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Insertable Mugs Collection Thread


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This thread's purpose is for members to post and share their insertable mugs with other members. If you decide to use any of the mugs in this thread for your projects, please give credit to those who made them, as it is the right thing to do.

I'm not a good spriter, but I will share with you all what I have done for my projects so far. Feel free to use anything if you need any, and you have permission to alter the colors for any that belong to me. I will keep adding in the future. Oh, and some of these you will see in my Reskin.


--Edited because I added a new mug. I will add as many as I can here.

Edited by Terminator
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This thread's purpose is for members to post and share their insertable mugs with other members. If you decide to use any of the mugs in this thread for your projects, please give credit to those who made them, as it is the right thing to do.

I'm not a good spriter, but I will share with you all what I have done for my projects so far. Feel free to use anything if you need any, and you have permission to alter the colors for any that belong to me. I will keep adding in the future. Oh, and some of these you will see in my Reskin.


maybe you shouldn't start off your public thread with sprite theft/edits

just sayin'

Edited by Skitty of Time
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WHATTTT! :o: Oh damn. I'm done for. *Leaves*

No, in truth, my apologies. It never was my intention to steal anyone's work. I never wanted this kind of embarrassment. :( I had no idea that sprite/mug was someone else's. I edited the head thinking it was some generic poor villager, and I needed a bald, poor looking villager for my hack since I wanted one to join the group just like Donnel does in Awakening. My sincerest apologies to Nayr and to everyone who might have been offended. I've taken the image down, as well as the face covered girls because I don't know if the face cover is generic or not, but I sure don't want to take credit for it.

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For future reference, if it's not one of the vanilla sprites from the game (compilation sheet here), it's probably someone's work and you'd need to do some investigation to find the source.

Pretty nice splices, the questionable ones aside. (best Sonia :3)

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For future reference, if it's not one of the vanilla sprites from the game (compilation sheet here), it's probably someone's work and you'd need to do some investigation to find the source.

Pretty nice splices, the questionable ones aside. (best Sonia :3)

Oh, awesome, sweet, golden! Thanks for the link to those. I didn't have most of those from FE6. And most definitely I will do investigating if I don't see armor or faces. Now that you've provided me with that link, I will stick to using stuff from there. :)

And thanks, but they are just basic splices, one head pasted onto another body, etc. But I am just learning and trying.

Klokinator, you do me too much honor. That Medusonia needs a lot of work on the snakes. But I rushed her and just left her like that to move on to the next one. But yeah, if you wanna use her go ahead.

Here's another usable mug. It's a simple splice featuring Ursula and Vaida. She's supposed to be my main lord's sister. The mouth may look weird, but that's because I felt Vaida's was a little too big and I shortened it. Alas, but since I lack in skill, it might look odd. I tested it and I am satisfied with it, for now. Also, the coloring might not be good, I messed up when trying to get rid of some extra colors. I'll add more in the future.


Edited by Terminator
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