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I have some questions about reclassing.

1. What exactly happens when a unit gets reclassed? Do the stats reset or stay the same?

2. When is the best time to reclass? Right after a unit gets both their class skills or is it better to wait till they reach their level cap?

I have Donnel at level 15. Should I reclass him now because he has his skills or should I wait?

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1. The unit's actual stats stay the same, but their class bases stat the same. So, if you were to change from class A to class B, your stats would change a bit, but if you then switch back to class A your stats will be the same (plus whatever you got from levelups) as they were when you left.

2. Depends on a really lot of things. In general, though, reclass earlier if you care more about skills and later if you care more about stats.

3. Reclass now, Villager is a terrible class.

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Yeah, Donny is practically made for reclassing. You want him to go Mercenary -> Hero so he gets Armsthrift and Sol.

When you want to reclass, that depends on what paths you're trying to take and which characters you're trying to reclass. Donnel, as mentioned, should reclass asap. But units like the Avatar and Cordelia can wait because they should promote to Grandmaster and Falcon Knight/Dark Flier respectively. Avatar wants Ignis from Grandmaster, and Cordelia wants Lancefaire (if you're keeping her as a lancer) from Falcon Knight and Galeforce from Dark Flier.

Although, if you're a female Avatar, she can also benefit from going Tactician > Pegasus Knight > Dark Flier so she can get Galeforce and then pass it to Morgan later. It just all depends on what your plans are.

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