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Hey look! A Spyro topic!

It was the first franchise I considered myself a fan of. Played Mario before that, but never fell in love with a game before Spyro, and it's the reason I still love dragons today. I loved the classic trilogy and tried every other installment. Even Skylanders...which is meh at best, but it's obvious Activision is going to continue to milk it until it stops selling. I can only hope when that happens, Spyro will have a chance of returning to its roots. The legend trilogy was epic, gameplay couldve been a lot better though. My dream Spyro game would have the legends' story and the classics' gameplay.

So yeah, who else loves it?

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I played a Spyro game once. But I have very vague memories of it, so I don't even remember which one it was or anything about it. I just vaguely remember some Spyro gameplay in in my gaming history. But I think it was a GBA title. Don't remember if I liked it or not though.

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I only had and played Spyro 2. Maaan, I was going for 100%, all I had to do was beat Ripto, but my memory card decided to wipe itself.

Skylanders seems interesting to me because of the toy into the game thing going for it. I'd get it but luuuul all of that money, if I remember right the toys themselves are about ten dollars.

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I only had and played Spyro 2. Maaan, I was going for 100%, all I had to do was beat Ripto, but my memory card decided to wipe itself.
There's actually more to do after Ripto...you get to go to the place spyro wanted to vacation at in the opening of the game, and there's a roller coaster ride and maybe a few other minigames. When you beat them, you open up a theater where you can watch all the game's cutscenes iirc. What an amazing reward!
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The original three games are amazing. :3 I got into them when I was about 10, because of demo discs my brother had aquired, and I got the collector's edition (the set of 3) for my 12th birthday. x3 I've played them so many times that I know where everything is (when I'm actually playing).

But the first couple times through? Oh boy, I got stumped good at certain places. The first game, I remember getting stuck in Town Square. Couldn't figure out how to get out of the area you start in! (You have to glide over to a ledge with treasure on it, not sure how I didn't figure that out.)

Speaking of being stumped, that tiki head skill point in Year of the Dragon is retarded; how the hell are you supposed to EVER figure that out on your own? >_> That took many years of trying various things until I realized the internet could help (which, I looked it up like only 3 years ago haha...ha). The superflame-new-game trick in Ripto's Rage eluded me until a few months ago. You have to open the completed file and exit to the to title screen from there? TRICKY. And of course, the first game: Haunted Towers and it's unintuitive supercharge BS. Ridiculous to figure out the first time, then every time after that you keep running into walls. D:

I also have Season of Ice and Season of Flame for GBA, and Enter the Dragonfly for Gamecube...but I haven't finished any of them. >_> I'm terrible at handheld games, and Gamecube controller just does not work for Spyro. ;-;

FAVORITE LEVEL is definitely Lofty Castle from the first game. No competition. It's wonderful. The stage design, the music. When I enter the level I sit there for a while enjoying it. And when it's time to leave, I do the same thing, but it's bittersweet because I have to leave...

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My best friend loved this series, though I never did play it that much. I always liked the look of it and would love it if it makes a come back, because Skylanders is not that interesting to me and seems like a money grab.

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Took me 10 years to 100% Spyro 1 because of the hidden treasure and dragon in Lofty Heights.

How was my 8-10 year old self supposed to figure that out.

Fun games.

I'm the same way! I could never 100% it until real recently. The rest of the gems and the final dragon in Lofty Castle was one thing, that and Tree Tops and Haunted Towers...plus I generally suck at the flight levels.

Still can't 100% 2 and 3.

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ah yes, my first game. you have no idea how many hours i spent on the ps1 trilogy; hell, i'm fairly sure my spyro 2 disc is now so scratched and battered from sheer overuse that it's completely nonfunctional! i haven't really been able to come back to them recently as a result, but i really should give it another look at some point, considering trying crash again earlier this year proved to be a REALLY good call

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So did anyone else try the Legend of Spyro? Storywise it rules, and the different breath abilities are cool too.

Trivia: The only Legend of Spyro breath type that didn't appear in any prior game? Earth. Well if you look at Dawn of the Dragon the other playable dragon, Cynder, has four of her own. But if you only count Spyro...

Edited by Dragoncat
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