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Who could Ike's wife be?

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And didn't Sigurd get burned alive? And Ike watched both his parents die. IS is definitely no stranger to really depressing stuff. :P

Sigurd got Valflame'd. Everyone else got Meteored.

Unless you use cheats. Then you see the cutscene was bullshit, hyuck hyuck hyuck.


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Holy hell that's depressing.

EDIT: I'm now reading about Arvis and Deidre. Yeah I don't think I want to ever play this game.

That's a shame, because it's very good. Most of FE4's flaws have to do with gameplay.

Also, playing the game really puts things on a different perspective. Despite the shit he does, Arvis is actually a very likable villain, but it's hard to put it on words if you haven't played the game. Also you know, spoilers.

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That's a shame, because it's very good. Most of FE4's flaws have to do with gameplay.

Also, playing the game really puts things on a different perspective. Despite the shit he does, Arvis is actually a very likable villain, but it's hard to put it on words if you haven't played the game. Also you know, spoilers.

Arvis has it hard sadly. But that's all I can really say.

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I'd rather not sympathize with him, tbh. More reason to avoid.

Not trying to condemn the game/story or anything, I just genuinely don't think I can handle what I hear.

Edited by Radiant head
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Honestly, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds. I would advice against reading about FE4's plot points online, because the sad scenes of the game tend to get quite overblown.

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You must realize that this is IS, where "Meteors fall, (Almost) everybody dies" was a thing. Also Tiltyu and Hilda. >.>

Sigurd got Valflame'd. Everyone else got Meteored.

Unless you use cheats. Then you see the cutscene was bullshit, hyuck hyuck hyuck.


Well shit...thanks IS.

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FE4's plot twist is not bad. It helps make the game unique.

Actually, I'd be much happier if FE13 mimic'd it by just following the original timeline, killing Chrom halfway and maing Lucy lord for the rest. Less plotholes >~>

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That would have worked if they cut out all the time travel, but otherwise it kind of misses one of the reasons she did so in the first place.

Yeah, well, cutting out the time travel, FE13's plot is a lot like a more idealistic FE4. I kinda meant to imply time travel would be gone, sorry if I was unclear
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Yeah, but at that point they might as well just go for a different plot altogether and remake FE4 for 3DS instead of rehashing its plot for a new game.

It'd be better than the way FE13 is right now!
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So, looks like it's done then. Mia is the most likely Tellus ancestor but it's still much more likely Ike married some girl after going through the portal.

I have no trouble with that. Every other option is too far-fetched or flat out impossible.

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So, looks like it's done then. Mia is the most likely Tellus ancestor but it's still much more likely Ike married some girl after going through the portal.

Basically yeah (and that's what I said in my first post).

I know which one I prefer though.

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So, looks like it's done then. Mia is the most likely Tellus ancestor but it's still much more likely Ike married some girl after going through the portal.

I take issue with this. I have no problems with Ike/Mia, but to call her the "most likely Tellius ancestor" when there is zero factual evidence just reeks of conjecture and biased bullshit. Weren't we calling out Ana earlier for doing the same thing with regards to Elincia?

Honestly, Elincia is a case in which there is evidence to prove against her being Priam's ancestor. Mia being Ike's wife would still contradict the "he was never seen again" (presumably by people of Tellius) in Ike's ending. To say that she's the most likely Tellius ancestor of Priam when there's nothing in the game supporting this (unlike in the case of arguing Roy or Lilina's mother, where there are some hints dropped in FE6 and FE7 to make that argument less grasping at straws) just makes it sound like you want to justify that your pairing is "right".

Like what you want, but I get annoyed when people try to make their preferred pairing sound more legit than it really is.

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He did say "Tellius ancestor".

See, that's the thing. I don't believe that either, nor do I believe that there's evidence to support such a claim.

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See, that's the thing. I don't believe that either, nor do I believe that there's evidence to support such a claim.

Of the planned Ike female supports in FE10-

Elincia - Been over this

Micaiah - Practically in the same boat as Elincia, without the benefit of FE9.

Mist - Unless this is FE4...

Nailah - Her ending involves taking the wolves back across the desert. And again, she's a ruler who feels responsible for her people.

Lethe - I can see it, I guess. This is the other "reasonable" option.

Titania - She was in love with Greil. It'd be a tad odd to have her let go of those feelings for his son.

Mia is the last of them.

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I think I'm in the same boat as Ana for Lethe, actually.

I can't say I dislike the ship or Lethe herself, but she's made it pretty clear she takes great pride in being a laguz and her shifting. I just can't see her giving that up.

But, still, I guess either her or Mia, yeah.

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I don't consider Mia to be much of a "reasonable" option either. Yes, she is part of Ike's mercenaries and may have had a planned support with him. But that support was scrapped, and there is no romance between the two in the finalized version of the game. In PoR alone I believe Ike interactions with fuckin' Marcia and Jill more than he does with Mia.

Besides, aren't we all forgetting Aimee? Maybe one day, during a celebration of the anniversary of Ike slaying Ashera he got a little too drunk and may have accidentally done stuff with Aimee because he was too drunk to think straight. And she got pregnant and he got freaked out and that's the real reason he left Tellius.

We just don't know.

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I think I'm in the same boat as Ana for Lethe, actually.

I can't say I dislike the ship or Lethe herself, but she's made it pretty clear she takes great pride in being a laguz and her shifting. I just can't see her giving that up.

Honestly, Lethe's ending where she becomes a military boot camp instructor for Gallia is just too perfect for me to see her doing anything else.

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