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What if all FE worlds were on the same planet?


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So I was reading about how the Awakening world map looks like there's other continents, but all it is is copies to make the ocean look less empty. Got to thinking...

If they were all connected somehow and I don't mean outrealm portals, how would that work? Which ones would be close to which ones and etc?

When I say:

Akanea: Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem/the originals they're remakes of AND Awakening. Since it says it's like 1000 years after Marth that means it's the same place.

Elibe: Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals.

Magvel: Sacred Stones.

Tellius: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.

Jugdral: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia, but I'll ignore this one cause I haven't played either. If you have and want to theorize with me, be my guest.

Akanea and Elibe would be...maybe a year or two sea voyage apart. Their manaketes are similar, both having fire and divine dragons. For the manaketes, it wouldn't take as long to move from continent to continent as it would for humans. But the rest of the continents would still be too far for them. Which brings us to:

Magvel and Tellius. These two would be isolated from each other and the rest of the world, allowing the manaketes to evolve differently in Magvel with only one type and laguz in Tellius. Both continents think they're the only ones. The gods of the world treat them that way too, resulting in legends of demon kings and dark gods wiping out the rest of the world.

This shoots down the thing about Ike making it to Akanea, but...I do think it makes a bit of sense.

So yeah. Discuss.

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Akaneia, Jugdral, and Valencia are in one world already. Gaiden is set between Marth's games (or something like that) and FE4/5 take place before the Akaneia games, on a different continent (or same one? Idk.)

Personally, I'm fond of the theory that Elibe is an AU of the Akaneia games, since the way man and dragon's peace ended... Was opposite between the two from what I remember, not to mention FE6's plot ripping off MARTH'S games in as many ways it could. I think Ninian and Nils went from Elibe to Akaneia to Elibe and back via the Dragon's gate in FE7.

Magvel... I'd WANT to put after FE13... But if DLC is canon, Chrom knows who the twins are. The reason being: Five gems in FE3/12, 5 Sacred Stones... Oh well. I think they were not isolated, otherwise CHROM would not know. Their plot would have to just /happen/ to be independent of EVERYTHING.

FE13 heavily implies Akaneia/Tellius relations. I think Tellius happened first, before even Jugdral, and Tellians (and Yune, she admits she's imperfect) were simply misguided about the other continents being washed away.

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They're not all on the same planet. Tellius is the only known continent in its world because of the Great Flood that wiped out all the others. There could be one or two undiscovered continents that survived, but I doubt as many as we've seen in the series so far survived.

And Awakening states that continents like Tellius and Elibe are other worlds that are only reached through the Outrealm Gate. Ike discovered this gate and went through it to arrive in Ylisse.

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This is pretty much a what if thing anyway...

Chrom could've known of Eirika and Ephraim because of legends of other worlds or something. Idk, the sacred stones and the gems...

But I do like the alternate reality theory with Akanea and Elibe.

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Ooh! What if Magvel was in Elibe's world, and it's Sacred Stones parallel the gems of Akaneia's? As in, they're the Elibe world's gems. They could possibly be the Valencia of Elibe too... Maybe.

So that makes... Tellius and Akaneia/Jugdral/Valencia one world... And the GBA games the other... Hmmm...

Okay enough of my pointless posts. I'll just... Return to my corner of the Internet...

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They're in the same world, just different places at different times. Except that IIRC FE13 takes place on the same continent as FE2? Which in turn confirms it as being in the same world as Archanea, at least.

Edited by Parrhesia
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They're in the same world, just different places at different times. Except that IIRC FE13 takes place on the same continent as FE2? Which in turn confirms it as being in the same world as Archanea, at least.

FE13 takes place on the same continents as 1, 2, and 3. (And by extension 11 and 12). Edited by Rovan
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I'd like to think that they are all in the same world but there are a lot of contradictions like the world in Tellius being flooded and such. But even so most of the games are already in the same world with Marth, Alm, and the Jugdral series being in the same planet. That leaves Elibe, Magvel, and Tellius.

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I have spent long nights contemplating how that would work and coming up with a coherent explanation. Be warned.

[spoiler=long]disclaimer: everything here is my interpretation/analysis of how the FE universe(s) works because i spend way too much time thinking about this

I like to think of FE as all happening in the same universe/planet, mostly because it's fun to think of links between them. From sources given and implications taken from the games themselves, it isn't hard to order a few of them (namely Akeania/Jugdral/valencia/awakening); those + potentially elibe as well already form a somewhat coherent timeline. The biggest problem, in my mind, is that on the timescale either given or assumed, it's questionable whether Chrom would be aware of all the legends (particularly that of Ike, if you put Tellius first). It is a fact that the tales of Akaenia, Valencia and Ylisse happen in the same world, two thousand years apart. This much is made explicit by the games themselves. Additionally, developer's commentary reveals that the Holy War of Jugdral takes place in some unspecified "distant past" before Marth's war begins, but in the same world. This, combined with the fact that Marth is aware of Anri but not of Sigurd implies that the crusades in Jugdral either took place long before Anri, or on a different continent entirely. More on this later. This already leaves us with FE4G1 -> FE5 -> FE4G2 -> FE1 -> FE2 -> FE3 -> FE13.

Next, let's talk about Elibe. Elibe is probably the one that was the most difficult for me (yes, even moreso than Magvel), as it introduces the most inconsistencies if we give it the obvious place on the timeline (that is, an alternate world to Marth's). My first thought was the same as most everyone else's in here's - that Elibe is some kind of alternate world (or even an alternate future, if you want to put a diverging timeline in here somewhere), connected via the Dragon's Gate. The problem with this placement is Chrom. If we assume that Chrom is loosely aware of the events of every previous FE (as legends and such), it would make no sense for Chrom to know of Roy and Lyn as legendary. See, they're legendary heroes and figures from an alternate future of Chrom's own world. Even assuming the dragon's gate remained open (and I see no reason it wouldn't), it doesn't make sense for Chrom to know of legends and tales from a world that he would presumably never have any interaction with. So this puts Elibe back onto the main timeline, which conflicts with the whole "dragons and men making peace" deal that akaenia has going on. There also just isn't enough time between FE1 and FE13 for something as major as the Ending Winter to happen without it being made note of (well, I guess there is, but it most likely couldn't have happened after the first exalt became a thing because that's actually in "recent" history for FE13). So the only real place to put Elibe would be before FE1 somewhere. When exactly is pretty arbitrary and you could probably justify putting it anywhere but I chose to put it before FE4.

I'll be the first to admit that my version of events is pretty hacked together and graspy, but I like it. This section of the timeline begins with the "golden age of dragons", or the rule of the divine dragons in Akaenia. This is the "dragons and men lived in peace" of FE7's opening scene. According to the unified timeline of Jugdral/Akaenia/Valencia, there is about three thousand years before the decline of the dragons as described. This decline seems to match the description of the Ending Winter in FE6, so let's run with that: The Scouring took place because a group of humans decided to rebel against the ruling class of dragons in Elibe and used some kind of ancient voodoo magic to forge the Eight Heroes' weapons. This took place worldwide, causing the Ending Winter to occur, which had the side effect of severely weakening the divine dragons. The Scouring also forced some (but not all! it is a fact that some dragons remained behind, namely arcadia) the dragons through the Dragon's Gate. Fast-forward to roughly the beginning of the Lopt Empire. If we assume that the Dragons Gate links Elibe and Akaenia as some kind of portal in the same world (I'm aware they mention it being "another world", but without extended flight/etc that could just as well mean a sufficiently distant continent), we can place FE7/FE6 right around here. With all the dragons gone from Elibe, humans there would have built up their own civilization, but not necessarily have built up enough to be aware of other continents (namely Akaenia). Most of my reasoning here comes from consideration and modification of this theory, which states that Nils becomes the dragon known as Forseti in the Miracle of Darna. If we place the events of FE7 as roughly contemporary with the early-middle years of the Loptyr Empire (for that matter, you could probably place it at the end), that leaves enough time for Nils to grow older and become powerful enough to bless a wind tome with his power. The rest of my reasoning from here would be an echo of that topic (both the OP and other comments in the thread), so I won't bother typing it out, but that leads into FE6, then into FE4, etc etc.

Next up is Tellius, which is kind of a bitch to place for the exact opposite reason as Elibe's. Elibe for me was difficult to place because there were too many significant events for me to fit it into an existing timeline. Tellius, on the other hand, has almost no connections whatsoever with the current timeline, except for really minor hints like the tale of naesala and leanne mentioned by one of the Taguel (was it Yarne?). Oh, and the very existance of Priam, I suppose. I have two theories that I flip-flop between (both of them have inconsistencies but I have no idea how to reconcile them).

The major deciding factor is whether we trust the goddesses' word that everything was wiped out by the flood. If we do, that necessitates that Tellius come way, way, waaaaaaaaay before anything else we already have (or after, but then we introduce time travelling descendants into the equation, which awakening clearly handled so well). This would begin our timeline with the Great Flood (well, it would start with Ashenura but that's irrelevant). It would have to be significantly before anything else, because, with everything gone, it would take thousands if not millions of years for the floodwaters to recede enough to have new land (I assume we have some goddess speeding things up a bit). This fits in nicely with our current timeline thus far - The dragon laguz will become the "divine dragons" as described in our lore. I can only assume that they eventually branched into more dragon types than red/white/black because evolution can do that to you. The other laguz types are presumably also affected by the Ending Winter and are forced to evolve into taguel. It's also made explicit that Ike leaves for lands unknown, which opens the possibility of the rest of the continent going as well (leading to dragon/human populations on what would eventually ebcome elibe/akaenia/jugdral/valencia). A major flaw with this theory for me is that by now we're reaching over ten thousand years before Chrom (2k between chrom and marth, 4k between marth and golden age of dragons, call it 5k years for the floodwaters to recede... that's 11k years right there). Chrom even being aware of the Radiant Hero of the Blue Flames is the biggest problem (how many mythical figures do you know from eleven thousand years ago?), that can be handwaved with "killing a goddess is kind of important" and "legends are better-kept in the FE world".

Option two is that the goddesses were just wrong when they said the flood wiped out everything. Yune said themselves that they aren't perfect, meaning they aren't omnipotent and wouldn't necessarily know about other parts of the world. This gives us a lot more flexibility with where we put Tellius on our timeline. I like to put the Ending Winter as the cause of the Great Flood, mostly because it pleases me when things line up. Consider this - Yune and Ashera aren't even aware of the other continents. What if they simply aren't as powerful as they think they are and the flood was a combination of Yune going nuts and an external force of nature. Or even, Yune went nuts because of an external natural disruption. Either one works, I don't really care. Regardless, this puts the events of FE9 roughly contemporary with the establishment of the Granbell republic. The rest of the events are largely irrelevant (Ike still leaves, a lot of what I said about Laguz etc still holds, except laguz probably became taguel or died out entirely for other reasons... don't ask me).

The only other inconsistency with both placements is the fact that Priam matters. You could put Ike literally anywhere from the birth of the world to the first exalt and it still wouldn't make sense for people to care that Priam is his descendant (imagine me saying "hey i'm descended from genghis khan and alexander the great" - not super convincing and nobody really cares). Unfortunately I don't know how to deal with that as the onlyl real way would be to put FE10 after the first exalt which is patently ridiculous.

Magvel I just kind of stuffed arbitrarily as contemporary with the first exalt. Literally the only thing we have to go on is that manaketes exist and are extremely rare, which would mean it's long past the Ending Winter. You could put it almost literally anywhere and it wouldn't matter. I have a headcanon that Formortiis is a servant of Grima, but I have no particular backing for that theory. They're both just evil for the sake of it I suppose?

I think that covers just about everything of note (either legitimately worked in, handwaved or explicitly ignored)... Oh the outrealms are a thing but as far as i'm concerned those are hubba's bedroom chambers that he alters with the same voodoo magic that einherjar are made out of

Whew, that took me almost three hours to write. I haven't effortposted about FE's plot for a while, that felt good.

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I agree about the Priam thing, how do we know he's Ike's descendant honestly? Like you said, I can say my ancestor is Genghis Khan and nobody cares/takes me seriously. Even though Genghis Khan apparently had so many kids that there's a decent percentage of people who are descended from him in some way...but that's real world stuff and I doubt Ike is the kind of guy who sleeps around that much. Add that to the fact that they don't have ancestry.com and stuff like that, and I have a hard time seeing it as canon. I mean it shuts up the gay Ike supporters but that's a debate in itself...

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I agree about the Priam thing, how do we know he's Ike's descendant honestly? Like you said, I can say my ancestor is Genghis Khan and nobody cares/takes me seriously. Even though Genghis Khan apparently had so many kids that there's a decent percentage of people who are descended from him in some way...but that's real world stuff and I doubt Ike is the kind of guy who sleeps around that much. Add that to the fact that they don't have ancestry.com and stuff like that, and I have a hard time seeing it as canon. I mean it shuts up the gay Ike supporters but that's a debate in itself...

I think the biggest proof is that he has Ike's blade Ragnell. Not exactly easy to come across holy one of a kind god slaying blades (unless you play infinite regalia). Plus the blue hair, warrior mentality, skill set I think its pretty safe to say that he's descended from him.

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I think the biggest proof is that he has Ike's blade Ragnell. Not exactly easy to come across holy one of a kind god slaying blades (unless you play infinite regalia). Plus the blue hair, warrior mentality, skill set I think its pretty safe to say that he's descended from him.

Blue hair is common in FE, and genes don't work that way. Ike's great great great great grandson can easily have a different color depending on the genes that were added to the family line when each generation had their kids. Personality isn't genetic and neither are skills, they can be taught by elders, but nobody's born with them, and they're mostly a gameplay thing.

How do we know it's the same sword? I suppose it couldve been passed down, but...it could likely just be one that looks like it.

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I think the biggest proof is that he has Ike's blade Ragnell. Not exactly easy to come across holy one of a kind god slaying blades (unless you play infinite regalia). Plus the blue hair, warrior mentality, skill set I think its pretty safe to say that he's descended from him.

Do we have proof that it's the same the same sword? It's visibly damaged and can be broken, which the blessing placed on Ragnell should make impossible.

Edit: ninja'd

Edited by Rovan
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Do we have proof that it's the same the same sword? It's visibly damaged and can be broken, which the blessing placed on Ragnell should make impossible.

Edit: ninja'd

Yep exactly.

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Do we have proof that it's the same the same sword? It's visibly damaged and can be broken, which the blessing placed on Ragnell should make impossible.

Edit: ninja'd

All blades age and wear. As for the blessing its entirely possible that it wore off over time especially if you place Tellius before all the other FEs. Also I think Ike leaving Tellius (the land that it was blessed in) probably had something to do with it as well.

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The blessing on Ragnell definitely wore off. The blessing on the BK's armor didn't last either, after all. It disappeared by the time RD's events began, meaning it wasn't as strong a blessing as the one placed on Ragnell and Alondite.

But I think Priam is really descended from Ike. IS placed so many Ike references on that guy that IS would be totally trolling if he wasn't really related to the guy. Priam resembles Ike, has his sword, the parts of Aether, and even says "For the Blue Flame!" in one of his critical quotes. And he loves eating meat. And he's of the Hero class and a similar color scheme.

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IS placed so many Ike references on that guy that IS would be totally trolling if he wasn't really related to the guy.

This is true.

I guess I'll just have to say he is and stop hurting my brain over the whole deal.

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It'd be nice if all the continents were on the same world, ignoring all the potential dimension-hopping.

After all, there are currently only 6 known continents, which is plenty to fit on an Earth-sized planet.

Makes me wonder if Awakening reused Archanea and Valentia because they were running out of space on the hypothetical planet...

As for their positions, there's really too little information for me to guess and it doesn't help the "extra continents" in Awakening's map are just "ghosts" to save time and effort.

Heck, FE2 even mentions a continent to the south and nobody's 100% sure what the heck it is. Jugdral, maybe?

EDIT: Obligatory disappointing Awakening globe.

Edited by VincentASM
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Makes me wonder if Awakening reused Archanea and Valentia because they were running out of space on the hypothetical planet...


That globe tho. Where'd it come from/who made it?

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That globe tho. Where'd it come from/who made it?

It's the actual world map from the game--the one where you move around and select your location.

You may not recognise it because the game zooms into a very small part of it.

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That globe places Tellius in a VERY awkward location. If it was that far north, the entire continent would be bathed in sunlight for six months and then bathed in night for six more. And from the beginning of the game we can tell that Tellius has a regular day-night system just like ours. xP

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