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Not quite. It's implied she's his daughter, though, as she calls her acts the "family trade", and taking the timeframe into account.

Ohhh, I see! But that's still cool, Zorro's daughter was awesome as well!

The Fox was created to be a stand in for Zorro because Zorro Production Inc., owns the trademark and copyright for the character. Zorro is old enough to be part of the public domain like the other characters, but because of legal wrangling he has to be off limits for the game.

Aw, bummer...

Then again though, if they had used Zorro, they would have probably had to go with the second one, not his teacher (since the first Zorro got old and then killed in the movie), and that Zorro had a son (that son's mother being the first Zorro's daughter).

But damn, I'd have squee'd HARD if Zorro actually did get in the game!

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What steam boiler do you guys recommend for Tom? The butterfly looking boiler seems pretty good in max steam and recharge of 12:12 rather than 13:7 (that's extremely good for my Tom, I give him the 6-round burst gun that takes 4 steam).

But the offensive bonus and defensive bonus is what's bothering me. How are other people utilizing their Toms?

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Tom's job is to use the Mine Layer to trap narrow passageways, then to punch things into the mines. If necessary, Lion goes next, and uses a Crossbow on an enemy that should be both stunned and showing its weak point - that's a hefty chunk of health for two steam! Those two make a pretty good team!

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I use Tom as a scount. His scout pack makes him ideal for grabbing medals and gears.

... yeah he has no actual firepower, unless he traps someone in a corner, and endlessly Punch Guns them.

i switched to Dorothy (post-11) when I got her.

My team is Henry, Lily, Fox, Dorothy. Where is lacks in raw firepower, it makes up in finesse. and rapid healing. Although using Califia / Tin Man combination is quite good as well, it's how i beat 15-2

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ah that's probably why I never heard of him. I need to look up his works.

"The Statement of Randolph Carter", by HP Lovecraft:


It's like 2 pages long, so you have no excuse not to read it.

He also appears in 6 other stories by lovecraft, but that is the first one.

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  • 2 weeks later...



People have gotten their Robin and Lucina Amiibos here are the analysis from a couple of players hands on:


- Main: Tome

- Does 55 damage, Long range, Blast Radius, 3 Steam Uses, Can Overwatch

- Secondary: Levin Sword

- Does 33 damage, medium range, Small Blast Radius, 2 Steam Uses, No Overwatch

- Special: Thoron

- Does 66 damage, Long range, Pierces through enemies (Queequeg's special) Note: special ability has a huge spoiler warning if you haven't played FE:A.

- Boiler: 7 Steam Recharges

Robin is basically like Califia but can actually overwatch. This makes Robin a deadly explosive specialist unit and can do well in most ranges of the enemies. Unlike Ike's projectiles, all of Robin's projectiles can do enough damage to destroy groups of enemies.


- Main: Parallel Falchion

- 70 to 80 damage, Medium Range, Arc Leaping (Exactly Like Lion), 4 Steam Uses, No Overwatch

- Secondary: Nidhogg

- Does 55 damage, Long Range Arc Type, 2 Steam Uses, No Overwatch

- Special: Dash Through Enemy

- Exactly the same as Dorothy's special ability, Empties Steam Gag

- Boiler: 8 Steam Recharges

Lucina is like a combination of LION AND FOX all packed into one. She does high damage in medium and long range. She is your long range sniper unit of the FE amiibos and is one of the most deadly amiibo characters in the game. Lucina's Nidhogg is one of the few best weapons in the game. You can shoot it in 3 different arcs and it does massive damage in long ranges. Not to mention the low cost of steam usage. It's quite insane. The biggest downside is that she cannot aim freely making it difficult for her to hit weakspots with and has no overwatch so you have to keep her safe from enemy groups.

Overall Impression:

It seems like Robin and Lucina literally destroys the entire competition in terms of the Amiibo characters. Lucina is almost considered top tier at this point and can annihilate the online competition. Robin is really good at all ranges and can dish out amazing damage at long distances not to mention he can overwatch. Robin and Lucina are characters that are worth it if you can get your hands on them to play code name steam and they are the best characters of the amiibo lineup.

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I'm currently playing this, just finished chapter 10.

It's a fun game, notably further from Fire Emblem than I was expecting compared to the initial advertisting for the game, but despite loving Fire Emblem I'm not disappointed by this. It's very much its own thing. Definitely enjoying it so far, and I'm particularly enamoured with the huge variety in the PC cast.

My biggest complaint is one I wasn't expecting; it has a clunky interface, which is not the norm for IntSys games at all! I'm annoyed that I can't check my objectives mid-battle, or that the only way to see the party's HP is to hit "end turn" (and then make very sure I don't confirm it!), or that the stats of weapons/sub-weapons can only be seen in very select circumstances (and in particular, not in battle).

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Holy eff! Lucina looks to be utterly amazing! 55 damage at extreme range, arcs so you can fire over obstacles, and she has Lion's mobility on top of that! Robin's not bad at all either: He's the only character able to open armored crates (or destroy enemy armor) with only 3 steam, he's the only character with explosive attacks that can overwatch, and his Levin sword attack also goes over obstacles.

Marth and Ike definitively got the short end of the stick, though Marth can be good in the Overwatch-heavy stages.

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Not surprised. These days, people love to have Awakening overshadow the older FE games... >_> I like Robin, but still. It's ridiculous for Lucina to be able to do a fuck ton of damage from a distance, but IKE of all people to be extremely weak at it in comparison.

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Yea, Ike and Marth suck. Ike would be better if his steam cost wasn't so stupid high for so little damage he does.

If Ike's ragnell would at least do decent damage and maybe make the steam cost lowered by 1 then he would have been viable. Unfortunately it does a measely 10 damage if it hits twice and most enemies have 75 hp or more. It also doesn't help that it doesn't have precision hit making it impossible to hit enemy weakspots. Knockbacks can only do so much if you're doing a seize or rush tactic. I've only found one use for Ike in the entire game and that was to deal with those pesky stun bugs who only have 10 hp.

Other characters can be compensated with their subweapons making them more viable and unfortunately the main drawbacks for all the FE amiibos is that they can't use any of the subweapons that other characters are using. Making Marth and Ike difficult to use when you really want to use them and the amount of overwatch enemies in later stages doesn't help either.

Robin and Lucina are pretty ridiculous compared to the two since this game is all about range and positioning your shots. Close combat is only good for hitting enemy weakspots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Note: permission granted by Eclipse

I took the opportunity to record some of the Fire Emblem Remixes for those who don't have all the amiibos.
These songs play when you have all 4 FE amiibo characters in the battlefield or when you unlock the amiibo for the first time.
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Is there some kind of trick with Dorothy I'm missing out on? I tried using her after she arrived, but it seems like she's entirely useless. Every other character on the roster seems to have some kind of value on the battlefield, but I just can't figure her out.

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Is there some kind of trick with Dorothy I'm missing out on? I tried using her after she arrived, but it seems like she's entirely useless. Every other character on the roster seems to have some kind of value on the battlefield, but I just can't figure her out.

Dorothy is best used at close quarter combat. If you are right in front of the enemy's weakspot you can dish out really high damage and can kill enemies with over 200 hp or more if you can angle her main weapon correct and right in shotgun range. Unfortunately because of this, she has to be upclose to the enemy at all times in order to get the most out of her like Marth and Ike. Since later levels have huge excessive number of overwatch enemies, it is very difficult for her to approach and has to rely on teammates to help stun enemies in order to make use out of her. As much as I don't want to say this but Dorothy is honestly one of the worst units in the game. Her sub weapons don't make up for her shortcomings either. You want to have high range capabilities in both single player and multplayer online if you're going to have an optimized runthrough. If her weapon had not moved in half a circle movement attack, then she would have been one of the most deadliest characters in the game and unfortunately it seems like they nerfed the heck out of her during development and we got what we have today.

Note: However, she is an asset to Mission 15-3 since there is a part where you need to destroy something and Dorothy's main weapon can easily annihilate it in a single turn.

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Ooh, nice! I don't plan on getting Lucina at all, so I'm glad you posted those! Why are Ike's eyes green in that art though? o.O


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  • 2 weeks later...

Credits to RJP! for uploading all the voice clips for the Fire Emblem Amiibo characters.

The Japanese version of the game keeps all the voices all in English except for the Fire Emblem Characters

English Voices Clips





Japanese Voice Clips





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Ah, now I see Jason Adkins in that Ike! And he got so much better, this Ike is full of emotion now! Doesn't sound bored at all anymore. :o I love the mention of Ike's dad. ^^

Ah, Ike. <3

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Well, the game finally got released in Europe. Well, it came out last week so I am a bit late to the party either way.

And I am really loving this game so far. Characters actually play differently from each other and there is tons of cool stuff with the terrain, enemies are also varied. The whole stealth aspect... The sub weapons alone have an heavy impact on how the maps play out. I'm not through the entire game yet but it seems to really turn out as good as it looked to me. Also kudos for Nintendo for not just patching the game itself but also the demo. Enemy phase really took too long. I just wish the game would change back to normal speed if you actually get attacked.

Some weird thing I noticed about the German translation, is that they don't use the full names of the characters. It's like they are fearing legal trouble. Well, at least Lincoln is still Lincoln.

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Well, the game finally got released in Europe. Well, it came out last week so I am a bit late to the party either way.

And I am really loving this game so far. Characters actually play differently from each other and there is tons of cool stuff with the terrain, enemies are also varied. The whole stealth aspect... The sub weapons alone have an heavy impact on how the maps play out. I'm not through the entire game yet but it seems to really turn out as good as it looked to me. Also kudos for Nintendo for not just patching the game itself but also the demo. Enemy phase really took too long. I just wish the game would change back to normal speed if you actually get attacked.

Some weird thing I noticed about the German translation, is that they don't use the full names of the characters. It's like they are fearing legal trouble. Well, at least Lincoln is still Lincoln.

Are the voices all in English?

I'm glad you're enjoying the game. A lot of people were judging the game too harshly at release most of it was blaming the artstyle instead of actually playing the game. It seems like the ones that actually own or have at least played the demo and have a good strategy mindset enjoy it too. Yeah I'm glad the enemy phase was fixed. I can't imagine going back to the game without it anymore and I completed the entire game without it. It took me about 20 hours to beat it on my first runthrough. The 2nd runthrough with the patch only took me 12 hours to beat. Right now I've finished mericless mode and I'm trying to finish the no return and no hud display mode.

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Are the voices all in English?

I'm glad you're enjoying the game. A lot of people were judging the game too harshly at release most of it was blaming the artstyle instead of actually playing the game. It seems like the ones that actually own or have at least played the demo and have a good strategy mindset enjoy it too. Yeah I'm glad the enemy phase was fixed. I can't imagine going back to the game without it anymore and I completed the entire game without it. It took me about 20 hours to beat it on my first runthrough. The 2nd runthrough with the patch only took me 12 hours to beat. Right now I've finished mericless mode and I'm trying to finish the no return and no hud display mode.

The voices are still in English. That makes it very easy to tell that they put in a deliberate effort to avoid the full names since the German translation doesn't deviate far from the English phrasings.

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Just got the game yesterday, and I have to say, it's been really fun! Having a Marth / Ike amiibo would make the first few levels a lot easier though...

It was a pain to go through the prologue AGAIN. I mean, the game clearly knows I've been through the demo already, why doesn't it clear the prologue for me?

And other thing, I was surprised to not get Tiger Lily in the save the Queen mission! You had her in the demo, what happened? Still, it's pretty fun, and I'm only on the 3rd mission. Can't wait for a fourth fighter though, I always feel a little empty with only three.

Great! Those enemy turns were annoying.

The second stage in the demo must take place after you've finished it for the first time. Since you can use anyone after finishing the mission for the first time! It's for better records I suppose.



The perpetual device has no announcement for release in the U.S.A version. It only has one for Japan. There is a chance that we may have to import it! Need it as I'm not getting the new 3DS. Still waiting on that before I play the game!

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