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What's your favorite FE world?


worlds poll  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Your favorite

    • Elibe
    • Magvel
    • Archenea
    • Tellius
    • Jugdral
  2. 2. Which of these can you list all countries/draw a map from memory?

    • Elibe
    • Magvel
    • Archenea(Marth's time)
    • Archenea(Chrom's time)
    • Tellius
    • Jugdral

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Can be the one from your favorite game in the series, or not.

Mine is Tellius. Out of the ones I've played, it sticks out as being the most interesting and well built. Its goddesses were given more character development than the gods from other worlds, at least the ones I've played, laguz are awesome, and it's the only one I can both draw a map of from memory and name all the countries. I was curious how many of us can do that, hence the second question in the poll.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Tellius, no contest. It has the coolest locations, countries, characters, and it's probably the best written and developed world too. It has it's OWN extensive timeline of events going from deep into its history to the time of Ike's games and even beyond.

Oh yeah, and it has the laguz, who I love too. ^^

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Favorite game is Magvel's, but favorite world is probably Tellius. While I think most all the FE worlds are well built, I do think Tellius goes a bit beyond the norm with the amount of diversity in its peoples, landscapes, and interconnecting stories.

I'm most familiar mapwise with Magvel and Tellius as well.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I'm most familiar mapwise with Magvel and Tellius as well.

Same here. I can draw a map of Tellius, not Magvel. But I can list both worlds' countries.















Did I miss any?

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For anyone saying Jugdral, why? Just curious.

It's not because of the incest, is it?

No, It's the most interesting place for me aside from Tellius. incest doesn't appeal to me

The Twelve Crusaders(Miracle at Darna), Loptousu and Narga, etc. I like these things.

Also, for the other part of the poll, yeah, the image of Jugdral is practically embedded into my memory.

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Same here. I can draw a map of Tellius, not Magvel. But I can list both worlds' countries.















Did I miss any?

I've always considered Serenes its own separate nation-state despite its being technically Begnion owned territory on the map (especially since Sanaki had promised that she would officially give Serenes Forest back to the Herons), but overall yeah, you basically got them all.

For anyone saying Jugdral, why? Just curious.

It's not because of the incest, is it?

Jugdral is probably my third favorite just by my experience playing the game last year; there weren't as many countries or interesting races such as Tellius, but the ancient lineages of the 12 Crusaders and the blood ties and feuds they have with each other over the course of the game's established timeline is exceedingly interesting to me. I've always been a fan of the court intrigue genre, which is this game's plot in spades.

I liked the map for that one too, but I can't draw it perfectly in my head quite yet since its the most recent FE I've played for the first time; Isaac I've always thought must've been one of the coolest countries there. I do remember how random Miletos was to me, considering its the least explained country and kinda thrown in near the end.

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Number one for me is Tellius. The world was just so well explored and populated throughly with different species of laguz and the beorc. Each country kinda had their own personality which I thought was nice.

My second would be Archanea from Chroms time. Yeah this world was a bit underdevloped but its the only FE game (that I know of) where you actually go to different continents.

Edited by TacoMan42
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Jugdral or Tellius, though I'll probably have to settle on the latter. I've gotten so attached to the lores of these games.

When it comes to Jugdral, even the countries with simpler concepts (Verdane, Silesse, etc.) alongside their respective predicaments were genuinely interesting to me. However, I enjoyed the Thracia-Lenster affair/dispute and how it affected the central characters of those countries to the largest extent.

In the end, I'd say Tellius still wins. It accomplished just the same as Jugdral, but at the same time, involved much more exposition via dialogue, etc. Besides that, the Beorc-Laguz racial tensions were very well illustrated, among other things.

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Poor Gaiden gets no love. Should be "Akaneia+Valencia" in the first question. Akaneia is a continent, not an entire world. ...Wait, 'representative' is a...a word...

...My tired brain can't sort out "Ylisse+Valm". We don't even know what all the countries in Valm are, so...I GUESS "Archenea(Chrom's time)" is fine, hmph.

Derp, obvious copy/paste is obvious.

"If you could get history lessons, which world would you prefer to learn more about?"

Both Akaneia and Elibe! :D ..."Which first", you ask? ...Uh...... I shall sleep on it.

Totally meant 'continent' instead of 'world', oops.

Silliness aside...

I am mysteriously drawn to the continent of Akaneia. But I'm also very fond of Elibe. My fondness for each...has a different flavor, if you will, from the other. I'm not sure what the difference is. People, places, currents events, history? I can't quite place it.

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Jugdral. The map design in FE4 allows you to actually take each chapter map and connect them to get an actual world map with terrain, castles, etc. Plus, I like the story the best (though I guess I like it more because of Sigurd's overpoweredness)

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Elibe.I think I'm bias because this was the first FE game I played,but I really like the plot and the different stories.I also flat-out love the Sacean plains.Magvel comes at a close second,though.

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Jugdral son. All the best shit happens in Jugdral.

Jugdral was filled to to brim with political intrigue. It was very interesting to see how each nation interacted with each other.

There's also the fact the you literally travel and see the world yourself as opposed to later FEs which teleport you to your next location via cutscene narraration. It lets you appreciate the world that much more.

I can't draw a map of Jugdral but I can remember all the continents. I can't remember every country because I'd have to remember every castle.

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