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Guess how much FE characters can Bench Press!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay here are some guesses:

Hector can handle Armads, an axe that I would surmise weighs anywhere from 50-80 lbs., accounting for his armor, body type, and build, he can probably bench 450-500 lbs., maybe 550. He probably weighs ~220-230 lbs. himself.

Ike clearly works out, but given his combination of agility and strength, he probably does strength / endurance training for his muscles. He probably is an ultra-lean 200 lbs., and he could max at 350 lbs. or so, but I'd bet he can do 12 reps at that weight.

Gatrie is my bet for FE powerlifting champ at 700-800 lbs. bench press. Gatrie's like 260-270 lbs. of muscle.

Edited by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy
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I'd say Ike is more like 280 lbs. Muscle weighs more than it appears to. And he could probably lift about 350 lbs given the size of his biceps. <3

Boyd is similar, imo.

Hector looks like he can lift quite a bit too. Ike is still arguably the strongest lord physically though. Dem biceps!

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Are we even considering what's considered a healthy weight here? Because 280 is close to 300, and...I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure if Ike weighed that much he would look tubby, to put it lightly xD Muscle weighs more than fat, but still.

*googles average weight chart*

It says for a guy of medium frame at around 6', 160ish is a good weight. Large frame, add 5ish pounds. Depends on whether we say he's medium or large framed, I'd say a bit in between. Too bad IS won't give us the heights and ages of everyone...so we have to make estimates like this.


Unless you're saying he can bench press that much, in that case...carry on.

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