melt*


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it gives him no reason to listen to you~!

Clearly you haven't noticed this, but he doesn't listen to me whether I'm being hypocritical or not!

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Clearly you haven't noticed this, but he doesn't listen to me whether I'm being hypocritical or not!

As if anyone should. Pff



Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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This is Far From the Forest, there are no useful posts here.

If you're going to be sarcastic, at least come up with something that has a shred of originality to it.

I'm a hypocrite, so what of it?

Clearly you haven't noticed this, but he doesn't listen to me whether I'm being hypocritical or not!

Nice 'rolling with the punches' posting gimmick, please continue rolling with them out of a fourteenth-story window
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Clearly you haven't noticed this, but he doesn't listen to me whether I'm being hypocritical or not!

That does not change the fact that it provides no reason for him to, thanks for avoiding the point

.... it's probably very well why he doesn't listen to you x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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EDIT: Almost forgot the most adorable beakface ever:


Baby ravens! *melt*

I just realized this is exactly how Nealuchi sees Naesala and oh god it's hilarious. No wonder Naesala hates it.

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I just realized this is exactly how Nealuchi sees Naesala and oh god it's hilarious. No wonder Naesala hates it.


"You will always be Nestling with egg shell still stuck to your tail feathers."

Cuz its so damn cute!!!! All the nestlings!

So about those animals...

[spoiler=Chameleons are the best thing]



Those are so adorable with the eyeballs. They just independently move and awww

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Baby harp seals or golden retriever puppies. That's just a fact. Sorry bout it.

The most beautiful animals, if you want to differentiate between them, are albino peacocks. They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen, for reals.


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In terms of adult animals, im not too sure. For baby animals however, arent all baby animals cute? You could literally get any vicious animal, and see that it has cute babies. For example, a baby crocodile, or a baby wolf.

Baby Crocodile


Baby wolf


Lookit them cuties

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the height of fashion


also CUTTLEFISH alternatively some small mammal whose name I can't remember



[spoiler=also also]sMe0PS9.png

more edits


but more importantly, waterbears are very cute and can survive in the harshest of enviroments

they're like little walking bomb shelters


oh my god


offer accepted, guys, I'll join the hella-rad-brigade for awhile

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it is my life's dreams to go to okunoshima and get myself covered in rabbits

they can all step on me

please take me with you

that is also one of my biggest dreams

so many bunnies ;_;

that and nara park because shit, man, i really love deer

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I am going with the red panda answer

the entirety of the animal kingdom is cute to me but dude there is something absurdly cute about them

Q470: Can you do any home improvement stuff?

Are any of you guys secretly plumbers or electricians or the like

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Simple stuff like setting up shelves or assembling things, yeah. I'm not going to fix a burst pipe or find out where the short is though.

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