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Story of FE:if Theory


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So FE:Awakening went back and tied up loose ends about the FE 1-5 story, added connections to past games, and offered a look into the future. So I started wondering, since the same creators are working on FE:if do you think they might be making another future look at a continent? For example the future of Elibe, tying off loose ends and showing how the continent shaped after the events of FE6-7. I think it would be awesome if we saw a future look at each continent that ties them all together into a connected and focused point creating a timeline. Anyone else?

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There was a thread a while ago about references to FE6/7 found in the trailer. Ie. That thing in the dancer's eye looking like the weapons in Fe7's opening, her heavy resemblence to Ninian, and Marx's sword looking eerily similar to Exaccus

though tbh I don't care so long as we don't get ANOTHER Akaneia game

Edit: wait, why is this here? /confused

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I don't think the dancer girl looks much like Ninian tbh, but the other Elibe references are indeed there, so it's possible. I hope not though, as I didn't like Elibe and I've been hoping for a world completely unrelated to existing ones.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think the dancer girl looks much like Ninian tbh, but the other Elibe references are indeed there, so it's possible. I hope not though, as I didn't like Elibe and I've been hoping for a world completely unrelated to existing ones.

[spoiler=side by side comparison]ninian.pngXqmT7hl.png

Besides her eye color, they look pretty similar while she wears her white dress.

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I see a similar color scheme there, that's it. And the dancer girl is seen more often in the dark blue dress and I feel she looks way more like Olivia got fused with Lucina there.

She's only in the darker dress when introduced. All other scenes featuring her (including her map sprite) seem to use her white one.

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She uses the dark blue dress when she appears for a couple seconds during the scene where Max/Marx is about to battle the long spiky haired guy. You can't really tell which one she's wearing in the map sprite, imo. So as far as I'm concerned, she's only wearing the white dress in the dragon scene.

So like I say, I don't think she looks much like Ninian. Lucina was my first and only thought when I first saw her. It really surprises me that other people think she looks like Ninian, but that's the way things turned out, I guess.

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She uses the dark blue dress when she appears for a couple seconds during the scene where Max/Marx is about to battle the long spiky haired guy. You can't really tell which one she's wearing in the map sprite, imo. So as far as I'm concerned, she's only wearing the white dress in the dragon scene.

So like I say, I don't think she looks much like Ninian. Lucina was my first and only thought when I first saw her. It really surprises me that other people think she looks like Ninian, but that's the way things turned out, I guess.

She's wearing the white one in that scene


And her map sprite doesn't look like the dark blue one, if you look at it


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If anything Id go with an ancestor of Ninian. The style is still obviously taking from FE Awakening with a more futuristic meets Medieval style, I doubt the style has advanced this much in Ninians life time. I mean Im pretty sure she has an extended life due to her dragon blood and could be like Tiki in Awakening but all in all if Im completely honest and realistic I dont think this game has any connections to past games. I mean we have floating islands (something that would be a tell tale sign of a new continent), a wole new rock monster breed, Etc. I remain hopeful because a continuation that connects the past games together some more would be great but realistically it has alot of proof that it is a brand new continent. I mean awakening was obvious about its past game connections in its trailer, this game however is not.

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About the only place I wouldn't mind this being connected to is Magvel seeing how it desperately needs another game attached to it in order for it to have more world building on par with the other FE lands. But if not, I really want this to be a new land. While I admit the girl shares a bit of resemblance to Ninian, I just hope that its a similar design choice and remain optimistic that they're not related in any way.

I hope. :<

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I have to agree, Magvel deserved a solid sequel or follow up! Hmm I could see how this is Magvel related though considering there are monsters and the floating islands could be a byproduct of the apocalyptic event following FE8's conclusion.

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If it were to take place in Elibe, I think there would be some hint beyond a superficial visual similarity to Ninian. There are also no Roman or Japanese (Sacaens are supposed to be like Mongols, right?) themed groups in Elibe so the chances are pretty slim. The new dancer has Lucina's face (because of the same artist), the hairband of Olivia and hair similar to Ninian. I love Elibe but I think this game would work well enough in its own world.

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It'd be neat if FEif ended up being related to Magvel, at least, but I'm not holding my breath. I get the feeling this one's going to be all new.

She uses the dark blue dress when she appears for a couple seconds during the scene where Max/Marx is about to battle the long spiky haired guy. You can't really tell which one she's wearing in the map sprite, imo. So as far as I'm concerned, she's only wearing the white dress in the dragon scene.

So like I say, I don't think she looks much like Ninian. Lucina was my first and only thought when I first saw her. It really surprises me that other people think she looks like Ninian, but that's the way things turned out, I guess.

That's more because Yusuke Kozaki's designs suffer from sameface syndrome though.

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It'd be neat if FEif ended up being related to Magvel, at least, but I'm not holding my breath. I get the feeling this one's going to be all new.

That's more because Yusuke Kozaki's designs suffer from sameface syndrome though.

Hey, at least it isn't Akira Toriyama!


These two have nothing to do with each other.

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That artist also did Chrono Trigger's characters. Yeah, wouldn't fit FE at all. lol

The point was how his characters always look exactly alike, you can spot his art from a mile off.

I'd probably think CT was a DQ game if I didn't know better

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