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Who could Ike's wife be?

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The funny thing about politics is that you never have to 'love' your wife, or have even met her, before you marry her. Even then so long as she pops out suitable heirs you don't even really need to care for her. Heck, when I play Crusader Kings II I betroth newborn daughters all the time to get claims on their future husbands lands.

Elincia is LUCKY to have a husband who cares for her by political standards, especially feudal ones, since otherwise her marriage would be entirely political. That's not to mention you can still have someone 'like a brother/sister' and still end up marrying them. Especially since we know FE's tread close to that line before (Eirika/Ephriam).

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Supports, endings, and the fact that it's explicitly stated that Geoffrey is and has always been in love with Elincia.

I've given it some thought (and have written some meta about this in the past) but Ike/Elincia makes sense as a pairing if PoR was a standalone game. But because RD exists, and characters require development...

I actually quite like the script changes in PoR trying to hint at Ike/Elincia, if only because it makes her development in Radiant Dawn a little better in hindsight. Growing out of an old crush can really help a girl move forward, yanno. Speaking from experience here, of course.

I've already said that I didn't see any hints at Geoffrey x Elincia in supports, aside from Geoffrey's love for Elincia. And unrequited love has been a thing in FE before. See Catria. Lalum in FE6 can count too since Roy can marry someone else that's not her (and Roy x Lilina seems to be what's pushed anyway). I really don't see why Tellius couldn't get multiple spouse options for multiple characters anyway... Why shouldn't Elincia have both Geoffrey and Ike as options? We'd all be happy if that was the case. It would also add to the replay value.

I don't like that the script made those changes. The pairing is hinted repeatedly, then people who enjoyed that and want it to happen get punched in the gut in RD. It honestly sucks, you know...

EDIT: Dual Dragons: Ah, I see now. Thanks for the explanation.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't like that the script made those changes. The pairing is hinted repeatedly, then people who enjoyed that and want it to happen get punched in the gut in RD. It honestly sucks, you know...

A lot of people got punched in the gut by RD; Rolf hardest of all. I don't think anyone was happy with the various endings (Seriously? Ike/RANULF?!?!) and the new characters who weren't Micaiah got screwed over HARD story/ending-ending wise. Even Micaiah ended up worse-off than most FE characters with only one paired ending.

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Yeah, I wasn't happy with several of them myself. I don't like Ike's, I don't like most of the tiny handful of pairings available (Naesala x Leanne is the only one I'm really fond of. I either don't like or am entirely neutral to the others. I'm mixed on Haar x Jill), I don't like Mist's, I don't like Gatrie's, and I don't like how many potential pairings weren't used. I think all of these could've gotten some kind of special ending, and they don't even all need to be romantic (Ike x Elincia included, yes):

Ike x Elincia

Ike x Lethe

Rolf x Mist

Kieran x Marcia

Oscar x Tanith

Boyd x Mia (I know they don't interact at all in either game, but imo, they should have)

Rhys x Titania

Rhys x Mia

Gatrie x Astrid

Ranulf x Lethe

Kyza x Lyre

Ranulf x Lyre

Aran x Laura

Zihark x Meg (probably wouldn't be romantic lol)

Zihark x Ilyana

Geoffrey x Nephenee (just so Geoffrey has a non-Elincia option for people that ship Elincia with Ike instead. I don't like the guy much, but I don't think he deserves to be all by his lonesome. It's the chivalrous knight thing, really. Gets to me all the time, even if it's exhibited in a character I don't like)

Soren x Stefan (non-romantic, of course. It would have Soren join Stefan in his Branded village. I feel some time away from Ike and the mercs would do Soren some good. He seems unhealthily attached to Ike and he needs to be around more people that would care about him and be his friends)

Soren x Micaiah (might be a bit tricky to pull off, but this would be interesting, imo, if it could lead to Soren becoming Daein's next king due to being Ashnard and Almedha's real child and all)

Soren x Mist (hey, if it's fine and all for Elincia to marry her best friend/sista's brother, Soren should be able to marry his best friend's sister)

In addition to this, siblings and good friends would have real supports together too, though not necessarily special endings. Stuff like Ike/Mist, Elincia/Lucia, Geoffrey/Lucia, Edward/Leonardo, etc.

Ike and Ranulf become best friends, yo. :P I also dislike Soren, but totally love Ranulf, so Ranulf as an alternate travel buddy for Ike pleases me.

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Supports, endings, and the fact that it's explicitly stated that Geoffrey is and has always been in love with Elincia.

This makes me happy that Geoffrey wasn't friendzoned by Elincia. :P

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I'm pretty sure I saw a Soren/Stephen fanfic once. I didn't read it, of course, but considering it was rated M and boasted about being a slash-fic I don't think I need to to know what was inside.

Shockingly I can see Boyd/Mia as well and I'm surprised they didn't do that. My best guess is they felt Largo's supports were a bit lacking so they took what they had planned for Boyd and gave it to him (HEY GENIUSES! Get rid of Ike/Ranulf and have Ranulf support Largo! At least that way the Ranulf support might actually be used by people who weren't specifically gunning for it!)

But yea, lot of people got screwed over, but that isn't news TBH. IMO they should have had 'support' endings and 'survived' endings. Hey, if it's good enough for Maurim and Volug, why can't we have endings for when two characters survived? Like Titania eventually turning over the reigns of the GM's to Oscar so she can retire or something if they both survived (No. Not saying she should. Just an example).

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Yeah, I wasn't happy with several of them myself. I don't like Ike's, I don't like most of the tiny handful of pairings available (Naesala x Leanne is the only one I'm really fond of. I either don't like or am entirely neutral to the others. I'm mixed on Haar x Jill), I don't like Mist's, I don't like Gatrie's, and I don't like how many potential pairings weren't used. I think all of these could've gotten some kind of special ending, and they don't even all need to be romantic (Ike x Elincia included, yes):

Ike x Elincia

Better than leaving for no reason

Ike x Lethe

See above

Rolf x Mist


Rhys x Mia


Ranulf x Lethe

Ranulf x Lyre

I kinda wonder why these aren't in game

Aran x Laura

Double the last one for this one >_>

Soren x Stefan (non-romantic, of course. It would have Soren join Stefan in his Branded village. I feel some time away from Ike and the mercs would do Soren some good. He seems unhealthily attached to Ike and he needs to be around more people that would care about him and be his friends)

Ike was the first to treat Soren as a human and not some kind of alien creature. I don't blame him for being so attached to Ike

Soren x Micaiah (might be a bit tricky to pull off, but this would be interesting, imo, if it could lead to Soren becoming Daein's next king due to being Ashnard and Almedha's real child and all)

Agreed. Also note their parallels

Soren x Mist (hey, if it's fine and all for Elincia to marry her best friend/sista's brother, Soren should be able to marry his best friend's sister)

This is such a cute pairing.

In addition to this, siblings and good friends would have real supports together too, though not necessarily special endings. Stuff like Ike/Mist, Elincia/Lucia, Geoffrey/Lucia, Edward/Leonardo, etc.

Ike and Ranulf become best friends, yo. :P I also dislike Soren, but totally love Ranulf, so Ranulf as an alternate travel buddy for Ike pleases me.

Comments in bold.
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Yes, another person who agrees that no Boyd x Mia is shocking! Thanks for that, Snowy_One. You know, I was also going to add Ike x Mia to that list since it's not totally baseless, but I then realized that I'd be giving Mia three potential options for husbands if Rhys and Boyd were also there while everyone else sans Ike would have only one or two options for spouses/special endings with someone of the opposite gender. I like to keep things even among the not-main characters. Rhys seems to be a popular non-Ike option for Mia too, so...

And I told Lord Taco that if I had a say, I'd do Ike x Mia for him. xP What a mess I've made...

Glaceon: Wow, we agree on some more things! How about that? :) And yeah, I know Soren has reason to be as loyal and stuff as he is to Ike, but it seems a little disturbing at times.

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Eh, I was never really disturbed by that. Fierce loyalty is part of Branded nature, if he, Zelgius, and Micaiah are any indication. Tbh, if I was in his situation, I'd do the same thing, Ike's blandness aside.

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Zelgius isn't a great example of not-disturbing behavior.

Though I would have also liked an ending where the branded descendants of Dheg and Soan team up in the desert.

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I can't say I agree with all of your list, Ana, but I do agree that there should have been more ending options. I would have liked some good buddy endings too, not necessarily romantic ones... after all not all A-support endings in FE are romantic ones (Amelia/Duessel, Tana/Cormag, Heath/Vaida, for example), and many could be read either as platonic or romantic. I personally would have liked Oscar/Kieran and Shinon/Rolf endings just because they had some of my favourite interactions in the games.

But since this is a thread about Ike and his potential wife... an Ike/Lethe ending would make the most sense to me, but I could see Ike/Mia too. I don't think I'd be happy with any possible Ike/Elincia ending that resulted in their marriage (I think it would be more IC for both of them if it were platonic, or a 'parted ways but always kept each other in their hearts' kind of deal, a la Vaida/Harken), but I do think it could work.

Actually you know what would have been interesting to see? Ike/Micaiah. They really should have had some more interaction considering they were the main characters.

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I can't say I agree with all of your list, Ana, but I do agree that there should have been more ending options. I would have liked some good buddy endings too, not necessarily romantic ones... after all not all A-support endings in FE are romantic ones (Amelia/Duessel, Tana/Cormag, Heath/Vaida, for example), and many could be read either as platonic or romantic. I personally would have liked Oscar/Kieran and Shinon/Rolf endings just because they had some of my favourite interactions in the games.

But since this is a thread about Ike and his potential wife... an Ike/Lethe ending would make the most sense to me, but I could see Ike/Mia too. I don't think I'd be happy with any possible Ike/Elincia ending that resulted in their marriage (I think it would be more IC for both of them if it were platonic, or a 'parted ways but always kept each other in their hearts' kind of deal, a la Vaida/Harken), but I do think it could work.

Actually you know what would have been interesting to see? Ike/Micaiah. They really should have had some more interaction considering they were the main characters.

To be fair, Amelia/Duessel would be pretty much platonic, since Amelia is most likely around 14 or 15 and Duessel is in his what, early 50s?

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To be fair, Amelia/Duessel would be pretty much platonic, since Amelia is most likely around 14 or 15 and Duessel is in his what, early 50s?

Erm... That... happens though. We're still paying out money to Civil war widows because their husbands married very young girls while they were very old. Say it's squicky, because it is, but it happens.

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Not sure where the conversation is at as I didn't read the whole thread, but my thoughts are that Ike and Soren are more than best friends, and because of the times Ike gets married and/or has a kid with someone to keep up appearances at some point. Since he leaves Tellius the girl is probably not someone we know.

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I don't think Ike and Soren are gay for each other. Well, Soren could be, but Ike, most certainly not. He doesn't seem that interested in relationships in general to me unless he's hiding feelings for Elincia quite well (he doesn't interact with other females on-screen nearly as much as he does her). And I still feel that even if he does have feelings for any of the Tellius females, he wouldn't realize it right away. I don't think he has much of an understanding of this stuff. It's why I wrote my fan Ike x Elincia A support the way I did, where Ike explains that he was having these funny feelings around her, but hadn't any idea what they meant.

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I don't think Ike and Soren are gay for each other. Well, Soren could be, but Ike, most certainly not. He doesn't seem that interested in relationships in general to me unless he's hiding feelings for Elincia quite well (he doesn't interact with other females on-screen nearly as much as he does her). And I still feel that even if he does have feelings for any of the Tellius females, he wouldn't realize it right away. I don't think he has much of an understanding of this stuff.

How does that work? He can't like Soren because he isn't into relationships, but he might secretly want a relationship with Elincia?

The only time Ike does express feelings of deep affection to someone not related to him is towards Soren. Now you can interpret this as friendly affection if you want to, but IMO it was intended by the writers to be a little stronger.

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