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what kind of choices do you think will be in fire emblem if?



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  1. 1. what kind of choices do you think will be in fire emblem if?

    • a choice to choose which army you control
    • a choice to choose what units you can recuit
    • a choice to choose to side with a army for a battle
    • secret answer

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As much as I would like to choose a side, I doubt it'll happen. FE tends to have definite sides that are clearly good or evil so i don't see them giving the option to pick a side.

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I'm wondering if the choices will be like the ones made in the Walking Dead games. I watched my stepbrother play one and he showed me that every choice you make literally changes the course of the game. Like, he could choose to save this person from the zombies or save this person, and whichever person he saved would affect how the story progresses.

I think that this would be really interesting concept to see in FE.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think it will be more like RD in that you may have control of the different armies at different times. It may also have some influence from SMT, but I don't think it will be like a SMT game where your choices affecting the ending. I think MU will be back and I hope that we get to choose the class we start as.

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This is my hopeful side thinking that Intelligent Systems drew inspiration from Atlus while in development of SMT X Fire Emblem and hoping that you can choose whether or not to choose a Neutral, Chaos, or Law side (and potentially switch sides during the conflict) and have at least 3 different endings.

And this is my realistic side saying that it probably won't happen, and even if it did happen they'd probably make the choices inorganic and far too straightforward, such as off-battlefield decisions as opposed to, say, your actual playstyle (as in, faster clear times for certain chapters, stronger/weaker balance of unit EXP).

Hell, in Awakening the final battle option of

Grima's death between sealing/killing him should have been represented in-game by either having Chrom finish him off, or Robin killing him in-game, not a freaking text choice after the fact. It made whether you finish him off with any unit completely inconsequential, because you're just handed a choice at the end. Even Fire Emblem 6, a game that's considered incredibly basic, still put the choice into the player's hands through the gameplay when you fought Idoun.

It's that kind of weak gameplay-to-narrative handling that should be completely absent this time around.

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Well Iwata said choices made in conversations, and on the battlefield would have a much greater effect on the story. Conversation choices leads me to believe that would be something along the lines of route splits. Choices on the battlefield sounds kinda like an idea I once had I would've liked to see in a Fire Emblem game I called Bonus Conditions, where a chapter would have a primary objective, and then a secondary objective, where completion or failure would affect future battles.

As a simple example, you're given an objective to defeat the boss, and a secondary mission of routing the enemy. If you don't complete the secondary objective, then the enemy soldiers you didn't defeat will flee, and warn their allies. In the next chapter, you can face more enemies, or stronger enemies, or even both, because the enemy was aware of your advance.

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I'm hoping for multiple playable armies like RD. The avatar lord is obviously a playable character, seemingly on the eastern side. That scene near the end of the trailer with Marks and freaky hair dude makes me think Marks will be playable as the western lord. Crossing my fingers.

That secondary objective idea sounds pretty awesome! Extra incentive to clear the whole map, although I can see how it would make that game MUCH harder on higher difficulties where you may have to rush the boss.

Edited by Surge247
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​A choice to choose which army you control

I'm guessing that a game about choices would allow the player to pick sides at some point, at least before the finale.

A choice to choose what units you can recuit

You can always do that. To not recruit Lugh, Raigh, Fir, Renaac, Aran, Severa, etc., all you need to do is to not meet the criteria to get them.

A choice to choose to side with an army for a battle

I'd be surprised if a game about choices won't have at least what Yarne's chapter offers.

A choice to choose a class for your avatar

This is pretty much a must.

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I'd like it if the route split choices were more subtle than FE8. Less "Do you wanna go with Ephraim or Eirika?" and more stuff like FE6 or that one map in FE7 (the one where you either get Karel or Harken). Depending on which village you visit you do different chapters on the western isles. If your Pegasus knights are higher leveled than your nomads you go to Ilia. Loved that about FE6 so that your battlefield decisions were actually meaningful to some degree. Especially since the requirements for different things were never explicitly stated.

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I'm more in favor of getting to choose which side we start on, but I'm just excited for anything really. I really want to know what choices are in the game and what consequences or benefits they have. Playing through the game with new things happening besides just marriage choices all the time is very interesting to me.

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I'm sure at some point the game will ask you whether you want to stay with the 'Eastern' army, or defect to the 'Western' army. Also, just like in Awakening, you'll be able to choose your class.

The other two are practically a given.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I think the game will have not two choices, but three.

Fighting against the east, fighting against the west, and fighting against both. All three routes result in the same final series of chapters, but with different endings. Fighting against both will be the most difficult route, but reward you with the "true ending". I think there will be enough replayability that players will want to go through all three.

Though I won't make a definitive statement on how or when you "choose". Could be a route split. It could also be a series of chapters that allow you to fight under a specific banner, with smaller battles breaking out all over a world map, allowing the player to take part in an optional skirmish. Fighting against one army, fighting against another army, fighting against monsters, or fighting monsters along with either army. Whenever one of the factions are involved, it could affect some kind of alignment variable and earn you favour.

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I'm not sure how choosing a class for the MU would work, since Kamui is shown with a Prf weapon, so you would need to have a class that could use that weapon

Hmm... maybe he's weapon locked, but not class locked? Like, any class that uses swords is a class he could become. Or maybe we'll get to choice what weapon he weilds...

This is probably a long shot, but hey, anything can happen.

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I would say that it would bring this series to the next level if you work undercover and betray your companions only to know their ministry, learning new skills that you can only get by being in their military, etc and then getting that character back towards the very end of the game! The reward should be hard for better skills such as Hawkeye inherit and such that you cannot kill your character throughout the game and that he/she should bring in reinforcements and chase you if you don't finish the map fast enough.

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Hmm... maybe he's weapon locked, but not class locked? Like, any class that uses swords is a class he could become. Or maybe we'll get to choice what weapon he weilds...

This is probably a long shot, but hey, anything can happen.

In awakening Chrom has a prf weapon but he can be reclassed to other classes that can't use it...

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I'm not sure how choosing a class for the MU would work, since Kamui is shown with a Prf weapon, so you would need to have a class that could use that weapon

Well, maybe character progression is less linear them merely getting to choose between different classes. Like, you would always start with Swords but you could later choose to learn an additional weapon type or a new skill or whatnot. Battle of Wesnoth did that kind of thing with the main character in the Under the Burning Suns campaign.

Edited by BrightBow
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In awakening Chrom has a prf weapon but he can be reclassed to other classes that can't use it...

Well yeah, but if im not mistaken, he couldnt use falchion while in those classes unless those classes could use a sword.

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I'm hoping for options that affect the entire plotline of the game. Kind of like x chapters, but instead of just one optional chapter you play through 5 different chapters than you normally would because of the decisions you made. For exmple it's just like a choose your own adventure story in which there would be many different kinds of endings and hell, many different kinds of chapters and plot situations to go through. Also, make the choices subtle and not exactly obvious. Like the x chapter requirements already I guess. All these things would give the game massive replay value.

But of course, this is not at all going to happen. As much as I would love it to. Even games that are praised for their character interactions and choice like Mass Effect don't have different missions if you do certain different things. The plot and levels are the same because it's easier to design and plot it out that way. The only real exception I have seen is the Elder Scrolls games, bravo to them.

In terms of what I think the choices will be, I think we will see some small choices that make little to no difference to the overall plot structure of the game. Like say, you can choose which army you support in a fight though the main game will remain unchanged regardless. Like Yarne's chapter in Awakening. Also I think we can expect certain character deaths to have a bigger impact on the game's plot if you let them die. Though not by that much, at most a few x chapters will be added for them.

Yeah I'm not exactly expecting much, but here's hoping!

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