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I'm still a little confused on using second and master seals.

Would it be better to do this:

Mercenary(Starting class) LVL.20(Second Seal)->Knight LVL.20(Master Seal)->Great Knight LVL.15(Second seal)->Pegasus Knight LVL.15(Master Seal)->Dark Flier LVL.15(Second Seal)->Dark Mage LVL.15(Master Seal)->Sorc


Mercenary(Starting Class) LVL. 20(Second Seal)->Knight LVL.20(Master Seal)->Great Knight LVL.15(Second Seal)->Dark Flier LVL.15(Second Seal)->Sorc

Or is there a better way to use the seals? And I'm assuming I should get to level 20 for all starting classes except for donnel since I won't have access to seals for everyone early on.

Edited by feversend
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The second option is better, but... Why are you going Merc -> Knight -> GK instead of Merc -> Cav -> GK? Knights have no useful skills and won't have any weapon ranks coming from Merc. Cavs have Discipline (useful if you're class hopping a lot) and Outdoor Fighter (active way more often than Indoor Fighter), let you both keep your Swd rank and gain Lnc anyway, and have 3 Mov on Knights.

Also, promoting at Lv.15 isn't very useful. Either promote at 10 if your stats are capped/you're going for a quick promotion (mostly Gregor/Cherche only) or 20- anything inbetween should only be if you start capping then.

GK's skills won't be very useful on a Sorc. Consider dropping one of the two, or both (Merc(20) -> Hero(10) -> DF(final)).

When in base classes, you should use Second Seals as early as possible only once you've got a good supply of them. Until then, wait as long as you can for everyone except healers (when they reclass doesn't matter too much but sooner is still better).

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Thank you. I chose to get luna because I'm inheriting aether from Lucina. Is there a better Fem Morgan build?

So, Cavalier LVL. 10->Great Knight is the general idea? Should I also reclass into a second tier at level 10 if there aren't any skills I want at level 15?

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Yes, reclass at Lv.10 promoted if you don't care about the Lv.15 skill.

Lucina!Morgan comes as a Tactician, not a Merc. She'll want to either go Tact(20) -> GM(15) -> DF or Tact(10) -> Merc(capping) -> Hero(10-15) -> DF -> final. If she takes the former route, she should inherit AT from her father.

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