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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I think one can know the definition of love, but not really understand what it feels like or when they feel it. I have a Halberdier (yes, he's a prepromote. The closest thing to a Jagen, in fact) character named Bryan in my fic, and he notices that Ike and Elincia are a couple. But later, it's shown that he was oblivious to any feelings females had for him and that whenever he felt "warm fuzzy feelings" and such inside, he had no idea what they were. See, Faline the Pegasus knight had had a crush on him for the past year, but Bryan never noticed it, nor did he notice that he was falling in love with her too. Faline had to show him and make him realize his feelings. So he was basically all "so THIS is what Ike and Elincia feel or felt like!"

But yeah, Ike not denying a crush on Elincia... Wow, Ike. lol Though it doesn't necessarily mean he does have a crush on her, I just still find it cute. XD

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Cause it's fun to debate things like this.

Also, if I wrote an Ike X Mia fanfic there is a solid chance of it being M, so I wouldn't link it here.

If you don't link it here, how are we supposed to read it!?

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And he can still link it even if it isn't allowed to be posted on the site. He can send you guys PMs.

I wouldn't be interested in reading it though, of course.

Links to Dawn of Darkness are in my sig. The comic series has been on hold for awhile though, because I have yet to figure out FEditor in order to use it to make dialogue bubbles. But if nobody here's interested in it, well, that's how it is... Ike x Elincia is hardly the focal point of the fic (except for the first three or so chapters), but I wouldn't read it either if I disliked the pairing, so... It's also really long, and I know not everyone feels like reading a really long ass story. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I think Ike not denying not denying being in love with Elincia has more to do with the idea that he probably thinks Shinon's blatant racism is a more pressing issue than a crush he may or may not have.

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I think Ike not denying not denying being in love with Elincia has more to do with the idea that he probably thinks Shinon's blatant racism is a more pressing issue than a crush he may or may not have.

I already said that was grasping at straws though, not that I actually believe it. Ana on the other hand...

Considering the amount of grasping that occurs with the Ike is homosexual argument, I thought to show an example of how it could work for the opposite argument.

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If Ike had strongly denied having a crush on Elincia, I have little doubt that Ana would see that as evidence as well (it is a device frequently used in anime and other media).

Back to the subject of non-straight FE characters, let's look at Reven/Lucius's A support.

Raven: How are you of late? No fits, I assume?
Lucius: None at all, I’m quite well! Sorry to be a worry to you… Lord Eliwood, Lord Hector, Lady Lyn… All have been very kind to me. I’ve never been in better health.
Raven: I see. Good to hear. Lucius…there is something I would ask you…
Lucius: What, my Lord?
Raven: Uther, lord of Ostia brought House Cornwell down, killed my parents… Do you believe this to be true?
Lucius: …I know the marquess was killed by someone… There can be no mistaking that. But as to whether it was the lord of Ostia… I have my doubts.
Raven: Yes… I was so distraught at the time… I believed the rumors without question… without doubt. I truly did not care whether the lord of Ostia was guilty or not. I merely wanted to find a victim for the rage inside me…
Lucius: That, I can understand.
Raven: And you were right there all along… I should have tried to understand…
Lucius: Lord Raymond…
Raven: Meeting Eliwood really opened my eyes. I know that the marquess of Ostia is not behind the attack now… Some day… Yes. Some day when this war is over, I’ll go searching for the truth. And I’ll pay Ostia back for my suspicions in full.
Lucius: Excellent!
Raven: Except, I want you to stay home.
Lucius: What!? You are too cruel! Why!?
Raven: I want someone to go home to, you see. So go back, and wait.
Lucius: Why don’t you marry! Then there would be someone at home… And I could journey with you!
Raven: I need no bride to jabber at me– There’s enough going on around here already!
Lucius: W-What is that supposed to mean!?
Raven: My case in point.
Lucius: Wait– Wait! Lord Raymond!

Raven wants to come home to Lucius. This does not strike me as a thing that straight male friends would say to one another. He also rejects the idea of marrying and in fact compares Lucius to a bride. Considering that Raven and Lucius don't have a paired ending with anyone except each other, it is very difficult for me to see how these characters could be interpreted as heterosexual.

Legault is also probably bi, given his support with Heath and reaction towards Lloyd in the final chapter.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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If Ike had strongly denied having a crush on Elincia, I have little doubt that Ana would see that as evidence as well (it is a device frequently used in anime and other media).

Maybe. It would depend on how it's worded and how emotional Ike is about it. If he was all "W-What?! I d-do NOT have a crush on her!" with stuttering and such, I'd take that as him fibbing and trying to hide it poorly. But if he was simply "Um... no, I do not feel ANY such thing for her. I don't know where you got that idea" then I would believe him.

As for Raven and Lucius, I can see how their A support can be interpreted as homosexual, but the ending there still has it referring to Raven as Lucius's friend, so that's what kind of messes that up.

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Maybe. It would depend on how it's worded and how emotional Ike is about it. If he was all "W-What?! I d-do NOT have a crush on her!" with stuttering and such, I'd take that as him fibbing and trying to hide it poorly. But if he was simply "Um... no, I do not feel ANY such thing for her. I don't know where you got that idea" then I would believe him.

As for Raven and Lucius, I can see how their A support can be interpreted as homosexual, but the ending there still has it referring to Raven as Lucius's friend, so that's what kind of messes that up.

You would think that if they wanted to show Ike having a crush on Elincia there, they may have done something like you described. Instead, he has no noted emotional reaction and talks about laguz.

2003 was a time where going "these characters were gay lovers!" would possibly have resulted in massive backlash against the entire game in both Japan and the US.

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He had no reaction period, which was what I found funny. But I never said that this automatically meant he has a crush and just didn't want to say anything, I said it was simply a possibility. It's definitely also possible that he doesn't really have a crush at all.

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Just because you're friends doesn't mean you can't be lovers.

"Lovers" doesn't have to mean you regard each other intimately. You could just be fuck buddies or "friends with benefits."

Lucius and Raven are friends and maybe lovers which I assume would mean they're not just messing with each other to satiate needs, especially in context of the A support.

I honestly wouldn't care which sexuality Ike is--though how I read him is either uninterested entirely or a smidge gay for Soren. He could even fit under the spectrum of asexuality, bisexuality, or pansexuality. I care not.

Edited by Dual Dragons
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Well, some people do care... Like me. I've already said this a couple times though, so there's no need to repeat it again.

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Maybe. It would depend on how it's worded and how emotional Ike is about it. If he was all "W-What?! I d-do NOT have a crush on her!" with stuttering and such, I'd take that as him fibbing and trying to hide it poorly. But if he was simply "Um... no, I do not feel ANY such thing for her. I don't know where you got that idea" then I would believe him.

As for Raven and Lucius, I can see how their A support can be interpreted as homosexual, but the ending there still has it referring to Raven as Lucius's friend, so that's what kind of messes that up.

The first one is so tsundere lol.

Regarding Lucius and Raven... it comes up in Prisilla's Lucius support. Interpret that as you will.

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Well, some people do care... Like me. I've already said this a couple times though, so there's no need to repeat it again.

I suppose the question now is why do you care so much about a fictional character's sexuality. Like … why do you have such a personal investment in this?

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Well, some people do care... Like me. I've already said this a couple times though, so there's no need to repeat it again.

Yes, I know some people do. I am presenting my own opinion. My post wasn't saying that anyone who didn't share my opinion was wrong.

I don't know, Ana. Do you think his sexuality would change him as a character? Like personality-wise? I ask this out of curiosity because you felt the need to try to defend yourself in your own post despite "[having] said this a couple times."

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No, I don't think it would change his character. But Ike being gay or even bi would cause me to like him less and he's one of my favorite fictional characters ever. If this were, say, Lucina or Marth or someone I didn't care much for, I wouldn't give two rocks about their sexuality. But Ike is someone I really like a lot, and I'm not into homosexuality or bisexuality.

Maybe this is a little homophobic, but I definitely don't hate gay and lesbian people, as I've also already said.

And sorry, I guess what I said wasn't needed... I don't know how to not be "defensive" either. I always do it without even knowing I'm doing it, so it seems impossible...

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I don't see a reason to be mad at her... Yaoi and yuri isn't her thing. Accept it. Isaac warned us once.

And as someone who also has AS her behavior is 100% understandable.

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Thank you, Glaceon. We Aspies seem to need to stick together, it seems, even on the internet where we appear to be more common (I've met like half a dozen people on the net that have it).

And yeah, Integrity already did warn us before. I don't want anymore warnings around here, for any of us. Besides, while a gay/bi sexuality would make me like Ike less, it wouldn't make me hate him or anything. I'd still love him a lot. He would just finally give me something to dislike about him (other than not taking the chance to marry Elincia, that is. DX).

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What I hate about this whole discussion is that people are saying that they aren't into homosexuality because they don't like Yaoi and Yuri. Like... do you guys even know what Yaoi and Yuri mean?

Yaoi/Yuri fics and art are pieces that show people IN THE ACT, or at the very least, explicitly describe the act. They are mature, sexually explicit, ADULT works that are clearly not aimed at everyone, and it's perfectly understandable why someone wouldn't be into that, as they're essentially porn.

But please, let's not put homosexuality in the same level as Yaoi and Yuri. You can have an Ike x Soren romance fic that's not Yaoi. You can have an Heather x Nephenee romance fic that's not Yuri.

Come on, guys.

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I don't care whether Ana likes or dislikes yaoi/yuri. What I do want to know is why she has such a personal stake in Ike's sexuality and why it affects her so much. Regardless of whether he's one of her favorite video game characters or what her own thoughts on homosexuality is, Ike is fictional and it seems like such a … well, minor and stupid thing to be so personally invested in. And it's not like being gay makes Ike a terrible person or anything (as opposed to something like if he were secretly a sexist or child lover), so …

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