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Well, the maids name being Western as opposed to Eastern doesn't really mean anything. It isn't unbelievably common for someone, especially a noble or royal, to have servants or slaves from enemy regions.

True, that's a distinct possibility. I'm curious to see what the game will end up revealing. There could be an added dimension with the maids too. For instance, if the lord is Eastern and they end up joining the conflict (which I think they do, from the analysis) they'd be choosing between their lord and their homeland. Though I'm not really sure on whether Kamui himself is Eastern or not. I'd much prefer if he were half Western, half Eastern myself.

I'm really hoping that the Dancer and Kamui's relationship has more dimension than Romeo and Juliet's, honestly. I wouldn't be averse to something more Avatar-esque.

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I saw this cool post theorizing that they could be two different Outrealms.

I've said that before for two main reasons:

1) The dancer girl, especially her different outfits. Did the post you saw mention two women called Noir and Blanche?

2) There's a bit in the trailer just before the Dragon bit, which is the main reason why I theorised that there were Outrealms in this game.

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You know what would be fantastic? IF you could choose to be evil. There was that old guy you see Kamui talking to in the trailer that reeks of being evil, and he appears as an ally. At 1:21

There is also the issue of the painting showed at the beginning of the trailer, depicting East VS West. It may be that the particular conflict happening at the beginning of the trailer was actually something of the past, and the countries are actually at peace during the beginning of the game.

At 1:44, the dragon that is choking the dancer, which looks very slightly different from the dancer previously shown (parallel universe dancers?) I believe to be Kamui/Avatar/Main Character. One reason is because the dragon and the esper are both white, the same color as default Kamui, and it would be a somewhat good yet predictable plot-twist. Hell, the avatar in Awakening was originally evil.

From the perspective of the trailer, it appears that there are more than just two sides in whatever conflict is unfolding. Obviously there are the East and West factions, but there also appears to be another one with black as their color. They are the ones with the scary demon-like masks and shields shown at the very beginning versing the East. The East was depicted with blue at the beginning as well, which is actually ODD. At the very end where we see Ma®x vs the awesome Shogun-like dude, notice that instead of Max being blue he is actually black, which would support the theory that there is a black faction, but even more interesting is that the guy whom resembles the Eastern faction is actually shown as RED. Earlier in the trailer the East was depicted as BLUE, as stated earlier.

At 1:17, it may not mean much but the color of the enemy and the unit you are controlling are both red; even though on the overview map she appears as blue! At 1:25 we see a very generic soldier with a yellow/white armor color.

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I'm putting my money on Kamui being a mixed race Lord living in his mother's country (Japan/"the east"). He's still royalty so he has maids but he's only a minor one because of not having purely western heritage.

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I'm putting my money on Kamui being a mixed race Lord living in his mother's country (Japan/"the east"). He's still royalty so he has maids but he's only a minor one because of not having purely western heritage.

I would like that. I wonder how he would end up being in control of major military decisions that we are told you will be able to make.

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I really really hope that the Blue haired dancer girl isnt relegated to the role of damsel in distress McGuffin waifu supreme. Cmon intelligent systems. Have her character develop into something great like a "Dancer Lord". Maybe even make her like "Daenerys Stormborn?" Have her unite the land through politicking and guile and conquest. She doesn't even have to be an "action hero"- her Grand Marshall/Shogun/Prime Minister *coughAvatarKamuicough* should lead her armies and advise her. Let Dancer Lord be the rally cry, the banner, and the heart of the army.

*sigh*. She's probably gonna be relegated to magical waifu in distress status isn't she?

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I really really hope that the Blue haired dancer girl isnt relegated to the role of damsel in distress McGuffin waifu supreme. Cmon intelligent systems. Have her character develop into something great like a "Dancer Lord". Maybe even make her like "Daenerys Stormborn?" Have her unite the land through politicking and guile and conquest. She doesn't even have to be an "action hero"- her Grand Marshall/Shogun/Prime Minister *coughAvatarKamuicough* should lead her armies and advise her. Let Dancer Lord be the rally cry, the banner, and the heart of the army.

*sigh*. She's probably gonna be relegated to magical waifu in distress status isn't she?

Unfortunately, as a dancer she's likely just going to be a plot important damsel in distress, just as Ninian was. It's kind of silly how in Fire Emblem you have to have a special sword and fighting talent (a generalization but you get the idea) to be considered a main character. I'd like to see the dancer act as a Joan of Arc like character alongside Kamui. She's someone who has the heart of the nation but lacks the martial experience to defend against the external threat. Kamui can provide the funds and tactical knowledge. It would be similar to Micaiah but less tactics savvy and miracle-prone.

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