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Oh yeah, I TOTALLY forgot about Marcia's hilarious wording and insults. XD That's a reason she's one of my favorite females in the series!

Elincia's interactions with Ike have made me giggle too lol. That scene between them in Port Toha, oh lol.

Ike: If I have my cape, I can sleep just about anywhere.

Elincia: That's delightful!

Ike: ...It is?

Elincia: *giggles* Yes, it is!

Ike: Princesses... I'll never understand them.

Heh heh, this is the earliest hint I've seen that Elincia crushes on Ike in the English PoR, and Ike is oblivious to it...haha.

Oh, and someone mentioned Oscar and Kieran earlier... I laughed more when Oscar called Kieran "Sir Simpleton" in RD. XD Also, Kieran's supports with Marcia and Rhys are gold. Rhys kept finding him bloody and he'd scream! XD

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Expand on that please? I forget.

Wow. Penetrate and asshole in JP only games...does the former mean something different in Japan? Cause here it could be taken as innuendo. Which is always hilarious anyway...

And as far as Aimee and spreading rumors goes, well, that's true. But I think she wouldn't get far unless he actually said it.

This, but to give this a bit more context, this is after the incident in Toha which almost ended with Ranulf's death, so Ike has no longer a lot of patience for people who call the Laguz sub-human. It's also when Ike has to work for Sanaki who he deeply resents, so he is in a rather bad mood in general.

Edit: Also, Narshen only said he was going to "play" with Clarine. As for "asshole", fan translators have the tendency to overdo it with the curses.

Edited by BrightBow
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Also, Narshen only said he was going to "play" with Clarine.

Well, then that's probably just me implying that from the conversation, lol. Though the way he says it does look somewhat weird tbh.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I see a distinct lack of Heath and Legault A support. ;/

Other things that amused me:

- Have Maria fight Michalis in FE11 (dunno if she has to be the first one to fight him)

- FE12 base convo with MU and Tomas

- Wrys' introduction in FE12 (the Prologue one)

- Noire x Inigo

- Florina x Serra

- Rath x Wil (if watching Wil shove his foot into his mouth is funny for the rest of you)

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anyone in which an enemy leader tries to force himself upon an allied female character against her will.

ie. Caellach and the queen of Jehanna. iirc.

or maybe it's not really funny and I'm kind of a twisted SoB.

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This, but to give this a bit more context, this is after the incident in Toha which almost ended with Ranulf's death, so Ike has no longer a lot of patience for people who call the Laguz sub-human. It's also when Ike has to work for Sanaki who he deeply resents, so he is in a rather bad mood in general.

But it's not funny imo...

And Ana you should so draw Ike sleeping wrapped up in his cape lol. Preferably in a weird position, maybe "airing out" like a dog. That'd be hilarious. Course, just a suggestion, if you don't feel like it then don't xD

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And Ana you should so draw Ike sleeping wrapped up in his cape lol. Preferably in a weird position, maybe "airing out" like a dog. That'd be hilarious. Course, just a suggestion, if you don't feel like it then don't xD

lol, not a bad idea. But better yet, I could add Elincia snuggled up with him. ^^

Oh yeah, I also laughed really hard in RD when Oliver gets recruited... Ike is like "can you please go back to the enemy?" XD

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lol, not a bad idea. But better yet, I could add Elincia snuggled up with him. ^^

Include an irritated-but-trying-not-to-be-irritated Geoffrey in the background and you've got a deal.

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Include an irritated-but-trying-not-to-be-irritated Geoffrey in the background and you've got a deal.

Yep. That'd be so hilarious.

But I think Elincia would more likely be like "wtf" if he's in that pose. I meant kinda like this:



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Include an irritated-but-trying-not-to-be-irritated Geoffrey in the background and you've got a deal.

I don't know, couldn't that be interpreted as taking a jab at Geoffrey x Elincia fans? I mean, I wouldn't INTENTIONALLY take a jab at them, but people could take it as such due to my dislike for Geoffrey.

And honestly, I never wanted to dislike him in the least bit. You might say on one hand I DO like him because he's got that chivalrous knight thing going on (and I'm into that stuff), and his hair is my favorite color. And he's pretty good-looking. But I didn't like him because that's all I could see of him. He was chivalrous, but...what else was he, other than occasionally being afraid to speak his mind? I felt that he got shafted in terms of development and depth, probably because of his lack of screentime. He's shown to be a decent leader in RD, but wasn't he already a decent leader in PoR too? I didn't see much more growth in him there. This is a reason I've written him as a focal point in a couple fics. To fill in that missing depth and use the potential that he had.

So yeah, I suppose that I just have a love/hate relationship with this guy. :P

And speaking of Geoffrey, I also found his conversation with Kieran funny where he gives Kieran a silver axe. Kieran is all "I'll hang it up so my family can enjoy it!" and Geoffrey is like "uh, I want you to USE that axe." lol

EDIT: Ohhh. lol, I don't know if I can draw Ike positioned like that though.

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Well of course, dogs are more flexible xD The human equivalent of it though, yeah...but yeah, that's be hard to draw too.

Back on topic. Yep. The silver axe thing was gold.

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*reads the last couple of posts and chunders*

Anyway, Nealuchi razzing the living hell out of Naesala is just awesome. No one has enough balls to razz Naesala like that and not get burned, except Nealuchi. He gives no fucks.
Caineghis approaching Ike for the first time makes me chuckle. Ike is literally all: "Hey there." Caineghis be all: "Sup."

Oliver: "My nose! My beautiful nose!"

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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*reads the last couple of posts and chunders*

Anyway, Nealuchi razzing the living hell out of Naesala is just awesome. No one has enough balls to razz Naesala like that and not get burned, except Nealuchi. He gives no fucks.

Caineghis approaching Ike for the first time makes me chuckle. Ike is literally all: "Hey there." Caineghis be all: "Sup."

Oliver: "My nose! My beautiful nose!"

You taught me a new word, today.

Nealuchi is like that uncle that will always bring up how cute you were as a child. I loved how he called Neasala "Nestling".

Here's one for a series funny: Seth losing half his HP and still winning the prologue because he's Seth.

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Nealuchi is like that uncle that will always bring up how cute you were as a child. I loved how he called Neasala "Nestling".

Better that than the creepy perverted uncle lol.

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I mentioned that support earlier in this thread. :P

But yeah, it is just FULL of Kieran humor. XD This is why I'm such a Kieran fangirl. He's just amazing comedy gold like that. And I have to admire just how freaking BRAVE he is. I don't think we ever see him get scared of anything! He's also cute. :3

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^You're forgetting the base convo in 2-3 as well where Geo gives Kieran a Silver Axe.

Seems most of my favourite FE funny moments from the Tellius games comes from Part II:

- Nephenee thinking espionage is some kind of rash in 2-2.

- And Calill's line about Makalov. I think it went something like this: "Are you sure he's a knight? Why not dress a pig in armour and call it sir?"

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- Nephenee thinking espionage is some kind of rash in 2-2.

- And Calill's line about Makalov. I think it went something like this: "Are you sure he's a knight? Why not dress a pig in armour and call it sir?"

Yeah those ones were good too.

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