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In Blazing Sword, it's mentioned that Corsairs promote into Berserkers. They actually don't promote at all. I tried with an Action Replay, nothing worked. It's a minor detail, but I still think it's worth mentioning.

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They can't promote because no promotion item includes them in their classes-to-promote list. If one did, they'd promote to Berserker.

I'll probably remove the promotion anyway, or bracket it at least.

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The Corsair class was pointless they're exactly the same as pirates.

Corsairs have more movement on the water, if I recall correctly.

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Protoss units don't promote. Problem solved. ^_^

Well, I think that Brigands in Fire Emblem 7 and 8 would be considered protoss, but an Earth Crest can promote them into Berserkers. (discovered this by using Action Replay) They can't promote by Hero or Ocean Crest, though. It's probably thanks to leftover data from Fire Emblem 6.

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Indeed, I can't find a difference in any raw stats or pointers in the Corsair and Pirate data, but I'm fairly sure that there was some difference, which might be hardcoded into the game.

Then what the fuck is the point of Corsairs...? I always thought they made a mistake when localising it...

What's the point of both Mercenaries (fast, accurate, average strength) and Myrmidons (fast, accurate, average strength)?

Corsair is an enemy only class, which might also have something to do with the whole thing.

Edited by Tino
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Then what the fuck is the point of Corsairs...? I always thought they made a mistake when localising it...

Probably they were there to be portrayed as thieves that work on lakes instead of the ocean. That, or since they only appear on Linus's chapter where Geitz shows up, maybe they're just tamed version of Pirates. (do they destroy villages?) All and all, they only behave like an unpromotable Pirate. Oh well, it's not like you get a playable one.

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Indeed, I can't find a difference in any raw stats or pointers in the Corsair and Pirate data, but I'm fairly sure that there was some difference, which might be hardcoded into the game.

What's the point of both Mercenaries (fast, accurate, average strength) and Myrmidons (fast, accurate, average strength)?

Corsair is an enemy only class, which might also have something to do with the whole thing.

Well, Myrmidons stick to their guns, and Mercenaries become more medium speed, accurate, high strength.

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Well, Myrmidons stick to their guns, and Mercenaries become more medium speed, accurate, high strength.

My point was that there's no reason for a fast and accurate sword-wielding class if there's also another fast and accurate sword-wielding class. But because something's different, they're still both in the game. The same probably applies to Corsairs and Pirates.

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If memory serves, Corsair is a type of pirate/thief/brigand who could be found along a certain coastline around Europe. Barbary, if I recall correctly. Thus their appearance along coasts (if it's what I remember--their spawn points, that is).

A Corsair is just a specific pirate :/ There is intention behind it.

EDIT: Further, their JAP names may have made more sense. I can't recall if Vince had said this exactly, but I thought once he said their name was Lake Thief or something, opposed to the Pirate's name.

Edited by Celice
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EDIT: Further, their JAP names may have made more sense. I can't recall if Vince had said this exactly, but I thought once he said their name was Lake Thief or something, opposed to the Pirate's name.

Depends on what you mean by more sense ^^;;;

Brigands were Mountainthief (AKA Bandit)

Pirates were Marinethief (AKA Pirates)

Corsairs were Lakethief

At least from memory anyway.

Edited by VincentASM
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Do Corsiars even appear anywhere but the class roll? (In-game, not in the data)

Chapter 23/24 Linus's chapter. All of the "Pirates" are refered to as Corsairs. I don't remember if they appear anywhere else, but I expect some to be in Hector Mode chapter 25. (the one with Pascal)

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