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Best Sniper in FE10

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  1. 1. about these:

    • Shinon
    • Rolf
    • Leoardo

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Even with his bow, his speed is still below the other snipers for the most part, and most of your other units... and then he still has his sub-par strength and defense as well.

Not to mention, being a Crap Brigade unit, he's basically automatically at least 10 levels below Shinon at the start of part 4, which doesn't really change without massive Bonus EXP investment.

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Well, some characters *Cough Meg Cough.* need BEXP abuse to be any good at all, but when you overuse BEXP, they can turn out pretty well. Leonardo is turning out pretty well on my runthrough, but of course, Personal Experience Means Nothing and all that. Guess I'll have to see how he stacks up on Endgame... I will admit however, I'm not training him because he's good, I'm training him because I wanted to see for myself how he turns out, as I neglected most of the Dawn Brigade in my first run.

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Actually, because bonus exp only does three stats, using it on characters at lower levels (when they don't have much capped) can be detrimental to them, unless you reset lots, hoping for the best stats and stuff like that. For example, Fiona, with bonus exp, will mostly gain speed/defense/res/luck, so, if you boost her a lot, her offense will blow, even though her strength growth is decent.

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He's trash, lol. <_<

Poor speed + poor defense + meh strength + being Dawn Brigade = massive suck.

I disagree. Leonardo is the only subpar unit of the Dawn Brigade, but even he isn't horrible. The others (Micaiah, Sothe, Edward, Nolan) have always been very reliable for me.

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I disagree. Leonardo is the only subpar unit of the Dawn Brigade, but even he isn't horrible. The others (Micaiah, Sothe, Edward, Nolan) have always been very reliable for me.

Yeah, but they end up super underleveled, and most of them are outclassed by their GM counterparts. Shinon >>> Leo; Mia >>> Eddie (though Zihark is debatable); Haar >>> Jill; Anyone >>>> Fiona; Anyone >>>> Meg; Mist >>> Laura; Nephenee >>>> Aran; though, Nolan's really good, Micaiah's h4x, and Sothe's cool too, though he starts to suck in part 4. Volug's awesome as well. Gatrie >>> Tauroneo, but Tauroneo's amazing as well, though.

That's not to say that the units are terrible (well Leo, Meg, Fiona, Laura...), just most of them compare poorly to their GM counterparts.

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Yeah, but they end up super underleveled, and most of them are outclassed by their GM counterparts. Shinon >>> Leo; Mia >>> Eddie (though Zihark is debatable); Haar >>> Jill; Anyone >>>> Fiona; Anyone >>>> Meg; Mist >>> Laura; Nephenee >>>> Aran; though, Nolan's really good, Micaiah's h4x, and Sothe's cool too, though he starts to suck in part 4. Volug's awesome as well. Gatrie >>> Tauroneo, but Tauroneo's amazing as well, though.

That's not to say that the units are terrible (well Leo, Meg, Fiona, Laura...), just most of them compare poorly to their GM counterparts.

Ever wonder why Nintendo decided to through a crapload of BEXP at us? I agree with most of your comparisons, but Mist and Laura shouldn't be compared because they are too different and I found Fiona to be WAY better than Oscar. (Who would be her GM counterpart)

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Yeah, but they end up super underleveled, and most of them are outclassed by their GM counterparts. Shinon >>> Leo; Mia >>> Eddie (though Zihark is debatable); Haar >>> Jill; Anyone >>>> Fiona; Anyone >>>> Meg; Mist >>> Laura; Nephenee >>>> Aran; though, Nolan's really good, Micaiah's h4x, and Sothe's cool too, though he starts to suck in part 4. Volug's awesome as well. Gatrie >>> Tauroneo, but Tauroneo's amazing as well, though.

That's not to say that the units are terrible (well Leo, Meg, Fiona, Laura...), just most of them compare poorly to their GM counterparts.

when u first get all those characters, all the >>>>> do make sense, and for me Boyd >>>>> Nolan mainly cuz Boyd always had way more strength than Nolan. But just put the dawn brigade with tibarn's group in part 4 and the 2nd chapter your on, they will surpass everyone cuz of all the laguz u can slay

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when u first get all those characters, all the >>>>> do make sense, and for me Boyd >>>>> Nolan mainly cuz Boyd always had way more strength than Nolan. But just put the dawn brigade with tibarn's group in part 4 and the 2nd chapter your on, they will surpass everyone cuz of all the laguz u can slay

That was the chapter Zihark coined the term "sub-human slayer."

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That was the chapter Zihark coined the term "sub-human slayer."

Ironic that Zihark would be the one killing every Laguz in sight, no? :P That chapter is just mountains upon mountains of free EXP...

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Ironic that Zihark would be the one killing every Laguz in sight, no? :P That chapter is just mountains upon mountains of free EXP...

Of course, that was the best part. He broke an iron and a steel sword, both of which had been full. Started a lv. 18 Swordmaster, ended a level 10 trueblade.

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I poured a bunch of BEXP into Leo to get him from Lvl 13 Sniper to Lvl 1 Marksman last night... I sort of did it as a joke, expecting him to get screwed, but I actually managed to abuse his Speed stat (Among a couple other stats), making it so he can actually double things. *Gasp.* Since then he's pretty much been destroying everything in sight. Can I take back my vote for Shinon?

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