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Banned because I guess she's one of the weaker units then. Tbh, I never paid much attention to stats because I was a total FE noob when I first played Awakening.

Although I still don't pay that much attention to stats even now. I just play by feel.

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Banned because I’m not paying that much attention to stats either. She usually does 4-13 (the higher end is extremely rare) damage per attack, very rarely doubles, is one range locked, and can BARELY take two hits.

Although if we bring up stats, she very rarely gets strength when leveling, I’ve found... are beast stones magic? Her magic is really low so I didn’t think so

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Banned because I don’t know what AFAIK means.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned also because I'd send her to the bench if she's been that unlucky.

Banned because same.

HOWEVER, this is Awakening, and most 1st gen units have a purpose to fulfill: making babies xD

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22 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Banned because I don’t know what AFAIK means.

"A Fricking Alien Instagrammer Klown"

Or something.


Banned for hiding information. And also disliking me because I'm an elitist.

Edited by Benice
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Banned because I really hope that isn’t serious-

Though tbh, I’ve never played any of them and know very little about them xD I know one of them is coming to switch... and I think it has a demo? I should check.

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Banned because Pikmin is one of Nintendo's lesser known IPs. It's a real-time strategy game series where you, the player, controls you army of Pikmin (your units, essentially) to complete tasks and collect items to either survive (in Pikmin 1), pay off a debt (Pikmin 2), or survive again (Pikmin 3).

Honestly, it's a series I could see you liking quite a bit. It's similar to FE in that once your Pikmin die, they're dead. You can spawn a bunch of new ones, but there are definite consequences to putting them in danger. It's also all about time management. In the first game, you had a 30 day limit to collect 30 ship parts to ensure that Olimar could get the good ending (25 for the medium, and any amount less than that for the bad ending). But the second game opened the world up to you to explore at your leisure. There was still a day/night cycle, but you had as many days as you needed to collect all you wanted to collect.

This video kind of explains the basic premise of Pikmin in general (although it focuses on the first game in particular).

Btw, the Pikmin 3 Deluxe demo is free on the Nintendo eShop. If you want to get a feel for the gameplay, I'd definitely recommend trying it.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Btw, the Pikmin 3 Deluxe demo is free on the Nintendo eShop. If you want to get a feel for the gameplay, I'd definitely recommend trying it.

Banned because I knew something! Yay

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6 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Banned because I really hope that isn’t serious

Olimar's from Pikmin I think, right? That and ghe little runty guys he throws are the extent of my knowledge.

Banned for now possessing knowledge, much like me.

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