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FE8 Chaos Mode Progress Topic


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No. Let's get that out of the way right now. It's 20 levels per class and you stay in your niche. While being a cool idea, second seals unbalance the game and without a skill system akin to FE13, they're pretty useless. Just use stat boosters to cap all stats, you can still buy unlimited of those in CC.

Maybe watching Gradivus's FE12 Lunatic LTC will change your mind? =P

It sounds like there will be enough characters that you don't need to reclass to have a good amount of one class, so I'm going to put my faith in you that we have enough stuff =)

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its either knoll or seth. buff the worst character to make him useful, or buff the best character to make him even more broken.

Excuse me, Knoll is not the worst

Im guessing its a magical class tbh

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Knoll isn't the worst, but I've never used him because I feel like Shaman!Ewan roflstomps over him in usefulness.

> Shaman Ewan vs Knoll

You do realize you're supposed to make knoll a summoner? His summons are stronger than Ewans.

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To be honest, I'm trying to work out a unique summoning system. I'd prefer a system where the summons can use one random weapon type, like swords/axes/bows/lance/anima/dark/light and also staves, but I don't think that's working out so well, so I'm also trying to think of a way to make the summoners have their own weapon type for summoning, like an axe summon, a sword summon, an anima summon, etc. There's 5 possible summoning users so that's 5 weapon type. Above all else, I want to avoid only having axe summons. That's so boring, and with 5 summoners it'd be really redundant.

Edited by Klokinator
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To be honest, I'm trying to work out a unique summoning system. I'd prefer a system where the summons can use one random weapon type, like swords/axes/bows/lance/anima/dark/light and also staves, but I don't think that's working out so well, so I'm also trying to think of a way to make the summoners have their own weapon type for summoning, like an axe summon, a sword summon, an anima summon, etc. There's 5 possible summoning users so that's 5 weapon type. Above all else, I want to avoid only having axe summons. That's so boring, and with 5 summoners it'd be really redundant.

Will summons still have only 1 HP? Also, are you thinking of putting in something like the Dolls in FE8 Girls?

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Oh huh, cool idea but not quite what I was thinking. I was actually thinking more like Summons that have staves would have different degrees of healing staves and would basically be just meatshields, no combat utility.

Dolls/summons made for good walls, as Fateborn found out, but I can't really call them meatshields since they only have 1HP.

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