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FE8 Chaos Mode Progress Topic


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Yeah, I too think the Kattis will be in, otherwise Klok wouldn't have bothered rejiggering them. I feel they should be given to a very girly male character who was hit on the head as a child and now really believes he is Lyn.

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Yeah, I too think the Kattis will be in, otherwise Klok wouldn't have bothered rejiggering them. I feel they should be given to a very girly male character who was hit on the head as a child and now really believes he is Lyn.

Don't say such things about Garcia :P:

I'm amused that the Mani Katti dummy's being implemented, too.

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Hey klok, how do you plan on making people promote to more than 2 classes? For example, Vanessa can promote to 14 different options. Do you do this through different items or something, becuase as far as I know, the nightmare modules and other editors only allow 2 possible promotions.

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Would be hilarious if that affected enemy units, too. And certainly chaotic. Though it would also make it much less punishing, which is probably the whole point.

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Hey klok, how do you plan on making people promote to more than 2 classes? For example, Vanessa can promote to 14 different options. Do you do this through different items or something, becuase as far as I know, the nightmare modules and other editors only allow 2 possible promotions.

Second Seal-type shenanigans, most likely. See FE8 Girls for how it managed to work.

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How about "hits-all-in-range poison/berserk/sleep staves" for the enemy?

Would be hilarious if that affected enemy units, too. And certainly chaotic. Though it would also make it much less punishing, which is probably the whole point.

Make a green unit do it. Chaos everywhere

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So, new features of the magic system:

- Anima is now classified as 'effectiveness magic', and it is either effective against armors (thunder type), cavalry (fire type), or fliers (wind type). I have added more tomes to fill this niche.

- Light magic is now the 'booster magic' type, with lots of +stat effects, but the fewest tomes. You'll be generally using it with your slayer-type bishops and since the monster weapons now give immense stat boosts, a bishop with light tomes and the Slayer skill is the most effective defense against the hordes.

- Dark magic is still as always the 'effect magic' niche, with the tomes having a huge range of effects, including three obtainable long range tomes, and one long range enemy-only tome. (Stone)

Here's a preview of only the anima category. Note that there are also Prf tomes for specific characters/enemies I haven't added yet and I haven't decided what I want to do with legendary weapons to make them really different from FE7CM's weapons yet.

b030c451a58f5e1cad061f81f1745630.png [alt]

Edited by Klokinator
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Oh, hey, look, an anima system that actually makes each of the main 3 types stand out and have their own purpose but doesn't require you to have separate ranks in all of them. I'd bake you a cake if it wouldn't get disgusting in the mail. Kind of sad that all the Wind magic is L5 and A/S/Prf, but I guess Fliers also have Archers to worry about, so that's not really all that crippling. A lower-level Wind Prf tome might be nice if there's a character that would fit that niche, though.

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