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Been using this site non stop for Awakening, first game I've played since Sacred Stones (which I loved but loaned to a friend and haven't seen since).

Those two games are the only Fire Emblem games I've played and I was looking for advice on which game to play next.

I would like an older game, but one that allows leveling up, because frankly I'm not quite a tactical genius.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and hello to everyone on the site.

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Welcome to the forest friend hope you enjoy your stay here! If by leveling up you mean grinding Awakening and SS are basically it but I would recommend you go play Path of Radiance first because it has bonus experience you can allocate and Radiant Dawn (the sequel after it) after Path of Radiance.

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Hello, new fellow denizen of this forest!

As for older games to get into, well... hm. Gaiden has a world map, but it's jarring to go to from Awakening and SS, so not that one yet. I would second Taco's recommendation of Path of Radiance but not so much Radiant Dawn, even if it is the sequel. I would actually suggest FE7- Blazing Sword- before you try to tackle Radiant Dawn. Though RD Easy is still good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into each of them.

First, however, I'm playing lunatic+ mode, because I have a serious deathwish. I beat the prologue! Yay me!

EDIT: Looked into Radiant Dawn, I do not own a gamecube. I'm going to go for Fire Emblem (blazing sword) since I do have a GBA.

Edited by Jestua
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