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I will forever fight Cervantes with Chrom, just for that voice clip. Holy crap.

Same here. He should've been one of the SpotPass characters IMO.

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I will forever fight Cervantes with Chrom, just for that voice clip. Holy crap.

Wait they actually voice acted that line? And I missed it because I had voices on text scenes turned off?

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Lolum has some pretty funny supports.

For example:

[spoiler=Lalum and Roy][spoiler=C Support]Lalam: Roy! *suddenly advances towards Roy*

Roy: Wha-!? L-Lalam…!

Lalam: I’m glad I found you! I want to show you something.

Roy: W-Wait! Calm down first…

*Lalam returns to left of screen*

Roy: So… What was it you wanted?

Lalam: Sooo! *advances towards Roy again*

Roy: Wait wait! I can hear you from here!

Lalam: I’ve come up with a new dance, and I want you to see it. It goes like this…

*Lalam dances*

Lalam: Well? Well? What do you think?

Roy: That’s very nice. I think you’re a very good dancer.

Lalam: …Is that it?

Roy: Huh?

Lalam: You know… Isn’t there more? Like, ‘You look beautiful’ or ‘Your hair looks great today’ or something…

Roy: Um… I better get going…

Lalam: Already?

Roy: Sorry…

Lalam: Hey!

[spoiler=B Support]Lalam: Roy!

*Lalam suddenly advances towards Roy*

Roy: L-Lalam…! I don’t think you should jump on to people like that so much… People might have misunderstandings.

Lalam: But Roy… …!?

Roy: ?

Lalam: Eeeek! There’s an enemy!

Roy: Enemy!? Where!

Lalam: I don’t know! But I heard the bushes rustle…

Roy: L-Lalam! Calm down… I can’t move if you’re grabbing on to me like that…

Lalam: I’m going to die! But…it’s okay. If I can die for Master Roy, it would be my only wish now. You, hiding over there! Come out! Our love is eternal, and can never be broken!

Roy: P-Please, can you get off of me so I can fight…

[spoiler=A Support]Lalam: Roy!

Roy: Lalam…

Lalam: There you are! I have another dance to show you.

Roy: Y-Yeah…

Lalam: Roy…? Are you…trying to avoid me?

Roy: Ah… N-No! Not at all.

Lalam: Yes you are. As soon as I came, you stepped back. You’re already prepared to dodge.

Roy: Y-You’re imagining things.

Lalam: Your eyes are wandering…

Roy: S-So…

Lalam: …You don’t like me, do you… You don’t want to see my dancing at all! That’s it!

Roy: T-That’s not true!

Lalam: Really!? Thanks!

Roy: Whoa!

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Just wow.

While this is part of the reason why I deactivated the voices, being confronted with this again it still baffles me to see just how utterly unrelated the voice clips were to what was actually written in the text boxes. No idea how you are supposed to even read the actual dialog if the characters are constantly shouting Non Sequiturs at you. I mean, I would think they try to keep libraries quiet for a reason.

And how many characters whose entire purpose in life is to incorporate the one thing that there whole existence revolves around into every single one of their lines do you need anyway? I mean, it's kinda an impressive creative feat but it's not really funny. Especially this late in the game, given that Cervantes isn't the first character with that stick. And also, considering that the context here is a massive war that just the other day featured hundreds of thousands of soldiers being burned alive like rats, it's actually kinda depressing.

Edited by BrightBow
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Thracia 776. Chapter 12x. Pahn. Bugs. (I'm a horrible person, yes, I'm aware.)

And for some reason I laughed about "Kempf's selfishness was unsuccessful in securing our victory." (I'm weird, I know.)

Oh, and basically any interaction between Clarine and Rutger, especially that recruitment. He doesn't have time for your self-important delusions. Go swoon over your brother some more and leave the poor man to brood in peace.

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Just wow.

While this is part of the reason why I deactivated the voices, being confronted with this again it still baffles me to see just how utterly unrelated the voice clips were to what was actually written in the text boxes. No idea how you are supposed to even read the actual dialog if the characters are constantly shouting Non Sequiturs at you. I mean, I would think they try to keep libraries quiet for a reason.

And how many characters whose entire purpose in life is to incorporate the one thing that there whole existence revolves around into every single one of their lines do you need anyway? I mean, it's kinda an impressive creative feat but it's not really funny. Especially this late in the game, given that Cervantes isn't the first character with that stick. And also, considering that the context here is a massive war that just the other day featured hundreds of thousands of soldiers being burned alive like rats, it's actually kinda depressing.

Fire Emblem, where you can make sick one liners right after (an implied)horrific scene because of war. We caused the genocide of a Laguz race? Better make a pun!

Serra is pretty funny, always

Ephraim and L'Arachel's B support

When you recruit Calil and Largo in PoR

When Kieran was going on about torture Brom was all, 'Please no'

Devdan/Danved's antics, like that one support with Largo or Danved fighting like ten men

Rolf being all, 'What if I hit her..?'

Marcia being Marcia

Calil arguing with Astrid because Astrid is doting on Makalov hardcore


The time when Leanne was with a bodyguard dude and he was all, 'THERE'S SOMEONE BEHIND ME wha' then gets wrecked

When Roger runs up to Marth and starts gushing over Ceada Marth is all, 'Bruh'

Maribelle's red face

Owain and Inigo calling each other virgins

Henry's intro

Anything and everything Nowi says, 'What's that? I can't here you because I'm CRYING!' or, 'Yay! 'Till death do us part! Or until you die anyway'


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- Anything involving Sain and girls, or Sain and Kent.

- Sain spending his first chapter messing up for the tutorial.

- Serra and Lucius's supports.

- Severa and Brady's A support.

- Canas and Vaida's A support.

- Gerome and Inigo's A support.

- Robin and Cheche's supports. Especially "I've never even matched up people!"

- If Lucina crits Chrom in Arena Ferox. "Hope will never die!"

- Gregor. Anything Gregor.

Edited by PanneKnight
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Dude I completely forgot about Vaike his lines are awesome.

His confession is kinda funny too.

This has to be the first time I've ever venerated someone else besides me...Is this love? The Vaike is Stunned. In his surfer dude esque voice.

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I completely forgot Volke's base convo on the boat in PoR. It's a favorite of my mom's too (mostly because of Volke's actions).

"You've got until the count of 10 to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One...two...NINE!"

That one?

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"You've got until the count of 10 to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One...two...NINE!"

That one?

Nope. Here's a snippet of it:


You're going to charge me? To make you eat? And that's more than you charge to pick a lock! Why?

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"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for your meddling experiments!"

It took this long for this one to show up? Serenes, I am disappoint.

Holy crap this is actually a thing?

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Yeah, that's in a conversation between Sumia and Miriel in one of the DLC chapters. I was shocked myself to see a reference to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE CARTOON EVER. :D

Scooby Dooby DOOO!!

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There's seriously a Scooby Doo reference?

It shall hang out with the American Pie and Monty Python references. Those being:

Henry: One time, in mage camp...

Ricken: It's just a flesh wound.

...You know, PoR has a perfect spot for a Lion King reference. Replace

"What do you expect me to do? Put on a funny hat?"


"What do you expect me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?"

Ike's promotion. Too bad this was before IS decided to have fun with references...

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Kent and Fiora's B support. The irony is just too much.

[spoiler=B Support]Kent: Fiora. I must speak to you…
Fiora: Kent, what a coincidence. I was just looking for you…
Kent: Actually, it’s about this army… Do you ever feel that some here lack proper moral grounding?
Fiora: Yes, the same thought has occurred to me. As a hired lance, I thought it not my place to speak.
Kent: Camaraderie in the field is one thing… But the men and women in the camp are altogether too…intimate…
Fiora: Indeed. Their minds are not focused on their duties…
Kent: It is a problem.
Fiora: A problem indeed.
Kent: I have decided to seek the counsel of Lady Lyndis in this matter. Perhaps she could issue some order limiting…interactions between the sexes…
Fiora: That is a good idea. It would be the best way to ensure the proper conduct of all.
Kent: Of course, we would still need to iron out the details of such an order… I hope you would not mind lending me your assistance…
Fiora: Oh, but of course. It might be difficult to find time to discuss this on the battlefield. Perhaps later, when we can be alone…
Kent: Yes, of course. I would be truly grateful to have the company of a morally pure individual like yourself…
Fiora: Indeed. I feel exactly the same.

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...Holy crap, how did I not see that before in their support. I was originally like "yaawwn, so boring, too much business talk!" but now that you point out the irony in that support right there, I can now see the appeal for their pairing. Just...wow lol.

I still like Sain x Fiora the best though...:P

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Kent and Fiora's B support. The irony is just too much.

[spoiler=B Support]Kent: Fiora. I must speak to you…

Fiora: Kent, what a coincidence. I was just looking for you…

Kent: Actually, it’s about this army… Do you ever feel that some here lack proper moral grounding?

Fiora: Yes, the same thought has occurred to me. As a hired lance, I thought it not my place to speak.

Kent: Camaraderie in the field is one thing… But the men and women in the camp are altogether too…intimate…

Fiora: Indeed. Their minds are not focused on their duties…

Kent: It is a problem.

Fiora: A problem indeed.

Kent: I have decided to seek the counsel of Lady Lyndis in this matter. Perhaps she could issue some order limiting…interactions between the sexes…

Fiora: That is a good idea. It would be the best way to ensure the proper conduct of all.

Kent: Of course, we would still need to iron out the details of such an order… I hope you would not mind lending me your assistance…

Fiora: Oh, but of course. It might be difficult to find time to discuss this on the battlefield. Perhaps later, when we can be alone…

Kent: Yes, of course. I would be truly grateful to have the company of a morally pure individual like yourself…

Fiora: Indeed. I feel exactly the same.

Smooth. Kent you sly dog. The power of being indirect strikes again.

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I completely forgot Volke's base convo on the boat in PoR. It's a favorite of my mom's too (mostly because of Volke's actions).

Ike: "Maybe i should just tell Mist he's dead."

Oh man that gets me every time.

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Well this isn't an intentional funny per se, but when Larcei and Ulster are freaking out in C6 and they resist fighting just to protect Seliph it's hilarious how Seliph is all "I can take care of myself guys don't worry I got this" then he goes and solos the map. Like literally solo it.

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