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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Oh, so a DLC map is considered canon, but a whole new character that doesn't appear anywhere else in the game besides a paralogue isn't? That makes a lot of sense. :/

Personally, I have no issues referring to DLC maps as canon and Spotpass maps as, well... debatable canon-wise.

DLC maps are either bonuses that affect in no way the main story (Infinite Regalia, Golden Gaffe), fanservice for fans of older games (all the maps that give a character from past games), character development (Summer Scramble, Harvest Scramble), and telling stories from alternate timelines (Future Past). These maps can, for the most part, co-exist with the main game.

Spotpass maps, OTOH, come along and suddenly shit all over the story events you thought happened. Gangrel, Aversa, and specially Emmeryn in particular are just insulting. Didn't she fall from a really tall tower? Didn't Chrom and Lissa cry when she fell? Suddenly she's back? But she died. We saw her die. THERE WAS A WHOLE ANIMATED CUTSCENE DEVOTED TO HER DEATH. Well, at least they'll explain now how she survived... wait, map's over? Aaargh!!

I view the FE13 Spotpass characters as the FE8 Post-Play characters. Pure non-canon fanservice. The only difference is that FE13 attempts to (very poorly) justify their existance.

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It's possible that Ike did though, as Sanaki gave him the blade as a down payment.

If the BK had his blessing removed, then he did, but there's nothing that says this for sure, so we don't know.

Look, it doesn't matter what either of us says, there's no proof whatsoever that Priam is or isn't Ike's descendant. I just believe he is, you can believe he isn't if you want to. It doesn't really matter to me. I've explained my argument on the matter, that's that.

I doubt he would keep it either way. Ike is in no way fond of attention, and lugging around a big-ass golden sword that never wears (infinite durability yoooo) would be terribly counter-productive.

I think it's safe to say that it didn't wear off at the very least.

I'm perfectly aware that there is no concrete proof for or against, I'm just keeping up the argument because I'm genuinely interested in the debate~ And obviously it does matter to you, otherwise you would have dropped it a while ago ;P

Personally, I have no issues referring to DLC maps as canon and Spotpass maps as, well... debatable canon-wise.

DLC maps are either bonuses that affect in no way the main story (Infinite Regalia, Golden Gaffe), fanservice for fans of older games (all the maps that give a character from past games), character development (Summer Scramble, Harvest Scramble), and telling stories from alternate timelines (Future Past). These maps can, for the most part, co-exist with the main game.

Spotpass maps, OTOH, come along and suddenly shit all over the story events you thought happened. Gangrel, Aversa, and specially Emmeryn in particular are just insulting. Didn't she fall from a really tall tower? Didn't Chrom and Lissa cry when she fell? Suddenly she's back? But she died. We saw her die. THERE WAS A WHOLE ANIMATED CUTSCENE DEVOTED TO HER DEATH. Well, at least they'll explain now how she survived... wait, map's over? Aaargh!!

I view the FE13 Spotpass characters as the FE8 Post-Play characters. Pure non-canon fanservice. The only difference is that FE13 attempts to (very poorly) justify their existance.

Oh hey, you perfectly explained my stance on it far better than I ever could! Thank you Jave c:

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What I was saying is that I'd like to drop it now, because we obviously aren't going to agree. I think Priam is canon and Ike's descendant. You don't. Can we just all respect this and leave it be?

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If you don't want to debate, don't post?

I doubt he would keep it either way. Ike is in no way fond of attention, and lugging around a big-ass golden sword that never wears (infinite durability yoooo) would be terribly counter-productive.

Also, it belongs to Begnion (which is why Sanaki had it in RD in the first place). Ike's not the treasure-hunter type.

Edited by Baldrick
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What I was saying is that I'd like to drop it now, because we obviously aren't going to agree. I think Priam is canon and Ike's descendant. You don't. Can we just all respect this and leave it be?

I respect your position. That doesn't mean the rest has to stop debating. You're free to leave the thread whenever you want.

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ragnel aldonite: blessed over 700 years ago, by a goddess at the height of her power to defeat a dark god, not only does it last for all this time the swords remain pretty much as powerful as before (as far as i can tell)

BK armour: blessed at an unspecified time, presumably by a weaker version of a goddess, but still retains enough power to block all types of weapons and leave the user invincible.

from this we can conclude that the black knights blessing was simply weaker then the ragnells or the aldonites, still powerful but not as powerful as the swords. thus the most likely reason that the swords even work against the black knights armour (presumably a blessing of equal force would simply cancel things out but that's just a theory)

as for what happened to the black knights armour blessing we can either assume that the blessing was broken when he was defeated for what ever reason (lol magics), or the theory i would put more weight on if ya like coherence, and that being that zelgius had the blessing removed after his first defeat for whatever reason you like the most (shame at having lost with the blessing and striving to prove himself better, make his next encounters with ike all that more intense, etc,etc...)

however in the end i would assume the official reason is that "the goddess moves in mysterious ways" and "lol magic", so i wouldn't dig too deeply into it, unless you want to use the lost blessing as evidence that the zelgius went through a humbling experience after his first defeat, or as some other type of evidence for themes or messages of the story.

also priam being ikes descendant could be true or false, meaning that really it could go either way, but at the end of the day its just fan service much like how everything else is fan service in that game (all the other games happening in the same universe despite the major differences in there cannons, and fundamental settings really?)

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I respect your position. That doesn't mean the rest has to stop debating. You're free to leave the thread whenever you want.

Alright then, I'll respect yours. And I'll probably come back to the thread when some other subject relating to the topic comes up.

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If you don't want to debate, don't post?

Also, it belongs to Begnion (which is why Sanaki had it in RD in the first place). Ike's not the treasure-hunter type.

To add to this, look closely at the very last scene in the game. The sword Ike is holding doesn't look like Ragnell, it actually looks more like Ettard.


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What I was saying is that I'd like to drop it now, because we obviously aren't going to agree. I think Priam is canon and Ike's descendant. You don't. Can we just all respect this and leave it be?

What others have already said ~o3o~

Also, it belongs to Begnion (which is why Sanaki had it in RD in the first place). Ike's not the treasure-hunter type.

Exactly what I was thinking. He has no reason to keep the Ragnell or even want to keep the Ragnell. The Urvan maybe, since it was specifically his father's, though I doubt he would use it much since it's a pretty fancy axe, though still not nearly as attention grabbing as Ragnell.

ragnel aldonite: blessed over 700 years ago, by a goddess at the height of her power to defeat a dark god, not only does it last for all this time the swords remain pretty much as powerful as before (as far as i can tell)

BK armour: blessed at an unspecified time, presumably by a weaker version of a goddess, but still retains enough power to block all types of weapons and leave the user invincible.

from this we can conclude that the black knights blessing was simply weaker then the ragnells or the aldonites, still powerful but not as powerful as the swords. thus the most likely reason that the swords even work against the black knights armour (presumably a blessing of equal force would simply cancel things out but that's just a theory)

as for what happened to the black knights armour blessing we can either assume that the blessing was broken when he was defeated for what ever reason (lol magics), or the theory i would put more weight on if ya like coherence, and that being that zelgius had the blessing removed after his first defeat for whatever reason you like the most (shame at having lost with the blessing and striving to prove himself better, make his next encounters with ike all that more intense, etc,etc...)

however in the end i would assume the official reason is that "the goddess moves in mysterious ways" and "lol magic", so i wouldn't dig too deeply into it, unless you want to use the lost blessing as evidence that the zelgius went through a humbling experience after his first defeat, or as some other type of evidence for themes or messages of the story.

also priam being ikes descendant could be true or false, meaning that really it could go either way, but at the end of the day its just fan service much like how everything else is fan service in that game (all the other games happening in the same universe despite the major differences in there cannons, and fundamental settings really?)

There's a couple of good theories. And on top of the great blessing from Ashera they were both also blessed by Yune (because there's no way you're not blessing Alondite once you get it). Although the Black Knight specifically allowed Ike to win, since he wanted to fight him at both their full strength, and Ike wasn't there yet.

FE13 is just a mess of fanservice. It's too bad they didn't care enough to make everything at least a little consistent. Maybe if they did it would have been a really, really great game :/

To add to this, look closely at the very last scene in the game. The sword Ike is holding doesn't look like Ragnell, it actually looks more like Ettard.


Huh, so it does. I always thought it was was one of the generic swords or at least the Regal Sword, but then again I never looked at it closely enough to figure out anything other than it wasn't the Ragnell.

every time i see ikes por design I'm reminded more of why i don't like his rd design.

Oh my god same. I was so sad when SM4SH used the RD design, it really isn't nearly as good :<

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If Ragnell is back in Begnion that would imply that Sanaki is actually the ancestor. As I mentioned before she COULD claim that it's legally her property by being descended from its original owner, she'd certainly be in the right place, and the only way anyone else could get a claim on it is if they were Ike's wife and even that could very well not be honored. If Ike took Vika as his wife, do you honestly think they'd turn it over? Especially considering it's value as a holy relic?

I'm not saying Sanaki is Ike's wife (While I'm not as squicky about being married at 14-16, especially in feudal times, as most people it would certainly be OOC for both). At the least if she had a kid said child would have all the problems a kid of Elincia's would have involving court politics, being the next heir, and the like. I'm just saying that if Ragnell was turned over it's a very small point in Sanaki's favor.

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If Ragnell is back in Begnion that would imply that Sanaki is actually the ancestor. As I mentioned before she COULD claim that it's legally her property by being descended from its original owner, she'd certainly be in the right place, and the only way anyone else could get a claim on it is if they were Ike's wife and even that could very well not be honored. If Ike took Vika as his wife, do you honestly think they'd turn it over? Especially considering it's value as a holy relic?

I'm not saying Sanaki is Ike's wife (While I'm not as squicky about being married at 14-16, especially in feudal times, as most people it would certainly be OOC for both). At the least if she had a kid said child would have all the problems a kid of Elincia's would have involving court politics, being the next heir, and the like. I'm just saying that if Ragnell was turned over it's a very small point in Sanaki's favor.

There's more than one way to obtain the Ragnell, just as there's more than one way that Priam could be related to Ike. I'm more than certain that no one except for Ike is allowed to take the Ragnell by any means, but that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have stolen it somewhere down the line. It most certainly isn't the first time a holy relic or something of similarly great importance was stolen (Lehran's Medallion, the original Fire Emblem + the orbs, etc.). And that's only if this Ragnell is even the real deal, which I honestly doubt it is.

There are far more reasons than just the age difference and inheritance issues that Sanaki can't be Ike's wife. There are no points in her favor, whether or not the Ragnell is returned to her.

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Along with being the true Apostle and all that, yeah. Though really that would make it more a point for Priam being from Micaiah and Sothe's line, since there's pretty much a snowball's chance in hell of Ike and Micaiah actually getting together.

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Except that hardly sounds in-character for Ike. Getting a woman that he doesn't even love pregnant.

I know this is old but, I don't think it's necessarily out of character. During PoR and RD Ike learns he sometimes has to do things he doesn't like to protect people he cares for. He could've eloped with a woman to protect Soren from bigots if there were rumours about them (much like how the fans can't stop arguing about it I'm sure people who knew them gossiped too). Soren already suffered because he's branded, I think it'd be more out of character for Ike to let himself be the reason Soren has to face more discrimination. Gay people marry people of the opposite gender all the time to protect their and their partner's reputation, especially before it was more socially accepted.

I just don't see Ike actually falling in love with a woman as likely because during TWO games the writers made a point of showing that he isn't interested in women. Not just that he's clueless about it, but he actually gets uncomfortable when Gatrie starts talking about finding him a girl and repeatedly flees from fangirls (to hide with Soren I may add). Whether that means he's gay or completely uninterested in any type of romance, I think the logical conclusion to make now that Priam exists is that he is legitimately Ike's descendant but probably not because Ike finally found the girl of his dreams.

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Along with being the true Apostle and all that, yeah. Though really that would make it more a point for Priam being from Micaiah and Sothe's line, since there's pretty much a snowball's chance in hell of Ike and Micaiah actually getting together.

Yeah, I was just pointing out something that makes Sanaki seem less likely.

@Bold: That would be the best bit of trolling ever.

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Yeah, I was just pointing out something that makes Sanaki seem less likely.

@Bold: That would be the best bit of trolling ever.

It really is~ I originally made it up as a joke but I'm legitimately fond of the theory now~

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I know this is old but, I don't think it's necessarily out of character. During PoR and RD Ike learns he sometimes has to do things he doesn't like to protect people he cares for. He could've eloped with a woman to protect Soren from bigots if there were rumours about them (much like how the fans can't stop arguing about it I'm sure people who knew them gossiped too). Soren already suffered because he's branded, I think it'd be more out of character for Ike to let himself be the reason Soren has to face more discrimination. Gay people marry people of the opposite gender all the time to protect their and their partner's reputation, especially before it was more socially accepted.

I just don't see Ike actually falling in love with a woman as likely because during TWO games the writers made a point of showing that he isn't interested in women. Not just that he's clueless about it, but he actually gets uncomfortable when Gatrie starts talking about finding him a girl and repeatedly flees from fangirls (to hide with Soren I may add). Whether that means he's gay or completely uninterested in any type of romance, I think the logical conclusion to make now that Priam exists is that he is legitimately Ike's descendant but probably not because Ike finally found the girl of his dreams.

We don't know how homosexuality is viewed in the FE world though. Heather seems pretty openly lesbian, as she says that she joined the group to look for pretty girls. It doesn't seem like something that would be looked down upon like it is irl. Or something that really even happens much at all.

In that bit with Gatrie, I don't think Ike really understood what he was talking about. And I'm pretty sure even a straight guy would get kind of uncomfortable in a situation like that anyway. It would catch me off guard if I was asked which guy near me caught my fancy, I know that. And Aimee is nuts, any guy she's after would avoid her, I think. xP

Ike doesn't seem particularly interested in either gender, really. But sometimes unexpected things happen and he could've found a woman to love and spend the rest of his life with anyway. I didn't really see Boyd marrying anyone, he seemed too into himself and his axe. But then he gets a marriage ending with Mist.

Edited by Anacybele
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We don't know how homosexuality is viewed in the FE world though. Heather seems pretty openly lesbian, as she says that she joined the group to look for pretty girls. It doesn't seem like something that would be looked down upon like it is irl. Or something that really even happens much at all.

In that bit with Gatrie, I don't think Ike really understood what he was talking about. And I'm pretty sure even a straight guy would get kind of uncomfortable in a situation like that anyway. It would catch me off guard if I was asked which guy near me caught my fancy, I know that. And Aimee is nuts, any guy she's after would avoid her, I think. xP

Ike doesn't seem particularly interested in either gender, really. But sometimes unexpected things happen and he could've found a woman to love and spend the rest of his life with anyway. I didn't really see Boyd marrying anyone, he seemed too into himself and his axe. But then he gets a marriage ending with Mist.

Considering that not a single character is even allowed to say that they are gay, I'd say that it's in a similar situation to what we have IRL.

Ike understood immediately once Gatrie mentioned that what he was admiring was the women, and was gone when Gatrie was asking him which one he fancied. And before Ike even knew Aimee was a crazy stalker, he immediately rejected her and left as soon as her intentions were known

Ike: Is that why your hand always lingers on mine when you hand me my


Aimee: Oh, no! Have I been too...obvious?

Ike: Maybe I should send one of the others down to pick up our gear from now


(Exit Ike)

He's at the very least not into women at all, especially since he is very quick to distance himself from women who are interested in him that way. And no, Elincia is not counted here, since the implications weren't there in the original script and even then Ike couldn't get away from her since she was his employer. Not that it went anywhere anyways because lolRD ~o3o~

I've always been kind of bothered by the notion that Ike absolutely has to be straight and find a girl to love. For one thing it just doesn't add up in regards to Ike's character. IS went out of their way to make it so that Ike is not interested in a single girl. and even with all of the female supports he has (including the cut supports) he is never once stated to have a wife or even fall in love with a woman. With the sole exception of Ike, every other Lord, both male and female, has at least one romantic option and/or is confirmed to marry at one point.

Marth X Caeda

Alm X Celica

Sigurd X Dierdre

Seliph X [Any female he isn't related to]

Lief X Nanna

Roy X [Harem]

Eliwood X [Fiora/Lyn/Ninian]

Hector X [Florina/Farina/Lyn]

Lyn X [Rath/Eliwood/Hector/Kent]

Eirika X [innes/Forde/Saleh/Seth]

Ephraim X [Tana/L'Arachel]

Chrom X [His GURLS]

Robin X [Literally EVERYONE]

Ike is also literally the only Lord to have twice as many same-gendered supports than opposite (again including the cut supports). All of this seems far too deliberate to be just coincidence.

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Lyn also has Kent as an option, bringing her up to four total male options.

The thing about Ike is that I don't think he's interested in women, but I don't think he's interested in men either. I think Soren is at least interested in Ike, but I'm not 100% sure if Ike likes him romantically or just as very close friends.

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