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Advice for Hard Mode

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Uhhh, I don't think Speedwing + Forged Axe is enough for base level Haar to get close enough to Ludveck and kill him without any major risks?

ludveck moves before all of the enemies around him except for the armor knights in the corner by the door. there's a tile you can move him to that forces ludveck to attack him at 1-range, where he'll be on the receiving end of a hammer to the face.

it still might be worth dumping a whole bunch of BEXP into haar even after speedwings if you're planning to crown him in 3-4.

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With one little caveat. Ludveck has crit on Haar.

Haar can take it as long as he dodges the Thunder Mage. Which by all things considered, isn't difficult. As dondon aptly points out.

Edited by Jedi
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Haar can take it as long as he dodges the Thunder Mage. Which by all things considered, isn't difficult. As dondon aptly points out.

Really? Because last I checked, a crit from Ludveck will kill Haar, no questions asked. Even if he's at full HP.

(40-23) * 3 = 51 damage. 51 > 46.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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A critical hit by Ludveck can theoretically one-shot Haar, if he hasn't at least 25 defense or 24 defense and 49 HP.

Levant is right.

Levant is assuming Haar is at base, and by all means in a HM run wouldn't usually be the case.

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Levant is assuming Haar is at base, and by all means in a HM run wouldn't usually be the case.

Wynaut? He ain't getting much in the way of EXP, and even if he gets enough to level up, 1 extra defense won't save Haar's life.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Wynaut? He ain't getting much in the way of EXP, and even if he did, it'd only be enough for one level, and 1 level in which he gets defense doesn't change the fact that Haar getting a crit from Ludveck means his demise.

I think Haar can get up to 2-3 levels till 2-F.

He kills the boss in 2-P and you let some enemies alive in 2-3 to get some bexp.

Edited by The Taninator
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I think Haar can get up to 2-3 levels till 2-F.

He kills the boss in 1-P and you let some enemies alive in 2-3 and to get some bexp.

I think you meant 2-P. Could you fucking imagine Haar in 1-P?

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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guys who really cares about a 3% crit

especially if you're trying to 1-turn, reset and do it again.

Moi. Admittedly, though, if you're trying to 1-turn it ain't a big deal.

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Is it recommended to forge Zihark a steel sword, since he doesn't get a prf sword like Edward, or is a combination of the Brave Sword, Killing Edge, and Steel Blade (not sure if this is in the armory for 3-6) good enough?

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Is it recommended to forge Zihark a steel sword, since he doesn't get a prf sword like Edward, or is a combination of the Brave Sword, Killing Edge, and Steel Blade (not sure if this is in the armory for 3-6) good enough?

What chapter are you on currently? Because forging isn't available in part 3 with the DB, IIRC. Anyways, personally, I';d say the Brave Sword and a Steel Blade would be good enough - a Killing Edge, on the other hand, would not be advised.

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Zihark shouldn't be too strong in part 3.

The more laguz will be killed in enemy phase, the more laguz will attack Zihark. Unless he has an A-support in earth and good biorhythm, he can die easily by two hits of the tigers.

In 3-6 on hard mode I only play the turtle tactic, because the laguz can tear your units to pieces, if you play too aggresive.

I think an ordinary steel sword is good enough for him because of adept and his high crit rate. Resolve on him would be also recommenable.

Edited by The Taninator
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Yeah I know in 3-13 you absolutely don't want to be killing too many Tigers when you're guarding the choke point, so crits are bad (I learned the hard way to take off Sothe's beast killer). But I mean in 3-6, it's less of an issue because cats take a long time to cross over the swamp (not to mention you want to actively kill them here), and 3-12 you're fighting regular enemies.

Edited by Radiant head
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3-13 is more problematic, because the enemies benefit of Ike's three authority stars. They have +15 hit and evasion.

In 3-6 if you place your units correctly, (I think) maximal two laguz can attack you.

3-12 is not a hard chapter. You only have to worry about the falcon knights, who can fly behind your line. The partner units can help you a lot. So don't bother to use them.

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Forging a sword for Zihark is kinda pointless because he ORKOs just about every unit in 3-6 with Adept + Brave Sword / Killing Edge / anything that's not a Bronze Sword. You shouldn't worry about his offensive performance.

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Yeah that's what I figured.

Pelleas is jerk for ignoring Zihark and giving the others special weapons

Tbh, I'm getting pretty bored with this playthrough. Feels exactly like NM.

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Forging a sword for Zihark is kinda pointless because he ORKOs just about every unit in 3-6 with Adept + Brave Sword / Killing Edge / anything that's not a Bronze Sword. You shouldn't worry about his offensive performance.

one might want to transfer the brave sword to the GMs, and zihark's offense in 3-6 near base is not that good. zihark is doing, like 5 HP damage per hit to tigers with the killing edge. he'd have to get in the equivalent of 10 hits to KO them. it's not so bad if zihark has good to best bio, but his bio curve has a long period and so if he starts the chapter in bad bio, he's probably going to be in bad bio for the entirety of the map.

i've been having a lot of success on this chapter assigning wrath to zihark and giving him a max MT, max crit, +15 hit steel sword. with +2 atk on base he 4HKOs tigers and 3HKOs cats. he can switch to a wind edge or storm sword on player phase to kill something from range and then laura can switch him to whatever weapon while healing him. you do have to watch out and make sure he doesn't fight more than one enemy per enemy phase, but that's not difficult with smart play.

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I thought about giving the Brave Sword to GM's, but I feel like Ike and Mia would break it in one enemy phase. Mist would be a good candidate if she didn't have the Florete (and if her strength wasn't so bad).

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Yeah, but I'd rather Ike just damage the general and feed the kill to someone I want to train like Rolf or Boyd.

Actually nm, I forgot those characters are unsalvageable in HM.

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