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Let's discuss the funnies.


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Just what it says. What funny parts can you remember in FE, which are your favorites? Rank them if you want, divide them up by game, whatever.


Soren flirting with Aimee to get the silver card. Smart move Ike. He knows if he says that kind of stuff to her it will be all over everywhere. So sending his possibly asexual friend to do it instead? It works lol. I'm actually surprised Soren agreed to it...but regardless he ends it with grace. "Thank you Aimee, stay beautiful."

Lethe and Ranulf's C support, where she's complaining about the beorc wearing armor and he says she can ask Ike to fight naked but it won't go over well. She keeps ranting and doesn't comment on that...but that might actually be an effective strategy. If somebody was running at me in their birthday suit waving a weapon I'd run the other way xD

I'm pretty sure Shinon got drunk in a support but I don't remember the details.

Micaiah's "father of Sothe's children" bit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, would be awesome if they included his response.

Janaff saying the enemy bird laguz need to be put back in their eggs, Ike's "bird laguz lay eggs wtf?" The response: "No we haven't done that for like 100 years." I hope he's not serious...but anyway deserves a spot on my list.


Anything with Sain. Lol.

I'll add more later.

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[spoiler=The Pahn/Lifis convo in FE5 Ch12x is just hilarious]Conversation (Lifis, Pahn)


“Hm? …Are you Lifis? Hey, long time no see!”

“Y-Yeah… Hi…Pahn…”

“You haven’t changed at all since you were a kid, have you? Have you at least learned not to wet your bed?”

“C-Come on, Pahn… That was a long time ago.”

“Really? You were biggest crybaby in the village, and you were always being bullied by the other guys… It seems like it was yesterday.”

“…You were the one who always picked on me first…”

“Hm? Did you say something?”

“No, nothing…”

“Oh, okay. Hey, you’re working for the Liberation Army now, right? Sounds like fun. Yeah, I think I’ll join. Where’s your leader?”


“What! You got a problem?”


“Let’s have fun again, like the old days! What do you say?”

“…I’m gonna be stuck with this asshole again…?”

“Hey, you all right? You look a little pale.”

“Huh? D-D-Do I? M-Maybe I caught a cold or something! Ah, ahahaha…”


(If Trude hasn’t been killed/captured)

“Oh, Pahn. Can you do something about that mercenary? We’re having trouble with him…”

“Mercenary? You mean Trude? Sure, he’s a good friend of mine. I’ll talk to him.”

L'arachel and Dorcas is great, especially when Rennac is around.

Don't you mean "Dozla?"

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Oh, this isn't hard for me. :P

Any conversation between Ike and Aimee. Just oh my god LOL. XD

Anything with Sain, as Dragoncat said. lol

Shinon: Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!

Frederick's whole support with Chrom in Awakening. Naked Chrom posters, holy crap, Frederick. XD

In fact, I laughed at lot of Frederick supports... :P

I'm pretty sure Shinon got drunk in a support but I don't remember the details.

Actually, that's in his conversation with Ike once you get him to rejoin the group in PoR. That one's pretty hilarious too. XD

Shinon: Yer in love with a pwetty wittle princess!

Ike: ...Shinon, what's wrong with you?

Note that Ike is silent for a second. That makes it even juicier, imo. XD

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Henry. Natch. That guy is not just Mr. Gallows Humor, but also the Pungeon Master.

FE7 had the Pegasus Counting Game.

It also had Serra's reaction to Lucius which will never get old.

I'm pretty sure Shinon got drunk in a support but I don't remember the details.

Its a Base conversation. Shinon mocks the hell out of Ike and Ike be all "Shinon, whats wrong with you" and Shinon then proceeds to chunder everywhere. Ike's reaction to that was a stoic "But im not doing this for glory." which makes it funnier. It happens after you rerecruit him.

L'Arachel's reaction to <GASP> Ephraim's naked shoulder. Oh man.


[spoiler=Gregor's Secret Stealth Maneuver]



Anything that comes out of Volug's mouth in supports if you know the translation. I do remember one where he comments on if eating the enemies would scare others off.

Leanne's sass.

Soren's convo with Aimee in FE10. Now that you have it in your mind, imagine it with the most sardonic monotone you can possibly muster. 1000 times funnier.

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Shinon: Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!

OMG! I can't BELIEVE I forgot that one...

And yeah, I second the things with Henry. And Freddy's naked Chrom posters....

Speaking of Inigo:

"I snuck in some practice. What, combat practice!"

One that hasn't been mentioned yet: In one of Hector and Eliwood's supports they talk about sparring and Hector claims he won more times. The response? "Well, whose snoring shook the rafters in numbers class?"

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I'm suprised no one has brought up Owain yet. Everything that comes outta that boy's mouth is pure gold I swear.

Also Fredericks support with the Avatar: "My body is ready" remark was hilarious

Even though its not a support in the hot spring scramble DLC Inigo says a pretty funny line in the conversation with Anna I'll quote it

  • Merchant: Absolutely! Now come on in, and I'll start getting you dressed.
  • Inigo: All right, sounds goo— Wait... You're coming in here too? ...While I'm getting dressed?!
  • Merchant: Sure am! But don't you worry— I won't touch you anywhere creepy.
  • Inigo: How bizarre! That's usually my line... Um...excuse me, but...I think I'll just get dressed by myself, so... Could you give me a moment here? You can help with the belt after...

Inigo's romantic support with Noire is pretty humourous with her yelling at Inigo to flirt with her and all.

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Oh yeah, I cracked up at Inigo x Severa. The whole thing. XD

Also Fredericks support with the Avatar: "My body is ready" remark was hilarious

Aw yeah, this was gold! I swear it was an intentional Reggie reference too! And who better to reference him than the great and awesome Freddy? ^^

And I also cracked up every time Freddy got dramatic and spit out the bear meat in that support too. lol

"Healer! I need a healer!"

"I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah...it's growing dark. Tell Chrom that..."


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Inigo- "Why can't I earn experience by seducing lasses?"

And Lachesis x Dew lovers scene FE4. Even if you haven't played FE4 just look it up. It may just be one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a video game.


“Dew, what are you doing here!?”


“What gives? I can handle bein’ here now. I’m not the same Dew anymore.”


“I know. But this next battle isn’t going to be like the others! It’ll be way out of your league, Dew.”


“Everyone’s been sayin’ that crap. I’m not a kid anymore!”


“I can definitely vouch for that, Dew. Heheh… Especially after what we…”


“H, hey! You’re gettin’ red there, girl!”


“Oh, Dew!”


“Lachesis, it’s been great bein’ with you. You’re always nice to me.”


“Same goes to you, Dew.”

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I am astonished no-one has mentioned Mia's convo with Ilyana where the latter chews on her boot in FE9, or Kieran calling Oscar a 'lying, deceitful, squinty coward'. But Sylvia's is gold.

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Let's see if there is stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet.

-My favorite is probably the moment when is Reyson how he punched Oliver.

Reyson: When I bashed Duke Tanas’s face, he only suffered a bloody nose, but it cracked the bones in the back of my hand.
Ike: Holy…
Reyson: Indeed.
Ike: …But it felt good, right?
Reyson: Oh, yeah.

-While nothing beats Micaiah's line about Ike, her acting like a jealous little girl is rather funny in general, given her otherwise rather dignified mannerism and apperance.

Sothe: “You and that bird. It’s…a little strange.”

Micaiah:“You’re just jealous.

-The servant in PoR chapter 14 digging herself deeper and deeper. You can basically smell Ike's ire in that scene.

-And Mist vs Ena always makes me chuckle a bit.

Mist: Y-you… You’re one of the dragon tribe, aren’t you? When we ran into trouble in the southern sea, the dragon prince rescued us! I don’t want to fight you! D-do I…have to?

Ena: You have met Prince Kurthnaga? I’ve no desire to steal the life of one who received his aid.

Mist: Whoo-hooo!

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Lester and Patty conversation in C10 of FE4. "You're a girl?!"

Inigo and Owain's support is like the funniest thing in all of FE

Every time Marcia replaced a swear word with a food. "Oh, crackers!"

Jill not knowing what to call Haar was as cute as it was humorous.

Sumia punching the shit out of Chrom.



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FE6: Narshen telling Clarine that he wants to penetrate her (chapter 4)

German guys can make such a bad pun of that (specifically his name) lol...

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Soren flirting with Aimee to get the silver card. Smart move Ike. He knows if he says that kind of stuff to her it will be all over everywhere. So sending his possibly asexual friend to do it instead? It works lol. I'm actually surprised Soren agreed to it...but regardless he ends it with grace. "Thank you Aimee, stay beautiful."

I dunno, does it? If Aimee wanted to spread rumours like that she could just do it, why would she need Ike to say anything at all to her?

This is one of my many favourite lines.


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-The servant in PoR chapter 14 digging herself deeper and deeper. You can basically smell Ike's ire in that scene.

Expand on that please? I forget.

Wow. Penetrate and asshole in JP only games...does the former mean something different in Japan? Cause here it could be taken as innuendo. Which is always hilarious anyway...

And as far as Aimee and spreading rumors goes, well, that's true. But I think she wouldn't get far unless he actually said it.

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well, Narshen doesn't literally say it, he implied it like,

"I shall play with you instead of your brother... Ehehehehe"

"Lock her up during the battle. After that, I shall come and 'play' with you."

I'm not familiar with japanese, so I have no clue if it's a correct translation, but given his personality and this conversation a chapter earlier:

Narshen: Lord Eric has a present for me. A young lady from Etruria, he says.

Slater: From Etruria? She must be very beautiful then.

Narshen: Yes, she is. Hehehe...

I don't doubt it too much. Though the C4 conversation significantly varies between the translation patches, so it's not really clear.

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